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Sample: Writing a report

Task type: Report

You have recently attended an English language course at your local school or college.
At the end of the course you were given the following letter:

We hope you have enjoyed studying with us. In

order to plan future courses we would be
grateful if you could write a short report giving
us your views of the course. If you have any
suggestions we would also like to hear them.
Thank you in advance.

Mrs Galton
The Principal

Write your report for the Principal (around 120-180 word

Name: Pablo Witis

School: International House of Belgrano


This report is intended to evaluate the success of the six months {1} English
Course, which I have assisted {2} recently at the Academy Center in English.


First of all, as there were twenty of us in the class, we were a bit crowded, and also
the computer room was not big enough for all of us. Another thing to mention as a
drawback is the cost of the course being too high.


As I had expected, {***} {4}teachers were well-qualified and friendly, {***} {5} what´s
more, there were a pleasant atmosphere among the other students. As a
consequence, my English improved a lot.

To sum up, my only suggestion would be reducing the amount {6} of students per
class. Otherwise, the course was great and interesting and I have enjoyed
studying. I would recommend it to my friends and I am sure I will be back in the
future. {7}


This is a very well-written answer to the task, Pablo. I like the way you have
organised this report and given each paragraph its own heading. This really
helps the reader, doesn't it? You have a good range of grammatical structures
and you're ambitious in the vocabulary you use. Another positive aspect is
your use of linking phrases ('Another thing to mention...', 'As a
consequence...', 'To sum up....') which helps your writing to flow nicely. For
the makeover, I have commented on aspects of your English that wouldn't be
considered too serious at FCE-level but are points you may wish to remember
for the future!

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