S.5 Ict Ex1 2020 PDF

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Typeset and burn your work on the CD and print a copy of it.
Upload your work to: prjohn4@gmail.com


(a) Using a Word Processing package, type the passage as it appears below and save it
as Programming Languages. (6 Marks)

Programming Language Levels

A number of languages have been developed to allow programmers to communicate
with computer. Each has different objectives.

For instance , one language may be designed to use the computer’s ability to computer
for scientific purposes.
Another may use the tremendous storage capabilities of the computer for processing
business files.
Still another may be geared towards the smaller storage space of a home computer.

Programming languages can be broken down into three levels

Machine language is a combination of zeros and ones. It is the only language that the computer
can execute directly. It is therefore called “language of the computer.”The programmer using he
language must specify absolutely everything to the computer. Every step the computer will have to
take must be coded. This means that the programmer must know exactly how the computer works.

Assembly language was developed to overcome some disadvantages of machine

language. When programming in assembly language, the Programmer uses
abbreviations, or mnemonics, to specify machine operations. Thus coding in zeros
and ones is no longer necessary for a user. For instance, LD means load, and IN
means input.

Higher level languages are the furthest removed from the computer’s machinery.
That is, they least resemble the zero and one combination of machine language.
Hence the programmer needs to be less concerned about the internal operation of
the computer. Many high level languages resemble English and allow the use of
common mathematical terms and symbols. The time and effort needed d to write
a program are reduced and the programs are easier to change.

a) Centre the main heading “Programming Language Levels”. (1 Mark)
b) Make the heading in (a) above Size 20, and underline it. (1 Mark)
c) Change the font face of the last paragraph to Monotype Corsiva. (1 Mark)
d) Change the font color of the bulleted objectives to dark green. (1 Mark)
e) Cut the second last paragraph and Paste it at the end of your document. (1 Mark)
f) Apply a Text Highlight to the paragraph you pasted in (e) above. (1 Mark)
g) Fully justify the pasted paragraph. (1 Mark)
h) Drop Cap the first letter of each paragraph to two lines. (1 Mark)
i) Copy all the document and paste it on the second page so as to have 2 pages.


You are required to send a report about the performance a Gift Shop you manage to your sister
in Europe who is the biggest sponsor of the business. The report will be typed using a Word
Processor and sent by E-mail as an attachment.
(a) Create a Folder on the Desktop and assign it your Name and Stream as folder name.
(b) Type the text below and save it as Gift Shop-1 in the folder you have created in (a) above.

The Gift shop has perfomed extremely well this month: The total sales have risen by over 30%.
The item which has fetched the most income are the greeting cards which shot from 230,000/=
to 600,000/=. The newest item in our stock list – personalized handkerchief has also done so
well for starters. Out of the 6 Dozens of hankies we brought in, only 3 pieces of the 6 th dozen
have remained on the shelf. It has also come to our notice that we underestimated the demand
for small Teddy Bears, they were all bought by the start of week 3. When Joshua did a simple
survey amongst a cross-section of our customers, we came up with the following as reasons for
the improved business performance:

The improved look and ambience of the shop

The new shop attendant who gives more attention to the customers than before
There are new customers since the College’s 1st Semester of the year has just opened

(c) Create space above the text and insert a Heading – CRYSTAL GIFT SHOP – MONTHLY
REPORT (1 Mark)
(d) Format the new Heading [Font Colour = Blue, Centre aligned, Bold, Size 18, underlined]
(e) Save the document again in the same folder as Gift Shop-2. (1 Mark)
(f) Copy paragraph 1 of the text and paste it below the last line of text to form paragraph 3
(g) Apply bullets (in shape of love hearts) to the last three lines of the text (reasons for improved
performance). (1 Mark)
(h) Break up the 1st paragraph into 3 columns with a line in between (2 Marks)
(i) Insert a footer reading Crystalz Gift Shop – April Report
Draw a thick Red double line of 3 points above the text in the footer (1 Mark)
(p) Insert a Drop Cap in paragraph 1[Drop by 2 Lines, Font - Comic Sans Ms] (2 Marks)
(q) Change the paper orientation to Landscape and Left and Right margins to 1.9cm and 2.3cm
respectively. (2 Marks)
(r) Insert a clip Art image in the centre of paragraph 3 and wrap text-tight around it. (2 Marks)
(s) Insert a page break below the last line of text (1 Mark)
(t) Copy all the text on page1 and paste it on page 2. (1 Mark)
(u) Insert centred page numbers at the bottom of the page in roman number (i,ii,iii...) format.

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