The Discrimination and Social Injustice in The Movie "Never Let Me Go"

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​The Discrimination and Social Injustice in the Movie “Never Let Me Go”

The British film “Never Let Me Go” portrays a very different social structure where clones exist

besides normal humans and their sole purpose is to donate their body organs to their donors.

Their donation would confirm the livelihood of their donors and thus the continuity of the human

race. The movie depicts the clones as normal human beings. They are able to breathe, express

their feelings and emotions and continue to develop their skills and knowledge. The whole

system as depicted in the movie revolves around three distinctive individuals: Katty, Tommy,

and Ruth alongside the other clones with whom they have spent their childhood in “Hailsham”- a

boarding school and finally faced the bitter reality of their fate. The movie “Never Let Me Go” is

not only about cloning, but it is also about the social discrimination and injustice done towards

the clones. It is about their sufferings as human beings because they are a minor community

where their life and death is controlled by someone else. The movie shows how the human

becomes inhuman trying to achieve immortality. “Never Let Me Go” shows the discrimination

based on primary human ideology of survival where clones are puppets in human hands and they

are subject to all sorts of discriminations from their surroundings because they do not have the

right over their survival although they are normal human beings just like the people from the rest

of the world.12

#thesis: ​The last statement of the introductory paragraph is my thesis statement. The statement is
detailed, specific, arguable and related to the context. I have stated the strong, precise and central claim
answering how (because of the social system) and why (human survival ideology) discrimination occurs
through my thesis statement.

​ organization​​: ​One introduction paragraph, four body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. The
whole essay illustrates the central idea made in the thesis and the body paragraphs supports the idea. I
have used a well sophisticated organizational structure to deliver a message in a highly effective way.
The movie highlights the childhood of the clones when they lived a blissful life in a beautiful

boarding house with other children. They had no idea about their predetermined life until one

day their guardian, Mrs. Lucy told them about their fate in a stone-cold scenario. The weather

outside of their classroom was cloudy which gave us a negative feeling about what was about to

happen and we were able to imagine it from the atmosphere of the scene3. She told them that

they were created for a special purpose to serve the society by donating their organs. The

children became silent and shocked and all their hopes and dreams shattered in front of their

eyes. They understood how some external force controls their life. The scenario was a proof that

they were subject to injustice and cruelty of the human nature. They were humans but they did

not have the freedom to live and the right of secular identity.

The clones in the movie are normal humans but despite that, they do not have equal rights as

members of the society. They are born with the same fate as others around them and they are

subject to discrimination of their biological pairs who appears to be God to them. They accepted

the cruelty of the Earth. In the movie, Ruth fulfilled her destiny and she died. The movie ends

with Tommy in the surgery table recalling his life in his final moments and Kathy with one

month in hand before she fulfills her fate. The movie interprets clones as another human race and

makes us realize how human beings shows racism towards their own race by not giving them

equal rights although there is no biological dissimilarity between the two races.

#critique​​: By paying close attention to the cinematic techniques, expressions, and postures I tried to
understand what message was the movie was trying to communicate to us. The cinematography of the
movie made the story richer and gave us an in-depth emotion that helped to incorporate our feelings with
the characters.
Injustice and discriminations have been prevailing in the societies for long. When someone is

facing social injustice, their thoughts and feelings are not taken into consideration and the racist

people do not treat them as sensitive beings. In the movie, the characters have expressed the

emotions at different times. The movie established them as emotional beings. They show love,

and hatred to each other. They are brave as well as they are fearful. Many years later when Kathy

and Tommy were in love, they came to know from other couples that if some cones fall in love

they get few more years to survive. Then they visited the owner of the gallery with the hopes of

living some more years. But their hopes were shattered when they found it was all lie. Their grief

and deep silence within themselves showed us that like normal human beings they had feelings

and they also had the right to live. The movie gives a message that human greed does not

understand love. Humans for their own sake can even give up on their loved ones. The love of

Kathy and Tommy bore no meaning to their donors. The sad truth is revealed at the end of the

movie, social injustice does not take into accounts of human emotions.4

Every human being on Earth has the ability to develop their skill through practice and learning. It

is a human born quality. Dedication and efforts can take someone to their gateway of success.

The clones in the movie are no different than that because they are also humans like us. They can

learn and create art which is an evidence that they also go through the development process like

normal people. For example- In an art class. we can see the first artwork of Tommy and after

they grow up we find that his artwork has improved a lot since he left the boarding school. Thus

#evidencebased: ​I have identified and appropriately structured the information needed to support my
argument that clones are biologically similar to human beings which also supports my conclusion.
it shows us two things- Tommy has a soul which he portrays through his artwork and he can

develop and act like a normal being.5

Hence, in conclusion, people want to take advantage of other human beings because of their

own gains. They do not even dare to take away other's lives for their own survival. It is an evil

side of human nature. There is no rational reason for social injustice.6 In the movie"Never Let

Me Go" both the clone and human beings have similarities both physically and mentally. The

clones were created by normal humans to serve their purpose and they would not be alive

without them. The Humans were feeding on the clones to live on Earth. How can this be an

accepted attitude towards others? Isn't it a form of social injustice? Nevertheless, "Never Let Me

Go" is a perfect example of an unfair society where discrimination occurs between two people

of equal identity and rights.

(Word Count - 1023)

​#evidencebased​​: I have provides justification for the evaluation of my claim. It is a new piece of strong
evidence that justifies ​the appropriate identification and use of evidence to support my argument.
​#thesis:​​ This is the conclusion of my thesis statement. Throughout the essay, I tried to find out reasons
why human beings are discriminating their own pairs despite they have similarities and here is the final
answer to my findings- There is no rational reason for human discrimination. People have become
inhumane to ensure the continued survival of their genes.

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