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Vergara, Nezer Byl P.

Readings in Philippine History 8/17/20

Reflection Paper
I enjoyed reading the PowerPoint slides that were available on Google Classroom. They

were about the geography of the Philippine archipelago, its early inhabitants as described by the

scientific theories, and the Biblical narrative and its relationship to the early inhabitants of the

Philippines. I have read that the Philippine archipelago has only two seasons: wet and dry.

Different combinations of these two seasons are experienced in the country (Types 1-4). Even

though there are only two seasons in the country, I do not find them boring. I have observed that

although Filipino people in general want to experience snow to some extent, they are still pretty

much contented and happy with these two seasons. When typhoons and heavy rainstorm come,

Filipinos can still smile despite their homes getting destroyed. I have realized, just from learning

that the Philippines has only two seasons, that Filipinos are examples of contented, positive, and

happy people, and that I should learn from us.

I have also learned many valuable things from the reading of “Our Early Ancestors”. One

of the most intriguing things I found out was that our early ancestors came from the same

population. This, for me, strengthens the truth of the Bible. The main problem for me about the

study of the early ancestors, fossils, and stones, was how the scientists determined their ages. I

don’t think there is an instrument that can determine the age of a stone or fossil because the most

accurate instrument that we have today in finding out the age of a fossil through carbon dating is

not truly accurate and reliable. I have realized that the accepted scientific theory that explains the

origin of man is very different from the Biblical narrative, and this contrast and the popularity of

the scientific theory (evolution) tells me how good of a deceiver Satan is.
Comparing creation and scientific theory (evolution):

- The age of the earth is only around 6,000 years old
- God made the earth and everything in it (animals, trees, man, etc.) in only 6 days.
- Humans originated from Adam and Eve, the first humans. They were made by God on
the 6th day.
- Humans evolved from apes.
- The earth was over a billion years old.
- All life came from a single universal common ancestor that lived billions of years ago.

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