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18.1, DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF DRAUGHT The small pressure difference which causes @ flow of gas to take place is termed as a draught, The function of the draught, in case of a boiler, is to force air to the fire and to carry away the gaseous products of combustion. In a boiler furnace proper cambustion takes place only ‘when sufficient quantity of air is supplied to the burning fuel. ~The draught may be classified as : ‘Steam jet (Mectvanical + + t xx { + Induced Forced Induced (anduced and torce tan) FOFo® fan fan 13.2. NATURAL DRAUGHT—CHIMNEY Natural draught is obtained by the use of a chimney. The chimney in a boiler installation performs one or more of the following functions : (i) It produces the draught whereby the air and 802 are forced through the fuel bed, furnace, boiler passes and settings ; (ii) It carries the products of combustion to such a height before discharjging them that they will not be objectionable or injurious to surroundings. A chimney is vertical tubular structure built either of masonry, con- crete or steel. The draught produced by the chimney is due'to the density difference between the column of hot gases inside the chimney and the cold air outside. Fig. 18.1 shows a diagrammatic arrangement of a chimney of height ‘H’ metres above the * grate. 373 m4 THERMAL ENGINEERING Fig. 13.1 We havo P1™ Pat Py BHT where , P, = Pressure at the grate level (Chimney side), , = Atmospheric pressure at chimney top, gH = Pressure due to the column of hot gas of height H metres, and P, = Average mass density of hot gas. Similarly, Pa = Pa * Pq-8H whore, p= Pressure acting on the grate on tho open side, 0, .€H = Pressure exerted by the column of cold air outside the chimney of height # ‘metres, and P, = Mass density of air outside the chimney. +. Net pressure difference causing the flow through the combustion chamber, 4p =P, -P, = (0, ~p,)H of 13.1) ‘This difference of pressure causing the flow of gases is known as ‘static draught’, Its value is small and is generally measured by a water manometer. It may be noted that this pressure difference in chimney is generally [ess than 12 mm of water. 13.3, CHIMNEY HEIGHT AND DIAMETER Lot us assume that the volume of produets of combustion is equal to the volume of air supplied both reduced to the same temperature and pressure conditions, Let, m, = Mass of air supplied per ke of fuel, m, +1 = Mass of chimney gases, T,, = Absolute temperature of atmosphere, and T= verge absolute temperature of chimney gases. Mass of hot gases, “mt De Mass of air temperature and pressure being ‘ion Now, (13.2) DRAUGHT 51S = 353. «fea (13,3) . mM, Inserting the values of p, and p, into eqn. (13.1), we get a (Nim?) nf 18.4) Assuming that the draught pressure Ap produced is equivalent to, metres height of burnt gases, we have : m,41) 21 Ap = p,.gH, = 353 (=) . % eH, +h18.5) ‘Equating eqns. (13.4) and (13.5), we get 1 1 r& ayaa [2-2 (matt my +1) 353 353 m, +1) ( eM OR ee 353: z ae (ts 1) ois 353 (24) «(es q_ ™y i \ Me my +1) Ty A= (25) % -1 (13.6) Due to losses at various sections along the path of the flue gas, the actual draught available is always Jess than that given by the eqn. (13.4). IA, is the height, in mm of a column of water which will produce the pressure Ap, then 1_1(m, +0 senso [t # = | of 8.7) (1 mm of water = 9.81 Pa) ‘The height A,, would be shown by the use of a U-tube manometer. ‘Note. The formula as expressed by eqn. (13.7) is used for numerical calculation work only. Chimney diameter : Assuming no loss, the velocity of the gases passing through the chimney is given by C= rely If the pressure loss in the chimney is equivalent to a hot-gas column of A’ metres, then C= fg -W) = 443/80" 516 THERMAL ENGINEERING = 449 JE, -* = KV, . (13.8) i ¥ where K=443 fi- R For brick chimneys, and ke * For steel chimneys ‘The mass of the gases flowing through any cross-section of the chimney is given by Tig = py AC kel or war 4 pete ie Ie or D= 1,198 Sr an 18.9) 13.4, CONDITION FOR MAXIMUM DISCHARGE THROUGH A CHIMNEY The chimney draught is most effective when the maximum weight of hot gases is dis- charged in a given time, and it will be shawn that this occurs when the absolute temperature of the chimney gases bears a certain relation to the absolute temperature of the outside air. ‘We know that the velocity of gas through the chimney, assuming the losses to be negligible, ‘is given by C= [igi , where hi =0 Inserting the value of Fi, from eqn. (13.6) Zr, = a . c eel a | z i (13,10) ‘The density of the hot gas is given by ABAD) ‘The mass of gas discharged per second, m,=AxC.p, Inet a od, Sn (100 en 1930, we mem eal) az Pg le 18.12) ™” Tm, +i where constant K'= Anes seel Pett DRAUGHT 377 ‘The value of m, will be maximum, if = O.n T, and m, are fixed quantitios d or ayy (27,-D4* 7; 1=0 or ZT, - 18. 1K + Ty x LET, -1P8 «Z=0 x27, -17 z ~2@T, -)+2ZT, ° 2(T,)* ZT, -1"* -22T,-1)+2ZT, =0 ~ 227, +2+ 27, =0 Rae 8B g § ‘i a he, ~ # A313) ‘Thus we see that the absolute temperature of the chimney gases bears a certain ratio to the absolute temperature of the outside air. Putting the vale of 7# in eqn. (13.6), we got 4 ag = ((2n)(2)4] tool m, +1) mi). sHQ-)=H . ie, yaa =H wA18.14) ‘The draught in mm of water column for maximum discharge can be evaluated by inserting the value of T,/T, in eqn. (13.7) x) = TREE iam of water (13.18) S18 THERMAL ENGINEERING 13.5, EFFICIENCY OF A CHIMNEY ‘The temperature of the flue gases leaving a chimney, in case of natural draught, is higher than that of flue gases leaving it in case of artificial draught system because a certain minimum temperature is needed to produce a given draught with the given height of a chimney. As far as steam generation is concerned, in case of a natural draught system the heat carried away by flue gases is more due to higher flue gas temperature. This indicates that the draught is created at the ook terra lacey of tabla plas tlle aie path of hs Denk cars aney ty flue gases to produce the required draught could have been used either in heating the air going fumace or in heating the food water lag to boller; thereby improving the thermal efclency of the installation. Let, T’ = Absolute temperature of fluo gases leaving the chimney to create the draught of Ay mm of water, T'* = Absolute temperature of flue gases leaving the chimney in case of artificial draught of A, mm of water, an ¢, = Mean specific heat of flue gases. ‘The extra heat carried away by 1 kg of flue gas due to higher temperature required to produce the natural draught =o, (T’~T), since T’ is greater than T*. ‘The draught pressure produced by the natural draught system in height of hot gases columa, =H |(—)x- nen id y metre, ‘The maximum energy this head would give to 1 kg of flue gas which is at the expense of extra heat carried away from the boiler plant -#((25)-4>] Efficiency of chimney, Ta (18,16) In the equation, Tet, is S.L units J = 1) ‘The efficiency of a chimney is proportional to the height but even fora very tall chimney the efficiency will be Less than 1% and thus we sea that chimney is very inefficient as an instrument for creating draught. 13.6, DRAUGHT LOSSES ‘The loss in a draught may be due to the reasons mentioned below : (a) The frictional resistance offered by the flues and gas passages to the flow of flue gases. (6) Loss near the bends in the gas flow circuit. (c) Loss due to friction head in equipments like grate, economiser, superheater etc, {q) Loss due to imparting velocity to the flue gases. ‘The loss in draught in a chimney is 20 per cent of the total draught produced by it. DRAUGHT 5793 13.7. ARTIFICIAL DRAUGHT In the boiler installations of today the total static draught required may vary from 90to 350 mm of water column, It may not be possible to build a chimney high enough to produce draught of sueh a large magnitude. To meet this requirement artificial draught system should be used. It may be a mechanical draught or a steam jet draught, The former is used for central power stations and many other boiler installations while the latter is employed for small installations and in locomotives. 18.7.1, Forced Draught In 4 mechanical draught system, the draught is produced by a fan. In a forced draught system, a blower or a fan is installed near or at the base of the boiler to force the air through the coal bed and ther passages through the furnace, flues, air preheater, economiser etc. It is a positive pressure draught. The enclosure for the furnace ete. has to be very highly sealed so that ‘gases from the furnace do not leak out in the boiler house. 13.7.2. Induced Draught In this system a fan or blower is located at or near the base of the chimney. The pressure over the fuel bed is reduced below that of the atmosphere. By creating a partial vacuum in the furnace and flues, the products of combustion are drawn from the main flue and they pass up the chimney. This draught is used usually when economisers and air preheaters are incorporated in the system. The draught is similar in action to the natural draught, 13.7.3. Balanced Draught It is a combination of the forced and induced draught systems. tn thi the forced draught fan overcomes the resistance in the air preheater and chain grate stoker while the induced draught fan overcomes draught losses through boiler, economiser, air preheater and connecting flues. The forced draught entails following advantages over induced draught + 1. Forced draught fan does not require water cooled bearings. 2, Tendency to air leak into the boiler furnace is reduced. 3. No loss due to in rush of cold air through the furnace doors when they are opened for fire and cleaning fires. 4, Fan size and power required for the same draught are 15 to 1/2 of that required from an induced draught fan installation because forced draught fan handles cold air. 13.7.4. Advantages of Mechanical Draught The mechanical draught possesses the following advantages : 1, Easy control of combustion and evaporation. 2. Increase in evaporative power of a boiler. 3, Improvement in the efficiency of the plant. 4, Reduced chimney height. 5. Prevention of smoke. 6, Capability of consuming low grade fuel, 7. Low grade fuel can be used as the intensity of artificial draught is high. 8, The fuel consumption per H.P, due to artificial draught is 15% less than that for natural draught. 9. The fuel burning eapacity of grate is 200 to 300 kg/m?-h with mechanical draught whereas. it is hardly 50 to 100 kg/m?h with natural draught. ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING 13.7.5. Power Required to Drive Fan Let p= Draught, P,, +h, = Draught produced by the fan, mm, V = Volumetric flow rate of combustion air at fan conditions, m*/h, and n= Fan efficiency. Pie tegulaadd ae {1000 KB ee 1000 x ny x3600 ™" e = 2.725 x 10% = kw (13.18) @ Foreed draught (FD.) fan power, Pyp = Let M = Quantity of fuel burnt per hour, m, = Mass of air supplied, ke/kg of fuel, T, = Temperature at N.T.P. M Volume of air at 7, v= "a= va TMM, oy Substituting in eqn. (13.17), we get 2 Power of FD. fan, Ppp = 222510" | bVa MTs | yay 273 y AV, = 0,998 x 10 (aves) kW nf 13,19) Gi) Induced draught (1.D.) fan power, Py, « Let mm = Mass of air supplied per kg of fuel, Then —sm, + 1 = Masa of the products of combustion. At the same temperature Pr _ matt DRAUGHT 581 Ming _ Ming +My Mima Vo 273(m, +1) 278. Substituting in eqn. (13.18), wo PorertIDifim, Fo 2725 x10" xhlim, TV 2 Bx = 0.998 x 10-8 ne (18.20) Assuming same efficiency, for the same draught (neglecting leakage), we have (18.21) 13.78, Steam Jet Draught Steam jet draught is a simple and easy method of producing artificial draught. It may be forced or induced type depending upon where the steam jet to produce draught is located. If the steam jet is directed into the smoke box near the stack, the air is induced through the flues, the grato and ash pit to the smoke box. If the jet in located before the grate, air in forced through the fuel bed, furnace and flues to the chimney. ‘The steam jet draught entails the following advantages : ‘economical, ) Very simple and Gi) Occupies minimum space. Gis) Requires very little attention, Go) In forced type stoam jot draught, the steam keeps the fire bars cool and prevents the adhering of clinker to the fire bars. (©) Several classes of low grade fuels can be used with this system. Example 13.1. Calculate the height of chimney required to produce a draught equivalent to 1.7 em of water if the flue gas temperature is 270°C and ambient temperature is 22°C and minimum amount of air per kg of fuel is 17 kg. Soluition. Draught in mm of HO, hg = Lem = 17 mm Flue gas temperature, T= 210+ 278 = B43 K Ambient temperature, T= 224273 = 296 K Minimum amount of air per kg of fuel, m, = 17 kg Height of chimney, H: Using the relation, sean [2-2 2] mm of H,0 Ma 1 18 wrasse (3 a" x2) mm of H,0 = 353 HT (0.00839 — 0.00195) = 0.508 H or H = 33.46 m Hence, height of chimney = $3.46 m. (Ans.) 582 ‘THERMAL ENGINEERING Example 13.2. Calculate the mass of flue gases flowing through the chimney when the draught produced is equal to 1.9 em of water. Temperature of flue gases is 290°C and ambient temperature is 20°C, The flue gases formed per kg of fuel burnt are 23 kg. Neglect the losses and take the diameter of the chimney as 1.8 m. Solution. Draught in mm of water, h,, = 19 cm = 19 mm ‘Temperature of flue gases, T, = 290 +273 = 563 K Ambient temperature, T= 20 +273 = 293K Fluo gases formed per kg of fuel burnt, (rm, + 1) = 23 kg ‘Diameter of the chimney, D = 1.8 m ‘Mass of flue gases, m, : : a oA ‘Using the relation, H nen (25 pt} where H; is the head in terms of gas column. ‘Also img + 1=23 kg (given) m= 19 = 853 HY (0.00341 — 0.00185) = 0.548 H or H = 3467 m 563 ‘ & Hy = 34.67 (BS -1)- 29.05 m of air. Velocity of gases, C= Jagi, = [2981x2906 = 23.87 mis. Now, mass of flue gases, m,= Ax Cx p, mt) 2 23 where o,= sss (+2). a = 858 x FE x 2 = 0.655 kg/m? m, = WA x 1.8? x 23.87 x 0.655 = 39.8 kp/s. (Ans.) Hone mate of fee gases passing through the chimney = 99.8 kgs. (Ans) ‘Example 13.3. A chimney of height 32 m is used for producing a draught of 16 mm of water. The temperatures of ambient air and flue gases are 27°C and 300°C respectively. The coal burned in the combustion chamber contains 81% carbon, 5% moisture and remaining ash. Neglecting losses and assuming the value of burnt products equivalent to the volume of air supplied and complete combustion of fuel find the percentage of excess air supplied. Solution. Height of the chimney, H=32m Draught in mm of water = 16mm, Ambient air temperature, T, = 27 +273 =300K ‘Temperature of flue gases, T, = 900 + 273 = 573K Percentage of carbon in the fuel = 81% DRAUGHT 583 Percentage of excess air supplied : Using the relation, 16 1 958x32 ~ 300_ 7 = Sasa ; mm, = 10.16 ke/kg of fuel Again, +0, =C0, 12+32=44 8 8 100 ‘Thus 1 kg of carbon requires $2 = $ kg ofoxygonand $x 42 = 12.6 kg of air. One ke of fuel contains only 0.81 carbon. ‘Air roquired for complete combustion = 11.6 x 0.81 = 9.396 ke/kg of fuel. Hence, Percentage excess air supplied = “1S=8296 109 = ara% (Ans.) Example 13.4. To provide a natural draught a chimney of height 16 m is used. Calculate @ the draught in mm of water when the temperature of chimnay gases is such that the mass of the gases discharged is maximum, (ii) If the temperature of flue gases does not exceed 350°C find. air supplied per kg of fuel, when discharge is maximum. Take ambient temperature as 20°C, Solution. Height of chimney, H = 16 m ‘Temperature of flue gases, T, = 350 + 273 = 623 K ‘Temperature of ambient air, T, = 20 +273 = 298 K @ Draught, Byiaey * ‘Using the relation, > 1765H -=pO am 176516 = Gravap < 9898 mm. (Ans) Gi) Air supplied, m, : ‘The condition for maximum discharge is given by Te oo (& +) T, ™, (9504273) _ 9 (mg +2 (20-+278) ™ s mit = 1.063 or m, = 15.87 ke/kg of fuel. (Ans.) 5e4 THERMAL ENGINEERING "© Example 13.5, With a chimney of height 45 metres, the temperature of flize goses with natural drought was 370°C. The same draught was developed by induced draught fan and the temperature of the fine gases was 150°C. Mass of the flue gases formed is 25 kg per kg of coal fired. The boiler house temperature is 35°C. Assuming c, = 1.004 kJtkg K for the flue gases determine the efficiency of the chimney. Solution. Height of chimney, H = 45m ‘Temperature of flue gases with natural draught, Ty, = $40 + 278 = 643 K ‘Temperature of flue gases with induced draught fan, T,, = 150 + 273 = 423 K Mass of flue gases formed por kg of coal fired (m, + 1) = 25 kg Boiler house temperature, T,, = 35 + 273 = 908 K Specific heat of flue gases, ¢, = 1.004 ki/ug K Efficiency of chimney : Let H, bo the column of flue gases equivalent of draught produced by artificial draught fan in metre head. 2 (a)-j -a(-) (ary ‘Thon a, 25 * 308 and | m, =24 kg = 46.18 metre head = 45.28 x 9.81 Novkg = 45.18 x 9.81 x 10 kNovicg = 0.448 keg Additional heat lost to natural draught per kg mass of the gases (Tp, ~ Ty.) = 1.004 (643 — 423) = 220.88 kalMeg Mame = Ae, 100 = 02% (Anas "Example 13.6, Determine the height and diameter of the chimney used to produce « Sei Seer tics Aas i searags sol conmngcion of 1600 AVA ond fee gases fe, er he of coal fired are 14 kg. The pressure losses through the syatem are given below * Preavure lous in fuel bed = 7.mm of water, pressure les in boiler flues = 7 mm of water, pressure loss in bends = 3 mm of water, pressure loss in chimney = 3 mm of water. Pressure head equivalent to'velocity of flue gases passing through the chimney = 1.3 mm of water. "The temperatures of ambient air and flue gases are 35°C and 310°C respectively. Assume actual draught is 80% of theoretical. Solution. * ‘Average coal consumption = 1800 kg/h Flue gases formed per kg of coal fired = 14k ‘Temperature of ambient air, 7, = 95 + 273 = 908 K DRAUGHT ‘Temperature of flue gases, T, = 310 + 273 = 583 K. Height of chimney, H: Draught required is equivalent to overcome the losses and velocity head =7+7+9+3 +19 = 213 mm of water, Actual draught to be produced, 213 Ay= Gg = 2662mm ot water = H (1.146 - 0.652) = 0.494 H or H = 53.88 m Diameter of the chimney, D 353 (2). 358M 0.650 igh? 13 Pet, om)” 585 Fie guses formed per second = 2270724 a 7 4g mpnAKCKS, ol) But C= 6H, where 2 is the equivalent velocity expressed in m of gus Fp, hao where 4, is the water head equivalent to velocity head responsible for giving velocity to the gas, = habe, = 181000 Hy = "0 = s90x0.682 = 1993 ™ C= f2x8.81x1993 = 6.25 m/s ‘Substituting this value in eqn. (i), we get ® 1x4 T= [DP x 6.25 x 0.625 or D¥= aa ages D= sian (ans) Example 18.7. How much air is used per kg of coal burnt in a boiler having chimney of 32.3 m height to create a draught of 19 mm of water column when the temperature of flue gases in the chimney is 370°C and the temperature of the boiler house is 29.5°C ? (AMIE Winter, 2000) Solution. Height of the chimney, H = 523m Draught of water, A, =19 mm ‘Temperature of flue gases in the chimney, 7, = 970 + 278 = 643 K Ambient temperature, T, = 29.5 + 273 = 8025 K Air used per kg of coal burnt, m, : 586 THERMAL ENG:NEERING 3025 643 wd (met ‘353x923 ~ 3025 643 |“ m, mena stele] o.or66e = a.ooases—aeisss (#-**) = 0.003305 — 0.001666 = 0.001639 my +1 = 0.001639 Ps ooo1sss ~ +94 TM or 14 = 1.054 orm, = 1882 key of coal. (Ans) Example 13.8. A chimney has a height of 24 m. The ambient temperature is 25°C. Tem- perature of flue gases passing through the chimney is 300°C. If the air-flow through the combus- tion space is 20 kg/kg of fuel burned, find the following : @ The theoretical draught in mm of water ; Gi) Velocity of the flue gases passing through the chimney if 50% of the theoretical draught is lost in friction at the grate and passage. (MU, Solution. (i) Theoretical draught : Using the relation, Le mea where, hh, = Head in mum of water H = Height of the chimney = 24 m T,, = Absolute temperature of atmosphere (= 25 + 273 = 298 K) T, = Absolute temperature of chimney gases (= 273 + 300 = 673 K) hase 2-24 1 m, = Mass of air supplied per kg of fuel. Substituting the values, we got 11 (2049 ynasan ae [3 fox 20 } = 12.9 mm of H,O. (Ans.) (i Velocity of flue gases : ‘The equivalent gas head, ae mon [see 573 =u [x a -1] =1905m Available head = 0.5 x 19.95 = 9.975 m Velocity of the flue gases H, = (2x 981x9976 = 13.99 m/s. (Ans.) DRAUGHT 587 Example 18.9. Calculate power of a motor required to drive a fan which maintains a draught of &4 mi of water under the following conditions for (0 induced draught fan, (i) forced draught fan: Temperature of flue gases Leaving the boiler in each ease = 240°C Temperature of air in the boiler house = 20°C Air supplied per kg of fuel in each case = 18.5 ke Mass of coal burnt per hour = 1820 ke Efficiency of the fan = 82 per cent, Solution. Temperature of gases, ‘Temperature of air, Mass of air used, . ‘Mass of coal used, M = 1820 kg Draught produce by the fan, hy = 54 mam of water Efficiency of each fan, 1y = 82 per cont. G) Power of a motor required to drive induced draught fan, P,,: Using the relation : 4 pe Saati Nal ae 0.998 <10"* x 64 x 0.7734 x 185 x 1820x513 = 082 (where V, = 0.7734 m# at 0°C and 760 mm of Hg) = 8.78 kW. (Ans.) Gi) Power of a motor required to drive forced draught fan, Pyy : 0.998 x10°A Vung MT, Ppp = SOOXIO*AV IGM wy © 0.998 10° «54 x 0.7734 x 185 x1820 x 203. 082 = 6.014 kW (Ans.) Peta acne 1. Thoumall pressure difference which causea a flow of gas to take place is tormed as adraught. ‘2 Naturaldraught is obtained by the ure of achimney, ‘The draught produced by the chimney is due to density difference between the column ofhot gases inside ‘the chimney and the cold air outaide. A-ifmtl a Aemun[ 2-22] 4 ‘Thedraught pressure produced by the natural draught system in height of hot gases column, wal ‘THERMAL ENGINESRING Diameter (D) of the chimney is given by, Dense ris Pg where, ity = Mass of gases flowing through any cross-section ofthe chimney, Pg = Density of gases, and (C= Velocity of gases passing through the chimney, where, T’ = Absslute temperature of fae gazes leaving tha chimnoy tocruate the draught of, mmof water, and ‘T* =Absolute temperature of flus gases leaving the chimney in case of artificial draught of A, mm of water. Power required to drive fan; Power of F.D.fan = 0.998 vio (Mente) aw Pore. fan= on 0+ [oT kW. Balanced draught is a combination of the forced and induced draught system. Choose the Correct Answer ‘The draught which a chimney produces is called G)induced draught (@) natural draught (@) forced draught (d) balanced draught. ‘edema roduc tae tain oa cacpared to thet prodeed by eck chun fr tha same aight (oVleas ®) more aame (@) may be more or less. In aboiler installation the naturel draught is produced (a) due to the fact that furnace gases being light go through the chimney giving place to cold air from outside to rash in, ee (B) due to the fact that pressure at the grate due ta cold column is higher than the pressure at chimney ‘base due to hot column. {(@) dus to the fact that at the chimney top the pressure is more then its environmental pressure. (d) allof the above. ‘Tho draught produced, for a given height of the chimney and given mean temperature of chimney guses (a) decreases with increase in outside air temperature (O)inereasea with increase in outside nir tomperature DRAUGHT a crm 589 (C) remains the same irrespective of outside alr temperature (d) may increase or decrease with increase in outaide air temperature. ‘The draught produced by chimney of given height at given outside temperature (c) decreases if the chimney gas temperature increases (b) increases ifthe chimney gas temperature increases (c)remaina same irrespective of chimacy gaa temperature (d) may increase or decrease. For forced draught system, the function of chimney is mainly (a) to produce draught to accelerate the combustion of fuel () to dischange gases high up in the atmosphere to avoid harard (e) to reduce the temperature of the hot gases discharged (d) none of the above. Artificial draught is produced by (@) induced fan (8) forced fan (G)induced and forced fan {d) all of the above, ‘The draught in locomotive boilers is produced by (@) forced fan. (®) chimney (©) steamjet (@) only motion of locomotive. ‘For the same draught produced the power of induced draught fan as compared to forced draught fan is (a) leas @) more (e) same 42) aot predictable. Artificial draught is produced by ‘@airfans (@) steam jet ‘© fan or steam jet (all of the above. ‘The artificial draught normally is designed te produce () less emake (@) more draught (¢) lees chimney gus temperature (d) all ofthe above, For the induced draught the an is located . (a) near bottom of chimney (6) near bottom of furnace (©) ai the top of the chimney (@) anywhere permissible. ‘The prossure at the furnace is minimum in caso of (a)foread draught system (©) balanced draught system () induced draught system (@) nataral draught system. Porsmesknems dlechacy oe nin hgh tht clothe Baightehe gr obi edn dealt (a) twice the haight of chimney (¢) halfthe height of chimney ‘The efficiency of chimney is approximately (a) 80% 20% (6) equal to the height of chimney: (d) none of the above. (8)40% (025%. In balanced draught system the presrure at force fan inlet (a)isgreater than pressure at chimney outlet (@)is less than pressure at chimney outlet (©) approximately samens that at chimney outlet, 590 THERMAL ENGINEERING ANSWERS Le) 2) a) 4@) 5) 6.(6) 2d) Ble) 2G) 10, (a) utd) 12 (a) 18. (6) 14.) 15. (d) 16 (). ‘THEORETICAL QUESTIONS ‘What is the function of a boiler chimney? ‘Why is there na chimney in the ease ofa locomotive boiler ? ‘What do you understand by the term “boiler draught" ? ‘What are the limitations of chimney draught ? Define the chimney efficiency and find out expression for the same, What are the various types of draughts used in usual practice ? What are the advantages of artificial draught over natural draught? ‘What do you understand by steam et draught ? Where ist generally employed? Derive an expression for maximum discharge rate of gases through the chimney fora given height of the chimney. UNSOLVED EXAMPLES ‘L Calculate the quantity of air supplied per kg of fuel burat in the combustion chamber of «boiler when the required draught of 5 em of water is produced by 4 chimney of 82m height The temperatures of the fue ‘gaset and ambient air recorded are 970°C and 90°C respectively. {Ans. 15.3 kg} 2 Determine the draught produced in em of water by a chimney of 50 metres height when the temperature of tho fluo gases passing through the chimney is mach that the mans of fluo gusea discharge is maximum in ‘given time. The ambient air temperature is 20°C. {Ans.302 mm) % Aboiler is provided with a chimney of 4 m height, The anibient temperature is 25°C. The temperature of flue guses passing through the chimney is 300°C. Ifthe air flow through the combustion chamber is 20 Ikg/kg of fuel burnt, find (A) the theoretical draught in em of water, (di) velocity of the flue gases passing ‘through the chimney if 50% of the theoretical draught is lost in friction at grate and passa, (Ans, 12.9 mm of water, 14 mvs] 4 Estimate the mass of flue gases flowing through the chimney as perdata given below : PRPSPRAPRE Draught produced ‘= 20mm of water column: ‘Temperatureofthe lus gases == 573 K ‘Ambient temperature = 909K ‘The mass of air used = 19 kg per kg of fuel burnt Diameter of the chimney =2m. [Neglect the losses. (Ane. 50.11 kgs! & A30metres high chimney discharges flue gases at 357°C, when the cutside temperature is 27°C. Airfuel ‘ratio of 16 is required to burn the coal on the grate. Determine: @ The draught in mim of water column. (Gi) The draught produced in terms of height of column of flue gases in metres. DRAUGHT 591 (Git) Volume of flue gases passing through the chimney per second if 1360 kg of coal is burnt per hour ever the grate. (io) Tue base diameter ofthe chisiney ifthe velocity ofthe fine gasea at the base ofthe chimaey is given by 2 HK & ,wherothe value of » 1.627, (Ans. (i) 17.44 mm of water column, (ii) 29.29 m of flue gases, (iii) 38835. 12 kg/h, (iv) 1.513 m) 6 A40 metres high chimney is discharging flua gases at 623K, when the ambient temperature is 03 K.The ‘quantity of air supplied is 13 kg of air per kg of fuel burnt. Determine = (8) Draught produced in mm of water eslumn. Gi) Equivalent draught in metres ofhot gas column, (Git) Efficiency of the chimney, ifthe minimum temperature of artificial draught is 423 K. The mean specific heat of flue gases is 1.005 kl/cg K. (iv) Percentage of heat spent in natural draught system, ifthe net calorific value of fsel supplicd be 30600 kg. 4p) Temperature of chimney gases for maximum dischargein a given time, and what would be the draught produced correspondingly? {Ana. (i) 22.191mm of water, ii) 96.369 m, (i) 0.177%, (dn) 9.19%, (0) 652.6 K, 23.3 mm of water, 40 m) ‘7. Calculate the power of a motor required to drive a fan which maintains a draught of 64 mm of water under the following conditions for (0) induced draught fan, (if) foreed draught fan : ‘Temperature of five gases leaving the boiler in each cate = 200°C, temperature of air in the boiler house = 20°C, air supplied per kg of fuel = 18. kg, mass of com] burnt per hour = 1820 kg. Efficiency of fan may bo assumed as 80 per cent. (Ane. (6.91 kW, (i) 4.28 kW)

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