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[To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, sub-

section (i)l

Government of India
Ministry of Corporate Affairs

New Delhi, dated the 10th September,2018

G.S.R. _ (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section

(1) of section 29 read with sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 469 of the
Companies Act 2013 (18 of 2013), the Central Government hereby makes the
following rules further to amend the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of
Securities) Rules, 2014, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Companies

(Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Third Amendment Rules, 2018.

(2) They shall come into force on the 2nd day of October, 2018.

2. In the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014, after

rule 9, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:-

"9A. Issue of securities in dematerialised form by unlisted public

companies.- (1) Every unlisted public company shall -
(a) issue the securities only in dematerialised form; and
(b) facilitate dematerialisation of all its existing securities

in accordance with provisions of the Depositories Act, 1996 and regulations

made there under.
(2) Every unlisted public company making any offer for issue
of any securities or
buyback of securities or issue of bonus shares or rights offer
shall ensure that
before making such offer, entire holding of securities of its
promoters, directors,
key managerial persorurer has been demateriarised in accordance
with provisions
of the Depositories Ac! 1996 and regulations made there
(3) Every holder of securities of an unlisted public
(a) who intends to transfer such securities on or after
2^d october, 201g, shalr get
such securities dematerialised before the transfer; or

(b) who subscribes to any securities of an unristed public

company (whether by
way of private placement or bonus shares or rights offer) on or
after 2nd october,
2018 shall ensure that alr his existing securities are herd
in dematerialized form
before such subscription.

(4) Every unlisted public company shall facilitate dematerialisation

of all its
existing securities by making necessary application to a depository
as defined in
clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 2 of the Depositories
Act, 1996 and shalr
secure International security Identification Number (ISIN) for
each type of
security and shall in-form all its existing security horders about
such facility.

(5) Every unlisted public company shall ensure that _

(a) itmakes timely payment of fees (admission as well as annual) to the

depository and registrar to an issue and share transfer agent in accordance
with the agreement executed between the parties;
(b) it maintains securitjr deposi! at all times, of not less than two years, fees
with the depository and registrar to an issue and share transfer agen!
such form as may be agreed between the parties; and
(c) it complies with the regulations or directions or guidelines or circulars, if
any, issued by the securities and Exchange Board or Depository
from time
to time with respect to dematerialisation of shares of unlisted public
companies and matters incidental or related thereto.

(6) No unlisted public company which has defaulted in sub-rule (5) shall make
offer of any securities or buyback its securities or issue any bonus or right
the payments to depositories or registrar to an issue and share transfer
are made.

(7) Except as provided in sub-rure (s), the provisions of the Depositories

1996' the securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories
and participants)
Regulations, 1996 and the securities and Exchange Board of India
(Registrars to
an Issue and share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 shall apply mutatis
mutandis to dematerialisation of securities of unlisted public companies.

(8) The audit report provided under regulation 55A of the securities and
Exchange Board of India (Depositories and participants) Regulations,
1996 shafl
be submitted by the unlisted public company on a harf-yearly basis to the
Registrar under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company
(9) The grievances,if any, of security holders of unlisted public companies under
this rule shatl be filed before the Investor Education and protection Fund

(10) The Investor Education and protection Fund Authority

shall initiate any
action against a depository or participant or registrar to an issue and
transfer agent after prior consultation with the securities and Exchange Board

[File No. trrt(j2013-CL-VI

Ar/f rcn X"retary to the Govemment of India

Note: - The Principal rules were published in the Gazette of India,

Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (i) vide notification number G.s.R.
251(E), dated the 31"1 March, 201,4 and were subsequently amende d oide
G.s.R' 424(E), dated the 30n |une, 201.4 and number c.s.R. 430 (E) dated the
Map 2018 and number G.S.R. 752 @) dated the Zrr August, 201g.
relrqf, +' {rsq{, 3r€reffq, lg'gt-2, tis s, sccis 1l; dt v-orlrareil

erRa- g{+R

*.rclt-c +,rf dTraq


Tt ft,"fi, artre: loftd{t, 2018

sr.* ....... (3I)- it'f,rq q-{fiR, +qfi 3lfrFqfi,2013 (2013 fiI 18) 6I
irRr 469 dil icEna (1) 3lt{ (2) + sTlT qfu-d ir{r 29 dil 3qtrRT (1) t riE (s) E-dRT
qqia ?tfui *r rd4 +-cA 6(r *qfr (ffif,i:s $f{ cFslfut +.r :*iral F-+4,
2014 +,r:itt isiird +..{i + R(' ffifud F-{ff sdrs t, 3ieltd-:-

r. dftrq ;rrq 3+{ $irr.- (1) FT fut +r {iFE-d f,rq *q-fr (e}€q-fid€ 3ff{

cfu@ or rntiral fis{r +iqitr-d fr{fr, 2018 tl

(2) t 02 3|f€{, 2018 d u-{tr Or-nt

2. i;q-fi tffi*-cs 3it{ cFqFd mr :+dral F-{ff, 2014 t F-{fr t 6 qeutq

ffifua fr+s da:+qrfra t+qr il-(En, srelta-' -

"96. 3rqdr{s qfufi *rqffit w tr vfta1fr+i srfi *rar.- (1)

qcRI Faflfdf,Ed
e-cn-6 3fq-dda tiq-fi Fetqrlln srfrF-qq, 1996 3lh{ aEqfra a-an' eR' EF-qdi *
scritit t rrrfrsr{ -

(*.) tr{d{ AtffiArga Gc ii fr cfretrsT art +ffi; rit*

(le1 gFSI qsfr Ftrfrq-nrn cfrqtrd * fur'|frfi-firoT st €iF{ qdrclfrl

(2\ 6€ efr cfrqFqT 3fi *.-{" ar rfra1frd ff :a, .* *-ri

qt drs etqr qr
{r{d q€errqf,r 16 ori + frr' r€?nrdr FfA qrff rc+6 :r{d=d-d qfu+. ifrq$ 16
gfrft.rd sd lfr tdl u-€?nqf,r +-{A t X* gs* €rd-d-6, fr*ro, F€q qdu8rq
*.rffiq. *I qfre@ *r W t{F 6i Fqtqrrrq sfuG-qs, tggo sitr r{* 3fifrfl
6rnq rrq Rfut 6 5qtiui *:tqsrr 69ft-6rqa fr-qr etqr tl

A---,+ ---A- j--,---+

(J) lchtll StlqlSq -.F'-
q loQ|ch chqo-ll chl yc<lch t-ll(ch -

(+.) fr 02 3rf,dfl, 2018 st qr rs* qe"rn ffi cfre1g+r 3iafud +-{i ;Fr 3{TeEr
t T*ffi BeAft-fir1a cftltfu *t cIE-d +t-m; qr
rsar t, 3idtur
(q) ;h ffi sq-fidq qfun +q-ff fi ffi cfra1F 02 r+qw, 20i8 6} qr
3q* ceqrd- 3Ttr-drq orar t (qtF ro ffi furfl qr das slwi qr {r{c
r€erTq;Tr aft +-{i fi ffeqq t il, d Td 16 gFR'dd strrr fu W 3{ftdrq
*-ri t qid r€-6r qefr Fr-dqata cfu@t d frenft-€rf-d sq ii {sr rrur

(4) s=cf6 lrq.$-fld qRrd; *rrff Fqtq?TR gfuh-+o, 1996 *r tTRr 2 fi ictrRr
(1) + it uervffn+F-a frstcr+R fr s{raeqfi sr}d-d +-r*:rqfi qsfi fuflqrd
Eis (s.)
cftsl@ dI E:n\ft-6md sq it s+r {flr('rft 3itr v-ct6 tr6R 6l cfreffr + frT
3ja{Efiq ctrdelfr .r5era duer (3Trg\'$Tft'd) qFd sUt 3ir 3rq-A or11 6E+ma
cfrs"Tfrtrrc+,t +t:r+-a €fffn + ert A qfua +l.lltr

(5) c-ctn s${d qfun drq$ +o gFftu-a strft fu -

(6) d-6 cat"fiRt drq Fscrfud Fct(r 4\r *w t r.rsn fraiwarn a?Tr Fi?i-fl
{trs€qR:it* etw 3{T{"r 3fMi +t se-q q{ 6r€ 1u-}lr:ik dIffiO Tiqrq
+rfr F;
(s) a5 G-atsrzm 3it{ ffiff{BFER ertt q}q* *aqor gf*+-at *
qrs qsft
F-n-ql.r{ *-q d +-q d a* +r cfuiF frafc S w ii e-aK' {€-S t' risl
il('; 3it{
qaffiRl *. dlq 6w qrqr
(4) d-6 3rqfid-6 qtun +qfui * qHt S freitft-fi-+TuT 3lk 5s* 3rEsfi-+-
qr €dfua fut fi,idE fr s+r:I-lr;fil q{ sTrrffq ctrdsifr * 66a-a **
rcnr aft Efut qr fttqit qr frqn-frtqrl qr q , qE *tS e), +i
:r.dcrd-fl +-afr F

qfud iiqfr, ffi 3rr-F"-r (5) d Eqfr'fin frsT F' fraffii

(6) 6f$ sft 3rq-S16
qr ffiE rh€qw ritt et+r 3jd{ur 3{flF+-at +t iarq ts('f,ri a6 ffi eft cfdeiF
6r q+qFrdT a€t 6d qr sTqdl cfre-T +t *-+ qanr qrqq tf,i'ffi qr *i+ d-ds
qT {rfd stqr aft n€i +'l-lftl

(7) ic-F-{ff (8) ii fsr 5cdfud t lg* R-drq, Faicrrrr fifuF-qq, 1996, s{rrffq
cfrs$ a?i Eftrq d3 tfrelqrrn 3it{ sde{t"tD EG-{ff, 1996 3it{ eirtrq cfre$
' frGeq d5 tarrq {F-F{R :it* e}T{ 3iil{ur gM) frF-{q, 6 5votr
s{d-d6 qfu6 aiqfui fi cfrsffrrit * fuanfufir+-tor q{ qfifm w d aqotit

(8) 3r{dr+6 qfufi dqfi e-crr firrfiq ,ftefi 3fk Bfrfi'q *A lFaiwm :fF
q-dsTrrfi) Ea-irff, 1996 * RF-q-ff 55s + 5qdfr- ffiaTr Rt*8 3ldgrffi-6
"rftd $fu+netr h 3Ttfi-d dtqfr frr
3{rtrq q{ ss rhsqr +} w.a-a 61 ;r(rafr ffi
@ta +rqidq Rtra tt
(9) gs fr-q-H * 3{tft-fl 3f{S-d-6 qkc' .iqfui * fi felfir4-i, qfr
+f* t, frFrur-aq-et fiteiT w +icarur Ffu clfu+{q * sner w-{a fi aruafrt

(10) ftFtrT-d-+-di felffiI ad srerur Ffu fffum-{ur sTRdrq cfr}1ft vdEfrr-q d3 +

€ q{TE-?i * er4 fi ffi fratcrrrq qr soeTrrtl qr ff-fr {F-F{R ritc stor 3iifiur
3{M. + fuf6 +tg 6ffi eTi-e{ 6trnl
ls, .d'. 1 /21 /201 3-s(rf,-Vl

, (t*.rn qfi)
a/c*ya sfuq, nnd sr*,t

ftequr: W s{fufr{q, g{rrd *

{rfiq{, 3fiIrqrul, eTtT 2, Eis 3, 5c{is (i) d, adrs
31 rr+, 2014 fr 3{fr'q.fir dqr ql.m.ft. 251(3T) {-arr r+rRld frt' trq $ 3it{
ircrRqr( artq eo {dT, 2014 *t 3rfuqrdr ,icsr qr.+, 424(3Il ritt arts oz
q€, zote fr sfuffrar €wr 430(30 3ik dltq 07 ser*r, 2018 fI
$frgfir dwr, qarr ftifua F;q trcrl

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