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Stage 4 – Moral Studies

Watch the Short Story on Kindness:

After the story ask your children a few questions:

• What is the bird looking for? (worms, something to eat)

• Why does the dog not want to give the bird the worms? (because the man needs them for fishing, the
dog thinks the bird is stealing them/does not want to share)
• What does the dog see when he watches were the bird flies off too? (that the bird has baby birds)
• What does the dog do then? (he gives the bird all the worms)
• Do you think that is an act of kindness? Why? (Yes – explain)
• What does the bird do next? (gives the dog a boat full of fish)
• What do you think kindness means?
• How can you try and be kind today?

Parents please note the answers in brackets are ideas if you need to prompt your children – the main goal
is too see how they perceive kindness.

Remember one act of kindness can change the world.

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