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Mobility mapping is a special PRA tool . by using this PRA tool we are showing the mobility of
villagers of Tengariya village of Bero block who move to various places in search of
employment opportunities to earn livelihood .by using this tool we are trying to locate
different places they go round the years. APPROACH

Our group comprises 6 members . Bhavna yadav being the facilitator , Shubham chauhan and
Shashank being the moderator, Ankit kumar being the gate keeper ,Richa being the
recorder.february being the non cropping season for paddy and almost of the household are
involved cultivation of paddy villagers had already Migrated for work during December our key
respondents mostly included the ones who did not migrated .we gathered them together and
sat under the shade of tree and started the interaction. LEAD QUESTIONS

a) Within Jharkhand where villagers migrate in non cropping season to earn their
b) What are different parts of country villagers move to earn livelihood in non cropping

On making the migration mapping of migrants of Tengariya village of Bero block. We found out
that many people migrate from the village for seeking employment. as many households in this
village only grew paddy and from sowing of seeds till harvesting was done between the month
of June to December and this was the duration in which very less people migrated ,only those
people stayed out of the village who did not have any land or not involved in agricultural
activity. while we saw that most of the villagers migrated between December to June most of
the people went to Delhi (40%) followed by Chennai(30%) followed by Ranchi(20%) followed by
west Bengal(10%).as Delhi is one of the big city attract good number of peoples as it offers good
facilities and cheap accommodation. Out of the total people who went to Delhi in seek of
employment a high number of females and less of males. while the females worked as home
servants. Peoples going to Chennai comprised more of male and less number of females and
the male worked in pipeline, factory workers, tower construction workers, daily wage earners.
People also went to Ranchi and west Bengal and worked there mostly as brick kiln workers,
factory workers and daily wage earners. MOBILITY MAPPING TRIANGULATION

After collecting information from the villagers in terms of migration places where villagers move
. we showed the information to all our respondents and the rest of the villagers and confirmed
that the pie chart and flow chart made by us depicted the correct information or the data was
biased in any terms. To an extent they were satisfied by the information we showed to them
.All the facts that were derived by them were given due importance and based on that the pie
chart and flow chart was made. DIFFICULTIES

All was very tough for us to gather the villagers at the particular time, since they used to go for
the agricultural practices or some sort of labour work during the day hours . the villagers were
also to provide us the correct information regarding their wealth status. And to add on this
there was a conflict of thoughts within them so we are not able to arrive at a conclusion.
Lastly ,though it was very rare but the differences between the language known by them and us
also acted as the hurdle for us during the communication process.

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