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Quiz-1, Module -1

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

August 25, 2020

Enrollment Number:...................................
Section: ............................................

1. Highlight on Health care bioinformatics as Data mining application.

2. What is the most suitable solution for handling missing values in a

given application domain? Examplify.

3. Data mining can be crucial for a business to run successfully. Exam-

plify. How data mining may entertain its business needs? Can data
query processing or simple statistical analysis be used as substitute of
data mining?

4. What do you understand be the term Data warehouse? How is it

different from a database?

5. What do you understand by following terms? Explain with suitable


(a) Spatial database

(b) Outliers
(c) Regression
(d) Supervised Learning
(e) Generalization
(f) OLAP operations

6. Spatio-temporal data streams contain spatial information in the form
of data stream which change with respect to time.

(a) Give 2 example applications domains for spatio-temporal data

(b) How data from such sources be interesting, considering limited
time and resources?
(c) What can be the challenges in data mining for above data streams?

7. Design fact constellation schema for a municipal corporation office.

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