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A Research Paper
Presented to
Ms. Elenear de Ocampo
Research Teacher


In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the
Practical Research II

Capistrano, Charmaine May R.

Dagohoy, Denver M.
Felipe, Jamaica B.
Nacu, Rucell
Rafael, Ronald V.

S.Y 2019-2020
Chapter I



Alignment is the connection between learning objectives, learning activities and

assessment. An aligned course means that you’re learning objectives, activities and

assessment match up so students learn what you intend and you accurately assess what

student are learning[CITATION www \l 1033 ].

While, awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of

events, objects, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be

confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is

the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is

defined as a humans or an animal’s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or


Also, it is noteworthy that alignment is the connection between course goals,

learning objectives, learning activities and assessment. If a strand that the student are

enrolled into is aligned, it means that they know the goals and learning objectives. Also,

course alignment helps the students to have accurate expectations about what will be

learn in the strand and will apply in their chosen career someday.

Senior high school (SHS) refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K-

12 program that DepEd has been implementing since 2012. Students begin to study in

SHS the subjects that will introduce them to their preferred career path.[ CITATION
htt3 \l 1033 ]In addition this stage senior high school needs guidance in the proper

selection of their desired career. Where, they will arrive at the right decision considering

their innate capacities, educational privilege offered to the students and other resources

that society makes available for them to be more efficient and effective (DepEd,2017).

The college course preferences of students that will be graduating from Senior

High School are greatly affected by a lot of factors, including what strand they decided to

take up during their eleventh and twelfth grade level, as it may cause them to continue to

pursue the academic track they decided to take up before college or switch to a different

academic field of study for their undergraduate program. Among these factors that will

affect the choice of students on what college course they will take up aside from their

Senior High School strand are their future careers.

During the Aquino administration, they have planned to require the students to

pursue an undergraduate course aligned with their strand. If students decided to take up

an undergraduate program not aligned with their strand, they must at least take a bridging

program to catch up with the subjects they have not taken during Senior High School

(Luistro, personal communication 2015).

The aim of the researchers in this study is to identify if the ABM learners are in

the right path in terms of their chosen strand and to their chosen career in the future to

save money, time and effort. They also want to provide the result to the future ABM

learners to make this study as a guide in taking Accountancy Business and Management

if it is related to any course in college.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the awareness of the ABM Senior High School

learners in Victoria National High School to their future career.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the subject of ABM strand related to their career?

2. How aware are the ABM students in their future career in terms of:

2.1 College Courses

2.2 Skills;

2.3 Job Description

3. Is there a significant difference between awareness of the ABM learners S.Y 2018-

2019 and S.Y 209-2020

4. What is the implication of this study to the ABM strand?


The following was hypothesized in this study:

1. There is no significant difference between awareness of the ABM learners S.Y 2018-

2019 and S.Y 2019-2020.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to provide information to ABM students about

their possible future careers/jobs they can have. Also to know if they already aware to
their possible careers in the future. In addition, to prepare them to their college life by

giving them information about the possible courses, the subjects they can get and to

aware them about the possible reasons that can affect them in choosing their future career

Therefore, this study is deemed significant to the following stakeholders for the

following reasons:

To the ABM Students, this study will be a guide for them in choosing their


To the Parents, this research study will benefit them to help their children

deciding the course or career they will engage into. In that case, they could save,

money, time and efforts.

To the Teachers, this study will benefit them, the SHS (VNHS) as to the

preferences of students such that they can focus on the skills needed by the

students if ever the latter would pursue the career they have chosen

To the Future Researchers, a process and outcome of this study will produce a

basis, competence, and professionalism to the field.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses to determining the awareness of the ABM senior high school

learners to their future career.

Specifically to the grade 11 and 12 ABM learners a completion of 141

respondents. This study will conducted at Victoria National High School in San Gavino,

Victoria, Tarlac, Academic Year 2019-2020

Definition of Terms

This terms will identify the unfamiliar word that include on the body of the

research. This terms were used for the topic of the study.

Accountancy Business and Management. This pertains to the academic strand

in senior high school focuses on teaching business math, organization and management,

accounting, marketing etc (

Operationally, this is the focus or respondents of the study, wherein their awareness in

their future career will be test.

Awareness. This refers on how prepared or aware on something (Merriam-

Webster Dictionary)

This is how the ABM students understand their strand as a training field or

preparation for their career someday.

Career.The progress and actions taken by a person throughout a lifetime,

especially those related to that person's occupations [ CITATION Bus \l 1033 ].

It deals to the job, field, or work of the respondents in the future.

Job Description. The summaries of essential responsibilities, activities,

qualifications and skills for a role (

This refers to the responsibilities, skills, and strengths of an ABM student or

graduate must possess that is needed for the work.

They used this term to know the statement of occupation of the respondents.
Skills. The ability to do something that comes from training, experiences, or

practices (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

These deals with the abilities of ABM students in performing their tasks in their

subjects as an important tool for their work someday. Example, balancing journal ledger

and performing presenting business plans.

Chapter II


This chapter consist of related literature and studies that can support the present

study on the awareness of the Accountancy Business and Management Senior High

School Learners at Victoria National High School to their future career.

Related Literature

Career awareness is an essential first step in building students understanding of

the working world. Career awareness differentiates itself from career exploration and

career clarity, by introducing students to different job opportunities in the world. It shows

them options for their future career that resonates with them in terms of interest, purpose

and inspiration.[ CITATION Chr18 \l 1033 ]. Furthermore career awareness involves the

identification of the needs, abilities and potentials of the learner with intellectual

disabilities. It introduces him to the environment, the workers therein and their

contributions to the community, and the interdependence of workers toward shared goals

for community welfare and development[CITATION EDI \l 1033 ]

Career awareness is simply an understanding of the various possibilities for long-

term employment and the knowledge necessary to begin work in a career field and

progress in that job. While you may be able to name a dozen or more possible career

paths for yourself or a friend, there are thousands of jobs available to a willing

workforce. The great thing about developing career awareness is that you are introduced

to a variety of exciting career options in various industries that may be of interest to you,

where you can excel and progress into a lifelong and rewarding job(
Career Exploration is simply learning about various occupations and their "fit"

with your unique career preferences, e.g. the skills, interests and values you want

satisfied by your career.  Ideally, you engage in career exploration during or after

identifying your career preferences through self- assessment.[ CITATION ame \l 1033 ]

Career exploration experiences and opportunities can improve academic

performance. They also increase the likelihood that these students will complete high

school and pursue post-secondary education. Career exploration opportunities improve

the attitudes of young people about their career possibilities, motivating them to

persevere. Career exploration improves students’ knowledge of career options,

encouraging them to develop and work toward goals during the critical years when they

are also beginning to venture beyond the orbit of their parents. With a better

understanding of the working world, young people can more easily envision how they fit

successfully into that world.  Knowing the preparation they will need for specific careers,

participants also become better able to set realistic goals for themselves and pursue

them. [ CITATION ame \l 1033 ]

The ABM strand equips the students with essential fundamental concepts on

business specialized courses. Similar to the focus of the College curriculum of the school,

the ABM specialized courses focus on application and measurable learning outcomes for

students complemented by technology integration. The ABM strand is comprised of eight

(8) specialized subjects — Business Math, Organization and Management, Applied

Economics, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Principles of Marketing, Business

Finance, and Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management 1, and

Fundamentals of Accountancy Business and Management 2 — which will all foster a

strategic business mind-set for students coupled with entrepreneurship and principled

business leadership.[CITATION dil \l 1033 ] Furthermore The Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) strand provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to

work in the corporate world. This senior high school strand is for students who want to

become business leaders and entrepreneurs (Katigbak, 2018).

This strand also requires all students to accomplish the Business Enterprise

Simulation, which will be a platform to showcase students’ creativity and innovation in

handling real life business situations. ABM will definitely boost the skills and

competencies of Senior High School students aspiring to take Accountancy, Business

Administration and Management in college. [CITATION dil \l 1033 ]

For students who are being groomed to run the family business or are

interested in starting their own business, senior high school offers an

entrepreneurship subject that will give them the competencies to create a

marketable product, design a business plan, understand manpower,

materials and markets, among other things: Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) This strand is designed for learners who aim to take up

business, accountancy or management in college. Sample of Fields of Study

related to ABM: Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, Bachelor of Science

in Human Resource Development Management, Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Business Economics,

Bachelor of Science major in Accountancy, Bachelor of Science major in

Management, Bachelor of Science in Tourism. [CITATION blo \l 1033 ]

Related Studies


According to Pafili and Mylonakis (2011) emphasized that in coming up with the

right decision of what profession to take, students can properly utilize their skills and

knowledge to gain proper experience who could contribute to the development and

welfare of the society but Koni, Zainal, and Ibrahim (2012) noted that some studies

show that not all students who enter university have the intention to obtain the degree.

The decision on good career choice and school sometimes depend on how the

way students perceive the world and their future. Some of them may not have enough

knowledge and consciousness about how they should process information from personal,

social, economical, political, spiritual and environmental aspects of putting into context

and realization of having a successful profession (Yu 2018).

The ABM strand would focus on the basic concepts of financial management,

business management, corporate operations, and all things that are accounted for. ABM

can also lead you to careers on management and accounting which could be sales

manager, human resources, marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting

clerk, internal auditor, accountant, economist, financial analysis, entrepreneur, marketer,

sales manager, banker, auditor, investor, stockbroker and a lot more (Yu 2018).

Individuals chose career planning to pursue the professional objectives, getting

informed about upcoming opportunities, their results and their timely evaluations. It is

considered to be a beginning in the stages of career choices but still of paramount

significance. People prefer the career that could provide them sound basis for an improve

standard of living (Cavus et al, 2015) Further more Studies conducted in different

countries different cultures can sum up with different relationships among variables

selected for the study; for example, in Kenya personality types and interest in subject is a

factor that impacts lot on making career choices by the students, but if we look at this

similar study conducted in South Africa where demographics and culture are totally

different it, revealed that the financial factors impact on career choices of students,

[CITATION Fat15 \l 1033 ].

According to Clement (2014) in his study, investigated one of the major factors is

the mismatch of personality plays a significant role: productivity, fulfillment and

motivation are directly related to the individual. Lack of fit can be the most dangerous

cause of dissatisfaction and ends up in to stress career failure. [CITATION Reb16 \l 1033 ]

conducted a study on 399 students in Kenya which resulted in that there is a relationship

between personality types, and career choice. Most of students were satisfied with the

course they selected before entering the university which indicates that sustain career

choice for students would improve satisfaction and success in their course of study and

future employment. But on the other side, when students make changes in their course

section it indicated that the choices of subject section did not go in line with their future
career choices. Consequently, it constructs probability of the status of the relationship

personality types and career choice among undergraduate students in Kenya. The

significant relationship between personality types and career choices among

undergraduate students.

According to Unsurhe (2014) in his studies, indicated that limited finances

available to students will affect them negatively in their preferences of professions

selection. Their desires to become specialist in renowned fields like business man,

engineer, doctorate etc. would be restricted by the availability of finances to them. He

also argued that in some cases even the children who belong to low status families ends

up entering in high status professions despite their high cost. This is because their parents

want them to enjoy those aspects of life that they have missed out due to their insufficient


According to Wolfe (2018) a good job description serves as a reference guide for

determining comparable industry salaries. Helps maximize dollars spent on employee

compensation for the position by ensuring experience, and skills needed for the job, are

detailed and matched to prospective applicants. Functions as a foundation for developing

interview questions. Details information about the position that can be incorporated into

“help wanted.” Discourages employees from refusing to do something because “it is not

my job”. Provides a basis for employee reviews, salary increases, setting goals, and

growth paths. Serves as legal documentation that can be useful in the event an employee

files a termination or discrimination lawsuit against the company.

Those foreign studies are related to the present study of the researchers. The study

focuses to the choices of the learners that affect in their future career. Lastly the

awareness of the ABM learners in terms of job description.


According to Fortun (2018) there are plenty enough of college courses for the

senior high school students for them to ensure that they are well-aware of almost

everything that being offered in universities in the Philippines.

According to Pascual (2014) students career success can be best attained if the

right course suited to their personality, ability and intellect serves as their guide in

choosing the course they want to take in college. Experiencing the career suited to

students by integrating career plan with the curriculum help students make good

decisions in what course take in college. Although elective courses are available to help

students understand the important factors they have to consider in choosing a course like

the economical importance of the course they would want to take at present and in the

future. Collaborative effort of the school administration,guidance counsellor and parents

should also be made to come up with better career awareness for students be made in a

continues manner and should start an earlier grade level to help students identify

thoroughly suited course for them.

According to the study conducted by Doyle (2018) resume skills of high school

students when applying for jobs, employers want to see what skills you have even if you

don’t have paid work experience. The kinds of skills can include on the resume needed

when applying for job are communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and

enterprise, planning and organizing, self-management, learning, technology . These types

of skills will make you stand out. In addition Skills are important, and more often than

not, you already possess at least the basic skills to stand out among other

applicants[CITATION job18 \l 1033 ].

Those local studies are related to present studies of the researchers. The study

focuses to the awareness of the ABM Senior High School learners in terms of college

courses and the skills, necessary to become successful in their career.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers shall distribute the survey questionnaire to be answered by the

grade 11 and grade 12 learners of VNHS. From the responses of the ABM Senior High

School learners the career awareness on their future career. The researchers will follow

the process as shown in the diagram below.

Level of
awareness of
ABM 11 learners

Subject of ABM
Difference Implication
between level of of the study
awareness of
ABM 11 and 12
Level of awareness
of ABM 12 learners
Diagram 1. Paradigm of the Study

The paradigm above shows how the researchers will conduct the study. First the

researchers picked the complete numeration of the ABM learners. The researchers will

ask permission of the school directors, faculty members, and lastly the ABM learners for

the interview and survey. The researchers will use Four Point Likert Scale to acquire

information, regarding the subject of ABM strand. Also, this study will acquire the

information regarding the ABM learners of awareness in terms of college courses, skills,

and job description. After gathering the data, the researchers will interpret the difference

of the ABM 11 and 12. Lastly they will interpret the gathered information which they can

use to define and conclude the information regarding the implication in the ABM strand

and learners.
Chapter III


Research Design

This research will used a descriptive research design in the awareness of the

accountancy business management senior high school learners at Victoria National High

School. This study will identify the preferred career of ABM learners and the aligned

subject on their career path. Descriptive Research Design is a study designed to depict the

participants in an accurate way. More simply, descriptive research design is all about

describing people who take part in this study (

Through this research design the researcher will be able to identify how aware the ABM

learners in their future career in terms of college course, skills, job description and it will

define and conclude the information regarding the implication in the ABM strand and


Respondents of the Study

The study focuses on the awareness of the 141 ABM Senior High School learners

at Victoria National High School in their future career. In this study the researchers

gather data from all the ABM Senior High School both grade 11 and 12.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will need approval to the Principal before interviewing and also to

the respondent before distributing the questionnaire to determine the awareness of ABM

Senior High School learners in their future career, while the goals of this study is to

explore and analyze the data that will gathered. The questionnaire and interview guide

will use to know the viewpoints of the selected Senior High students. After they answer

the questionnaire and having the statement on the interview. It gives a better knowledge

regarding the awareness of the ABM Senior High learners in their future career.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will be use a Four Point Likert Scale to acquire the necessary

information for this study

4 Four Likert Scale

Very much aware


Not aware

Very much not aware

Statistical Instrument

The researcher will utilize Frequency Count and Data percentage distribution in

interpretation of the gathered data. A percentage is equal to proportion times one

hundred. It could be computed by dividing the sum of the scores by the number cases

times one it is.


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