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Backup all my data from my laptop

As a user, I want to backup all my data from my laptop so that, I can recover when I want.
Acceptance criteria:

 There should be an action in my laptop settings to backup all my data and store as a
backup file in any of the cloud application or an external storage device.
 When the user selects the option, it should ask the user to select mode of backup as
Auto or Manual and where to place the backup file.
1. Auto : Backup data automatically (as a recurring activity) on a daily, weekly or
monthly basis
2. Manual : Backup the data on the date when the user selects the backup

 Allow user to select the place to store the backup file.

1. Cloud Application : Allow the user to select the cloud application as Google,
Onedrive etc., and authenticate to store the file
2. External Storage: Allow user to select the path from the external drive and
save the backup file.


2. Allow clients to upload documents from multiple locations, like local drive and online
drive and submit as one submission in online portal.
As a user, I want to have the option to browse and upload documents from multiple
locations into one application so that, the required documents are present on my online
Acceptance criteria :

 Types of files that can be uploaded should be docs, csv, pdf (excel files, images,
 Selection of single as well as multiple files should be supported.
 Same or different file types can be uploaded together
 When the user selects 'upload' menu, he should see the following option- Select
file(s) for upload
 The user should be able to upload file(s) directly by selecting through local drive,
drag and drop method or through online drives (Onedrive, Box, Google Drive,
(a) When the user selects 'Upload a local file', a dialog box should open,
which allows the user to navigate through his file system and select a
(b) When the user selects 'Upload from a drive', he should be asked to
choose one of the following:
a) Google drive
b) One drive
c) Box
d) DropBox
In this case, the user is
i) shown a dialog box asking for the credentials to the drive
ii) allowed to choose a file from the drive, after successful authentication

 Max file size the system must accept should be (). If the selected file exceeds the
max size, user should be getting an error stating exceeded size limit. (need clarity)
 Once the file is selected and submitted,
1. The file upload should begin immediately.
2. A waiting icon should be shown to the user. The icon should have an animation to
indicate that the operation is in progress.
3. Once the upload process is complete, all the selected file(s) should be displayed
on the online portal under upload grid along with timestamp, file type and size against it

 If any error occurs in between uploading files, the user should be informed and the
system should be in this original state.

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