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Rules & Regulations will allow you to keep your head in  How were they applied by Moses and

tough situations. the elders of Israel?__________

There are some golden rules when it comes to o You will have your own rules as ___________________________________
wilderness survival, and much of what well. This is about your survival, so ___________________________________
survivalist courses train on a rules for survival. explore and imagine what you may There are many other ‘laws’ in the Bible. Why
But a part of wilderness survival is not simply need in a wilderness situation. You are these ten laws so significant?
knowing and following those laws but applying can try some ideas even in your daily Moral Laws, Civil/Food Laws,
those laws and guidelines in the making of life, and see if they help or hinder Ritual/Ceremonial Laws 1-
personal laws and or deciding which laws have you, and if you can follow the rules. From Exodus - Deuteronomy to the New Testament
to be followed in what priority. Having Rules & Regulations also means The basic code of Israelite law [Jewish law was
Make yourself some rules – commandments setting a course to use your strengths, and to develop in the post-exilic period] is found in
and laws in the wilderness overcome your weaknesses and in doing so the books of Torah; the first five books of the
o Keep track of time. This will help you to protect your life. Bible.
plan and measure resources. If you are
traveling in the wilderness, keeping The Ten Commandments Moral or mishpatim laws - Based on God's holy
track of time is sometimes the best way – Exodus 20, nature are regulations on justice, respect, and
to appreciate the distances you are Deuteronomy sexual conduct, and includes the Ten
covering, and to warn you about getting Let’s go through the Commandments. This includes also the ‘law
off track. Ten Commandments! under Christ’ [ref. Galatians 6:2, Matthew
o Keeping a routine. This will help you We may see the Ten 5:17 & 18, Romans 6:15]
manage resources efficiently, and make Commandments as a ______________________________________
adjustments in order for the resources list of spiritual rules, ______________________________________
last the whole journey. This will remind or even good rules for ______________________________________
you to do important things like keeping daily living (and not
clean, eating regularly and also keep to altogether ‘spiritual’). Ceremonial/Ritual Laws pertain to the
a ration schedule if needed, and taking They are given after Covenant(s) and religious/commemorative
time for reflection and assessment; this one short journey through a small wilderness feasts [ref. Genesis 17:10, Exodus 20:24, Deut.
is the time for prayer. , but before a long journey through a much 16:10 Lev. 11:4-8]. In the New Testament we
o Set daily or even hourly goals. It is larger wilderness. view much of this law as fulfilled in Christ, and
hard to always be looking to the final  How might these commandments so we celebrate the new covenant in Jesus
destination. Daily goals, however small, apply to the immediate journey the through the Sacraments [ref. John 1:29,
break down the journey into Israelites were taking? Galatians 3:24-25, Hebrews 9-11]
manageable steps that can be celebrated ____________________________________ ______________________________________
and allow you to measure your pace. ____________________________________ ______________________________________
o Self-promises. Different than goals; ____________________________________ ______________________________________
promises are the prepared response to  Which commandments seem most
trouble, struggle and loss in the journey. appropriate for a survival situation? Civil or Halakha Law is ‘the way of walking’;
Not everything can go according to ____________________________________ rules for living that are directed by the
plan, and prepared response to trouble ____________________________________ 1
See – Phillip S Ross “From the Finger of God: The
Biblical and Theological Grounds for the Threefold
Division of the Law” (Fearn: Mentor, 2009)
Deutero–Canon law [ref. Deut. 31:24-26] , but church, and have been a part of Christian with little water and a small amount of
grow to include the experience of God’s people faith since its earliest times. provisions. Surviving the blaring sun,
in the living out of their faith[ref. John 14:4-6, Continuing the tradition of Halakhal Law,
battling dehydration and constant shark
15-21]. the Church has developed statements of
______________________________________ belief ranging from the very simple and encounters, Callahan found solace in the
______________________________________ straight-forward; to the complex and Dorado fish that hung around his raft
Jesus & and the ‘Golden Rule’ comprehensive texts about the faith pf constantly—his “doggies”. Seven times
[ref. Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, Luke 10:25-28] particular denominations. Some examples he shot flares at passing ships only to be
How is this law connected with the ten are” left in in frustration.
commandments?  Apostles Creed [200-900 AD] After 76 days and floating 1800 miles,
_____________________________  Creed of Nicaea & Nicene Creed
[325 & 381 AD]
he was finally found by some fisherman
________  Chalcedonian Creed [451 AD] who rescued him, but unfortunately
With the rest of the laws of the people of  The Westminster Confession of Faith caught all of his beloved “doggies.”
Israel? [ref. Deut. 6:5, Lev. 19:18,34, ] [1646]
______________________________________ {
 Living Faith [1984]
______________________________________ STEVEN CALLAHAN history/}
When Jesus is tempted in the wilderness, how
does Jesus refer to the law as his rule against
temptation? 3
Does that law apply to us still today?
_________ Wilderness Survival
______________________________________ Lenten Bible Study

Confession &and
Creeds This man of the sea found himself
The Church is in quite the predicament when a
guided through its whale bumped his sail boat in the
confession, taking middle of the night during a lone
the form of creeds. expedition. Callahan’s
The statements of
boat, Napoleon Solo, slowly sunk to
belief are inspired by the teaching of scripture
[ref. Rom. 10:9, 1 Cor. 12:3] and the life of the the ocean bottom and Callahan found
himself stranded in his inflatable raft
Doesn’t it just seem as though the church is in
survival mode these days. A wilderness of
distraction, detraction and disorientation
threatens to tear the church apart.
How can Christians survive this wilderness?

Journey with us through the weeks of Lent in

God’s Word and our shared wilderness of
experience into a promised land of hope and

Rev. A.D. Sutherland

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