Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Strategies Resources (Tools, References)

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Christian Anthony B.


Choose a content (subject matter) of your interest and formulate at least three intended
learning outcomes (cognitive, psychomotor, affective). Suggest some teaching-learning
activities, assessment strategies, and resources for each learning outcome. Follow the
format below:

Intended Content Teaching- Assessment Resources (tools, references)

Learning Learning Strategies
Outcomes Activities
1. Explain the For the content, The teacher Multiple  PPT for Types of Conjunctions
difference the teacher will will ask the Choice Test  Laptop and projector
among the then discuss to following and Fill-in-  Test Questionnaires
three types of class the three questions to the-Blank  Correlative conjunctions:
conjunctions; types of give students a Test neither/nor, either/or, both/and, .
conjunctions glimpse on the . .(n.d.). Retrieved January
(coordinating, lesson. This can 20,2020, from speakspeak:
subordinating, & build
 O'Brien, E. (n.d.). What is a
correlative). The interactive conjunction? Retrieved
teacher will teaching- January20, 2020, from
provide learning GrammarRevolution:
adequate process.
definitions and 1. When the conjunction.html
examples of each sole of your  Subordinating conjunctions: so
that, until, even if, whereas, . . .
type for the shoes open,
(n.d.). Retrieved January20,
students to what do you 2020, from speakspeak:
carefully use to put them -rules/conjunctions/subordinatin
understand all of back together? g
these. 2. When you
need to need a
1x1 picture on
your index
card, what do
you use to stick
3. What do you
use when you
need to put
pieces of paper
2. Construct In here, the Ball and Music Application  Container with strips of
sentences teacher will have Game Test conjunctions
Christian Anthony B. Anog

using various some students  Ball & music

conjunctions; construct their  Test Questionnaires
and own sentences to
check their
understanding in
the lesson.
3. Appreciate As for the end of Think, Pair, & Short Essay  Worksheets
the value in the lesson, the Share (Topic: My
using of several teacher will ask Idea of a Fun
conjunctions. the students if Weekend)
they really
understood the
lesson regarding
types of

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