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eee Reassembling the Social An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory Bruno Latour OXFORD You at confusing cence with mastery. Beg able to fse the pene ee sce pace’ a me can Jou Fine one sage topic to which Bovdlew's etal soctology whieh Sout so oad of could poss no appiy> : ° i eat Image ane snge tpl whieh ANT woul apply Pr tenutful you ae that's exacy what tink [Shot wasn sat on compet. Put abe tase one! Ar application of anytng 8:0 088 gad tent of seca scene Sih sek ht oa your cet ae eee war so eager toa mes context suture fo Your mee esciplone, how mould you ave latened ‘Tht hate tifersnce beter good and bad ANT ext? bp Now thas go question Answer he same s Beton 3 Zod taba laboratory. Ne moc, no Tes ‘vel okay an thanks, Ire le of you to ako me But thnk user al sca of AN wat thinking us Lanna ste theo asan andoyingnahewokethat ems fo Mold to peo [Be "nopolet aa thr maybe {wl sa ofboth, Pr Pout enw seal undeng frameworks’ 1 wee you S tuoryoursont of slenc om wit Tce, means ean all he rules of oi seen at prefer to bette al olw my ators. As you sai, Lam ‘So koow wht would be real nce? Since no one around hese seems understand wht ANT ie you should welt an iedution 1) it Ta would ensure our tecnere noe eh sad then, 1 may sia igre mg paso ano So steal that bad 5 seer fst 2 PD student, but youve a profesor. You nave punt Yo cin anda ig atc Tween {omy superar tapi can follow yout adc tao “Ft come to ne tend Why ty toe ANT? Storthe ast hal ous, | have to ots, ve been wondering the PART It "How to Render Associations Traceable Again Introduction to Part Il: Why is it so Difficult to Trace the Social? It shomia be he simplest ng the wold Weare al bound by soca Interactions we alive insets ale ae ll uta ana iy a these es remain vo ene? fe the precing pages, ae nd hep the eas perfect stil very soon you mo nes fet thing but aveguerentostng dollnes-even fife hando ur Tnlowe ith the slsnce of movernens bas coo a DIN Senses Thesnue iste ofthe sense of hese’ bo new asaeatin, “Th why to ene the (eng for scat cones {ad spe tnt ects et ai ‘poukble elements which it clans are made of some hinogeneous rut the other—which I fered toa sociology of sociation ‘st fathom controversies abou the ange of eterogencous lem ‘ns tat may Be asoitea together nome eave, we Know ogy ‘Sat he sol world trade of-ts made inthe socal in he ‘the we should alvays een by not knew what sade of Ths, ich Ike the plato ofthe Gaels, the seas forthe socal ‘comes ethers temedy Or 3 poet psion depending on the discs the ing Phi po to aa sn ny sete ety ree i re ae One se 3 aleve tan tuned together pss hen‘ by ites they ll Begin to 1S pena ingesting therm, they wl esl complete pass ou opin to tke hat has en connected tgether for» spec type otf: the socal expaintnesoctaYouhaveeteela wont thats fo fongereaeabe a worl hat stn danger of beg quel vided bythe taies dragons, heroes, wets erica scaly Buthow sit pssibito ave te compel opposite meaings oe tne sme adie” It an be explained, ink becaue te Socal ‘cieneesive pursued shmutaneoush thee arent ass: document ingthe various sysin which thesoctl bl hy its members Ingen ‘snes sting the conroveries abt thes by Hing the ‘we of enter t won in te mon and tying 19 sive the soca ‘qos’ by eflerng sme prosthess for poles! action. There | ‘othing vero wth ese gs sce soilogy, the sclence of vig {ogether should des beable to ult the tee elowing duties shuld be abe to depoy the fl angeofcontowersles abst which tsocnions ar pone shad be able to show through whieh fins those contoweres ae setled ant hom such element te iptp-anditean help dee thei processor te composition trtheolecive by rendering olf interesting those who ae bee, theobjectorstay ut whats tmponble tty fl mone es Sguttaneouy witout paying ater to hee accession, Te you confuse the sand withthe ft, or insane, you start sinning that your main tasks to etry adennce ne I the ‘coe placethe range of unceaies n which you ae al the Sco getios. Ths means hat you tae stupon youre nz town theme of posse soit ageeate, fo it he number of ‘gence that make actors do things, tb exclude as many non-nean tbjectsas poset cling toa stat disionoabor etree atl ‘nu socal scence and, inal, to nai fim been socogy ssan autonomous slendie dicpine. Aer sich heuer tino longer possible to trace the five sources of uncertainty that we hive reewed. Things get even worse wen you conf the ta hry—that of polit relevance the other oo. For petty ‘Specie aon thu eee ote neces of madeation, {Sle projecoremanciaton, ato the sherds eae {nquldes you bein tasubtae the ators compoaton the ‘ce with yur ow tion oft kl en gt. You sito ask ea soity a i whi section Bt heads ‘Aout an suet sacs nella sty eg hae en roduc intnetine of Comte, Spence, Dut or atoms has owoccomedsstons hen abo explnaton propose theres ngewe to ei deo me gee pote appnnn anda, oan atepe Socal en ering orto mre zines With he coafston of te thee sccessive Sian cee as ce roe ‘ten though soil xplnstions keep proieating eto “fo be ttf the pojct of ssn of sow that the wor sil ar sen have both been seurishedme ave to ‘recom the ins stout aang any ofthe dee ong ‘tres aner having shown i at iow me could deploy ators crn es anfoireahingin secon te fey question of poset anne tow Have to show that Hs Dosti tesco finery tot ong Une seted but this lo the labor ofthe ators then ‘Ses aothis to pode aes apd oi ean bethorghly ‘Examen. 4s Soon st eet the actor lea up, 306 sea, ee ‘ese sone order an be reteved which ate deren flutes” own emp a tng crores in asc Tuntrtnately ss cca fo deploy the ve sours of ues tay ten gong tobe even ule follow the means ough ‘Shh ty te Sable Ia tis new see Il ee Co Be eve Jove tggehendowth raion sso area What Fs teered esc tnraeni te ey extence oxy oF tore fs cata Te tithe oie dos Foun theambgunyorhewordsocatbuthomatonfstonentetatad ‘Svonintnehinonyoseeoig, betwee assembling be Potic Sf osemblingtecolesive. Even hugh bth pertons nave ak ‘vor the two shouldbe kept apathy are acme th "o'pu i roaly, soley hs 19 century weno, a tenn ge ming tp the Leva fhe 18 ea and theetlcc ott 21" by asking socety to do wo jos at xe, spo ab es ee sa ie Puc 20), Soy hu Se dt Lee ge en, 197- 190 thats 10 make ee collective tacale an to poy the oe of » Ste for plies thas never been abe too either a Ue rope The aiposed existence oa wait hu preci the emer fecal stent cst al aed a os sting he ods ferry that pol ene sa en tho wi coe ea ony ae endo book te trae ft double inden ett sap: the by pene es ‘opposed by contraction, bent, ttl an ates ay Theres nothing wrong with this sce it hao solve the mpeae peblem of plat sot, using the many ioe aNd Making the ce eyed bythe many. Oy poet actionable to trace, by contin ela oer, val an ta. sembly tats away danger of Gappesing tog Ths tat Wate Lippmann had designate by the pt werd po, The Manto Pate" rom the myth or te soll ona oat the Indy pitches alway been, John Dewey Pa i a his ase 1 Lippmann,» pede,» hos aways ak complete aot ‘ever wir apponed to become t substan, «beng Bens ‘al that woul have ese beneath, bel a jon poles {cion, What has stuck al ees n Hobbes of Leth ‘show aie is moral eo was a ow guy coud ave Forall tee, ths giant hat et fey ™ alata ya med fae th ic nn arduous ao pong og pital meus eae gi vanishes te By pote tansnopiied ats see Supposed to Rol up ender mm tc sein th me 9 tana aan wns 30, a ta eat cae nett Ree ce Sheath ie Sa ‘Wage hae na aielae eee ‘cheese ephpang aasnfi tn nema og Fl em ee eee! poliscl setvky2 Although i rmais invisible, che gant body Pulte ls now sald to have had fet soy fastened to a stn pedestal all the dials of grasping the soa tart tom such a0 Htporabe eat ot metalinge! Seton: he moving Shape ut the Phantom Pubic ow eat roa "Whereas ie body pole wan casks} Laced by pbs, sotetys tte whether we Ike tor not An instead of seeing ths a ca fon or technical impo, socal sls. take 5 itosty pretence ae the bet po of ts asters exten On) fh does the Phantom Become 9 po the Leathe uae Wo 9 ‘her Rut oes not require uc efor to see hat kul 20 "ways present enty erty the oppo of whats needed for the fone toe assemble it aleady here, he pct ean 6 ‘poss ave no longer wacebly t's total the praetea teans {otal tare no longer vse ts tua he pct ean Fete, tote cae ie dsppesred rom veh AS Tong kf ie ete shadow ia ei Deity the shad of the Leviathan, no scence of he soca ca ceed forwasl pr it vem mae tay ee tee eh slg Yau coche bothat once Gael Troe wae) Fisreser ee sw ie depin aking soe an Natural al Sol eons tl prety el and shy sch hirer on ey aside eos to expat ther inguies ‘tof tneshadows of asacet;>™ They al have ate that soe ss ‘Sino eat, sca mee ypostels a ieton But by ena git wnere neon to elie, hey ave never en able 0 ‘dowore than cata ile ice for theses tai he eta ‘ody that hey climes ch tay So, Uo tangs ws (fine society became at once hat as ays eed asa eo Stet oni eps en