Comm N Computer Nov 2013 Exam

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LAG areas MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND TERTIARY EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (HEXCO) NATIONAL CERTIFICATE ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING SUBJECT: Communication and Computer PAPER NO: 321/S07 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE 1. Answer ALL questions. 2. Each question carries 10 marks. 3. Begin each question on a fresh page. QUESTION 1 al i 5 : | Briefly describe the function of the following components of a computer system. i) Central Processing Unit (3 marks) ii) Secondary/ Auxiliary Storage (3 marks) b) Distinguish between impact and non-impact printers. (2 marks) c) Differentiate between soft copy and hard copy. (2 marks) QUESTION 2 a) Name two (2) types of software. (2 marks) b) Briefly explain any four (4) functions of system software. (4 marks) ¢ Distinguish between single tasking and multi-tasking operations. (4 marks) QUESTION 3 a) Illustrate the following network topologies: i) Ring (2 marks) ii) Star (2 marks) ii) Bus (2 marks) iv) Mesh (2 marks) Jefine a network topology. (2 marks) ‘APER NO: QUESTION 5 a) Define the following terms: ) ae oa ») What is a business letter? (2 marks) ©) Give four (4) functions of communication in an organisation. (4 marks) QUESTION 6 Define and explain the importance of the following in business practice: a) _Patent (2 marks) b) Branding (2 marks) c) Leasing (2 marks) d) Customer Care (2 marks) e) Competitors (2 marks) QUESTION 7 a) _ Select two publics of an organisation and explain how they contribute to it. (5 marks) b) Give five guidelines for creating a good corporate image. ‘0 NICATION AND COMPUTER SKILLS (5 marks) PAPER NO: 321/807 - COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER SKILLS QUESTION 9 Define and describe the following terms: a) Ambiguity (2 marks) b) Reprimand interview (2 marks) c) Registers (2 marks) d) _ Investigation report (2 marks) e) Jargon (2 marks) QUESTION 10 What are the health and safety responsibilities of the employs a ; employee? (10 marks) -/il

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