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DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

1.The shape of the camber, best suited for cement pavement , is

a) straight line b) parabolic
c) elliptical d) combination of straight and parabolic

2. For water bound macadam road in localities of heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is
a)1in30 b)1in36
c)1in48 d)1in60

3. The stopping sight distance depends on

a)total reaction of time b)spped of vehicle
c)efficiency of brakes d)all of above

4.When the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels
due to rotation, then it results in
a)slipping b)skidding
c)turning d)revolving

5.Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is

a)rough b)dry
c)smooth and dry d)smooth and wet

6.Camber in road is provided for

a)effective drainage b)counteracting the centrifugal force
c)having proper sight distance d)none of the above

7.Compared to a level surface, on a descending gradient the stopping sight distance is

a)less b)more
c)same d)dependent on speed

8.On a single lane road with two way traffic, the minimum stopping sight distance is equal to
a)SSD b)2*SSD
c) 0.5*SSD d)3*SSD

9.The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to

a)OSD b)3*OSD
c)2*OSD d)5*OSD

10.SSD is always
a)<OSD b)>OSD
c)equal to OSD d)none of above

11.Reaction time of a driver

a)increases with increase in speed b)decreases with in speed
c)is same for all speed d)none of above

12.If the stopping distance is 60 m, then the minimum SSD for two lane, two way traffic is
a)30m b)60m
c)120m d)180m
DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

13.The effect grade on safe OSD

a)To increase it on descending grades and to decrease it on ascending grades
b)To decrease it on descending grades and to increase it on ascending grades
c)To increase it on both descending and ascending grades
d)To decrease it on both descending and ascending grades

14.If b is the wheel track of vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface , then to
avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always
a) less than b/2h and greater than coefficient of lateral friction
b) less than b/2h and also less than coefficient of lateral friction
c) greater than b/2h and less than coefficient of lateral friction
d) greater than b/2h and also greater than coefficient of lateral friction

15.The camber of road should be approximately equal to

a) longitudinal gradient b)2* longitudinal gradient
c)3* longitudinal gradient d)0.5* longitudinal gradient

16.The camber for hill roads in case of bituminous surfacing is adopted as

a)2% b)2.5%
c)3% d)4%

17.Which one of the following expression gives intermediate sight distance as per IRC standards?
a)2*SSD b)(SSD+OSD)/2
c) (SSD-OSD)/2 d)2*OSD

18.Brake is applied on a vehicle which then skids a distance of 16m before coming to stop. If the
developed average coefficient of friction b/w the tyres and the pavement is 0.4, then the speed of the
vehicle before skidding would have been nearly
a)20km b)30km
c)40km d)50km

19.The number of independent equations to be statisfied for static equilibrium of a plane structure is
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 6

20.If there are m unknown members forces, r unknown reaction components and j no of joints, then the
degree of static indeterminacy(SI) of pin-jointed plane frame is given by
a) m + r + 2j b) m - r + 2j
c) m + r - 2j d) m + r - 3j

21.Number of unknown internal forces in each member of rigid join plane frame is
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 6

22.Degree of SI of rigid jointed plane frame having 15 members, 3 reaction components and 14 joints is
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 8
DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

23.If in pin-jointed plane frame (m+r)>2j, then the frame is

a) stable and statically determinate b) stable and statically indeterminate
c) unstable d) none of all

24.A pin-jointed plane frame is unstable if

a) (m+r)<2 b) (m+r)=2j
c) (m+r)>2j d) none of all

25. A rigid jointed plane frame is stable and statically determinate if

a) (m+r)=2j b) (m+r)=3j
c) (3m+r)=3j d) (m+3r)=3j

26.The no of independent equation to be statisfied for static equilibrium in a space structure is

a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 6

27.The degree of static indeterminacy of pin-jointed space frame is given by

a) m+r-2j b) m+r-3j
c) 3m+r-3j d) m+r+2j

28.The degree of static indeterminacy of pin-jointed space frame is given by

a) m+r-2j b) m+r-3j
c) 3m+r-3j d)6 m+r-6j

29.If in a rigid-jointed space frame, (6m+r)<6j, then the frame is

a) stable and statically determinate b) stable and statically indeterminate
c) unstable d) none of all

30.A road camber is given in fig below

For designing this camber, the equation to be used is

a) Y=x2/60 c) y= x2/120
2 2
b) Y=x /210 d) y= x /225

31.which of beam shown in fig is unstable

DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

32.The rigid jointed frame shown in fig is

a) Unstable
b) Stable and statically determinate
c) Stable and statically indeterminate by one degree
d) Stable and statically indeterminate by two degree

33.What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 1 b)2 c)3 d)4

34. .What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 10 b)12 c)13 d)15

35. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 0 b)1 c)3 d)2

DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

36. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 3 b)0 c)1 d)2

37. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) Unstable
b) Stable and statically determinate
c) Stable and statically indeterminate by one degree
d) Stable and statically indeterminate by two degree

38. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 1 b)2 c)3 d)4

39. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 1 b)2 c)3 d)4

DURATION : 45mints
MARKS : 67.50marks

40. What is the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure shown in fig

a) 10 b)12 c)13 d)none of the above

41.Match the list I and list II

42.The most rised portionof the pavement is called

a) super elevation
b) camber
c) crown
d) kerb

43.The breaking efficiency for the vehicle moving with the speed of 18kmph having lag distance 14m and
a) 25.3 b)25.6 c) 25.4 d)25.8

44.The stopping sight distance doesnot depends on

a) break reaction time b) speed of vehicle c) length of the vehicle d) friction

45.If the speed of over taken vehicle is 80kmph then the design speed …………. In kmph
a) 80 b) 96 c) 100 d)106

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