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Submitted to: Ma’am Amna Ali

Submitted by: Bilal Ahmad

Sap: 70077858
Section: B
Program: BBA
Date: 3-31-2020
You are working in a manufacturing company. one of your machines needs to
be replaced. following the 8 step decision process, elaborate the replacement
of machinery with the possible solution.
Following are the eight step you follow for a decision making process when you
come across a problem.
1: Identify The Problem
Firstly, while working if anything stops working or goes down. As a worker have
to identify the problem, what is the main problem because of which we are not
getting our desire work done.
During working in a manufacturing company, I figure out that one of machine has
stop working. So, here we are identified the problem.
2: Identify Decision Criteria
In identify decision criteria we decide after configuration that what are our
requirement for machine like if we have knitting machine its criteria would be its
wheel, roller, yarn, creed, cam box and needle.
3: Allocate Weight to the Criteria
After making identifying decision criteria that are needed for our machine that has
stop working, we will allocate weight to them ,we will arrange those criteria’s from
10 to 1.
6 Wheel
5 Yarn
4 Roller
3 Needle
2 Cam box
1 Creel

4: Analyze Alternative
Now after making our criteria and allocating weights, we will analyze different
companies’ machines and make a list of alternatives that suit best to our criteria.
Name of same companies:
 Shagai
 Sawdan manufactures
 Al hadadi makers
5: Analyze the alternative
In analyze of alternative we will see that which alternatives is best for our criteria,
6: Select an alternative:
Now, we will choose the alternative that goes best for our working.
7: implement the alternative:
After selecting our alternative we will implement it. we put our decision into
8: Evaluate decision Effectiveness:
After putting our decision into action, now we will evaluate according to the
working of machine that if it was a good decision or not.

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