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Give a title to your artwork:

Describe in detail your idea and concept of The artwork will be a self portrait on an a4
your artwork. paper.

Think about a message that you want to I want to convey myself, this painting will be
convey through your painting. hwo i represent myself

Describe in detail how your idea is going to It will not be overly complex but it will have
be visually expressed. sufficient detail that it will resemble me, it
will be drawn only with a pencil and will not
be coloured

Choose at least one of the artist below and ??

describe how are you going to be influenced
by his/her style:

● Henri Rousseau
● Frida Kahlo

Make a list of the elements of art that you 1. Texture

are going to use. Describe how you are 2. Line
going to incorporate the elements of art in 3. Space
your drawing /painting . 4. Value
5. form

Describe the color scheme that you are I will not be using colors
going to use for the drawing /painting.

Make a list of the Principles of art/design 1. Balance

that you are going to use. Describe how you 2. Emphasis
are going to incorporate the elements of art 3. Proportion
in your drawing /painting ? 4. White space

Size - How big is your painting to be? About the size of an a4 paper

Materials: Make a list of the materials that A4 paper

you will use for the creation of the painting. Pencil

Think/Describe the impact that your The artwork is made to portray me so it will
artwork will have on the audience. show the audience how i perceive and draw

Is your artwork going to be temporary or temporary


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