A Literature-Based Study On The Water-Energy-Food Nexus For Sustainable Development

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Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

,- volV)


A literature-based study on the water–energy–food nexus

for sustainable development
José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra1,2 • Issa Ibrahim Berchin1 • Jessica Garcia1 •
Samara da Silva Neiva1 • Ana Valquiria Jonck1 • Rafael Avila Faraco1 • Wellyngton Silva de Amorim1 •

João Marcelo Pereira Ribeiro1

 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

The water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus encompasses complex and interdependent relations and its examination requires content-
specific concepts and approaches. Managing, conserving and maximizing the potential of each component is a major global
concern considering the many challenges to be faced in the 21st century. The aim of this study was to identify, in the literature,
recommendations for public policy, research and development, and practices for the WEF Nexus, aimed at promoting sus-
tainable development considering stochastic and risk elements. In this regard, this paper presents a literature review of the
contribution scientific studies have made toward better understanding the importance of the WEF Nexus in the context of
sustainable development. Research indicates that the WEF Nexus cannot be discussed as independent sectors, highlighting the
need for integrated policies and inter-sectoral and international cooperation to promote sustainable development. Therefore, the
effective management of the WEF Nexus requires science-based data using risk and stochastic elements to assist policy and
decision-making. Thus, in a situation of rapid global changes, decision-making processes for this Nexus must be assisted by
multidisciplinary, multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral approaches, aimed at avoiding the unintended effects of a single sector
approach (e.g., energy policies stimulating hydroelectricity production need to consider factors affecting conservation and food
production). With regard to the effects of climate change on the WEF Nexus, risk and stochastic elements must be considered
when developing a science-based model for the sustainable management of WEF resources.

Keywords Water–energy–food nexus  Climate change  Stochastic elements  Global risk  Sustainable development

1 Introduction

Global population growth coupled with economic and

environmental changes is increasing the demand for natural
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this resources, whilst promoting competition between water,
article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-020-01772-6) con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to autho- energy and food (de Andrade Guerra et al. 2017; Amorim
rized users.
Rafael Avila Faraco
& José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra rafael.faraco@unisul.br
Wellyngton Silva de Amorim
Issa Ibrahim Berchin wellyngton.amorim@gmail.com
João Marcelo Pereira Ribeiro
Jessica Garcia joaomarceloprdk@gmail.com
Samara da Silva Neiva Centre for Sustainable Development (GREENS), University
samara.neiva@unisul.br of Southern Santa Catarina (Unisul), Florianopolis, Brazil
Ana Valquiria Jonck Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural
anajonck15@gmail.com Resource Governance (C-EENRG), University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, UK

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

et al. 2018). This competition between water, energy and development, and practices for the WEF Nexus, consider-
food is causing land-use changes and environmental dis- ing the stochastic elements and the mitigation of global
ruption by increasing greenhouse gas emissions, intensi- risks and their adaptation to promote sustainable develop-
fying climate and environmental changes, causing ment. The first section after the introduction describes the
environmental injustice and limiting the earth’s carrying methodology applied in the research, which was based on a
capacity (Schlör et al. 2017; Bayley et al. 2011; Ozturk bibliometric review of the literature.
2015). The increasing occurrence of natural disasters, lack The second section introduces and contextualizes the
of fresh water (Damerau et al. 2016), intensification of food reader regarding the need to create measures, strategies and
crises and shortages in energy supply (Scott et al. 2011; studies that promote better management of the WEF
Caniato et al. 2017) are increasing the need for research Nexus, so that environmental, economic and social chal-
that contributes to confronting these challenges, encour- lenges can be overcome. The third section is followed by a
aging the maintenance of the world’s natural resources and review of the literature, which was carried out through
providing reliable data to assist decision and policy mak- bibliometric research. The inclusion of articles was based
ing. An integrative strategy to approach water, energy and on the reading of abstracts to identify those which pre-
food (WEF) resources is essential in developing a sus- sented relevant contributions related to the subject of the
tainable and secure future for all (Gulati et al. 2013). research. In this section, the main terms and themes asso-
Natural resources are limited, but they are essential to ciated with the WEF Nexus, such as climate change, sus-
human survival and development. Human actions are tainable development and risks, are discussed.
degrading the environment and exhausting natural resour- The fourth section reports selected case studies from the
ces at an unprecedented rate, and the population is different continents (excluding Antarctica), aimed at
exceeding the Earth’s carrying capacity (Howarth and allowing each region to be represented, further enhancing
Monasterolo 2016). Cooperation between WEF systems the consistency and impact of the study. In the fifth section,
plays a crucial role in meeting future resource demands and the results and discussion are presented, with recommen-
challenges, where the opportunities for mutual benefits dations for adaption to climate change and ways to mitigate
offered by the three sectors are directly provided by the its impact on WEF resources, specifically through public
availability of natural and human resources and their dis- policies, research and development, and appropriate prac-
tribution (Al-Saidi et al. 2017). tices. The final section presents the concluding remarks, an
The increasing interconnection between resources, evaluation of the results and final recommendations of this
generated by high consumption levels, crises in the supply study, including how to manage WEF resources, focusing
chains and the failure of sector-oriented management on efficiency and reducing the competitiveness between the
strategies, reinforces the need for an integrated WEF Nexus components, aimed at providing WEF security and
approach (Al-Saidi and Elagib 2017). The WEF Nexus sustainable development. Based on the literature, the rec-
approach presents probabilistic stochastic characteristics, ommendations include: (i) improved management of nat-
that is, random events can have non-random consequences. ural resources, using innovations in technologies and
The interaction between the three systems requires the techniques to increase the resilience of critical infrastruc-
optimization and appropriate allocation of available ture; (ii) increased engagement of multiple stakeholders to
resources, as well as the creation of policies that can be provide a more effective approach to increase the synergies
created for resource security. of the WEF Nexus; (iii) the use of probabilistic analysis
The WEF Nexus approach aims to promote a rational, and stochastic models to obtain reliable data to assist
efficient and balanced management of natural resources decision-making related to risk management; (iv) greater
and socioeconomic systems, assisted by scientific data investment in research and development to create innova-
(Flammini et al. 2017). The WEF Nexus management tions, technologies, techniques and policies that are sci-
strategy is directly related to global risks, such as extreme ence-based and coordinated among multiple sectors; and
weather events, inappropriate urban planning, large-scale (v) increased interconnection and policy coordination
terrorist attacks, global and regional governance failures among economic sectors, aimed at avoiding unintentional
and the inability to adapt to climate change and demands effects.
for infrastructure. These risks affect the management of
water, energy and food resources, bringing not only local
but also global risks, highlighting the interdependencies 2 Methods
between risks, resource management and the uncertainties
of the international situation (Amorim et al. 2018). A literature review was conducted using the scoping study
The aim of this study was to identify, in the literature, method proposed by Arksey and O’Malley (2005), and
recommendations for public policy, research and further corroborated by Levac et al. (2010). The scoping

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

study was adopted because the aim of this review was to ‘‘Nexus Food-Energy-Water’’ OR ‘‘Nexus Water-Energy-
identify in the literature recommendations for policy, Food’’ OR ‘‘Nexus Water-Food-Energy’’ OR ‘‘Nexus
research and development, and practices for the WEF Energy-Water-food’’ OR ‘‘Nexus Energy-Food-Water’’.
Nexus. The focus was to take into account stochastic ele- For the inclusion and exclusion criteria, due to the limita-
ments, the mitigation of global risks and adaptations to tions of the Google Scholar database in this regard, ‘‘ci-
promote sustainable development, rather than seeking to tations’’ and ‘‘patents’’ were eliminated, and the ‘‘any
answer a specific research question (Arksey and O’Malley time’’ option was selected for the period of analysis.
2005; Levac et al. 2010). Considering the array of themes
involved in the WEF Nexus and that this is an emerging 2.3 Stage 3: Study selection
field of research, a scoping study is appropriate. Therefore,
this review involved the following five stages of a scoping After the pre-selection of the papers applying the inclusion
study. and exclusion criteria in the searches in the databases and
the revision of the abstracts, 347 papers were reviewed and
2.1 Stage 1: Identifying the research question 91 were subjectively selected for the analysis according to
their suitability for this study, based on relevance with
The research question formulated was: What recommen- regard to the research question. These papers were then
dations have been made in the scientific literature regarding organized in an Excel sheet and 27 papers were excluded
policy, research and development, and practices for the due to duplication. Thirty-nine references were subse-
WEF Nexus considering the stochastic elements and the quently added, that is, 6 international declarations and
mitigation of global risks and their adaptation to promote reports, 6 references to support the method and 27 scientific
sustainable development? This research question is further papers.
addressed in the next section. It is important to note that the papers identified and
selected for this study do not include all the existing lit-
2.2 Stage 2: Identifying relevant studies erature on the WEF Nexus (which has increased signifi-
cantly in recent years), but represent the literature relevant
In this stage, the search for studies in the literature was to addressing the research question (a similar approach was
based on the Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science and used by Jandu et al. 2015; den Broeder et al. 2017; Pope
Google Scholar databases. Due to their similarities, Sci- et al. 2017; Bond et al. 2018).
ence Direct and Scopus were analyzed with the same cri-
teria, while Web of Science and Google Scholar were 2.4 Stage 4: Charting the data
analyzed individually. As in systematic literature reviews,
the study adopted inclusion and exclusion criteria, favoring The software Excel was used to organize the data on the
breadth rather than depth in the selection. Thus, the Boo- papers selected. This data was organized in columns by
lean expression was used in this study (water AND energy year, publication title, authors’ names, journal title, number
AND food) AND (Nexus OR security) AND (sustainab* of citations on Google Scholar and the concepts and defi-
OR climate change). nitions attributed to the WEF Nexus and their approaches.
The Boolean expression was used to map papers that
address the relations between WEF even though the word 2.5 Stage 5: Collating, summarizing
‘‘Nexus’’ was not explicitly used, broadening the search for and reporting the results (analysis
papers using the word ‘‘security’’ and focusing on sus- and recommendations)
tainable development or climate change. Regarding the
inclusion and exclusion criteria considered for Science The papers selected supported the literature review, pro-
Direct and Scopus databases, these were a scientific pub- viding the concepts and definitions associated with the
lication (peer reviewed papers published in journals), WEF Nexus, as well as the dimensions it presents. This
written in English, with the Boolean expression appearing stage was aligned with a qualitative analysis of the litera-
in the ‘‘Title, Abstract, Keywords’’. ture selected, identifying elements that support the cate-
For the Web of Science, the study used the same Boo- gorization of recommendations for policy, research and
lean expression (water AND energy AND food) AND development, and practices (as suggested by Arksey and
(Nexus OR security) AND (sustainab* OR climate change) O’Malley 2005; Levac et al. 2010). Table 1 provides def-
to search for relevant papers. initions of the key concepts considered in this study.
In the Google Scholar database, the following combi- The definitions in Table 1 relate to the relevance of
nations were used to select the papers: ‘‘Sustainable these concepts to this study, serving as a structural basis to
Development’’ AND ‘‘Nexus Food-Water-Energy’’ OR obtain a better understanding of the results and avoid

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Table 1 Key concepts derived from the review

Authors Concept Definitions

Vuuren et al. (2015); Rasul and Sharma (2016); Rasul Sustainable Development that meets the needs of the present without
(2016); UN (2018) development compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. Therefore, sustainable development ensures WEF security
for all people at all times, particularly in the context of global
economic, demographic and environmental change, thus,
promoting inclusive and equitable development
Faria et al. (2016), Hussien et al. (2017), Karabulut et al. Climate Climate variations that persist for an extended period and may be
(2017), IPCC (2018) change identified by persistence and trends in variables such as
temperature, precipitation and other weather events
Tirado et al. (2010), Rasul and Sharma (2016) Adaptation The continuous implementation of existing knowledge and
technology in response to changes in specific circumstances
Lawford et al. (2013), Al-Saidi and Elagib (2017) Governance Represents a system model that is context-sensitive and adapted to
local circumstances. Good governance represents the optimal use
of resources and tools, by governments and/or companies, to
increase resilience and promote sustainable development
Sharmina et al. (2016), Schlör et al. (2017) Resilience Represents the capacity to endure and resist crises and challenges,
evolving and adapting to circumstances. A measure of the
persistence of systems and of their ability to absorb change and
disturbance, while preserving their characteristics
Mohtar and Lawford (2016) Community of Refers to a group of people with a common goal and/or
Practice characteristics who debate and share data, knowledge, experiences
and best practices regarding certain issues or challenges, creating
solutions for sustainable development and offering good
governance models. Thus, when composed by multiple
stakeholders, it can provide a powerful governance tool for
sustainable development
Rasul (2014), Endo et al. (2017), Howarth and WEF Nexus The WEF Nexus represents the complex interrelationships and
Monasterolo (2017), Hussien et al. (2017), Simpson interdependencies between systems. It is considered a security
and Jewitt (2019) challenge and good governance of resources is essential for
sustainable development
Olsson (2013), Lele et al. (2013), FAO (2014a) Water security Exists when sufficient amounts of good quality fresh water are
available for human consumption (drinking and sanitation),
agricultural activities and other productive sectors. Therefore,
water security influences food and energy systems
Olsson (2013), Lele et al. (2013), FAO (2014a) Food security Exists when all people have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious
food. Food security requires physical availability and economic
access to food, as well as stability of the supply. It relies on both
water and energy security
Olsson (2013), Lele et al. (2013), FAO (2014a) Energy Exists when all people have uninterrupted access to affordable
security modern energy sources. Energy security influences both food and
water systems, but it is also affected by water insecurity
Maskery and Shinbrot (2005), Deodatis (1990), Brenner Stochastic A stochastic system can be defined as a structural system that uses
and Bucher (1992) elements uncertainty as a base for analysis. It refers to elements that cannot
be predicted from available data and contains random behaviors
Luhmann (1990), Smith and Irwin (2006), Krimsky and Risk elements The term ‘‘risk’’ denotes the possibility that an undesirable state or
Golding (1992) reality (adverse effects) may occur as a consequence of natural
events or human actions. The main elements related to the
prevention of risks are identification, mitigation and reduction

divergent concepts or definitions. The following section 3 Literature Review

details the literature review based on the articles selected in
this section. The WEF Nexus approach gained international attention in
2011 at the World Economic Forum and the Bonn Nexus
Conference (Hoff 2011; Simpson and Jewitt 2019), both
from the point of view of security (Biggs et al. 2015). The

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Nexus concept deals with content-specific issues, which scarcity. The WEF Nexus also provides knowledge that can
results in many variations according to the goals of dif- be used to reduce trade-offs and encourage synergistic
ferent approaches, sectors and regions (Ringler et al. 2013; integration across sectors, avoiding the externalities and
Endo et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2016). The Nexus approach adverse effects arising from considering each sector sepa-
seeks a more coherent use of WEF resources, considering rately. With this approach, it could be possible to mitigate
the interconnections across sectors (Hoff 2011; FAO global risks and promote better integration within the
2014a, b; Sanders and Masri 2016). However, the WEF system by considering stochastic elements (Martinez-Her-
Nexus concept needs to be clearly defined and measurable nandez et al. 2017).
in order to be consistent and avoid narrowness (Wichelns
2017; Chirisa and Bandauko 2015). 3.1 The WEF Nexus for Sustainable Development
The complex interrelations between the individual WEF
systems are represented by the WEF Nexus, and they The WEF Nexus approach provides a systemic multisector
constitute a security challenge which is linked to sustain- perspective to promote sustainable development and meet
able development. Given this context, the development of the challenges imposed by global environmental changes
an integrative strategy to study and address WEF resources (Hoff 2011; Simpson and Jewitt 2019). Therefore, effective
as interdependent sectors for human survival is at the heart management of the Nexus is necessary to achieve the
of the Nexus (Bieber et al. 2018; Spiegelberg et al. 2015; sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United
Bhaduri et al. 2015). Multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral Nations (UN 2015). Currently, mainstream research on
approaches to finding solutions to enhance the resilience of sustainability indicates that the WEF Nexus is considered
societies in dealing with the WEF Nexus in the light of as one of the main issues with regard to reaching a balance
climate and other environmental changes are essential among the economic, social and environmental dimensions
(Spiegelberg et al. 2015; Howarth and Monasterolo of sustainable development (Rasul 2014; Liu et al. 2015). It
2016, 2017; Kurian 2016; Yang et al. 2016). is important to highlight the value of scientific research on
The WEF Nexus is also directly related to global risks, the WEF Nexus, due to its relevance in understanding the
which are systemic risks involving part of an interdepen- increasing demands for WEF resources.
dent system, where there is a lack of probability that the Global cooperation is an important tool to overcome
whole system can be affected accordingly, since all parts institutional and financial constraints affecting sustainable
are connected (Amorim et al. 2018). When dealing with development, which encompasses food security, water
extreme climatic events, global risks can influence the security and energy security (Hanjra and Qureshi 2010;
energetic system, for instance, in cases of storms, land- Engström, et al. 2018). Governments and organizations
slides, floods, and forest fires, which can affect the pro- need to raise awareness of the importance and interde-
duction and distribution of energy globally. Climate events pendence of the WEF Nexus in local communities, so they
can also negatively impact the food supply and food can be prepared to participate in governance processes,
security of vulnerable regions, as well as the water system. increasing their resilience while promoting a sustainable
Events such as floods and landslides can affect rivers and and equitable development (Lawford et al. 2013; Gulati
increase the spread of infectious diseases, due to the et al. 2013; Hang et al. 2016). Particularly in developing
degradation of sanitary conditions, which reduces the countries, population and economic growth, a growing
accessibility of the population to water (Mata-Lima et al. middle class, rapid urbanization, growing demands for
2013; IEA 2015; IPCC 2007). WEF resources, and the expansion of irrigation practices in
In this regard, the WEF Nexus is comprised of complex agricultural production represent significant challenges in
interactions between different sectors at various scales, attempts to ensure WEF security, attain the SDGs and
influencing and being influenced by external drivers, such mitigate and adapt to the impacts of global risks
as social, environmental and economic factors (Hussien (Spiegelberg et al. 2015; Rasul 2016; Al-Saidi and Elagib
et al. 2017; Zhang and Vesselinov 2017; Engström et al. 2017; Amorim et al. 2018).
2018). However, there is no commonly agreed concept of These challenges associated with the WEF Nexus need
the WEF Nexus described in the literature and so it is cross-sectoral coordination to strengthen institutional
difficult to develop, access or implement a Nexus frame- capacity and to promote awareness. Thus, facing them
work for policy or research efforts (Zhang and Vesselinov requires harmonized public policies to define strategies and
2017; Wichelns 2017; Bieber et al. 2018). incentives aimed at the smart and sustainable management
The WEF Nexus requires a systemic view, highlighting of the Nexus (Rasul 2016; Kurian 2016; Al-Saidi and
the importance of integrative approaches to promote WEF Elagib 2017; Markovska et al. 2016). Through a stochastic
security and sustainability, considering the stressors of approach, Karan et al. (2018) found that the elements
climate change, progressive urbanization and resource related to the WEF Nexus present specific needs and one

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

way to reduce the differences is by considering the influ- potable water treatment facilities may not result in a
ence of driving factors in terms of sustainability. Another qualitative restructuring.
possibility is to promote an inter-systems approach, in
which a system can be integrated into one or more systems 3.3 An Integrative Approach Towards
to compensate for its weakness (e.g., import energy from a Sustainable Development
country with excess energy), since integrated systems can
minimize or eliminate periods of resource scarcity. An integrated multi-sectoral, multi-scale and multi-disci-
Therefore, probabilistic analysis and stochastic models are plinary approach is required to obtain comprehensive data
needed to promote reliable data to assist decision-making and formulate holistic solutions to the challenges of the
aimed at good risk management. WEF Nexus in terms of stochastic elements and risks and
promoting sustainable development (Howarth and Monas-
3.2 Climate and Environmental Change terolo 2016, 2017; Hang et al. 2016; Karabulut et al. 2017).
By applying a long-term approach, a well-functioning
Many developing countries rely on agricultural activities international trade strategy could aid in the adaption to the
for the subsistence and income of the local population. This challenges of climate change, along with political reforms
dependence on agricultural production makes these people aimed at reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. The
the most vulnerable to climate change, such as extreme challenge is to implement policies that mitigate climate
weather events, water shortages, droughts, sea-level rise change, while being as unrestrictive as possible. Thus, in
and desertification (Damerau et al. 2016; Berchin et al. order to ensure food security, reforming international trade
2015; Faria et al. 2016), which, in turn, has a major might be the key to stabilizing food supply, while also
influence on precipitation and temperature differences optimizing land and water resources (Hanjra and Qureshi
(Khalili and Nguyen 2018). In the social field, the impacts 2010; Damerau et al. 2016).
of climate change can reduce productivity, causing food, Climate change will further stress the food production
energy and water insecurity that triggers various forms of sector, reducing its productivity and damaging the pro-
collective violence and rising prices (Faria et al. 2016). duction system, through its effects on clean water supply
This can lead to public health problems and famine (Smith and energy generation (Damerau et al. 2016; Khan et al.
et al. 2015), and even forces people to migrate due to 2009). Technology designed for sustainable development
extreme weather events and insecurity (Berchin et al. and enhancing the levels of awareness play important roles
2017). in this process. The lack of engagement of civil society in
Vulnerabilities are also evident in the management of the issue of sustainability is a matter of unawareness;
water resources, which has become more challenging in the people are not well informed about the environmental
context of climate change (Berchin et al. 2015). Worldwide challenges of our society. The solution to these challenges
environmental change is affecting the natural water sys- lies in the dissemination of information and knowledge,
tems. Due to alterations in the water cycle, desertification, whilst engaging people in decision-making (Howarth
floods and droughts occur more frequently, while simul- and Monasterolo 2017; Chirisa and Bandauko 2015).
taneously reducing access to fresh water (Al-Saidi and The WEF Nexus generates both synergies and trade-offs
Elagib 2017; Yu et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2017). When it among multiple sectors (Flammini et al. 2017). The
comes to the WEF Nexus, no measure can be taken without objectives of sustainable development, when it comes to
regard for the interdependency of the three sectors and how the WEF Nexus, can help stakeholders generate, analyze
they affect climate change, since system interaction pro- and disseminate data, increase their knowledge and pro-
motes greater flexibility in addressing issues such as global moting awareness for civil society (Bielicki et al. 2019).
risks and the mitigation of climate change (Karan et al. Good governance has the capacity to assist in the
2018; Simpson and Jewitt 2019). implementation of sustainable development and effective
Givens et al. (2018) applied a stochastic approach in adaptation to climate change, influencing financial mea-
their studies and found that a new metric for the opti- sures (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions) and legal and reg-
mization of solutions to address problems associated with ulatory measures to regulate the exploitation of natural
the WEF Nexus has the capacity to demonstrate the resources and stimulate research and innovation (Berchin
structure of simulating the effects of climate change, et al. 2018). Technological innovations can contribute to
technology development and policies related to the three improving human wellbeing and ensuring sustainable
sectors. The effects of climate change on the proposed development for all. Thus, technological advances must be
power generation technology illustrate the vulnerability of aligned with social engagement and awareness to promote
the power generation infrastructure, where results may sustainable development. In this regard, research and
indicate that the return provided by the energy sector to the development are fundamental since they can support

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

decision-making with updated information on the WEF each region and enhance the consistency and impact of the
Nexus (Lawford et al. 2013). New techniques and tech- study.
nologies are important tools to mitigate climate change and
adapt to its consequences, such as improving crop pro- 4.1 Europe
ductivity, maximizing the efficiency of water use and
treatment, increasing energy efficiency and optimizing The challenges in Europe associated with the WEF Nexus
distribution through local production (Hellegers et al. include: the balance of energy prices to enable farmers to
2008). afford the costs of irrigation, the treatment of water for
Technological innovation contributes to providing use- small towns, the safeguarding of the integrity of rivers and
ful information on the WEF Nexus and its complex inter- other environmental areas, mainly related to hydropower,
relations, providing support for local development and the creation of social awareness (Mayor et al. 2015).
(Martinez-Hernandez et al. 2017) and enabling the moni- Uncertainty is a recurrent factor in WEF management.
toring of progress (Sanders and Masri 2016). Biofuel pro- Therefore, European countries need to develop crisis pre-
duction also plays an important role in discussions on the vention plans and strategies to increase resilience and avoid
WEF Nexus in the context of climate change and sustain- problems related to WEF (in)security (Mayor et al. 2015).
ability, since it requires land, water and energy that could The WEF Nexus approach represents complex relations
be used in food production. However, in the context of among sectors and stakeholders. However, few countries
sustainable development, biofuels represent a resource with have policies and plans to address the WEF Nexus as a
lower environmental impact, including lower emissions of unit. The United Kingdom for example does not have
greenhouse gases, particularly when compared with other policies that address the WEF Nexus interdependencies
sources such as fossil fuels. Nevertheless, in the case of the and, therefore, promote trade-offs between the WEF sec-
interdependence of the Nexus elements, biofuels could tors and strengthen the country’s resilience to climate
have adverse effects on the water and energy systems change (Sharmina et al. 2016). Despite recent progress in
through increased demand, and contribute to food insecu- recognizing the challenges of the Nexus in the European
rity due to land use issues (Tirado et al. 2010; Popp et al. Union, most policies related to resource management
2014). remain (uni)sectoral, leading to mid and long-term chal-
Institutions supported by civil society and business lenges for resource management and climate change
entities should focus their efforts on mobilizing science and adaptation. New policies and decision-making must be
technology toward sustainability. This also supports the guided by dynamism, flexibility, multidisciplinarity and
management of the relations between scientific knowledge science.
and action, while increasing the accessibility, credibility A study with experts from the United Kingdom indi-
and legitimacy of the information produced. The idea is to cated that decision-making in the context of the WEF
apply the knowledge obtained through research to the Nexus requires a multi-stakeholder and transdisciplinary
production sector, aimed at improving the sustainability of approach as a means of evaluation and analysis. This
the WEF Nexus. To achieve this, comprehensive public approach requires the active engagement of stakeholders
policies need to be created based on the interconnectivity from different sectors at all stages of knowledge develop-
of the Nexus approach to sustainability. ment and decision-making (Howarth and Monasterolo
The increased global demand for natural resources
4 Cases from the literature: Europe, Asia, coupled with climate change lead to significant challenges
Africa, America and Oceania in terms of urban planning and sustainability and Europe is
no exception. Munich, for instance, one of the largest cities
The WEF Nexus concept is often recognized as vague in in Germany, is highly dependent on food imports. In this
the literature and there is no consensus on its definition. regard, Gondhalekar and Ramsauer (2016) suggest vertical
Therefore, representing the WEF Nexus in case studies crops as a solution for sustainable food production. Vertical
should help to elucidate its complexity (Wichelns 2017; crops could provide 66% of Munich’s demand for fruit and
Zhang and Vesselinov 2017). Cases from Munich, The 246% of the local demand for vegetables. As positive side
Himalayas, South Africa, Brazil and New Zealand have effects, vertical crops would reduce heat islands, reduce
been selected from the literature to briefly represent the energy consumption and enhance thermal comfort in
WEF Nexus, as presented by Gondhalekar and Ramsauer buildings, therefore reducing the demand for air condi-
(2016), Rasul (2014), Gulati et al. (2013), Mercure et al. tioning in summer. In addition, wastewater could be treated
(2019) and Herath et al. (2011). Thus, one case study per and recycled for human consumption and irrigation, which,
continent (excluding Antarctica) is discussed to represent coupled with rainwater harvesting, could lead to savings of

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

up to 26% of the current freshwater supply. The water consider the competition for natural resources, particularly
saved could be used for vertical crops in urban agriculture. those associated with the WEF Nexus (Keskinen et al.
This integrative WEF Nexus approach could increase the 2015).
city’s sustainability and WEF security, uniting the most Yang et al. (2016) proposed a hydro-economic model
diverse stakeholders in the management of WEF resources, for the Brahmaputra River Basin, to understand the future
resulting in a large and complex system of communication water supply for energy and food production in the basin.
between the actors, allowing the reduction of negative The results indicate that the system is dependent on suffi-
impacts of interdependent risks. cient precipitation in the major Asian river basins to avoid
socioeconomic and environmental crises. However, climate
4.2 Asia change is expected to alter precipitation and temperature
patterns in the region, exposing the region to risks and
Understanding the Nexus in Asia is extremely important, crises. This uncertainty, which may be extended to much of
since the region needs to feed two-thirds of the global the Asian region, is closely related to the WEF Nexus
population and consumes around 59% of global fresh approach. Yang et al. (2016) warned that diversion of water
water. In particular, South Asia has only 3% of the world’s from rivers would leave one or more countries unable to
available land and approximately one-fourth of the world’s guarantee enough water for energy and food production,
population, with 1.6 billion people (Rasul 2014). Thus, mostly affecting the poor, particularly those farming
there is a scenario of complex factors putting pressure on riparian zones.
the region, with a high demand for food production from a To consolidate a sustainable approach to the Nexus
limited amount of land available for cultivation, limited challenges in the region, stakeholders need to develop a
water resources available and relatively high energy prices. transboundary plan considering geopolitical, social, eco-
The increasing scarcity of natural resources coupled with nomic and environmental factors.
the large population in the region threatens natural
ecosystems and intensifies greenhouse gas emissions (Ra- 4.3 Africa
sul 2014; Jalilov et al. 2015).
The Himalaya region, according to Rasul (2014), shows In the case of the study carried out in Africa, the WEF
evidence of different challenges and complexities com- Nexus is considered in the context of climate change from
pared to Europe. This region has a large population, which a different perspective. Besides focusing on resource
is growing, poverty, resource scarcity and limited territory. scarcity, it focuses on the high costs of resources and inputs
The intensive use of water and energy for food production, that challenge WEF security at the household level and
together with greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation, with regard to production systems. A better management of
also threatens ecosystems and increases the risks associated natural resources and good governance, aligned with
with regional development and sustainability. This scenario grassroots innovations, can improve WEF security in the
requires a transboundary approach to face the WEF Nexus region whilst improving sustainable development and
challenges and work toward sustainable development. reducing vulnerabilities for householders.
Through a holistic view of the current situation of regional Davidson et al. (2003) analyzed the effects of climate
and local resource management, effective actions can be change on water management and food and energy pro-
taken to reduce the impacts of possible risks or prevent duction in sub-Saharan Africa. In a context of the African
them from becoming a reality. scenario at the beginning of the millennium, the study
It is important that countries promote the joint man- highlights that Africa is rich in energy and mineral
agement of natural resources to avoid the adverse effects of resources as well as other natural resources. However, their
a unilateral exploitation, particularly in countries that share exploitation is minimal or irrational and the products are
rivers and other resources that cross borders (Keskinen often exported to regions outside the continent. Africa
et al. 2015). The unilateral exploitation of a river by one faces many challenges related to the continent’s poor
country while disregarding the needs of bordering countries infrastructure, weak institutional and administrative
causes insecurity and thus interstate management based on capacity and a falling human development rate since the
the WEF Nexus approach can improve regional security. 1990s. Africa relies on agricultural production both for its
The case study of the Tonle Sap Lake of the transboundary own consumption and revenues from exportation. How-
Mekong River demonstrates that the increasing number of ever, agriculture is at risk due to desertification and the
hydroelectric power plants in the region threatens food competitiveness of international markets. The continent
security. Therefore, the impacts of these hydroelectric needs international aid and developmental policies focused
power plants may be transboundary and require govern- on WEF security (Davidson et al. 2003).
ments from different countries to build public policies that

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Despite the negative prognosis, Africa is changing. In for livestock consumption, reducing the use of fertilizers
Northeast Africa, Ethiopia is investing in the industrial- and improving the efficiency of irrigation tools to reduce
ization of its agricultural sector, 90% of the country’s water use. Also, the use of livestock manure is coupled
energy comes from biomass and the government is with rainwater harvesting to produce biogas, generating
investing in hydroelectric power plants. As occurs in Asia, energy and liquid biofertilizer in a decentralized manner
the country faces water disputes for agricultural activities and rainwater is stored for domestic use (Gulati et al.
and energy production (Karlberg et al. 2015). The region of 2013).
the Lake Tana sub-basin in Ethiopia faces many challenges Water is a strategic resource for the African social and
related to increased agricultural production, which requires environmental systems. The Nile basin is under stress due
greater supplies of energy for crop irrigation, transport and to rapid population growth, inefficient resource use, cli-
storage, hence the energy transition towards hydroelec- mate change and persistent conflicts between bordering
tricity. This scenario can lead to competition and/or syn- countries with extensive productive riparian zones. One of
ergy between the WEF sectors, considering that the the main tributaries of the Nile basin is the Blue Nile River
agricultural waste could be used for bioenergy production. which contributes to 60% of the total annual flow (Allam
However, both agriculture and bioenergy require large and Eltahir 2019). Allam and Eltahir (2019) analyzed the
amounts of water that exceed the country’s capacity WEF Nexus in the Blue Nile River basin in order to
(Karlberg et al. 2015). This challenge is also faced by other optimally allocate land and water resources for irrigated
African countries. agriculture and hydroelectric power generation, maximiz-
The cities of Bulawayo (Zimbabwe), Cape Town (South ing total benefits. The model used in the study demon-
Africa), Dar es-Salam (Tanzania) and Cairo (Egypt) are strates significant potential for the expansion of rain-fed
examples of four African cities affected by the intensifi- agriculture that covers up to half of the basin area, pro-
cation of climate change, particularly due to heat islands viding improvements to the soil. The model proposed by
and droughts in urban regions. These effects threaten Allam and Eltahir (2019) results in an annual saving of
energy security by compromising water supply for hydro- around 7.55 km3 of the Blue Nile River water. The model
electricity production (Chirisa and Bandauko 2015). The also found that only three of the 11 irrigation systems
water crisis in African cities also has negative effects on proposed in Ethiopia’s master plan is economically viable.
food production, particularly on urban agriculture. Local There is a trade-off between the expansion of potential
governments in these cities have weak institutional rain-fed agriculture in the basin and water savings for
capacity and face resource constraints and this, coupled hydropower production. This trade-off would provide an
with the limited technical capacity to deal with climate opportunity for countries in the region to cooperate in
change, increases the trade-offs in the WEF Nexus. The investing in efficient agricultural expansion and sharing
result is the burdening of the poor with rising food and benefits and costs (Allam and Eltahir 2019).
energy prices and water rationing (Chirisa and Bandauko These are examples of local initiatives that need to be
2015). scaled up to benefit the country and the region. Investi-
South Africa follows a global trend of increasing food gating the virtual water trade, transboundary management
prices. Currently, 60% of South Africa’s households face of water resources and techniques and technologies to
some degree of food insecurity (Gulati et al. 2013). improve resource use also represent potential initiatives to
Between 2007 and 2008, electricity prices increased more manage the challenges associated with the WEF Nexus.
than 24% in the country, affecting all production sectors Therefore, the Nexus approach is essential to support long-
and households. The Producer Price Index (PPI) demon- term policies and plans aimed at increasing food security
strates that between March 2005 and March 2012 the prices and improving sustainability across the whole African
of gas and water increased by 96% and electricity by Continent.
177%. Thus, the prices of other products used for food
production and processing also increased. The high energy 4.4 America
prices have implications not only for food production but
also for water collection, transportation and distribution. North America faces many vulnerabilities and complexity
Consequently, water prices also increased by 60%. The challenges related to WEF resource management in the
rising water prices, coupled with increasing water scarcity, context of climate change and ecosystem processes. The
have led to greater challenges for food production and California Delta in the western region of the United States,
security (Gulati et al. 2013). There are many emergent for example, has a complex ecosystem with over 700
initiatives to promote resilience to the Nexus challenges in species of fish and other types of wildlife. In this region,
South Africa. One project aims to integrate efficient irri- water is transported from northern to southern California,
gation and nutrient inputs, particularly nitrogen, in pastures which consumes large amounts of energy (Liu 2016), and

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

the Delta is used for food production. Among the factors would need to migrate to other regions as land productivity
that influence water supply, energy generation, food pro- changes (Mercure et al. 2019).
duction and biodiversity, are: (1) declining reliability of Due to the high global demand for liquid biofuel pro-
quality water distribution; (2) increased vulnerability to duced from these crops, Brazilian production has grown
earthquakes and the risk associated with dikes and floods; significantly in the last decade, with the increased stimulus
(3) flooding of agricultural land; and (4) increased invasive of policies for the generation of biofuels that do not require
species, harming native species. These Delta issues can the use of fossil fuels for their production. This need is
negatively impact California’s drinking water and agri- leading to an important change in agricultural production
cultural food production (Liu 2016). where instead of increasing the quantity of products pro-
Mexico is confronted with major challenges associated duced for food, production is aimed at the generation of
with WEF resource management and biodiversity conser- biofuels, a sector in which Brazil as a major player glob-
vation (Spring 2016). Mexico is an oil exporting country ally. Clearly, this trend could lead to food insecurity
and has the world’s fourth largest shale gas reserve. It has (Berchin et al. 2018).
extensive areas of dry land where 77% of its population Meza et al. (2015) analyzed the WEF Nexus interactions
lives and 87% of the GDP is generated. However, only in four regions of Chile that are currently suffering from
31% of the country’s rainwater is used, which promotes an climate variability and water scarcity. They concluded that
overexploitation of aquifers. In addition, a neoliberal free the Antofagasta region has two particular conditions that
trade policy has allowed the importation of highly subsi- shape the relationship between water and energy: high
dized food, as well as rural-to-urban and international copper ore yields and extreme aridity. This relationship
peasant migration. Thus, extreme events influenced by should be improved in the future due to the heavy reliance
climate change, such as hurricanes and droughts, have on water desalination as the region’s main source of water
negative social and economic effects. Organized crime for copper production and human consumption. The
contributes to the promotion of social unrest. The links Copiapó region represents an example of a WEF Nexus
between water scarcity, overexploited aquifers, deforested under pressure due to intensive exploitation of water
areas, natural disasters, high food prices, weak government resources, including groundwater. The Maipo region is a
institutions, high energy prices and fragile governance are case in which the WEF Nexus is affected by strong com-
increasing poverty and migration, creating a risk of social petition from the urban sector, which is likely to intensify
instability in the urban areas of Central America (Spring with climate change. In the Maule region, water forms the
2016). base of the WEF Nexus, providing resources to support
In South America, Brazil is one of the countries that agriculture and hydropower generation. Thus, western
could be most affected by climate change and serves as an South America has characteristics and ecosystems that
example of the interdependence between WEF systems differ from those of other areas of the continent, and
(Neto et al. 2018; Berchin et al. 2017). This is due to the therefore it requires specific actions to mitigate the impacts
strong relationship between climate change and the envi- of climate change on the WEF Nexus.
ronmental and social degradation, since the country’s main Consideration of the WEF Nexus should provide a sci-
economic activity is agriculture. With regard to changes in ence-based approach to policy formulation and seek to
temperature, the Amazon region may reach a 6 C combine existing efforts across the three sectors. This
increase, which could lead to a loss of biodiversity and highlights the importance of studying the stochastic ele-
functioning ecosystems (Mercure et al. 2019). Brazil could ments, since a change in the water system can directly
also experience major changes in precipitation, with a affect the energy and food systems.
possible increase of around 60% in the southern regions of
the country, while in the northern region a fall of approx- 4.5 Oceania: New Zealand
imately 40% has been predicted. The change in precipita-
tion in this country may result in several water crises, such Water and energy are closely connected resources since
as the reduction of water levels in reservoirs and conse- energy is needed to operate water treatment and supply
quently of hydroelectric power generation, which repre- systems and the energy supply is affected by the urgent
sents approximately 62% of the country’s energy need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Herath et al.
production. Although this energy source is associated with 2011).
a smaller amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it is vul- Many export products in New Zealand are sold with a
nerable to environmental problems (Mercure et al. 2019). ‘‘green clean’’ image. Herath et al. (2011) analyzed the
The changing precipitation patterns could mean that the water footprint of hydroelectricity, the main energy source
cultivation of crops such as maize, sugar cane and soybeans used in the country’s production chains. The water foot-
print represents the amount of potable water needed to

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

produce goods or merchandise and has ramifications governance mechanisms and practices aimed at sustainable
regarding the competitive advantage of New Zealand’s development and climate change mitigation. Public poli-
exports. cies provide guidelines and indicate which actions should
To evaluate the water footprint of several goods and be encouraged or restricted for the maintenance of the
services, the authors define three goals: (1) to evaluate the WEF systems. Finally, the practice dimension deals with
impact of hydroelectric energy generation on hydric strategic actions for production that adhere to sustainability
resources, considering the water footprint; (2) to quantify standards with regard to the WEF Nexus. It is also
regional and variable climate conditions (e.g., by moni- responsible for disseminating the technologies in the mar-
toring the reservoir surface area) and their effect on the ket, allowing the propagation of technologies, knowledge
hydroelectricity water footprint (in this study, hydroelectric and products that will lead the transition to a more sus-
power plants were analyzed based only on reservoir surface tainable society.
area); and (3) to estimate the total water footprint of a The management and practice dimension is dependent
hydroelectricity power plant in New Zealand. The results on implementing all aspects established by the policies.
obtained were used to broadened the water footprint defi- Research and innovation to increase efficiency in the water
nition and the water balance of the system included rain, sector (i.e., for the treatment, distribution and use of water,
the main refueling element of hydric resources, as an input. and for food and energy production) are urgently needed to
The authors consider that this theoretical approach might reduce waste and attain the sustainable management of
be used to evaluate the water footprint of any hydroelectric water resources, which increases water security and
power generating system, or other systems associated with improves clean water access to all (Lal 2013; Endo et al.
goods and services around the world. 2017; Karabulut et al. 2017).
The new definition also gives information which aids an Promoting the collection, analysis, sharing and discus-
understanding of the impact of the water footprint in dif- sion of multisectoral data on the WEF Nexus and its
ferent places, since each location has a unique availability complexities, exchanges and synergies, can contribute to
of water resources. A negative water footprint value indi- the refinement of knowledge and data to support WEF
cates that reservoirs in regions with high rainfall levels Nexus management and governance in all sectors and at all
might collect more water than they lose through precipi- levels (Martinez-Hernandez et al. 2017; Smith et al. 2015).
tation. This water surplus can be used for other purposes, Another recommendation for the implementation of sus-
such as agriculture. The authors suggest that interventions tainable development related to the WEF Nexus is to
to reduce water waste along the productive chain will have promote new agrotechnology for small farmers, ensuring
impacts on the availability of water resources needed for that farmers have access to technologies, increasing their
agriculture and food production. resilience and efficiency, and contributing to the sustain-
These cases show the different perspectives and realities able management of the WEF Nexus and to regional
in relation to the challenges associated with the WEF development (Hanjra and Qureshi 2010; Al-Saidi and
Nexus. However, despite the different approaches, they all Elagib 2017).
highlight the complex interactions between WEF and Practices such as the development of evaluation mech-
social, economic and environmental factors (Herath et al. anisms to analyze, evaluate and monitor local system
2011). synergies and compensations in the WEF core and external
factors (ecosystem services, economic, social and envi-
ronmental changes) are required. Also, fostering engage-
5 Results and discussion ment between researchers and local communities to obtain
these specific datasets for local contexts can contribute to
The expected benefits of different actions are detailed in the assessment of mechanisms and data platforms to sup-
this section. Tables 2, 3 and 4 show the main recommen- port researchers and decision-makers with science-based
dations with regard to the WEF Nexus, based on the sci- data. This enables a holistic view of the WEF Nexus and its
entific literature reviewed in this study. These implications (Martinez-Hernandez et al. 2017; Karabulut
recommendations are organized into three dimensions: et al. 2017).
public policies, research and development, and practices. Raising awareness among multiple stakeholders
However, those regarding ‘‘policy’’ should be implemented regarding the impacts of environmental change on water
by the government, based on scientific evidence, and sup- and food security and promoting cooperation for the
ported by the engagement of multiple stakeholders. sharing of technology and knowledge on the WEF Nexus
The recommendations proposed are related to the SDGs. contributes to the promotion of sustainable development.
The research and development dimension supports both This approach requires various stakeholders to collect,
public policy and practices and is essential in supporting analyze and disseminate data on complex systems such as

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Table 2 - Research and development to support the sustainable management of the WEF Nexus
Research and development
Authors Recommendations Benefits SDGs

Ringler et al. (2013), Lawford et al. Develop an integrated data-based Based on risk and stochastic elements, a 9 Industry,
(2013), Rasul, 2014), Spiegelberg model for the WEF Nexus, providing scientific model of the WEF Nexus Innovation and
et al. (2015), Pittock et al. (2015), knowledge to support decision- can assist decision-makers designing Infrastructure
Rasul (2016), Martinez-Hernandez making and forecast scenarios long-term strategies for sustainable 12 Responsible
et al. (2017), Hussien et al. (2017) development consumption
and production
17 Partnerships
for the goals
Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Ringler Use of an integrated global model This model should consider user 12 Responsible
et al. (2013), Gulati et al. (2013), Liu addressing the interactions between behaviors, family size, income, diet, consumption
et al. (2015), Hussien et al. (2017) WEF at end-use level at the appliance efficiency and seasonal and production
household scale variability in WEF consumption to 10 Reduce
establish best management practices inequality
and identify strategic areas for within and
improvement (i.e., reduction of among
consumption) countries
17 Partnerships
for the goals
13 Climate
11 Sustainable
Cities and
Yang et al. (2016), Smajgl et al. (2016), Develop new methodologies to address New methods that address the WEF 4 Quality
Sharmina et al. (2016), Rasul (2016), the Nexus based on uncertainty Nexus across scales and sectors can Education
Mohtar and Lawford (2016) analysis and stochastic elements, improve resource-efficiency, 11 Sustainable
using the modeling results to provide increasing resilience and Cities and
information to policy makers sustainability Communities
17 Partnerships
for the goals
Biggs et al. (2015), Conway et al. Stimulate interdisciplinary and Leads to policies and management 4 Quality
(2015), Bennett et al. (2015), Yillia multisectoral research to support structures that optimize WEF Education
(2016), Damerau et al. (2016), Yang decision-making and policy reports connections, integrating different 9 Industry,
et al. (2016), Smajgl et al. (2016), examining the interactions between areas of research to understand the Innovation and
Sanders and Masri (2016), Mohtar the Nexus elements complexities of WEF systems, Infrastructure
and Lawford (2016), Howarth and reduces trade-offs and increases
17 Partnerships
Monasterolo (2016), Wichelns (2017) synergy between resources
for the Goals
Popp et al. (2014), van Vuuren et al. Increase governmental and private Investments in innovation and 9 Industry,
(2015), Leese and Meish (2015), investments in research and technology development for the WEF Innovation and
Hang et al. (2016), Sanders and Masri innovation associated with the WEF are essential to increase resilience and Infrastructure
(2016), Rasul (2016), Howarth and Nexus promote sustainable development. 11 Sustainable
Monasterolo (2016) Cities and
13 Climate
16 Peace, justice
and Strong
17 Partnerships
for the Goals

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Table 3 Policies to support the sustainable management of the WEF Nexus

Authors Recommendations Benefits SDGs

Tirado et al. (2010), Popp et al. (2014) Develop public policies to regulate Optimizes land use and reduces 2 No Hunger
bioenergy and encourage small competition between food production 7 Affordable
farmers to grow energy crops on and energy crops and Clean
degraded lands, inappropriate for food Energy
12 Responsible
13 Climate
Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Tirado et al. Develop coordinated policy Researchers and decision-makers can 4 Quality
(2010), Lawford et al. (2013), Ringler frameworks to improve technical, create public policies addressing the Education
et al. (2013), Lele et al. (2013), Gulati financial, institutional and WEF Nexus complexities and the 16 Peace,
et al. (2013), Popp et al. (2014), Leese organizational synergies among WEF interdependence of resources and justice and
and Meish (2015), Conway et al. sectors and encourage global sectors, thereby reducing impacts and Strong
(2015), Biggs et al. (2015), Bennett cooperation pressures on ecosystems institutions
et al. (2015), Smajgl et al. (2016),
17 Partnerships
Sharmina et al. (2016), Rasul (2016),
for the goals
Yang et al. (2016), Yillia (2016), Endo
et al. (2017)
Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Lele et al. Encourage policy makers to develop Research-based data can be used to 9 Industry,
(2013), Gulati et al. (2013), Liu et al. effective urban planning mechanisms define strategies and policies aimed at Innovation
(2015), Gondhalekar and Ramsauer for the WEF Nexus climate change adaptation and and
(2016), Schlör et al. (2017) mitigation in urban centers Infrastructure
11 Sustainable
Cities and
12 Responsible
13 Climate
16 Peace,
Justice and
Gulati et al. (2013), Smajgl et al. (2016), Develop policies and mechanisms that Migration is a human right and 16 Peace,
Berchin et al. (2017) support human migration due to supportive policies to assist migration Justice and
environmental disruptions and climate are essential regarding current Strong
change. environmental changes and the Institutions
negative effects of the WEF Nexus,
particularly for the poor
Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Lele et al. Increase public and private investment The availability of funding and awards 16 Peace,
(2013), Sanders and Masri (2016), along with funding for the for innovation and technology Justice and
Caniato et al. (2017) development and innovation of development aimed at WEF will Strong
technology aimed at solving problems increase resilience and promote Institutions
associated with the WEF Nexus sustainable development 17 Partnerships
for the Goals

the WEF synergies, raising awareness and promoting Assisting integrated, multisectoral and multilateral pol-
capacity building for all (Lal 2013; Lawford et al. 2013; icy deliberations as a community of practice to achieve a
Vuuren et al. 2015; Ringler et al. 2013). holistic WEF approach to policy development requires the
engagement of various stakeholders from different sectors.

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Table 4 Practices to support the sustainable management of the WEF Nexus

Authors Recommendations Benefits SDGs

Khan et al. (2009), Hanjra and Qureshi Diversification of food production, Reduces the pressure on agribusiness for 2 No Hunger
(2010), Gulati et al. (2013), Wichelns expanding mariculture, production of food production 9 Industry,
(2017), Caniato et al. (2017 seaweeds and marine animals Innovation
11 Sustainable
Cities and
12 Responsible
13 Climate
14 Life below
15 Life on
Lal (2013), Biggs et al. (2015) Reduce post-harvest losses using Increases WEF resource efficiency by 12 Responsible
efficient harvesting, transport and reducing waste consumption
cooling systems and
13 Climate
Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Lal (2013) Use organic waste to generate Reduces the competitiveness between 7 Affordable
bioenergy the use of land for food and biofuel and Clean
production while also reducing levels Energy
of waste 9 Industry,
11 Sustainable
Cities and
12 Responsible
13 Climate
Hellegers et al. (2008), Khan et al. Apply technology to increase the Water efficiency and the sustainable 2 No Hunger
(2009), Hanjra and Qureshi (2010), Lal efficiency of water use, including management of water resources can 6 Clean Water
(2013), Ringler et al. (2013), Hang conservation agriculture, micro- reduce waste, increase water security and
et al. (2016), Caniato et al. (2017 irrigation and rainwater storage and improve access to clean water for Sanitation
9 Industry,
11 Sustainable
Cities and
12 Responsible

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Table 4 (continued)
Authors Recommendations Benefits SDGs
13 Climate
Bayley et al. (2011) Cultivate vertical crops in urban Optimize the use of urban areas and 2 No Hunger
environments to increase local fresh reduce competition for land. Aligned 9 Industry,
food production, save energy and with other technologies like rainwater Innovation
reduce the cost of packaging and harvesting, sewage treatment and and
transportation biogas production, vertical crops Infrastructure
increase resilience to the WEF Nexus
11 Sustainable
and its complexities
Cities and
11 Sustainable
Cities and
12 Responsible
13 Climate
Bhaduri et al. (2015), Caniato et al. Implement pilot projects as case studies Pilot projects provide real data on the 9 Industry,
(2017), Endo et al. (2017), Howarth to create innovative solutions to the WEF Nexus, and they need to be Innovation
and Monasterolo (2017), Hussien et al. WEF challenges encouraged in all sectors to increase and
(2017), Kurian (2017), Martinez- knowledge regarding the complexities Infrastructure
Hernandez et al. (2017) of the Nexus and its synergies and 11 Sustainable
trade-offs in multiple sectors Cities and
13 Climate
16 Peace,
justice and
17 Partnerships
for the Goals
Howarth and Monasterolo (2017), Promote capacity building and training Educate stakeholders regarding the 4 Quality
Kurian (2017), Caniato et al. (2017), on the holistic/multi-sectoral and impacts of climate change on WEF Education
Endo et al. (2017), Hussien et al. multi-disciplinary approach to the security, through knowledge sharing 12 Responsible
(2017) WEF Nexus and capacity building consumption
Leese and Meish (2015), Pittock et al. Promote multi-stakeholder engagement Developing communities of practice for 9 Industry,
(2015), Spiegelberg et al. (2015), in communities of practice for the the WEF Nexus can provide Innovation
Caniato et al. (2017), Hussien et al. WEF Nexus. information on local/regional and
(2017) challenges and provide multi-sectoral, Infrastructure
multidisciplinary and multi- 11 Sustainable
stakeholders solutions to these Cities and
challenges Communities
16 Peace,
justice and
17 Partnerships
for the Goals

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Fig. 1 The WEF Nexus for sustainable development

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

This multi-stakeholder approach provides holistic and practices that can support sustainable management of the
systematic data for the WEF nexus, improving knowledge WEF Nexus.
and initiatives to assist policy development (Smajgl et al. According to Tables 2, 3 and 4, the proposed recom-
2016; Tirado et al. 2010; Berchin et al. 2017; Gondhalekar mendations consider a vast array of risks and actions that
and Ramsauer 2016). Thus, coordinated policies for inter- put pressure on ecosystems, water resources, energy gen-
national trade are needed to support the negotiation of eration and food production, including climate change,
reforms to reduce barriers and improve sustainability in resource disputes, land misuse, infrastructure failure and
productive chains. International trade can be guided by lack of communication.
sustainability guidelines aimed at production efficiency, However, for these recommendations to be executed
fair trade and environmental preservation (Gondhalekar there is a need for cross-sectoral coordination to explore
and Ramsauer 2016; Lele et al. 2013; Zhang and Vesseli- the potential of the WEF Nexus approach. Nowadays, few
nov 2017). countries explicitly address the WEF Nexus in their legal
In the light of increasing global pressures on natural systems. Brazil, for instance, is one of the main food pro-
resources, the Nexus approach needs to be implemented ducers in the world and has large water reservoirs. It is also
both in the revision of old policies and the creation of new a large biofuel producer and consumer, and currently there
ones. The WEF Nexus perspective offers a holistic and is no direct evidence that interlinked governance involving
transversal approach to sustainability that is based on sci- the WEF Nexus concept is taken into consideration.
ence, which supports decision-makers in their attempts to The mismanagement of natural resources leads to neg-
avoid the adverse effects of global change and resource ative consequences, regardless of the global region. This
exploitation. This approach also enables decision-making interdependency between economies requires action in
based on the complex and interdependent reality of sys- order to achieve synergy in the development of technolo-
tems, thus avoiding unintended adverse effects of govern- gies, financing, governance, and industries to ensure the
ment action (Ringler et al. 2013; Biggs et al. 2015; Hanjra integrative management of the WEF Nexus. Science,
and Qureshi 2010; Gulati et al. 2013). Table 3 provides through knowledge and understanding, must lead in the
details on the policies needed to support the sustainable need for change, playing the role of advisor in creating
management of the WEF Nexus. public policies and in the production sector. Given its
In terms of the WEF Nexus, it is important to highlight importance, besides the academic recommendations
some practices that would support production aimed at detailed in Tables 2, 3 and 4, the literature suggests that the
adhering to sustainability standards associated with the capacitation of human resources is essential to support the
WEF Nexus. Hanjra and Qureshi (2010) recommend the WEF Nexus approach.
production of resilient farms at critical locations, to adapt Capacity building can be achieved through education for
to climate change, promoting efficiency use of land and sustainable development and partnerships with universities
WEF resources, using new technologies, techniques and that aim to assist in the promotion of conscious and
methods to benefit this practice. responsible citizens by developing critical thinking and
The implementation of the WEF nexus concept is viable awareness to face the challenges of sustainable develop-
in all sectors. The efficiency of farms, for instance, in terms ment. However, there is a gap between the practices
of resource use, can be improved by adopting sustainable employed in production and the academic/scientific
practices, such as collecting rainwater, producing photo- knowledge about sustainable development and sustainable
voltaic energy and generating biogas and biofertilizers. practices. A science-policy dialogue could benefit society,
These practices reduce the dependence on inputs and producing responsible policies for the management of
increase WEF security and resilience (Neto et al. 2018; natural resources and production systems.
Hanjra and Qureshi 2010; Hussien et al. 2017; Caniato Figure 1 shows how WEF resources are interconnected
et al. 2017). and influenced by different factors. It was produced based
The implementation of new technologies and methods in on insights taken from the literature. This figure details the
the market to reduce costs and stimulate sustainable prac- complex interrelations between the WEF resources and
tices also support decision-makers in the search for sus- external factors such as economic, social (demographic)
tainable management practices. Among these technologies, and environmental change. It also highlights the key areas
remote sensing capability (e.g., machinery, robotic weed of our understanding of the WEF Nexus and its concept
regulation, thermal and humidity sensing) can increase based on this study. It is clear that achieving sustainable
production efficiency by providing relevant information to development in the context of the WEF Nexus requires
assist managers and decision-makers (Sanders and Masri greater investment in awareness and education, further
2016; Caniato et al. 2017; Kurian 2017). Table 4 details the research and innovation at all levels, more coordinated

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

policies informed by science and greater engagement of government support, education and awareness, cross-sec-
multiple stakeholders, acting as communities of practice. toral and multilevel cooperation between multiple stake-
It is important to note that external drivers that influence holders, research and technological development,
and relate to the WEF Nexus do not act in isolation. innovations, and new production systems. The WEF Nexus
Movements associated with changes in the global econ- is a promising research topic which has gained increasing
omy, demography, climate and environments, along with academic interest in recent years, and it helps to outline
numerous other factors and drivers, occur simultaneously, essential strategies for sustainable development and cli-
resulting in new drivers that can bring unprecedented mate change adaptation. However, more comprehensive
challenges and effects. This is the result of an unpre- studies must be developed to provide relevant data, infor-
dictable scenario to which humankind is exposed, bringing mation and experiences from local and regional
uncertainty and complexity to the management of food, perspectives.
water and energy resources. Increasing awareness of the WEF Nexus represents a
After analyzing the literature and the recommendations practical opportunity to bring together actions aimed at
proposed in Tables 2, 3 and 4, certain needs can be iden- balancing the sustainable exploitation of ecosystems. By
tified: to explicitly discuss the WEF Nexus in governance aligning policies for the sustainability of the WEF Nexus
and policy-making, and in international forums for sus- through research and development and practices, there will
tainable development, notably in relation to the SDGs of be more resilient communities that are able to mitigate the
the United Nations; to build capacities and promote overall impacts of economic and environmental changes and adapt
societal awareness; and a multi-stakeholder, multi-sectoral to them. To this end, partnerships and collaboration
and multidisciplinary is needed to address sustainability between countries, business and civil society can establish
related to the WEF Nexus. Thus, developing a reliable new paths of development to improve the resilience and
macroeconomic model based on stochastic dynamics is welfare of the world’s population.
required to promote science-based evidence. This will Most of the literature on the WEF Nexus focuses on a
allow managers to understand and analyze the effects of macro-level perspective of this concept, whilst only a few
global changes on the WEF Nexus, leading to more studies present a clear approach based on real cases,
effective governance for sustainable development. quantitative analysis and modelling. Therefore, the litera-
ture requires more research and debates based on quanti-
tative and computational modeling, decision-making under
6 Conclusions uncertainty, stochastic optimization and cost assessment.
Essentially, the complexity and uncertainty associated with
There are many uncertainties related to how societies can the WEF Nexus need to be addressed in order to success-
best adapt to global environmental, sociodemographic and fully manage these systems.
economic changes. At the heart of the concerns lies the This study proposes a comprehensive approach to the
need to promote the sustainable management of water– complexities of the WEF Nexus, considering the risks and
energy–food (WEF) systems, considering both the natural stochastic elements. It addresses trade-offs and synergies
environment and human activities. Developing countries between WEF subsystems and external drivers of global
are likely to be the most affected by climate change, due to environmental, economic and demographic changes that
their lower adaptive capacity. These countries face many threaten WEF security, inhibiting the potential for sus-
challenges in promoting effective adaptation plans due to tainable development. Thus, the recommendations pro-
their reduced infrastructure, scarcity of resources, and posed in this study provide insights from the literature
difficulty in attending to the primary needs of the popula- which could guide public policies, innovation, research and
tion. Corruption and mismanagement of resources also development, and practices toward the sustainable man-
represent critical concerns. In this regard, the sustainable agement of the WEF Nexus. The recommendations based
development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations aim to on the key arguments identified in the literature are:
support governments and decision-makers in their attempts
• Improve management of natural resources, using tech-
to improve efficiency in resource management, trans-
nological innovations and techniques to increase the
parency and accountability, whilst finding additional and
resilience of critical infrastructure and avoid further
alternative resources to promote sustainable development.
water, energy and food crises;
The recommendations for the sustainable management
• Increase engagement of multiple stakeholders (govern-
of the WEF Nexus, based on a review of the literature,
ments, scientists, businesspersons, civil society) to
exemplify the interrelation between WEF resources and
provide a more effective approach and increase the
subsystems. Promoting the holistic and multi-sectoral
synergies of the WEF Nexus, instead of promoting
management of the WEF challenges will require

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