Assembly Ji jie hao 集结号 2007 Full Movie English Subtitle War Movie.en

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Winter 1948, Northeast China

Our brothers of
the Nationalists' 168th Division

This is Captain Gu Zidi of

the 139th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company

the Special 2nd Division of

the Liberation Army

On behalf of my company,
I'd like to greet you

You are completely surrounded

If you keep fighting

you won't like how things end up

We offer you two choices

You can get bullets

Or maybe you'd prefer dumplings

We can keep the bullets coming

If you have had enough

trade in your weapons for chopsticks

Sit down with your brothers here

in the 9th Company

We can all eat dumplings


Quit the bullshit

Let's move in


They're already cooking in a pot

What's the hurry?


Something doesn't look right

Have they already retreated?

The battalion ordered a hasty attack

What are we waiting for?



Take six men and get a closer look

Find them six helmets

Smoke grenade



Take cover

Take cover

Up there...

Give me your hand

Pull me up

Help me



Take out those two up there

How many are there?

I don't know

Cease fire

Cease fire

Help the wounded


Covering fire



I'm going to die, save me

Hurry up

Slowly... slowly

Hurry up

Get the bandages, hurry

Hang in there man


Hurry up

Move him

First platoon

Follow me

Second platoon

Protect the flanks

Don't bunch up

Spread out

Keep spreading out

Keep up


Get down, take cover

Fall back

Captain Gu

Get down, get down

Everyone get down, don't run around

Get down

Get up

We've been ambushed

Take cover

Get down

Second platoon, attack

Reinforce first platoon

Third platoon, save the wounded

Leave the dead

Tend the wounded first

Luo, get on the roof

Lu and Jiang

Stop cowering

Let's go

Bring up the heavy weapons

Yes, sir

Follow me

Get down

On the ground

Get down

Move in, now

Get the machine gun

No one moves


Set up a base of fire

Send in the assault forces

We're pinned down

The enemy has artillery

Let the troops regroup

How can we stop now?

I disagree

I am the captain

I'm in charge

That is cowardly behavior

I won't let that happen

Are you moving in or not?

I'm going in anyway

What for?

If you want to get yourself killed

no one can stop you

Political Officer



Political Officer


Don't shoot

We surrender

We surrender, don't shoot

Don't shoot

The enemy has surrendered

Let them pick up their weapons

No surrender accepted

Pick up your weapons

Pick up your weapons

No one move

No one move


What are you waiting for?


They have already surrendered





You cannot kill POWs

Stop pretending to be a saint

The Political Officer was blown apart


Those in the back, keep up


Including the wounded

anyone who were not carried away by stretcher

we still have forty six men left

A hundred seventeen minus forty six

Our company lost seventy one men

Get me a casualty list

Report the final count

On the double

Fight a battle, report a funeral

Don't keep making me do this

You are the only one who can read

The Political Officer is gone

Who else is there?

The Nationalists have good uniforms

but their fighting is not up to snuff

We found a wheel

See if it fits

The 7th Company found three howitzers

Two ten-wheelers

All we find is a small, crippled mountain gun

Bite your tongues

Feel the pain?

That means you are still alive

What is the use of all these metal scraps?

In our last battle

The 3rd Battalion's 9th Company

Fought bravely without giving up

They suffered heavy casualties

We were going to commend them

But Captain Gu Zidi

ordered the POWs shot

and stole their uniforms

He disobeyed army discipline

and disgraced our entire regiment

The Division Commander has ordered us

to punish him

for his misconduct


the regiment's Party leadership has decided

to punish all those involved accordingly


the 9th Company's troops

are to be transferred

Captain Gu Zidi's forty six men

will all move to

the regiment's Advanced Guard

until further instruction


Captain Gu Zidi of the 9th Company

is to be punished for his mistake accordingly

He's to be locked up for three days

Captain Gu

Have something to eat

The food is getting cold

You know when I last had a bed under me?

I am having the ball of my life

Food can wait

I guess I caught up on my rest

This is the best I've felt
since joining the battalion

This barn is huge

How much grain can it hold?

What a waste locking us up in here

What's your name?

Wang Jincun

What's your job?

I was a teacher

You were busy writing when I first got here

You were still writing when I woke up

What are you writing?

A letter home

To your wife?

And this?

Did your wife knit it?



I heard them say

A teacher in the 1st Battalion

pissed in his pants in battle

and he was disciplined

Are you the one?

No? Not you?

Who cares if it is?

All you did was pee

That's better than getting killed

Bullets flying everywhere

Grenades exploding down your pants

Even a god would pee

Don't get the wrong idea

Moving you to the front

it's not part of the punishment

It shows our trust in you

I've seen the old mine battlefield

The location is good

It's much higher

than the north bank

They won't be able to see our movement

We'll get the upper hand by securing it

We planned to

transfer two companies from the 2nd Battalion

But now

the defensive area has expanded

I can't spare the troops

Are you following?

Say something

Damn delicious


Only girls wear down their shoes here

When will you learn to walk like a man?

Stop messing around

Tell me what you need

I'll do whatever I can

What you want?

In that case...

I don't have enough artillery

I need Maxim machine guns


give you two machine guns

and three thousand rounds

I want to keep that mountain gun

Shells are hard to find

The quartermaster will check

You can take whatever he finds

My troops are good in the trenches

Especially with explosives

You've got to let me take all I want

Go ahead

Take as much as you can carry

I don't have enough men

Give me thirty more

No way

After all, I'm the provisional captain

of the advanced guards

How about twenty more men?

No way


That's not a lot to ask

The regiment's troops are all deployed

I can't spare a single man


There really are no men left

The Colonel's bodyguard is dead

and there is no replacement

I now serve as the Bugler and his bodyguard

It's the truth


Then just give me one person

I need a Political Officer

You've only got half a company

What you need a Political Officer for?

In the last battle

If the Political Officer hadn't died

I wouldn't have made that mistake

Now you know

You can be your own Political Officer

Can we...

keep the helmets and boots

we took from the POWs?


Okay, keep them


Get the stuff for him


What are the goodies?

Yellow Dragon cigarettes.

The Colonel won't even smoke them himself

Why is there only half a carton left?

Give the rest to him

You're always so stingy

Giving half a pack at best

What's so special this time?


How many of us are left?

I mean from the old guerilla unit?

You. Me

Anyone else?

Have the troops get ready on the double

The defensive position

has already been built by the 2nd Battalion


Take good care of yourself

I have one last request

I'll find myself a Political Officer

You can't say no

I want my cellmate

He'd be shot anyway

He might as well die in battle


That bent up bugle dangling on your butt

Is it busted?


It is fine

You better blow as hard as you can

Don't worry

You've heard my bugle call before

My ears are already wide open

Repeat the orders

By tomorrow twelve noon

no matter what it takes

we must secure the old mine

on the southern bank

What else?

Always listen

for the assembly bugle call

Fall back whenever we hear it

If you don't hear the bugle call

even if you're the last man standing

you will keep fighting

Yes, sir

In this open area

It's impossible to last even four hours

Move the small canon to the rear for now

Yes, sir

Push harder

Get two more people here

Put them inside

Put them all inside

If a shell lands on them

we'd all be gone

Put them inside

Bring more bags here

Pack it in real tight

It's for your own protection

Yes, sir

Pack it in real tight

Yes, sir

Hey, Lu

How many times have I told you?

Don't tie it straight

You have to tie it at an angle

Wrap it around twice

As tightly as you can

Got it?


Last time we tied it at an angle

They ended up not flying straight

They landed on the 5th Company

No shit?

Why wasn't I told?

Jerk, I'll kill you


These make obvious targets

Gather everyone together

Place them like you're supposed to

Make sure they're twenty paces apart

No, not this time

Put three in front and three in back


I found him for you


Over here

Come over


Your message bag


Your rifle

Hey guys

I have someone to introduce

This is our company's new Political Officer

Wang Jincun.

Let's welcome him

What's wrong?

Are your fingers frozen?

Do I need to chisel them apart?

Political Officer Wang can read and write

He's your man if you want to write home

Lieutenant Jiao

When we had our victory party at Luoyang

he was nearly choked to death on flapjacks

Lu, Demolition Specialist

Jiang, Sniper

Sergeant Meng

Old Hedgehog

Luo, Machine Gunner

Gong, Ammo Bearer

Call me Blacky



I wrote a letter home

I don't know how to write some words

Can the Political Officer

fill them in for me?

Get down

Get in the mine

Hurry, get in the mine, and stay there


Something doesn't seem right

It is raining shells

Leave two men behind to keep a look out

Tell the rest to get into the mine

Take the Political Officer with you, hurry

Yes, sir

Get up

Follow me

Don't be scared
Hurry into the mine

Yong and Shun, you two stay behind

Hurry up

Get down

Everyone get into the mine

Stay focused


What are you praying for?

Are you praying for the firing to stop?

So you won't be hit?

Stop screwing around

Pray with me

It works

Show me how to pray

You've killed too many people

Prayers won't do you any good

But they were the enemy

Political Officer

If we make it through this one

help me write a letter home

But forget it if I'm gone

It'd be less work for me

And less work for you, too

Make way, make way

Just leave him

We'll drag him away later

He's dead

It stopped again

Forget about the time

Just listen for the bugle call

Keep your ears open for the bugle call

Has everyone rested up?

When the bastards come to the door

we'll give them what they deserve


This new guy's a wimp

Don't worry

He will get over it after seeing some blood

Stay calm

Let them come closer

Fire when the grenades explode

Do you know why dogs bite people?

People smell funny when they're scared

Dogs only bite those who are scared

Bullets are like dogs

They only hit those who are scared

If you aren't scared

the bullets will go around you every time

Check your backpack

Leave the useless stuff behind

Stay calm, wait for my orders

Wait for my order before fire

Do you see their officer?

Let's take him out

I've got him in my sight

Let them get right in front of you



Political Officer

Looking good


Follow me

Remember where he is, he's all yours


Medic, come with me

He's dead

Bring the dead into the mine


Political Officer


Blacky, hang in there


Bandage it

Let's go



Retreat, hurry

Cease fire

Save your ammo


Have a smoke

Come, give me a hand

Help him up, slowly

Eleven dead

Nine wounded

Two seriously wounded won't make it

Forty seven minus eleven

Minus two more

Only thirty four men left

If things keep going like this

we'll all be gone

before we hear the bugle call

Get some men

Carry the dead and wounded into the mine

We'll go in

Forget about the dead

They will be blown apart

if we leave them out in the snow

We won't be able to collect the pieces


Carry the dead and seriously wounded

into the mine

No one could have saved him

If I get wounded like that

Don't bother with the bandages

Save them for someone who needs them

He's in the way

Take him into the mine

This is his letter home

Finish it for him


Your worries are over

Rest in peace

When I was a kid

I tended livestock for a rich family

Take this

I accidentally

lost their pony

The old bastard

beat me with a club

After I got home

my father was even angrier

He beat me with a long pole

My family had half an acre of land

We had to hand over half of it

That's not him

I remember he was an officer

Take care of the fields

Look after our elders

It's getting cold

Don't let our son play near the well

The ice is slippery

Don't let our son near the livestock

Don't let him walk behind them

I don't want him injured in the wrong place

Political Officer

That'll do

That's all for now

I'll add a good ending

Wishing the entire family

peace and happiness

Not bad

After the war

I'm going back home

What about you?

I'm not going back

I've got to make something of myself first

At least I have to get
the land back for my dad

Over there

It's him

Is he wearing a watch?


Now Captain will know what time it is


Don't move




He got a watch for you

Who told you to go?


We saw your watch was broken

Trade a life for a watch?

For a watch

Is it worth it?


Hang in there

Enemy tanks


Move Lu into the mine

Fire after the tanks get closer


Get the Molotov cocktails ready

Bring them over here

Bring out the mountain gun

Demolition Team

Get the explosives ready

Hurry, wait for my orders

Aim at the infantry behind the tank


Point it this way, hurry

Load the shell

When I say fire, pull the cord

Will I be okay?


You'll be okay

You'll be fine

It's cold

So cold


So cold


Warmer now?




Get down




Give me the torch

Take it



Don't throw the grenades

Let us get over there first

Go that way, now


It's too dangerous, come back


Get away









Listen to me

I just heard the assembly bugle call


My hearing is not good

What did he say?

He heard the bugle call

You heard the bugle call?


They played the assembly

Who else heard it?


Did you hear it?

Tell me if you heard it

I did

Assembly was played

It's been playing all along

You're deaf, you didn't hear it


Let's go

Get us out of here

Did you hear the bugle call?

The bugle call?

When was it sounded?

Who else heard it?

Did you two hear it?

Did you hear it?

Political Officer

Political Officer

Tell Captain how many of us are left

Thirty two dead


Thirty two dead

Our company has fifteen men left

Six are seriously wounded

We're all who's left

The two in the mine took care of themselves

I have always listened to you

Listen to me this time

We have to leave

If we don't go

we'll all die

He said

we always listen to you

Listen to him for once

Let's get out of here

If we don't

we'll all be killed

Wang Jincun

You're the 9th Company's Political Officer

I want to hear your advice

Did you hear the bugle call?

I didn't

I didn't hear it


You want us all to die?

Why don't I just kill you now

I also didn't hear it

What are you trying to do?


Are they still fighting across the river?

Is our Regiment still there?

All our troops retreated long ago

If anyone dares run away

my grenades will follow you


Since when did you become...

so courageous?

Back off

Sergeant Jiao

Sergeant wants us to make it out alive

Sergeant Jiao

Sergeant Jiao

I never heard the bugle call

I haven't heard a thing

I can't order a retreat

Sorry, guys

Carry him into the mine

Leave a space for me next to him

Leave if you heard the call

I won't stop you

I didn't hear it, so I'm staying

Let's get the explosives ready

These were written by our dead brothers

Some are martyrs

The rest are mine


If you're scared, start yelling

It works

The entire 9th Company

was sacrificed in the battle,

only Gu Zidi survived.

The People's Liberation Army found Gu

unconscious and heavily wounded.

As he was dressed in enemy's uniform,

he was captured as a POW.

His wounds have healed well

His hearing has nearly been

restored to normal

Two of the three broken bones have settled

His shell shock is quite severe

He is emotionally unstable

Still unnerved from the trauma

Over there

Doctor Zhang

Do you think he's telling the truth?

Could he be lying on purpose?

It's hard to tell

But he's in a better mood today

Wang, the noodles look good

I told you already

My name isn't Wang

Okay, I'm sorry

Then what's your name?

Gu Zidi

As in "son of the army"?

Gu Zidi

No, it means "millet field"

You should know

The registration records are clear

The 85th Army, 254th Division

2nd Battalion, 5th Company, Private Wang

That wasn't my uniform

The name on the uniform

Has nothing to do with me

It was never my uniform

Then why were you wearing it?

I already told you a thousand times

It was too late to retreat

I was hiding out in an old mine

I climbed out to look for something to eat

Didn't I have to change my uniform?

While I was looking for food

I also blew up their ammo transport

You blew out those tanks

Who saw it?

What are you laughing at?

You want to screw with me, too?

Lucky for you we didn't meet in battle

You're blessed by your parent's good deeds

Go light incense for them

What losers

You were captured on

the Wen River's south bank

Will you admit to that much?

I was in the advanced guard of

the 139th Battalion

I was ordered to secure the south bank

I was with my troops

You mean...

before we took you prisoner

the enemy had already taken you prisoner

Is that right?

Taken prisoner?


The unit you told me no longer exists

All unit numbers were changed last year

Didn't you know?

The Central Plains Field Army changed

to the 2nd Field Army

This hospital belongs to the 3rd Field Army

It was previously called

the Eastern China Field Army

We can't find the Division

you said you belonged to

We have no way to confirm what you say

It's also not the hospital's duty to do so

The 2nd and 3rd Field Divisions

are all preparing the next campaign

Do you follow me?

What do you mean?

Stop messing around

I sympathize with you but it won't help

Your wounds have mostly healed

Get your travel pay and hurry back home

The hospital will issue you a pass

Travel pay and passes are only given to POWs

You don't have to go home

You can go look for your troops

If you think you can find them

I entered the army in 1939

I fought the Japs and then the Nationalists


I'll be real blunt

This field hospital

can't verify your true identity

You'll only be a burden to our hospital

In addition

What good would come of it for you?

We've identified other men of your age

Pretending to be a Private

Some were Generals

Others were Colonels

I hope you'll recover soon

Any artillery men?

Has anyone served in artillery?

You're all soldiers


I was

in artillery

How many years were you in artillery?

Not that long

But long enough

What kind of artillery have you used?

The normal kind

Barrels are at least...

What artillery do you have here?

Are you from Central Field?

That's right

And you have done artillery?

Sure have

I've even blown up tanks

He doesn't seem like it

What's the traverse range of a howitzer?

Minus five degrees, straight 45 degrees

This is the range for what?

How old are you?


Our Captain fought the Japs in 1940

He's been in the army as long as you


Give him some money

Tell him to scram

Yes, sir

You old dog

Come on
What's he laughing at?

He's asking you

Why are you laughing?

One of my men used to eat flapjacks like that

He was always stuffing his mouth

When the battle was over

he ended up not making it

Let him stay

1951, Hoengsong-gun, North Korea

Yes, sir



Yes, sir

The American tanks

are assembling across the bridge

The Division Commander

ordered us to get behind the enemy line

And post a lookout

We'll blow them to pieces

before the main attack


I'll go right over

I need two men from the Scout Platoon

The Scout Platoon is out locating

the enemy's front line

Then transfer over two guards

I will go, too

I can't do much with artillery

I can be of more use

as a foot soldier

Get the enemy's uniform

then we can get up closer


The American's uniform?

Would you pass as one?

Get the South Korean's


I stepped on a mine

Don't move

Walk back along your footsteps

Keep an eye on the road

Don't come over

It won't explode unless you move your leg

Don't worry about me

Continue on with the others

I wouldn't know which way to fire

They know

A tank

An American tank

Just leave me

Don't get yourselves killed


Put the guns down

Put them down

We are the allied troops

Er Dou


This uniform decides if we make it out alive

Sir, look up ahead

Hold your fire, hold your fire

On our side, on our side

Keep moving it ahead forward

But we don't know how to speak Korean

We don't speak Korean

The Americans speak even less

Where's Hoengsong-gun?

How do we get to Hoengsong-gun?

(Chinese gibberish trying to sound Korean)

No, no

Where is Hoengsong-gun?


Yeah, yeah


Stop messing with him

How do we get there?

He stepped on a landmine

He's on a landmine

Don't move your foot

It's not your lucky day

Looks like a French anti-personnel mine

If you're lucky

Just the leg get blown off

I know this will blow my leg off

Well, good luck to you

You're gonna need it

Let's get out of here

They have more important things

to worry about than us
Stay still


Stand still

Stand still

Lift up your foot


What will happen?

I've got a plan

You are the eyes of dozens of cannons

Lift your foot and walk away


It might cost me a leg

But you'll be blown to pieces

You know what?

I can't even hear the artillery sound

The assembly call keeps ringing in my ears

It never stops playing

All my men heard it

I was the only one who didn't

I might as well be dead

Then I could see my 47 brothers


You can't die

Hurry the fuck up

03, this is 01, over

Order the battalion to blow up the bridge

Aim at 475

075 to the right

Fifth Company, four cannons


Minus five

003 to the left


On my command

All fire



Let's go

Lead us out of here

If we don't go

we'll all die

If the bugle hasn't sounded

even if you're the last man standing

you must keep fighting

1955, Wen River Battle Site

Li Fucai

Killed in action

700 catties of rice


Man Di, Zhang Wancai,

Xu Fugui, Zhang Shunxiang

Missing in action

200 catties

They're not missing in action

They were war heroes

Five men came from my village

Three got killed

Two are deemed heroes

And my brother?
Missing in action

That's not fair

Yeah, so unfair


Please be fair

My brother didn't come home from the war

Wasn't he killed in action ?

He's still dead either way

But he's got to die for a reason

The family of a hero gets 700 catties of rice

Families of the missing in action

get 200 catties of rice only

A difference of 500


? hat kind of gun is this?

Haven't seen it before

I wonder what this is


Let me ask you a question

Are you from the local military office?


Has anyone come looking for troops from

Central Field's 2nd Special Division?

Central Field's 2nd Special Division


This is your department

Have there been?

Central Field's 2nd Special Division?

So many troops have come back

I can't remember

Hey, Comrade

Take a look at this

What kind of gun is this?

British 77

I used this in guerrilla warfare in Pingxi

Hard to use

My husband's name was Wang Jincun

Troops from our town saw him in Yang village

He was a teacher

His letters said he didn't

fight in the front line

In war, it doesn't really matter

whether you fought in the front line or not

He's either dead, ran away, or taken prisoner

That's why he's missing


People from town keep gossiping

And say he was executed by his own troops

His mother died with shame

Excuse me

Your husband was Wang Jincun?


I was his Captain

Battlefields lined both sides of

the Wen River

Hundreds of thousands of troops

were assembled here

And if all the reinforcements

were added together

they'd outnumber everyone in this county

Of course
Many people died

This should be the place

But it looks completely different


Any entrances to the old mine?

There's one below, it collapsed

Take me to it

Let's go

This isn't it

Are there any other entrances?

This is the only one left

The others were destroyed in 52'

Were any bodies found?

Not that I heard

My men were all lying inside

You didn't see them?

They were all lying inside

Why couldn't you see them?


Calm down

Did you find this helmet here?

This? We've got tons of them

The miners pee in them at night

These were worn on the heads of soldiers

And you pee in them



Don't listen to them

Your husband was a good man

I can prove it

I can prove it

He shed his blood on this soil

I can prove it



I will prove that my brothers

are buried under this mountain of coal

I will prove it to them

I'll prove it

He was studying at
the provincial teacher's college

He left without saying a word

His mother missed him so much

She became ill

and never got out of bed again

At first

we received letters from him

After receiving his last letter

on August 13, 1948

I never heard from him again

He wrote to you everyday

His clothes were filled with letters


tell me how he died

Please tell me

He was very clean

His hair was always perfectly combed

He looked the same when he died

He was hit by a tiny bit of shrapnel

About this big... on a fatal spot

You couldn't see the wound

He looked as if he was sleeping

His hair looked perfect



There's no point in looking

Not a single one has a name

They're all anonymous soldiers

Their parents gave them names

How did they become nameless men?

Where is he?

Reporting, sir

He's squatting over there

Er Dou

I've come to see you

Of course, why else would you come?

Easy does it, Flapjack

You know you're going blind

What if you fell into the river?

Not so hard

Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Not so hard, you'll choke me

Your troops are watching

What are you smiling at?

No smiling allowed

Yes, sir

Don't forget

This is my blood brother

Who is that?
Come over

Let me introduce you

Sun Guiqin

My Political Officer's wife


I'm Zhao Erdou


He's the Colonel I told you about

He's just like me, uneducated

In artillery school, he could never sleep

He ended up getting kicked out

I applied to leave

Stop making things up

She went to the County looking

for her late husband

How could she find him if I couldn't?

I brought her here to ask for your help

I know you can help

How can I help?

She has a fever

Must have gotten sick from the rain

Hurry and help get her stuff


Get the car

Is her temperature down?

It's down

It was over forty degrees


You haven't slept?

I dozed off
I had them make some noodles

What are you laughing at?

That's for the girl

But you didn't bother to ask if I'm hungry?

Take it

I'll order some more

It's no big deal


I'm just messing with you


I came to ask for three favors

First get me another job transfer

I'm not going home

A retirement home for veterans

was built by the Wen River

Forget it

You can't stay in a place like that

It'll turn you into a ghost

If you don't want to go back home

transfer your work papers here

You can stay with me

You're not my son

Why should I stay with you?

You can be my godfather, okay?

A piece of that landmine

is lodged in your skull

Sooner or later you'll go completely blind

What will you do then?

No more bullshit

Stay here
Stay with my regiment

Do whatever you want here

Look at your power

Go on

In North Korea, you made a promise to me.

You said you'd help me

find my troops after the war


Millions of soldiers

Troops who lost entered new units

Even if we think the world of ourselves

we're just like drops in a river

Why would they care about us?

They don't care

We must care about it

Tell me the truth

That report I made

Did you ever pass it up the line?

Of course I did

But I'll bet it just got stuck in the pile

They said

the headquarters received

many letters like yours

Hundreds of thousands of them

They couldn't open them all

Be patient

Is she awake?

Not yet

Report when she's awake

Yes, Colonel

I've said the first two

There's one more


I found a wife for you


She's down with a fever

Stop kidding around

How about it?

You don't like her because she's a widow?


I'm no golden boy myself

It's just not right

Seems right to me

I think you should be with her

We're brothers

So I'll be blunt

A blind person doesn't deserve such a woman

It wouldn't be fair to her

Tell me

What does her face look like?

A beauty

I can't see clearly what she looks like

If she is so beautiful

it's a waste to leave her with me

Tell her what you should

If you can't find the words

I'll talk to her when she's better

Listen to your brother

She cherishes a loved one that's passed away

She will devote herself to a living one



What do you want for dinner?


If during the holidays

A few of us friends

Can celebrate together

We will remember

All the memories we treasure

A song filled with joy

We will remember

All the memories we treasure

A song filled with joy

At the end of the battle

You were the only one left standing?

That's right

I was the only one left

How'd you get the enemy's uniform?


We need to know in detail

the order of events

After all this time

you are still missing the point

Since you claimed to be the only one alive

Who is to verify your story?

What else do you want to know?

Just tell me

I want to hear it out


you intentionally snuck into

the enemy's ranks

How did you do it?

Why did you do it?

What were you thinking?

Did you consider the consequences?

We hope you will take

these questions seriously

The Party needs to make the record straight

and you need to make the record straight

Your employment is registered in our county

It is our duty to review our cadres

Comrade Gu Zidi

Take your time

Before you answer

Think it through

Try to remember

No rush

I've said all I can say

What else do you want to know?

Please answer the questions I just asked

Fuck you

What did you say?

I said, fuck you

Watch your mouth

Comrade Gu

You must calm down

You are full of shit, and I am to be calm?

You are responsible

for your words and actions

I've already died hundreds of time

Who cares about this bullshit?

Write this down

Take down what he just said

Don't just take down my words

Write this down as well

He can take care of himself

This is outrageous


Absolutely ridiculous

He's got a bad temper


See the two officials off

Give my regards to the Director


Try to cooperate

Don't be like this

It's not fair

It's so unfair


You can't see your way around

Don't come up here

My eyesight is poor, but my nose is keen

If the forest caught on fire

you wouldn't see it

but I'd be able to smell it

Nice view



Look towards the road


They've been found

What's been found?

Er Dou just got the notice


They found your old regiment

My girl

Er Dou isn't fooling around with me?

No, it's true

You mustn't fool around

It's true

Come back with me

What's wrong?

Be careful

It's true

You must not fool around

Memorial Cemetery for the War Heroes

Director Qin

Thanks for waiting

Colonel Zhao

Thanks for coming

This is the person I told you about

Our battalion's hero

Volunteer soldier, Bronze Star

for distinguished service


It would be better to say

I'm the Central Plains Field Army's

Special 2nd Division

139th Battalion, 3rd Regiment, 9th Company,

Captain Gu Zidi
I've come to report to Colonel Liu

This is Director Qin from

the Chemical Defense Regiment

He is handling the cases associated with

the 139th Regiment

Comrade Gu

On behalf of
the regiment's Political Officers

I welcome you

Your regiment is the same as

the old 139th Regiment?

Not entirely

Our regiment now includes

Part of the Western Henan's Training Corps

And a part of the old 139th Regiment

We haven't been able to handle

all of the Regiment's cases

We checked the MIA name list

from the Wen River mission

Your name was listed

Colonel Liu

was transferred to
the Branch Military Cadre Academy

as the Deputy Commandant

After the Korean War started

he re-entered combat duties

as Deputy Commander of the 280th Division


Captain Gu

You are?


I'm Liangzi

I am managing the Memorial Cemetery here

You don't recognize my voice?

I was the regiment's Bugler

You twerp

You're still alive

During the fifth campaign

he led two infantry battalions

to cover the division's retreat

When it came time for our own retreat

it was already too late

More than five hundred men died

Only thirty escaped alive

His back was blown apart

I had to carry him back

He was in the hospital

for more than half a month

but he didn't make it

Why not retreat earlier?

The transmitter had been destroyed

We never received the retreat order

We couldn't do anything about it

They could only keep pounding forward

He's one tough son-of-a-bitch

Trained by the old school

Stubborn ass


No one sent to the old mine survived

How did the Regiment evaluate this?

After the battle,

Commissar Zhang inspected the area himself

He couldn't find anyone, dead or alive

Everyone was listed as MIA

My ears belong on pigs

I never heard your assembly bugle call

Some troops heard it

but I never heard it

I've always felt guilty about this

But I never blew the assembly call

They all heard it

I never played it


I'll tell you one more time

I never played the assembly bugle call

Why not?

The Regiment suddenly received

the order to retreat

At that time

you were in the old mine

holding up a lot of the enemy

If we ordered your retreat

the entire regiment may have been

in serious trouble


even wiped out by the enemy

Colonel Liu

Never ordered the assembly call to be sounded

You were afraid of being wiped out?

You were afraid of being wiped out?

What about us?

The 9th Company



The Colonel felt terrible about this

Even on his death bed

he talked about nothing but you

I was with the Colonel

for more than ten years

He was a good person

Blame me instead

I never played the Assembly

Not for the Colonel nor for the 9th Company

I'm so sorry



The Colonel is dead

The Colonel is dead

You were afraid of being wiped out

The entire 9th Company was wiped out

Let me apologize for the Colonel

I am the only one left

I beg you

Brothers of the 9th company

Colonel Liu offers his deepest apologies

I wish I was wiped out long ago

Damn Liu

I was waiting for your bugle call

My men were always waiting for your call

They died one by one.

Waiting for your call

Gu Zidi

Why can't you just let go

People die, it's part of war

Lots of soldiers died, not just your company

Let me remind you

I was Colonel Liu's bodyguard

I still am to this day

If you don't stop this nonsense

I'll rip your head off

What are you doing?

This is the Memorial Cemetery

I didn't want you to go down the road

But you would not listen

Aren't you just picking on your own wound?

All his men died

He's been searching for them all these years

He won't hurt anyone by shouting

What's done is done

Don't bring it up again

You, too

Calm down

Liu, my man

I'm not...

I can take the fact

that the call wasn't sounded

But all my men

My forty seven brothers

all fought to death bravely

How could they be called MIA?

You are buried here

Who can prove what really happened?

Repeat the orders

By tomorrow twelve noon

no matter what it takes

we must secure the old mine

on the southern bank

What else?

Always listen for the Assembly bugle call

Fall back when you hear it


Have a good rest

I'll bring you cigarettes

and wine from now on

We share the same fate

You go first

I'll catch up with you soon

Just wait for me there patiently

What are you digging for?


What bodies?

Dead bodies

Do you have permission from the mine?

Let go

What are you really up to?

Did you ask for permission?

If you didn't, then you can't dig here

Let go of me

You can't dig here

Let go

This old soldier has lost his mind

He's crazy

This old man is crazy

Comrade Gu Zidi
You're obstructing
the mine's economic development

You are a decorated veteran

You should know better

It's been more than a month

He keeps digging like crazy

He's interfering with our schedule

to store the coal

Soon snow will cover the mountains

We must finish storing the coal on time


You can report any issues to your superiors

Just don't make trouble here

I've written nine letters

Asking others to help me dig

No one responded

Even if we all helped digging

And removed the mountain of coal

What if there's nothing underneath?

Then just bury me there

I told you he was crazy

Let him be then

Just don't let him get hurt

Send him food at meal breaks

Don't let him starve


Get back to work, hurry

He lives here

It's one of the miner's huts

Is there heat?
Fire. Otherwise he'd have frozen to death

This veteran must really be suffering




With Liangzi's help

Er Dou found the 139th

Regiment's Commissar Zhang

He realized you were still alive

And that your men were all killed in battle

He wanted to meet you

The military gave an official notice

to the local government

Your eyesight is poor

I'll read it to you



I have to wash my face first

Wen River Military Official Notice

Regarding the Central Field

Army's Special 2nd Division

139th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company

Notification of the Martyrdom

of Revolutionary Heroes

The Local Government of Wen River County

Wen River County War Hero Cemetery

In accordance with the recommendation

of our leaders

The People's Liberation Army

Formerly the Central Field Army,

2nd Special Division

139th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company,

Political Officer
Wang Jincun

Lieutenant Jiao Dapeng

Soldiers Luo Guangtian

Lu Kuangou

Jiang Maocai

Gong Liangguo

Meng Shilin etc. Forty seven soldiers

In the Wen River Battle

during the Civil War in 1948

Honorably completed their field duty

All died as heroes

For the liberation of the Chinese people

They sacrificed their lives

Now they are posthumously decorated

as revolutionary heroes

Special Official Notification

People's Liberation Army

Wen River Military, Political Office

December 19, 1956

My brothers

Why can't I find you?

Come out for a breath of air, my brothers

The 9th Company

In three defensives against the enemy

Destroyed two enemy tanks

And killed many enemy troops

Including Captain Gu Zidi

Forty seven men

All perished

No survivors

Political Officer
Wang Jincun


The lunar calendar's 4th day of December

The enemy is attacking again


Do we have any ammo left?

I can't move my leg

The enemy must not get their hands

on our brothers


I didn't disgrace you, did I?

We'll be brothers in our next life

In the winter of 1958,

a reservoir was built

on the south bank of the Wen River

for an irrigation project.

During the construction,

the bodies of forty seven men

were found inside a collapsed mine tunnel.

9th Company, Monument of 47 Soldiers

Reporting, sir

Central Plains Field Special 2nd Division

139th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company,

Captain Gu Zidi


My company

was dispatched to the old mine

on the south bank of the Wen River

to intercept the enemy's 254th Division

We destroyed three enemy tanks

And killed many enemy soldiers

Except for Captain Gu Zidi

All forty seven men were killed

Not one survived

This concludes my report

Thank you

9th Company is assembled

for your review

In the battle of Wen River

the 9th Company resolutely followed orders

Honorably completing its duty

All soldiers in the 9th Company are awarded

Medals of Valor

Heroes of the 9th Company

You can all rest in peace

Present arms







Parade rest


Yes, sir

Sound the bugle call

Yes, sir

Guzidi passed away

at the Wen River's Retirement Home

at the age of 71.

When he was only three months old, his parents

starved to death while fleeing from famine.
A shoemaker found him lying
in a millet field (guzidi)

and named him after the place

where he was found,

as he was left with no name.

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