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Flood hydrology

Hydrology has been defined as the study of the occurrence, circulation and distribution
of water over the world's surface As such; it covers a vast area of endeavour and is not
the exclusive preserve of civil engineers. Engineering hydrology is concerned with the
quantitative relationship between rainfall and 'runoff' (i.e. passage of water on the
surface of the Earth) and, in particular, with the magnitude and time variations of runoff.
This is because all water resource schemes require such estimates to be made before
design of the relevant structures may proceed. Examples include reservoir design, Rood
alleviation schemes and land drainage. Each of these examples involves different
aspects of engineering hydrology, and all involve subsequent hydraulic analysis before
safe and economical structures can be constructed.

Engineering hydrology is conveniently subdivided into two main areas of interest,

namely, surface water hydrology and groundwater hydrology. The first of these is further
subdivided into rural hydrology and urban hydrology, since the runoff response of these
catchment types to rainfall is very different.

The most common use of engineering hydrology is the prediction of 'design' events.
This may be considered analogous to the estimation of 'design' loads on structures.
Design events do not mimic nature, but are merely a convenient way of designing safe
and economical structures for water resources schemes As civil engineers are
principally concerned with the extremes of nature, design events may be either floods or
droughts. The design of hydraulic structures will normally require the estimation of a
suitable design flood (e.g. for spillway sizing) and sometimes a design drought (e.g. for
reservoir capacity).

Methods of flood prediction for rural catchments

Historically, civil engineers were faced with the problem of flood prediction long before
the current methods of analysis were available. Two techniques in common use in the
19th and early 20th centuries were those of using the largest recorded 'historical' flood
and the use of empirical formulae relating rainfall to runoff. The former was generally the
more accurate, but as runoff records were sparse, the latter was often used in practice.
This was possible because rainfall records have been collected for much longer periods
than have runoff records.

The occurrence of a series of catastrophic floods in the 1900's in the UK prompted the
institution of Civil Engineers to instigate a comprehensive research programme into
methods of flood prediction. This was carried out at the Institute of Hydrology, and
culminated in the publication of the Flood studies report (NERC 1975). The report
represented a milestone in British hydrology, assimilating previous knowledge with new
techniques which were comprehensively tested against an enormous data set of
hydrological information. The result was the formulation of a new set of design methods
which could be applied with greater confidence in a wide range of conditions.

There are fundamentally two types of flood prediction technique recommended in the
Flood studies report. These are statistical methods (e.g. frequency analysis) and unit
hydrograph methods. In addition, there are two types of catchment, those which are
gauged (i.e. have recorded rainfall and runoff records) and those which are engaged.
One of the major aspects of the Flood studies report was the derivation of techniques
which allow flood prediction for ungauged catchments. This involved finding quantitative
relationships between catchment characteristics and flood magnitudes for large
numbers of gauged catchments, and the application of these results to ungauged
catchments by the use of multiple regression techniques.

In the following sections, the basic ideas of catchment characteristics, frequency

analysis and unit hydrographs are introduced, and the application of these methods to
gauged and ungauged catchments is discussed.

Catchment characteristics
A good starting point for a quantitative assessment of runoff is to consider the physical
processes occurring in the hydrological cycle and within the catchment, as shown in
Figure 1. Circulation of water takes place from the ocean to the atmosphere by
evaporation, and this water is deposited on a catchment mainly as rainfall From there, it
may follow several routes, but eventually the water is returned to the sea via the rivers.

Within the catchment, several circulation routes are possible. Rainfall is initially
intercepted by vegetation and may be re-evaporated. Secondly, infiltration into the soil
or overland Row to a stream channel or river may occur. Water entering the soil layer
may remain in storage (in the unsaturated zone) or may percolate to the groundwater
table (the saturated zone) All subsurface water may move laterally and eventually enter
a stream channel The whole system may be viewed as a series of linked storage
processes with inflows and outflows, as shown in Figure 2. Such a representation is
referred to as a conceptual model. If equations defining the storages and flows can be
found, a mathematical catchment model can be constructed.

Using this qualitative picture, a set of characteristics may be proposed which determine
the response of the catchment to rainfall. These might include the following:

(a) catchment area:

(b) Soil type(s) and depth(s):
(c) Vegetation covers:
(d) Stream slopes and surface slopes:
(e) Rock type(s) and area(s)
(f) Drainage network (natural and man-made):
(g) Lakes and reservoirs:
(h) Impermeable areas (e.g. roads, buildings, etc.).

In addition, different catchments will experience different climates, and hence the
response of the catchment to rainfall will depend also on the prevailing climate. This
may be represented by:

(a) Rainfall (depth, duration and intensity):

(b) Evaporation potential (derived from temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar
radiation measurements or from evaporation pan records.)

These are illustrated in Figure 3.

However, from an engineering viewpoint, qualitative measures of catchment
characteristics are inadequate in themselves, and quantitative measures are necessary
to predict flood magnitudes. This was one of the tasks performed by the Flood Studies
team which led, for example, to the following equation for rural catchments:

Q = const x AREA0.94 x STMFRQ0.27 x S10850.16 x SOIL1.23 x RSMD1.03 x (1 + LAKE)-0.85

Q = the mean annual flood (m 3/s);
const. = a number depending on location;
AREA = the catchment area (km2);
STMFRQ = the stream frequency (no. of stream junctions/AREA):
S1085 = the slope of the main stream (m/km);
SOIL = a number depending on soil type;
RSMD= I day rainfall of 5 year return period minus the mean soil moisture deficit (mm);
LAKE = the area of lakes or reservoirs (as a fraction of AREA).

Full details are given in the Flood studies report and in the Guide lo the flood studies
report issued subsequently (Sutcliffe 1978). This equation contains all the catchment
characteristics which were found to be statistically significant, and may be applied to
ungauged catchments. However, it should only be used for UK catchments, and be
limited to those whose characteristics are within the bounds of the original data set
from which it was derived. The equation will only give an approximate value for Q, and
this reflects the difficulty of predicting natural events with any certainty.

Frequency Analysis
For gauged catchments with long records (e.g. greater than 25 years) the techniques
of frequency analysis may be applied directly to determine the magnitude of any flood
event (Q) with a specified return period (T t) The concept of return period is an
important one because it enables the determination of risk (economic or otherwise)
associated with a given flood magnitude. It may be formally defined as the number of
years, on average, between a flood event of magnitude (X) which is greater than or
equal to a specified value (Q). The qualifier 'on average' is often misunderstood For
example, although a 100 year flood event will occur, on average, once every 100
years, it may occur at any time (i.e. today or in several years' time). Also, within any
particular 100 year period, floods of greater magnitude may occur.

The probability of occurrence P(X ≥ Q) is inversely related to return period (T t), i.e.

P(X≥ Q) = 1/Tt

This relationship is the starting point of frequency analysis.

The annual maxima series

This is the simplest form of frequency analysis, in which the largest flood event from
each year of record is abstracted. The resulting series, in statistical terms, is considered
to be an independent series, and constitutes a random sample from an unknown
population. The series may be plotted as a histogram, as shown in Figure 4a. Taking,
as an example, a 31 year record, the annual maxima are divided into equal class

intervals (0-10, 10-20, etc.). The probability that the discharge will exceed, say, 60 m3/s
is equal to the number of events greater than 60 m3/s divided by the total number of

P(X≥60)=(4 +3+2)/31=0.29

and the corresponding return period is

T, =1/P(X≥ 60) = 3.4 years

If the histogram is now replaced by a smooth curve, as shown in Figure 4b, then

P(X ≥Q) = ∫Q∞f(x) dx

The function f(x) is known as a probability density function (pdf) and, by definition,

∫Q∞f(x) dx = 1

i e. P(X ≥ 0) = 1

The point of this analysis is that it makes it possible to estimate the probability that the
discharge will exceed any given value greater than the maximum value in the data set
(90m3/s in this case). Replacing the histogram with the pdf allows such estimates to be
made. In practice, instead of drawing a pdf, the cumulative probability of non-
exceedence is drawn as shown in Figure 4c. This curve may be transformed into a
straight line (stretching the x scale) by plotting the curve on "probability paper", as
Figure 4d, which facilitates extrapolation.

Obviously frequency analysis may not be directly applied to ungauged catchments. One
technique developed in the Flood studies report is that of so called region curves to
overcome this problem. This allows the estimation of the magnitude of the flood peak for
any return period for ungauged catchments. By combining the records of gauged
catchments in a particular region, a single curve may be plotted as shown in Figures 5a
and 5b.

The mean annual flood Q for an ungauged catchment may be estimated from the
equation at the top of page 5 using catchment characteristics and Q Tr / Q (QTr = Flood
peak of return period Tr) from the region curve.

Unit hydrograph theory
Figure 6a shows a flood hydrograph and the causative rainfall The hydrograph is
composed of two parts, the surface runoff, which is formed directly from the rainfall, and
the base flow. The latter is supplied from groundwater sources which do not generally
respond quickly to rainfall. The rainfall may also be considered to be composed of two
parts. The net or effective rainfall is that part which forms the surface runoff, while the
rainfall losses constitute the remaining rainfall (this is either evaporated or enters soil
moisture and groundwater storages) Simple techniques for separating runoff and rainfall
have been developed.

The net rainfall and corresponding surface runoff are shown in Figure 6b. The purpose
of unit hydrograph theory is to be able to predict the relationships between the two for
any storm event. A unit hydrograph is thus a simple model of the response of a
catchment to rainfall.

This concept was first introduced by Sherman in 1932, and rests on three assumptions
as shown in Figures 7a, 7b and 7c. These are:

(a) any uniform net rainfall having a given duration will produce runoff of specific
duration, regardless of intensity;
(b) the ratios of runoff equal the ratios of net rainfall intensities, provided that the
rainfalls are of equal duration;
(c) the hydrograph representing a combination of several runoff events is the sum of the
individual contributory events, i.e. the principle of superposition may be applied.

These assumptions all imply that the response of a catchment to rainfall is linear, which
is not true. However, unit hydrographs have been found to work reasonably well for a
wide range of conditions. Unit hydrograph theory has, therefore, been used extensively
for design flood prediction.

The foregoing principles are embodied in the definition of the unit hydrograph and its
application. The P mm, D hour unit hydrograph is the hydrograph of surface runoff
produced by P mm of net rainfall in D hours, provided the net rainfall falls uniformly over
the catchment in both space and time. Both P and D may have any values, but
commonly P is taken as 10 mm and D as 1 hour.

Once a unit hydrograph has been derived for a catchment, it may be used to predict the
surface runoff for any storm event by the process of convolution. This is shown
diagramatically in Figure 8b , along with the unit hydrograph definition Figure 8a.

For gauged catchments, unit hydrographs are derived by hydrograph analysis of

measured storm events in general, storm events are complex (i.e. varying intensity and
duration), and the unit hydrograph must be 'unearthed' from such events. As surface
runoff can be predicted by convoluting the unit hydrograph with net rainfall, the
converse must be true.

The process may also be expressed in matrix form as

P. U=q

where P is the matrix of net rainfalls, U is the matrix of unit hydrograph ordinates and q
is the matrix of surface runoff ordinates.

Alternatively, the process may be laid out in tabular form as shown in Table 1.

Synthetic unit hydrographs
For ungauged catchments, unit hydrographs cannot be derived directly. However,
measures of catchment characteristics may be used to estimate a unit hydrograph.
Such unit hydrographs are termed 'synthetic', and examples of two are shown in Figure
9. They have a simple triangular form, whose shape is determined by three parameters
the time to peak (TP), the peak runoff (Q P) and the time base (T B). The 10 mm, 1 hour
synthetic unit hydrograph in the Flood studies report was derived using multiple
regression techniques on data from gauged (rural) catchments, and is given by;

TP = 46.6L0.14 S1085-0.38 (1+URB)-1.99 RSMD-0.4

QP = 2.2 AREA/TP

TB = 2.5 TP

where L is the mainstream length (km), URB is the fraction of catchment urbanised and
S1085 is the slope of the main stream (m/km) and RSMD is the 1 day rainfall of 5 year
return period minus the mean soil moisture deficit (mm). T P and TB are in hours and Q P,
is in m3/s.

Design flood estimation using the unit hydrograph method
Figure 10 shows, in outline, the procedure for estimating a design flood event for any
given return period. It is universally applicable. The central component of this procedure
is the determination of the appropriate storm duration and associated rainfall depth and
profile. Underestimation of the peak runoff will occur if the selected duration is either
too short or too long, but the peak runoff is more sensitive to, underestimation of the
storm duration. Figure 11 gives a summary of the design flood estimation methods.

Flood routing
So far, the discussion has centred on methods of estimating flood events at a given
location. However, the engineer requires estimates of both the stage and discharge
along a watercourse resulting from the passage of a flood wave. The technique of flood
routing is used for this purpose. There are two distinct kinds of problem:

(a) Reservoir routing: to find the outflow hydrograph over the spillway from the inflow

(b) Channel routing: to find the outflow hydrograph from a river reach from the inflow

In each case the peak flow of the outflow hydrograph is less than and later than that of
the inflow hydrograph. These processes are referred to as attenuation and translation,

To determine the outflow hydrograph from the inflow hydrograph requires the
application of the continuity equation in the form:

I - O = dV/dt

Where I is the inflow rate, O the outflow rate, V is the volume and t is time.
This is shown diagramatically in Figure 12. Expressing the above equation in a finite
difference form gives

(I t  I t  t ) (O t  O t  t )
t  t  Vt  t  Vt
2 2

Where I t and Ot, are inflow and outflow rates at time t and I t  t and Ot+∆t are inflow
and outflow rates at time t+∆t. This equation may be solved successively through time
for a known inflow hydrograph if the storage volume can be related to outflow
(reservoir case) or channel properties.

Reservoir routing
This case is shown in Figure 13. The outflow is governed by the height (stage h) of
water above the spillway crest level, and the volume of live storage is a so governed
by this height. Hence, for a given reservoir, both the volume and outflow can be
expressed as functions of stage. This is achieved by a topographical survey and
application of a suitable weir equation, respectively.

Rearranging the finite difference equation in terms of unknown and known


2Vt  t 2Vt
 O t  t  It  I t  t  Ot  2O t
t t

Given the stage/storage and stage/discharge characteristics, a relationship between 2

V/A t + O and O can be derived, which leads to a simple tabular solution.

Reservoir sizing - Mass curves
If the catchment runoff hydrograph is plotted cumulatively for any given time period,
then the resulting plot is known as a Mass Curve. These curves can be useful in
reservoir design studies since they provide a ready means of determining storage
capacity necessary for particular rates of runoff and drawoff. Suppose for example that
the mass curve OA of Figure 14 represents the runoff from a catchment that is to be
used for potential water supply for future population growth. If the predicted drawoff
required is plotted on the diagram (Figure 15), as line OB, then the required storage
capacity to ensure that this rate can be accommodated can be found by drawing the
line CD parallel to OB from a point C at the beginning of the driest period recorded.
The storage capacity necessary is denote by the maximum ordinate cd. Normally
much longer periods, e.g. 100 year drought events, are used for reservoir design.


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