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1) Strengths (S) :

Confident :

When I know a thing correctly , I am confident about that.

Decision Making :

I can take decision very quickly, sometimes it would be wrong but most of the time it
is right.

Team Work :

I feel good when I work in team because together we can do impossible things possible.

Concentration :

I am able to concentrate more time on a single thing like reading a book.

2) Weakness (W) :

Logical Thinking :

Sometimes , I get confused when thinking on a logic of a program or other logical thing.

Confusion In Syntax :

I get confused in syntax of some programming languages.

Patience :

I have lack of patience.

Communication Skills:

I speak hurriedly, so sometimes peoples gets confused what I say?

3) Opportunities (O) :

Android Application Developer :

Today there are more opportunities in Android development because market
consumed by Android are large.

Web Developer :

There are more opportunities in website development.

Programmer :

Programmers also have more opportunities in development of new software, also for
doing something innovative in existing software.

Higher Studies :

I also go for higher studies.

4) Challenges :

Competitions :

There are many software developers so compete with them many skills are required and
so I want to develop all the skills that are required to become a Skillful Engineer.

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