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Pronate’s Guide to Custom Weapons

So, based on my analysis of every weapon in pathfinder 2, I believe I have cracked the code,

and figured out the formula to make custom, balanced mundane weapons. You want a chain

whip, a flail attached to your head, or just a hammer with trip? Well, now you can make any

weapon balanced, no reflavoring needed. Just remember the rules below, and add the “traits”


● All weapons start with a d6 damage die, as simple one handed weapons, and with one

extra point.

● 1 minor boon is one point.

● 1 greater boon is 2 points.

● 1 major boon is worth 3 points.

● You can go up a die for 3 points.

● Flaws give you extra points as listed in the last column.

● You may only choose one option for each mandatory choice.

● Uncommon doesn’t add or subtract anything, but is usually added to those that follow

the rules, but are on the more powerful side of things. I’d add the uncommon tag to all

weapons made here.

● Cost doesn't matter (unless it has the expensive flaw) but it should cost less then 3gp.

● You may choose to not use all of your points.

● If any die increases past 1d12, whether damage, deadly, or fatal, you may go past

1d12, with 1d8+1d6, 2d8, and 1d10+1d8, but balance is not guaranteed if you do.

Flaw Additional details Dice boost

Loading Usually on ranged weapons 3 points per loading action

Two Only 3 increment on ranged weapons 6 points


Volley As of now, only 30ft. You could gain a 3 points

minor boon or the equivalent for every
extra 10ft and vise versa, but I can’t
guarantee balance.

Expensive Is a level one item, or costs 13gp+. 1 point

Increased 3 points for martial, 5 points for

training advanced

Mandatory choices

You must choose one of each

Damage type



Lethal Non Lethal


Minor Greater Major

Backstabber Agile Attached

Backswing Deadly * Fatal**

Disarm Grapple^ Reach

Finesse Jousting d6*** Unarmed (non hand)^^

Forceful Parry

Free hand Range

Propulsive Trip



Thrown (10 or 20)


Two handed****


*the deadly die is one size higher than the normal dice. It can go higher or lower, but I’d
add/subtract a point for it.
**the faital die is 2 sizes bigger
*** to make the die bigger/smaller, its a point probably, but it’s unpresidented.
**** the 2 handed die is 2 bigger, to make the die bigger/smaller, its a point probably, but it’s

^no weapon with this property exists.

^^this attack does not require an open hand, nor does it make a hand not open, for example, a
kick or a bite.

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