Description of Products and Services: Target Market

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Business Concept

NAME: PASCHAL MAKOYE JAMES, Mobile number +255758450780


Business name “PAMAJA International Consulting Limited“

Description of products and services

PAMAJA International Consulting Limited is a startup consulting firm that works with clients to
provide Business Development Services (BDS) This includes; business and marketing plan
preparation, financial search and procurement, IT consulting services, management development,
human resources advising, business coaching, process of production, storage, distribution and
marketing of products, technical assistance in business operations and formalization, capital
mobilization, branding or package, Tax trainings, to deliver customized business solutions to
clients in context of building sustainable business enterprises, manage funds, projects and
business acquisitions.

Market drivers

There enormous factors influencing the growth of the industry such as: Increase in population,
Increase of entrepreneurship, small and medium enterprise, Increase in technology, shortage of
employment opportunity also many entrepreneurs, SME’s fails to formalize, brand, increase and
expand their production and marketing their products because they lack reliable information
about their business and people who can guide or consult on that area. PAMAJA International
Consulting Limited Establishment will be part and parcel of the business development service
industry in Tanzania which facilitates growing of the economy. There are no standard regulations
which can affect business development services. However, some common costs and profit
margins tend to influence consumer-capability of the services.

Target Market
The business consulting industry is very fragmented. Several large multinational companies
dominate the industry while many smaller (and often more specialized) firms occupy their
market niches. Major management consulting companies, have established their dominant
position by providing services to the leading companies in various industries. Consulting
practices of the major accounting firms have established worldwide presence and sell their
packaged services to companies of different sizes and industries. At the same time, numerous
firms and individual business consultants prosper in the market niches that bigger players
consider unprofitable to enter.

The target customers are Start-up companies, small and medium enterprises, business owners,
human resources directors, program managers, presidents or CEOs with 5 to 50 employees who
want to increase productivity and reduce overhead costs, PAMAJA International Consulting
Limited intends to stay on the pulse of new business activity within the local area. Additionally,
business contacts, referrals from among the group, and Internet marketing efforts will be made in
pursuit of new clients. Start-up companies are attractive because owners often lack the broad
range of knowledge and expertise required to launch a new business. There is a serious need in
the marketplace, and certainly a significant demand for, these types of start-up consulting

Value proposition to the customer

Many consulting firm do charge high cost for their customer is they need their services like how
to formalize their business and SMEs, business start-up and other fail to achieve their needs,
their fore PAMAJA international Consulting limited will succeed by offering its customers high-
quality and convenient consultation service. Each satisfied customer is a potential of five new
referrals so the quality of our workmanship is key to growing the business.

The business also will provide quality and superior service at a fair price to the customers on
time. Promotional measures therefore will be quality recreational activities availability at the
right place and time.

Competitive advantage

The opportunities for consultations are enormous. Because PAMAJA International Consulting
Limited provides services, as opposed to a product, our advantages are only as strong as our
consultants. Aside from ensuring our team is flexible, fast, can provide expert advice and can
work on short deadlines, we will take the following steps to support consulting services:
 Maintain only PMP-certified project managers
 Ensure account team members use our proprietary planning and reporting process to stay
in touch with customers and keep them updated on projects
 Provide public speaking training for all consultants
 Develop close relationships with subcontractors who can support us in areas such as
graphic design, to ensure materials and presentations are always clear and maintain a
consistent brand
 All our staff members have at least a degree with 20% having an advanced degree
 We are a virtual company without a lot of overhead costs or strict corporate rules, which
saves time, money and creates a flexible workplace for getting things done

The population of Tanzania is large enough and given their economic power and standard of
living, there is enough market demand to satisfy the supply. Moreover, the people in this area
have a very low bargaining power which is an added advantage to the business. Threats that may
impinge the growth of PAMAJA International Consulting Limited are:

 Lack of capital
 Competition from similar businesses
 Lack of advance equipment to meet the necessary services.

There is no entry barrier into the business. The main competitors are uneducated and mainly use
unskilled labor. This is an advantage to PAMAJA International Consulting Limited

Revenue model

The business will provide quality and superior service at a fair price to the customers on time.
Promotional measures therefore will be quality recreational activities availability at the right
place and time.

PAMAJA international Consulting limited will succeed by offering its customers high-quality
and convenient consultation service. Each satisfied customer is a potential of five new referrals
so the quality of our workmanship is key to growing the business.

The most important marketing strategies will be:

 Pricing strategy: The business will have a mark-up or consultation fee policy of 20%-
30% which will be affordable by the target market. The market place dictates our pricing
and the approval of loans for customers is a proof that our pricing structure is acceptable
in the market. It means a fair price lead by demand and supply.
 Promotion strategy: The business will be engaged in direct marketing. The service will be
market by means of word of mouth and office visits. The manager of the company also
ensures that fliers are posted about town and seminars and workshops organized to
sensitize the public of how the services renders to the society are so important. We will
begin promoting PAMAJA international Consulting limited to the market through several
avenues. These include:
 Special IT and Project Management
 Conference sponsorships and
 Demonstrations
 Direct mail campaigns
 Print advertising campaigns
 Online advertisements
 Email and web site promotional

Distribution model

 Distribute Sales strategy, our sales strategy is oriented toward the idea of arming the sales
force with information so they completely understand both the product and the market
and can hit the ground running within our own company, so the sales staff will have
firsthand knowledge of the product.
 Our sales team will be divided by geographic territory and will be on a base salary plus
commission structure. They will each go through two week-long training sessions on
basic project management, as well as a week-long training session on project
management needs in the maintenance field (Led by a leading maintenance project
 Special product training will also be done for retail for our customers
 Negotiations are also under way with the business owner to offer the product to their
members at a slightly discounted price through both their website and other membership
 Services will be distributed by office employee to the customer site when necessary.
Otherwise, the clients visit the office to request for their services.

Current Status

PAMAJA international Consulting limited has already conducted a market research and has
stated working as a small firm at Sengerema District in Mwanza Region as a sole proprietor but
has started process to move from sole proprietor to private company limited by share and we
hopes to grow big in order to compete with leading consulting companies in the industry. We are
aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the kind of
business we want to own, which is why we are committed to only hire the best hands within our
area of operation. We will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, creative,
customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all
our stake holders.

Our current team member are

Paschal Makoye James, (BAED 2017) Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

 Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training,

coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies,
and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job
results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and
 Generates and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction -.
 Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals, Responsible for signing
checks and documents on behalf of the company
 Develops strategic plan by studying technological and financial opportunities;
presenting assumptions; recommending objectives.
 Builds company image by collaborating with customers, government, community
organizations, and employees; enforcing ethical business practices.
 Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.
 Ensures that the organization works in line with international best practice

Amani semi (ADVANCED DIPLOMA 2015) , Accountant, Sales and Marketing Manager

 Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts;

participates in the structuring and financing of projects; assures the completion of
development projects.
 Writes winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with
organizations’ policy
 Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for
 Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and
communicate with clients.
 Develops, executes and evaluates new plans for expanding increase sales
 Creates new markets cum businesses for the organization
 Empowers and motivates the sales team to meet and surpass agreed targets
We need graphics designer, IT, public relation, lawyer, economist and
procurement officer
Team advisor
We are need of
 Tax consultants
 Agricultural value added professionals
 Business consulting firm and financial enterprises firm.

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