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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | August 26, 2020


Family of Columbus man missing since
July 14 remains optimistic for safe return
BY THEO DEROSA Taylor affection- “‘I’ll see you later, Mama,” where Ryan is or what happened plate LTE 7723, hasn’t been ately described Ryan replied. to him. Her “good-hearted” son found yet. Anyone with informa-
him — came back But she hasn’t seen her son loves his family, Karli said, and tion on Taylor’s whereabouts can
James Ryan Taylor can talk to their house on since. Ryan has been missing for checked in with his ailing father, contact CPD at 662-244-3500 or
about anything. Plymouth Road more than a month, last seen at Mike, via text or in person every Golden Triangle Crime Stoppers
“If he wanted to talk about in Columbus to the Plaza Motel on The Island day before he went missing. at 800-530-7151.
rocks, he could talk about shower and eat a that evening. A phone call be- “This is just out of character Laura said CPD and Lowndes
rocks,” his mother, Laura Taylor, big supper. Ryan, Taylor tween 2 and 4 a.m. the following completely for him not to let any- County Sheriff’s Office are do-
said. “If he wanted to talk about 39, was joking morning with his older brother one know where he is or what’s ing their best to locate Ryan and
the news, he could talk about the around, as usual, before heading Kevin was Ryan’s last commu- going on,” Laura said. urged anyone with tips to con-
news.” out for the night. nication before he disappeared, Columbus Police Chief Fred tact the departments rather than
On July 14, her loving, out- “Go on, get out of here, boy,” and the conversation was nor- Shelton said there are no updates her family, which has happened
going son — the “clown” of the Laura told her son lovingly. “You mal, Laura said. on the case and that Taylor’s sil- on occasion.
Taylor family, as his niece Karli be careful. You be safe.” She said she has no idea ver 2011 Ford Fiesta, license See MISSING, 8A

SOCSD Golden Triangle small businesses

purchasing weathering COVID-19 storm
devices for
all students
Some students
switching from virtual
to traditional learning
after 2 days of school

All students in Starkville-Oktib-

beha Consolidated School District
will have their own electronic de-
vice thanks to a grant from Missis-
sippi Department of Education and
a unanimous vote Tuesday from the
SOCSD Board of Trustees at a spe-
cial-call meeting.
The state Legislature passed
the Equity in Distance Learning
Act in June, authorizing the use of
$150 million in federal Coronavirus
Aid, Relief and Economic Security
(CARES) Act funds to provide ev-
ery student in the state with a lap-
top or tablet, since many students
are learning remotely due to the Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff
COVID-19 pandemic. Terrance Bonner, right, administers a facial treatment on Twania Davis on Aug. 19 at Glam Station and Spa in Columbus.
See SOCSD, 8A Bonner had to resort to online sales only while the salon was closed for two months, but he feels confident he’ll be able to
financially survive COVID-19.

Many taking ‘big hit’ because of pandemic, but experts say there’s cause for optimism
THEO DEROSA two years later, the COVID-19 pandem- can’t say the same. According to a study
OCH CEO: MSU ic has called her dream into question.
“It’s been a challenge, but we’re
by Yelp cited in the Washington Post in
mid-August, about 60,000 small busi-
Deloris Doss grew up as one of 14
students not likely to children — seven boys and seven girls.
When she was young, she saw how
hanging in there because we trust God
and we have faith,” Doss said. “... We
nesses in the U.S. permanently closed
between March 1 and July 25, casual-
require hospitalization hard her parents worked to support the
family — how they always got their chil-
never thought anything like this would
ties of COVID-19.
Mississippi and the Golden Triangle

for COVID dren what they needed, not what they

Her store was shut down for near-
ly two months in the spring, and sales
area haven’t been immune, but accord-
ing to local and state experts, they’ve
BY TESS VRBIN Seeing her parents struggle helped have dropped 20 percent overall even fared better than expected. Mitch Mc- Doss decide something for herself. with the business open again as of late Dowell, assistant director of the Mis-
“When I grew up, I wanted to have May. Church and school clothing hasn’t sissippi Small Business Development
Administrators at both OCH my own business,” she said. “I wanted sold well, Doss said. Center, which provides resources and
Regional Medical Center and Mis- to have my own stuff. I wanted to be But with her part-time job at City counseling for small businesses across
sissippi State University have been able to tell myself what to do, not have Hall and the full- and part-time jobs her the state, is optimistic about small busi-
in contact as MSU has resumed people tell me what to do.” three daughters hold, she expects her ness strength.
in-person classes, but OCH CEO In February 2018, Doss achieved store to survive the pandemic. “Overall, it’s not as doom and gloom
Jim Jackson said he does not fore- that goal when she opened the cloth- “I think we’ll be OK — at least, I pray as everyone seems to think,” McDowell
see the hospital having to admit ing store Three Daughters on Main in we’ll be OK,” she said. said.
See OCH, 8A downtown West Point. Just more than Many small businesses, however, See SMALL BUSINESSES, 3A


1 In which city is the first Frank Gehry-designed MEETINGS
Guggenheim Museum? Aug. 28: Starkville
2 What does “LED” stand for in the “LED lights”? Board of Aldermen
3 A jump shot is a move in billiards. True or false? work session, 10 a.m.,
4 Which NYC neighborhood is home to the Apollo City Hall
Theater and the namesake of the river that sepa-
rates the Bronx from Manhattan? Sept. 1: Starkville
Lucy Ann Martin 5 In which professional sport did Jason Lee make Board of Aldermen
a name for himself, before starring in the TV meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
First grade, Heritage
show, “My Name is Earl”? City Hall

High 92 Low 75
Chance t-storms
Answers, 8B Sept. 8: Oktibbeha
County Board of
Supervisors meeting,
Full forecast on
Chancery Courthouse,
page 3A.
9 a.m.
Sept. 8: Starkville-Ok-
INSIDE tibbeha Consolidated
School District Board
Classifieds 7,8B Food 5,6B
Comics 4B Obituaries 4A of Trustees meeting, 6
Crossword 8B Opinions 6A Renee Sanders is the Executive Director p.m., 401 Greensboro
Dear Abby 4B of United Way of Lowndes and Noxubee. St.


2A WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •

Courtesy images/Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Left: “The Great River Flag” design by Micah Whitson. Right: “The New Magnolia” design by Rocky Vaughn, Sue
Anna Joe and Kara Giles.

Final 2 Mississippi flag

proposals: Shield vs. magnolia
Flag commissioners will choose a single design sion last week narrowed that to the
final five: the shield with wavy lines
next week, and that will go on the Nov. 3 ballot representing water; one with the
Mississippi River snaking along the
for Mississippi voters to accept or reject state’s western border, plus a mag-
nolia blossom; one with a magnolia
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS Archives and History is putting the blossom on a white background;
The Associated Press designs online so people — inside one with the magnolia blossom on
or outside the state — can vote on a dark blue background; and one
JACKSON — As Mississippi re- their favorite. But the online voting with a stylized magnolia tree.
places its former flag that had the is not binding. Commissioners can The five designs were manufac-
Confederate battle emblem, five choose their own favorite to put on tured into flags, and more than 50
proposals were literally run up a the ballot. people watched Tuesday as those
flagpole Tuesday. A group then nar- If a majority of those voting in were raised on a pole outside the
rowed the choice to two designs: the November election accept the
One with a shield and one with a Old Capitol Museum — the same
lone design, it will become the new building that was still an active
magnolia. state flag. If they reject it, the de-
“When you fly a flag up a flag- statehouse in 1894 when white
sign process will begin again and supremacists in the Mississippi
pole, it sure does look different than another design will go on the ballot
it does on paper,” said the chairman Legislature adopted the Confeder-
later. ate-themed flag during backlash to
of the nine-member flag commis- In late June, Mississippi legisla-
sion, former state Supreme Court political power that African Amer-
tors voted to retire the last state flag
Justice Reuben Anderson. icans briefly gained during Recon-
to include the Confederate battle
Commissioners will choose a struction.
emblem — a red field topped by a
single design next week, and that Republican Lt. Gov. Delbert
blue X with white stars. The change
will go on the Nov. 3 ballot for vot- Hosemann, who worked to retire
came amid widespread national
ers to accept or reject. protests over racial injustice after the old flag, watched as the new
By law, the old flag with the Con- Minneapolis police killed George proposals were raised Tuesday, but
federate battle emblem is not an Floyd, who was Black, in their cus- he refrained from expressing any
option, and the replacement cannot tody in May. preference.
have the emblem that’s widely con- Leaders from business, religion, “I think I’m going to love which-
demned as racist. Legislators also education and sports lobbied legis- ever one they pick,” he said.
mandated that the new flag include lators to furl Mississippi’s 126-year- Jasmine Dennis, an architecture
the phrase, “In God We Trust.” old flag, saying that the banner did student from Jackson, watched
Each of the final designs con- not properly represent a state with a as some of the proposed designs
tains a single star made of diamond 38 percent Black population. A cru- were flown. Dennis, who is African
shapes to represent the Native cial push came from the Southeast- American, said she was pleased the
American people who lived in Mis- ern Conference, which said Missis- state no longer uses the old flag.
sissippi before others arrived. The sippi could lose some postseason “The fact that they’re taking the
magnolia design has 21 stars, with events if it kept the old flag. initiative and changing the state
one representing the Choctaws, The law that shelved the old flag and putting something that’s
Chickasaws and other tribes, and flag also created the commission a little bit more peaceful and uni-
the others representing Mississippi to recommend a new one. The gen- versal and has a positive message
as the 20th state. eral public submitted nearly 3,000 to it — I’m really proud that they’re
The Mississippi Department of design proposals, and the commis- changing it,” she said.

Laura now forecast to be a catastrophic Category 4 hurricane

Laura has grown nearly 70 percent in power in 24 hours, damage: “Power outages
will last weeks to possibly
with maximum sustained winds increasing to 110 mph months. Most of the area
will be uninhabitable for
BY JEFF MARTIN, JOHN has undergone a remark- ing well inland.” weeks or months,” the
MONE AND STACEY able intensification, “and Laura has grown near- weather service says.
PLAISANCE there are no signs it will ly 70 percent in power in In the largest U.S.
The Associated Press stop soon,” the National just 24 hours, with maxi- evacuation of the pan-
Hurricane Center said in mum sustained winds in- demic, more than half
GALVESTON, Tex- an update early Wednes- creasing to 110 mph with a million people were
as — Hurricane Laura is day. higher gusts, forecasters ordered Tuesday to flee
forecast to rapidly power “Some areas when said early Wednesday. from an area of the Gulf
up into a “catastrophic” they wake up Thursday “We are expecting Coast along the Tex-
Category 4 hurricane, morning, they’re not go- widespread power outag- as-Louisiana state line.
even stronger than pre- ing to believe what hap- es, trees down. Homes More than 385,000 res-
viously expected, as it pened,” Stacy Stewart, a and businesses will be idents were told to flee the
churns toward Texas senior hurricane special- damaged,” said Donald Texas cities of Beaumont,
and Louisiana, gather- ist at the hurricane cen- Jones, a National Weather Galveston and Port Ar-
ing wind and water that ter, said Wednesday. Service meteorologist in thur, and another 200,000
swirls over much of the “We could see storm Lake Charles, Louisiana, were ordered to leave
Gulf of Mexico. surge heights more than which is near the bullseye low-lying Calcasieu Par-
Satellite images show 15 feet in some areas,” of Laura’s forecast track. ish in southwestern Lou-
that Laura has become “a Stewart said. “What “I’m telling you, this is isiana, where forecasters
formidable hurricane” in doesn’t get blown down going to be a very serious said as much as 13 feet
recent hours, threatening by the wind could easily situation,” Jones said. of storm surge topped by
to smash homes and sink get knocked down by the A Category 4 hurri- waves could submerge
entire communities. It rising ocean waters push- cane will do catastrophic whole communities.

Doc: Biloxi High School closed because of ‘unnecessary’ gatherings

‘If we want to have football, if we want to have school, we have parties with 150 to
200 people there. It’s not
can’t have social events that violate the executive orders ...’ going to work out well for
Dr. Thomas Dobbs
While Biloxi High
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM Monday that students cision to close after be- School is closed, other
The Associated Press/ Report would learn virtually un- tween one-third and one- schools in the district for
for America til at least Sept. 8. Extra- fifth of all students were younger students will re-
curricular activities were exposed, a situation he main open.
JACKSON — A Missis- also temporarily suspend- described as a “learning Since Mississippi
sippi high school is shut- ed, including some of the experience” for Biloxi schools began reopen-
ting down for two weeks first football games of the and other districts in ing in-person in late July,
because of a coronavirus season, causing some the state. The school an- districts have sent almost
outbreak that happened negative reactions from nounced Monday that 15 4,000 students and 600
after large “unnecessary” athletes and parents. people in the community teachers home to quaran-
social gatherings where “If we want to have tested positive COVID-19 tine because of outbreaks,
distancing guidelines football, if we want to and 324 students were Dobbs said Tuesday. An
were ignored, the state have school, we can’t have sent to quarantine. entire fourth grade class
health officer said Tues- social events that violate “At some point, that’s in the Lafayette County
day. the executive orders that such a large number, that School District was sent
Dr. Thomas Dobbs are on the books,” Dobbs they decided to more or to quarantine over the
said officials at Biloxi said during a news confer- less decide to quarantine weekend after more than
High School made the ence. the school for at least 14 half of the fourth-grade
“exactly right decision” Gov. Tate Reeves said days,” Reeves said Tues- teachers tested positive
when they announced the school made the de- day. He added: “Don’t for the virus.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 3A

Small businesses
Continued from Page 1A

‘Here for the long haul’ news about other small forced him to make in hit especially hard. That to always keep up with Before the pandemic,
According to McDow- businesses closing. In the order to keep Petal Push- could follow in Starkville, what’s going on, because Bigelow said, there were
ell, the crucial factor in Yelp study, roughly 8 per- ers alive and well on Com- where football season and it changes quickly,” Tem- 83 businesses in what
whether a small business cent of closures — almost merce Street. busy season are one and pleton said. Main Street Columbus
can outlast the pandemic 5,000 — were in the beau- “I’m very optimistic the same. considers the downtown
is simple: How well was ty industry.
Bonner said he doesn’t
that we’re here for the long
haul,” Reed said. “We’re
“When football sea-
son rolls around, people
Small businesses business district: from
Second to Sixth streets on
the business doing before
think his salon will be going to have to change come in, and they rent helping each other Main and College Streets
COVID-19? Even in those worst
Hypothetically, Mc- added to the list of clo- up some things and make hotel rooms, and they and from Second Avenue
sures, even if it were some adjustments to see it get Airbnbs, and they go of times, Reed saw oth- North to Fifth Avenue
Dowell said, a business in er nearby businesses,
good shape could weath- forced to shut down again through.” out to eat, and they buy South on Fifth Street. As
due to a possible surge in merchandise,” McDowell including Three Daugh- of Friday, there were 85, a
er a 30-percent hit in ters, as well as his regular
gross sales and still have COVID-19 cases. Reinvention said. “That’s a big part of
customers keep buying
sign downtown Columbus
enough money to pay its “It’s my hope that we Doss, Bonner and Reed what goes on in college isn’t just treading water
will be OK,” he said. “I towns.” flowers — just to support but managing to grow.
bills and its employees. all said they expect their
don’t foresee anything Mississippi State has Petal Pushers. He did the C olu mbus - L ow nde s
For a business struggling businesses to survive,
happening.” said that Davis Wade Sta- same for them. Chamber of Commerce
to break even, though, but other area compa-
Retail businesses and dium will be limited to 25 “The only reason Director
the same decrease would nies have already thrown
restaurants were hit the percent capacity pursuant they’re coming in and get- W i l s o n
pose a big problem in the towel — some on
hardest, accounting for to an order by Gov. Tate ting flowers to take home Beck said a
“Once they run out of brick-and-mortar loca-
more than 34 percent of Reeves — if football is is because you know they kindly “net-
cash, it’s kind of game tions, others altogether.
closures with more than played at all. Either way, want to be helping you, work” of
over,” McDowell said. The CURiO Store on
20,000. Tagert said sales Mississippi State Small and that makes you feel people and
Greater Starkville De- Main Street in Starkville
tax revenue is actually up Business Development good about the town you businesses
velopment Partnership announced July 1 it will
3 percent from last year in close its physical store- Center Director Chip live in and your clients in the city
CEO Mike
Starkville, but food and front in September, citing Templeton said, the com- and your neighbors and serves to Beck
Tagert said
beverage tax and hotel tax an ongoing turn away munity must “reinvent”’ your friends,” Reed said. keep local
the mar-
collections have taken the from physical sales to in order to survive. He said patronizing lo- businesses afloat. He said
ket during
biggest hit. e-commerce and citing He’s already seen that cal businesses is safer at that the majority of busi-
C OV I D -19
“People are still spend- COVID-19’s influence as happen in his center’s this point in the pandemic nesses he’s talked to are
is somewhat
ing,” Tagert said. “They’re well. 10-county region, where than earlier on due to lim- doing well; just a few are
established just allocating that in dif- “We realize the impact new businesses — retail, ited crowds, and he’s seen struggling.
trends with- Tagert ferent categories.” our store has on the com- clothing and more — an uptick in support for Overall, Beck said, Co-
in small Scott Reed of Petal munity, and that has been have begun to spring up. other businesses, too. lumbus has “weathered
businesses. Pushers in downtown a key reason we have “I’m really, really proud “I really think, now the storm” — something
“If you were a weak West Point said business chosen to keep our doors of the entrepreneurs in more than ever, people many other cities can’t
business before, then at the flower shop took a open thus far,” the store our area,” are being conscious about say.
you’re struggling like nev- “big hit” with events like said on its Facebook page. Templet on shopping locally,” Reed “Our community is
er before,” Tagert said. “If weddings and funerals “As we continue to navi- said. “They said. thriving,” he said.
you were doing relatively canceled or significantly gate through a global pan- have really That kind of communi-
well, you’re just having an limited because of the vi- demic and the economic been very ty support is fundamental,
average year.” rus. hardships it has created, creative.” said Barbara Bigelow, ex-
Terrance Bonner, who Reed had to turn to it has become clear that He of- ecutive director for Main
owns The Glam Station curbside and delivery maintaining our CURiO fered the Street Columbus.
and Spa in Columbus, had service in order to recoup physical storefront no lon- same ad- Templeton “One way to help our
to face those concerns the losses. His business ger makes sense for our vice to busi- downtown retailers is
when he reopened May already had a sales pres- business.” ness owners new and es- to contin-
19 after being closed for ence on Facebook and Ins- While CURiO isn’t tablished: put together a ue to shop
two months. Bonner said tagram, and he expanded gone for good — it will “B.A.I.L.” team by estab- local and
he was worried about the it. maintain its online lishing relationships with help these
long-term viability of his “We already had really sales presence, and its a banker, an accountant, business -
business during the clo- amped that up because Starkville office and man- an insurance agent and a es remain
sure, as he was only able that’s the way the world ufacturing facility will re- lawyer; monitor the mar- open,” Bi-
to sell products online for is going, but with the main open — other busi- ket and current trends; gelow said
shipping and pickup. pandemic, we really had nesses in the city could and constantly update the in an email. Bigelow
But he’s kept the salon to kick it into high gear,” follow its lead. business plan and projec- “They work
financially stable enough Reed said. McDowell said tour- tions accordingly. very hard to provide ser-
to stay open long term, The turn toward social ism-dependent college “I don’t care if it’s the vices and merchandise
which he said feels like a media is one of the modi- towns like Hattiesburg best of times or the worst that are needed by those
“blessing” in the wake of fications COVID-19 has and Oxford have been of times: You still have in our community.”

West Point man accused of trying to run woman off the road
Incident occurred on Highway 47 incident occurred on
Highway 47 west of West
He is
currently in
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Jason Dean, 41, has Point. The victim was not Clay Coun-
been charged with do- injured. ty Deten-
A West Point man was The press release said tion Center
mestic violence aggravat-
arrested Monday for al- deputies stopped Dean’s on $50,000
legedly trying to run a ed assault, according to vehicle on the road and bond, the
woman off the road with a Clay County Sheriff’s Dean was taken into cus- release
his car. Office press release. The tody. said.

Cain: Mississippi hiring probation, parole, corrections officers

‘If you want a job, we have one for you’ started working.”
Starting pay for a pro-
and Lauderdale County in
MDOC Commissioner Burl Cain bation/parole agent is The Mississippi pris-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS previously took weeks. $37,185 and for a proba- on system has struggled
People seeking the pro- tion/parole agent trainee to hire guards who work
JACKSON — Amid a bation/parole agent posi- is $31,568. The starting for little pay in dangerous
federal investigation of its tions must apply through pay for a correctional offi- conditions.
prison system, the Mis- the state Personnel cer trainee is $27,149.
sissippi Department of Board, which will send Interviews will be held
Corrections is working on lists to the Department of simultaneously at six
hiring probation, parole Corrections to conduct in- probation/parole offices:
and correctional officers. terviews across the state. Leflore County in Green-
“If you want a job, we “You can be on the wood; Lee County in
have one for you,” Com- payroll the day after we Tupelo; Hinds County in
missioner Burl Cain said hire you,” Cain said. “You Jackson, Forrest County
in a statement. “These in Hattiesburg; Jackson
won’t have to wait long for
are good, stable jobs that County in Pascagoula
a paycheck after you have
will enable you to provide
for yourself and your fam-
ilies, and these are excit-
ing jobs where you can
help us ensure the safety
of our state. These are
jobs for the future.”
Cain has streamlined
the hiring process that

■ In a Tuesday story
about the first school day
at Starkville-Oktibbeha
Consolidated School Dis-
trict, The Dispatch mis- SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

takenly stated the grade peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
and school of Erin Daw- Major
son. She is a ninth-grader Major 7:26a 8:26a
Minor 12:48a 1:38a
at Armstrong Jr. High Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Commercial
Dispatch strives to report
the news accurately. When
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4A WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •

FDA chief apologizes for overstating plasma effect on virus

‘What I should have said better is that the data show a relative risk correct the record.
“I have been criticized for
fewer antibodies, and those
treated sooner after diagnosis
reduction not an absolute risk reduction’ remarks I made Sunday night
about the benefits of convales-
fared better than those treated
FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
cent plasma. The criticism is Hahn and other Trump ad-
BY MAT THEW PERRONE Sunday that the FDA had decid- saying that 35 more people out entirely justified. What I should ministration officials presented
AND DEB RIECHMANN ed to issue emergency authori- of 100 would survive the corona- have said better is that the data the difference as an absolute
The Associated Press zation for convalescent plasma, virus if they were treated with show a relative risk reduction survival benefit, rather than a
taken from patients who have the plasma. That claim vastly not an absolute risk reduction,” relative difference between two
WASHINGTON — Respond- recovered from the coronavirus overstated preliminary findings Hahn tweeted. treatment groups. Former FDA
ing to an outcry from medical and rich in disease-fighting an- of Mayo Clinic observations. The FDA made the decision officials said the misstatement
experts, Food and Drug Ad- tibodies. Hahn’s mea culpa comes at based on data the Mayo Clinic was inexcusable, particular-
ministration Commissioner Trump hailed the decision a critical moment for the FDA collected from hospitals around ly for a cancer specialist like
Stephen Hahn on Tuesday as a historic breakthrough even which, under intense pressure the country that were using Hahn.
apologized for overstating the though the treatment’s value from the White House, is re- plasma on patients in wildly “It’s extraordinary to me that
life-saving benefits of treating has not been established. The sponsible for deciding whether varying ways -- and there was a person involved in clinical tri-
COVID-19 patients with conva- announcement on the eve of upcoming vaccines are safe no comparison group of un- als could make that mistake,”
lescent plasma. Trump’s Republican National and effective in preventing treated patients, meaning no said Dr. Peter Lurie, a former
Scientists and medical ex- Convention raised suspicions COVID-19. conclusions can be drawn about FDA official under the Obama
perts have been pushing back that it was politically motivated The 35 percent figure drew overall survival. People who re- administration who now leads
against the claims about the to offset critics of the president’s condemnation from other sci- ceived plasma with the highest the nonprofit Center for Sci-
treatment since President Don- handling of the pandemic. entists and some former FDA levels of antibodies fared better ence in the Public Interest. “It’s
ald Trump’s announcement on Hahn had echoed Trump in officials, who called on Hahn to than those given plasma with mind-boggling.”

Doris McCollum
AREA OBITUARIES Doris Marie McCollum, 88, of Columbus,
MS passed away Sunday, August 23, 2020, at
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mrs. Smith was formerly employed as a Aliceville, to the late Sanctuary Hospice House, Tupelo, MS.
OBITUARY POLICY born Nov. 29, 1955, in farmer and cattleman, Delma Columbus and
Obituaries with basic informa- A graveside service will be Wednesday,
tion including visitation and
Bessemer, Alabama, to with Shirley’s Minit Addie Mae Prisock. August 26, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Memorial
service times, are provided the late Van Walton and Mart and as owner of She attended Aliceville Gardens, Columbus, MS, with Rev. Sarah
free of charge. Extended Mary Brooks. She was Coin-Op-Laundry. High School and was Windham officiating with Lowndes Funeral
obituaries with a photograph, a graduate of Wenonah In addition to his par- a veteran of the U.S. Home directing.
detailed biographical informa- High School and attend- ents, he was preceded Army and U.S. Air Mrs. McCollum was born January 19, 1932, in
tion and other details families ed Alabama A & M Uni- in death by his siblings, Force. He was formerly Steele, MO, to the late William Henry and Artie
may wish to include, are avail-
versity. She was previ- Shirley Simmons and employed as the airport Mae James Gowan. She was a Secretary for 20
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
ously employed with K Billy Richardson. manager at George years at the Demonstration School at Mississippi
homes unless the deceased’s Mart and a member of He is survived by his Downer Field. University for Women.
body has been donated to Canaan Baptist Church. wife, Pat Richardson; In addition to his par- In addition to her parents, Mrs. McCollum is
science. If the deceased’s She is survived by son, Richard Richard- ents, he was preceded preceded in death by her husband, Robert “Mac”
body was donated to science, her husband, Leon son; one grandson and in death by his siblings, McCollum.
the family must provide official Smith; and siblings, two great-grandsons. Tiny Anderson and Mrs. McCollum is survived by her sons,
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro-
Eliot Wilkerson of Pallbearers will be Tom Prisock. Michael (Anita) McCollum of Columbus, MS and
vided by The Commercial Dis- Dothan, Alabama, Justin Richardson, He is survived by Bill McCollum of Jackson, MS.
patch. Free notices must be Manuel Walton, Janice Gavin Richardson, Bo his wife, Edna Prisock; Memorials may be made to Wesley United
submitted to the newspaper Walton booth of Fair- Harris, Jay Harris, children, Kathy War- Methodist Church 511 Airline Road Columbus,
no later than 3 p.m. the day field, Alabama, Velma Drew Stanton and son, Sandra Soong, MS 39702.
prior for publication Tuesday Walton of Birmingham, Douglas Scallions. Sheila Prisock, Karmen
through Friday; no later than 4 Compliments of
and Wanda Carter of
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Bittick and Rick Priso-
Lowndes Funeral Home
edition; and no later than 7:30
Huntsville. Ricky Mauldin ck Jr.; siblings, Juanita
a.m. for the Monday edition. MILLPORT, Ala. Beasley, Debbie Palarca
Arthur Williams — Ricky Mauldin, 62, and Mack Prisock; 12

Jane Niles
Incomplete notices must be re-
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. STARKVILLE — Ar- died Aug. 23, 2020, at grandchildren; seven
for the Monday through Friday
thur Joe Williams, 77, Baptist Memorial Hos- great-grandchildren;
editions. Paid notices must be
died Aug. 25, 2020, at pital-Golden Triangle. and one great-great-
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion 1944-2020
the next day Monday through the home of his sister, Lowndes Funeral grandchild.
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Diann Dale. Home of Columbus is Pallbearers will Martha Jane Gardner Niles,
p.m. for Sunday and Monday A memorial service in charge of arrange- be Mack Prisock, Al age 75, a resident of Columbus
publication. For more informa- will be held at a later ments. Soong, Dexter Hester, passed away on Monday, March
tion, call 662-328-2471. date. Welch Funeral Mr. Mauldin was Tony Covington, Mark 16, 2020, in Columbus.
Home of Starkville is born Aug. 12, 1958, in Bittick and Chris Pris- She is preceded in death
Samuel Love Jr. in charge of arrange- Clarke County, Ala- ock. by her husband, Joe Mitchell
STARKVILLE — ments. bama, to the late Ruth Niles; her father, Thomas
Samuel S. “Sam” Love Mr. Williams was Dunlap and Cleveland Yates Gardner; and her mother,
Jr., 76, died Aug. 24, born June 16, 1943, Mauldin. Mary McLlwain; and her
2020, at OCH Regional in Webster County, to He is survived by his grandparents, Dr. A.T. and Effie
Medical Center. the late Arthur Ross siblings, Kim Ridings McLlwain and Robert E. and Lillian Y. Gardner.
Graveside services Williams and Thel- of Millport, Jackie Jane is survived by her children, Melissa
for the family will be ma Golden Williams. Donald of Summerdale, Richards Clark and her husband, Joseph Brady
held at a later date. He was a veteran of Alabama and Steve Clark, and Mary Elizabeth Richards Symmes
Calvert Funeral Home the United States Air Duncan of Shannon. and her husband, Cowles Edgar Symmes; her
of West Point is in Force. He was a grad- siblings, Josephine McCracken and Thomas
charge of arrange- uate of Starkville High Richard Prisock Sr. Yates Gardner (Bonnie); her grandchildren,
ments. School and was former- ALICEVILLE, Ala. Joseph Brady Clark Jr., Tedford Cowles Symmes,
Mr. Love was born ly employed as a paper — Richard Eugene Yates Quitman Symmes and Mary Frances
Nov. 15, 1943, to the delivery man for the “Gene” Prisock Sr., 85, Symmes; her nieces and nephews, Stacy
late Samuel Shannon Starkville Daily News. died Aug. 22, 2020, at Otis Richardson McCracken Lovoy (Henry), Thomas Gardner
Love and Lucille Reed He was a member of DCH Regional Medical Friday, Aug. 28 • 10 AM
(Mollie) and Robert Gardner (Kayla); and her
Love. He was a gradu- Adaton Baptist Church. Center of Tuscaloosa, 2nd Ave. N Location “adopted” daughter, Melanie Phillips.
He is survived by Burial Jane graduated from Murrah High School
ate of Starkville High Alabama. North Union Cemetery
School and attended his siblings, Dorothy Funeral services 2nd Ave. N Location in 1963 and attended MSCW where she
Mississippi State Uni- Williams Livingston, are at 2 p.m. today, at graduated in 1967. Jane began her lifelong
versity. He was a vet- Roy Williams both of Dogwood Chapel, with Jane Niles service for Mississippians in the Lowndes
eran of the Mississippi Starkville and Diann Services: County Department of Human Services as a
Tommy Blakney offici- A private memorial
National Guard. He was Williams Dale of Co- ating. Burial will follow service will be held. case worker and continued working for the State
a member of Osborn lumbus. 2nd Ave. N Location of Mississippi until she retired in 2008 as the
in Magnolia Memorial
Presbyterian Church. Columbus Regional Supervisor for the Division
Gardens. Visitation is
In addition to his par- Otis Richardson one hour prior to ser-
of Medicaid.
ents, he was preceded COLUMBUS — Otis Jane loved her church family at First United
vices. Skelton Funeral
in death by his brother, Lee Richardson, 89, Methodist Church in Columbus, and could always
Home of Reform is
Raymond E. Love. died Aug. 25, 2020, at be found preparing the flower arrangements for
in charge of arrange-
He is survived by his his residence. Sunday service or other activities as an active
siblings, Linda Love Funeral services will member of her church. She was actively involved
Mr. Prisock was
Necaise of Kiln, Janet be at 10 a.m. Friday, in the community where she devoted her time
born Dec. 17, 1934, in
Love Bardwell, William at Memorial Funeral as a Pink Lady at Baptist Memorial Hospital in
W. Love and James Alec Home Chapel, with Columbus, a volunteer at the Good Samaritan
Love all of Starkville. the Rev. James Black Clinic in Columbus, a member of the Columbus
and Rev. Ron Thomas Garden Club and a member of the Citizens’ Police
Sandra Smith officiating. Burial will Academy. She was also a lifetime member of the
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. follow in North Union Daughters of the American Revolution and the
— Sandra Ann Smith, Cemetery in Bellefon- United Methodist Women.
64, died Aug. 21, 2020, taine. Memorial Gunter Jane would tell it like she saw it, but in a way
at Huntsville Hospital. Peel Funeral Home that made everyone know she truly cared. Her
Funeral services are and Crematory Second neighbors and friends nicknamed her “the
at 1 p.m, today, at Otts Avenue North location Mayor of 4th Street” and she was always quick to
Funeral Home Chapel, is in charge of arrange- tell a story that would make you laugh. She made
with the Rev. Bud Glass ments. everyone feel welcome and was a wonderful
officiating. Burial will Mr. Richardson was Christian woman who loved life, her friends, and
follow in Fairview Cem- born Oct. 13, 1990, in her family (both two legged and four legged).
etery. Visitation is one Bellefontaine, to the The family would like to thank all of Jane’s
hour prior to services late Joe Evans and friends and neighbors for all the support and
at the funeral home. Christine Pounds Rich- well wishes. The COVID epidemic has affected
Otts Funeral Home of ardson. He was a veter- the family’s plan to hold a service that is fitting
Sulligent is in charge of an of the United States for such a fine, outstanding lady and has decided
arrangements. Air Force. He was to proceed with a private memorial service
to be held Saturday, August 29, 2020, at the
columbarium at First United Methodist Church
in Columbus.

Send in your church event!

Subject: Religious brief Sign the online guest book at
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 5A


Trump — ‘No Mr. Nice Guy’ —

shows softer side to win voters
‘I’ve seen private moments where he comforts know him. He’s just as nice as they
come,” former U.N. Ambassador
Americans in times of pain and sadness’ Nikki Haley said Tuesday on Fox.
“But that’s just the problem. We
Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel
saw what happens when you try to
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE House Minority Whip Steve be nice at the United Nations. Basi-
AND ZEKE MILLER Scalise of Louisiana on Monday cally, everybody was running over
The Associated Press recalled how Trump sat by his hos- America when Obama and Biden
pital bedside as he recovered from were in there.”
WA S H I N G T O N Herschel Walker, the former
a near fatal gunshot wound in 2017.
— President Donald NFL player, acknowledged in a con-
Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio spoke of
Trump kicked off his vention speech Monday night that
how Trump embraced his request
reelection campaign “Some people don’t like Trump’s
with a swaggering two years ago to talk with relatives
whose son had died in a car acci- style.” But he added: “People on
World Series ad that opposing teams didn’t like it when
declared he’s “No Mr. dent. The president was shown
talking to COVID-19 first respond- I ran right over them either. But
Nice Guy,” but his
ers, thanking his “friends” for their that’s how you get the job done.”
campaign has taken Trump
service. Walker acted as a pivot point
pains to highlight a softer side of
And Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday in the Republican messaging, re-
the famously brusque and bom-
bastic chief executive during this revealed how the president support- laying a story of how Trump — in
week’s Republican convention. ed his medical missions to perform his business suit — once joined
The competing depictions of emergency eye surgeries in Guate- the ex-NFL star and their respec-
the president come after the Dem- mala and Haiti. tive kids on a trip to Disney World.
ocrats spent last week showcasing Trump’s tough-guy persona, Republican National Committee
the compassion of Joe Biden. But built over half a lifetime in busi- Chair Ronna McDaniel did much
the attempt to humanize Trump ness, is well known. He made mil- the same, offering testimony to
was already in the works, part of lions telling people “you’re fired” on Trump’s toughness but also saying,
a strategy to win back senior and “The Apprentice” and championed “I’ve seen private moments where
suburban voters who have aban- his hard-nosed business practices. he comforts Americans in times of
doned him in no small part due to Recognizing that it is an immutable pain and sadness.”
his aggressive rhetoric and lack of part of Trump’s image, his allies Notably, however, none of the
obvious empathy during the coro- have long worked to hold it up as an three adult Trump children who
navirus pandemic. asset, both in last October’s splashy spoke during the first two days of-
Republicans went all-out to de- ad campaign as well as during the fered a humanizing anecdote about
pict a gentler Trump over the first convention. their father, sticking to political
two nights of their convention. “Joe Biden is a very good guy. I talking points.

‘Fighting for you’: First lady makes her case for Trump vote
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS scaled-down Republican will soon face the voters. not stop fighting for you
National Convention. Beyond the first lady’s re- and your families,” said
WASHINGTON — Mrs. Trump offered marks, Trump pardoned Mrs. Trump, an immi-
First lady Melania Trump a polished portrait of a reformed felon and grant herself. “He will not
portrayed her husband Trump’s presidency Tues- oversaw a naturalization give up.”
as an authentic, uncom- day night that was often ceremony for several im- Democrat Joe Biden’s
promising leader in a at odds with the crises, migrants in the midst of camp was not impressed.
Rose Garden address as division and unforgiving the program, though he “Immigrants and Lati-
President Donald Trump actions of his administra- frequently states his vig- nos are not props, and
turned to family, farmers tion. orous opposition to more these empty gestures
and the trappings of the But it was part of a immigration, legal as well won’t make us forget Don-
presidency to boost his broader effort to show a as illegal. ald Trump’s failures,” said
reelection chances on more forgiving side of a “In my husband, you the Biden’s Latino media
the second night of the combative president who have a president who will director, Jennifer Molina.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

A House Divided redux
n his acceptance advocates will push then, the logistics of vaccinat- Trump seems to place far to employ a cohesive, national
speech for the it forward, till it ing 330 million Americans is more emphasis on saving plan, instead deferring largely
state of Illinois’ shall become lawful daunting. It may take months. the economy. Democratic to the states to implement and
Republican nomi- in all the States, And, of course, there are likely challenger Joe Biden focuses execute policy. It’s the mod-
nation for President old as well as new to be many who will refuse the more on addressing the public ern-day “state’s rights” argu-
in 1858, Abraham — North as well as vaccine at a time where there is health crisis. In both cases, the ment that was also prevalent
Lincoln delivered South.” popular “anti-vax” sentiment. candidates are reflecting the on the question of slavery in
his “House Divided” Now, 162 years We know the effectiveness of prevailing view of their bases. Lincoln’s time.
speech. Apart from later, we find our na- any vaccine relies heavily on Again, this is generally true. That approach has saved
his Gettysburg tion again a House how much of the population There are Democrats who defy neither lives or the economy.
Address, it is the Divided as we enter submits to vaccination. safeguards. There are Republi- Biden has stated he will
most famous speech another presidential Given all that, there can be cans who follow the safeguards implement a national plan.
of America’s most Slim Smith election. no realistic expectation that faithfully. Whether or not Americans
poetic president. As it was in 1858, the end of COVID-19 is just What has the result been? will comply is another matter,
At a time when the stakes are high. around the corner. We are neither fish nor fowl. of course. It stands to reason,
the issue of slavery was This is no trivial difference of Unlike most other countries, We aren’t saving lives or though, that a consistent mes-
approaching critical mass, opinion. Lives and livelihoods our efforts to coalesce around saving the economy. Along sage from our president will
Lincoln was prescient. hang in the balance. a strategy to mitigate the virus with those 178,000 deaths, the have some good effect.
“A house divided against The issue today is the until a solution arrives has nation’s second-quarter GDP What should be beyond
itself, cannot stand. I believe COVID-19 pandemic and our become hyper-political. Ours saw a 32.9 percent decline, the dispute ­— based on the state of
this government cannot endure response to it. By all objective is among the few nations that worst single-quarter fall in the public health and our economy
permanently half slave and half criteria, our response has not does not have a national strate- nation’s history, more than four ­­— is that continuing the pres-
free... I do not expect the house been good. The U.S. mortality gy to fight the virus. times greater than any quarter ent is not working and cannot
to fall — but I do expect it will rate from COVID-19 is fifth By rhetoric and example, during the Great Recession. work.
cease to be divided. It will highest in the world with Republicans are less likely So here’s an interesting A house divided cannot long
become all one thing or all the more than 178,000 deaths in to accept the consensus of exercise. endure.
other. Either the opponents of six months. Cases continue to medical experts. Refusing to Go back to the start of this It was true in 1858. It is still
slavery will arrest the further spike as the summer nears an wear masks, in particular, has column and apply Lincoln’s true today.
spread of it, and place it where end. The consensus of most become a political statement. words to the pandemic rather Slim Smith is a columnist
the public mind shall rest in experts in the field is that a There is a stark contrast than slavery. and feature writer for The
the belief that it is in the course vaccine to arrest the virus between the two presiden- That’s where we are. Dispatch. His email address is
of ultimate extinction; or its remains months away. Even tial candidates. President President Trump has yet


Stocks actually did
better under Obama
rump supporters have been
sending me short messag-
es asking, “How is your
401(k) doing?” They are making
three assumptions.
1. That the stocks in my retire-
ment account are doing well.
2. That I’m happy about it.
3. And that I have President
Donald Trump to thank for my
good fortune.
Assumptions one and two are
correct. Three is not. The stock Froma Harrop
market and the larger economy
actually did much better under
Barack Obama than they have under Trump.
First off, presidents don’t have nearly as much control
over the stock market as many believe. Presidents inherit
different business cycles. New technology (the internet, for
example) influences economic developments, as do black
swan events, such as the Sept. 11 attacks. We could add
the COVID-19 pandemic to the surprises, though in such
cases, presidents who meet the challenges can speed up a
recovery. Trump has not. RACE IN AMERICA
But since Trump and his boosters break out the brass in-
struments every time stock prices make a notable advance,
let us inspect claims crediting the president for these pleas-
ant market closes.
How many people would choose
Start with the numbers. In the first 43 months of the
Trump presidency, the S&P 500 index rose about 49 per-
cent — a nice gain, for sure. But in the first 43 months of
whiteness over democracy?
Obama’s, it was up more than 70 percent. “If people were given Germany in the 1930s, she reminds us, was a
Keep going. Over Obama’s two terms, the S&P 500 rose the choice between caste system; in fact, the Nazis modeled their op-
176 percent. Under Bill Clinton, it absolutely soared, by democracy and white- pression of the Jews on America’s Jim Crow laws,
211 percent! So the idea that Trump is some kind of stock ness, how many would which they greatly admired. India still maintains
market miracle man is — excuse my French — BS. choose whiteness?” a complex caste system. On a 1959 visit, Martin
Then there is the real economy, where misery continues Taylor Branch, the Luther King was initially “a bit shocked and
to haunt the land. The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans Pulitzer Prize-winning peeved” to hear himself introduced to a group
own 84 percent of the stock, which suggests that there are historian of the Civil from the lowest caste as “a fellow untouchable.”
a heck of a lot more working stiffs going broke during the Rights Movement, It took him some time to recognize the truth in
coronavirus recession than stockholders riding high. drops that question like what he’d heard. Like every other “Negro,” he
The real economy remains in tatters, largely because a bomb on Page 352 of later wrote, “I am an untouchable.”
of Trump’s incompetence and uninterest in bringing this “Caste,” the new book Wilkerson’s book arrives at a time when it is
virus under control. At least 22 million jobs were lost, and by Isabel Wilkerson, Leonard Pitts sorely needed. It’s not just that we are seeing
despite some comeback, only 42 percent of them have re- herself also a winner democracy stolen before our eyes, the postal ser-
turned. The unemployment rate remains above 10 percent. of Joseph Pulitzer’s prestigious prize. There vice under assault, polling places closed, voter
On that subject, Trump produced 1.5 million fewer jobs are many moments in “Caste” that bring you up rolls purged, Donald Trump openly flirting with
in the first three (pre-COVID) years of his presidency than short in the starkness of their truth. But none ignoring election results — not just the fact of it
Obama produced in his last three years. And as the econo- hits quite as hard as that one, nor cuts quite as all, but the why of it all. The soul of this nation is
my boomed, Obama saw no need to push a deficit-explod- close to the bone of American fears. being sacrificed to assuage the abject terror felt
ing tax cut that would have favored the top incomes while “Caste” is the follow-up to 2010’s “The by too many white people in knowing that people
producing only a temporary bump in capital investment. Warmth of Other Suns,” a history of The Great of color will outnumber them in about 20 years.
It is true that the stock market is not the economy, but it Migration, the mass exodus in which 6 million One often hears it said that those white folks
doesn’t follow that they are unrelated. Investors are rightly African Americans left the South in search vote against their own interests, siding with tax
worried that the weak economy will come back to bite of America. If anything, Wilkerson, a former cuts for billionaires over their own pocketbooks,
them. They know that most of the gains reflect a handful reporter for The New York Times, is even more refusing better healthcare because that means
of tech stocks that many Wall Street analysts warn are now ambitious in her new book. “Caste” seeks noth- black people will get it, too. But Wilkerson says
grossly overpriced. ing less than to reframe our understanding of this misses the point. Those people are voting
“Stressed About U.S. Stocks, Investors Are Betting Big America’s original sin. for their interests: It’s just that they have no
on Europe,” reads a Bloomberg News headline. The story What bedevils us, she argues, is not merely interest higher than protecting whiteness —
cites a survey of fund managers that finds a growing prefer- “racism,” a word that rarely appears in the book’s defending their caste.
ence for investing in Europe over this country. The reason nearly 400 pages. Race, after all, is “fluid and Consider the 2016 election. “They were
is that Europe, having brought the virus largely in check, is superficial, subject to periodic redefinition,” as willing to lose health insurance now, risk White
reopening. We remain stuck in the jaws of the pandemic. seen in the fact that Irish, Jewish and Armenian House instability and government shutdown,
One other consideration. I like a healthy 401(k), but I Americans like Conan O’Brien, Ruth Bader Gins- external threats from faraway lands, in order to
love my country more. The coronavirus was bound to hit burg and Kim Kardashian are uniformly consid- preserve what their actions say they value most
here, but we didn’t have to suffer this level of sickness and ered “white,” a status their forebears would have — the benefits they had grown accustomed to
death. And even as stock prices have held up (so far), the been enthusiastically denied. as members of the historically ruling class in
economy remains dreadful for millions of shops, restau- But caste, the stratification of humanity into America.”
rants and other Main Street businesses not listed on any desirables, undesirables and those in-between, It’s a truth that lends pungent urgency to Tay-
exchange. is “fixed and rigid.” And in America, “black” peo- lor Branch’s question. How many people would
Meanwhile, investors who still think that Trump is pull- ple, whether blonde and blue-eyed like former choose whiteness over democracy?
ing prosperity out of his magic MAGA hat need reminding: NAACP chief Walter White, or dark of hair and November is coming. So we’re about to find
They did much better under Obama — and so did everyone skin like actor Sterling K. Brown, are always at out.
else. the bottom of that hierarchy. Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulit-
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the “Caste is the bones, race the skin,” writes zer Prize for commentary, is a columnist for the
Providence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is Wilkerson. Which is to say, it is the excuse, the Miami Herald. Email him at lpitts@miamiherald. justification. com.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 7A

New COVID-19 mandates on health

care facilities get pushback
Long-term care facilities represent less than 1 ing to maintain support from older
voters amid disapproval of the gov-
percent of the U.S. population, but they account ernment’s pandemic response. His
administration is distributing fast-
for 42 percent of the COVID-19 deaths test machines to nursing homes,
but there are continued reports that
BY RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR ing mandate for hospitals. It includ- cases have been rising and facilities
The Associated Press ed a thinly veiled threat to cut off still face shortages of supplies like
Medicare and Medicaid funds to masks.
WASHINGTON — Threaten- facilities that fail to report certain “Our recommendations for test-
ing fines and funding cut-offs, the
COVID-19 data daily to the federal ing in nursing homes go back as far
Trump administration on Tuesday
Health and Human Services depart- back as March and April,” said See-
issued new COVID-19 requirements
ment. Hospitals responded with ma Verma, head of the Centers for
for nursing homes and hospitals,
a sharp rebuke, calling the move Medicare and Medicaid Services, or
prompting immediate pushback
from beleaguered industries. “heavy-handed” and raising the CMS. “What’s different about today
To check the spread of the corona- specter of loss of vital services for is that this is now a requirement ...
virus in nursing homes, the Centers local communities in a pandemic, we want to make sure every single
for Medicare and Medicaid Services less than three months before Elec- nursing home is complying.”
announced it will require facilities to tion Day. Independent research indicates
test staff regularly or face fines. Long-term care facilities repre- that the coronavirus most likely
The move comes months after sent less than 1 percent of the U.S. gets into nursing homes via staffers
the White House first urged gov- population, but they account for 42 who unwittingly bring it in from sur-
ernors to test all nursing home percent of the COVID-19 deaths, rounding communities where it has
residents and staff. With residents, with more than 70,000 fatalities re- started to spread. Staffers who have
nursing homes are being required ported by the COVID Tracking Proj- yet to develop symptoms may have
to offer them coronavirus tests if ect. no clue that they’re infected.
there is an outbreak or if any show The plight of frail elders in nurs- Verma said the testing require-
symptoms. ing homes is politically sensitive for ment for staff will be keyed to the
Officials also reinforced a report- President Donald Trump, who is try- level of virus activity in local areas.

Lawyer says Blake paralyzed, protests erupt for 3rd night

Legal team plans to file a civil lawsuit and people carrying long
guns and other weapons
in surgery Tuesday, said
attorney Ben Crump, add-
against Wisconsin police department remained in the streets
hours after they city’s
ing that the bullets sev-
ered Blake’s spinal cord
over the Sunday shooting 8 p.m. curfew. Kenosha and shattered his verte-
brae. Another attorney
Police were investigating
BY MIKE HOUSEHOLDER while three of his children after videos appeared to said there was also severe
AND SCOT T BAUER looked on — was cap- show at least two people damage to organs.
The Associated Press tured on cellphone video with gunshot wounds, the “It’s going to take a
and ignited new protests Milwaukee Journal Senti- miracle for Jacob Blake
KENOSHA, Wis. — Ja- over racial injustice in nel reported. Jr. to ever walk again,”
cob Blake, the Black man several cities, coming just Earlier Tuesday, Crump said.
shot multiple times by po- three months after the Blake’s father spoke The legal team plans to
lice in Wisconsin, is para- death of George Floyd at alongside other family file a civil lawsuit against
lyzed, and it would “take a the hands of Minneapolis members and lawyers, the police department
miracle” for him to walk police touched off a wider telling reporters that po- over the shooting. Police
again, his family’s attor- reckoning on race. lice shot his son “seven have said little about what
ney said Tuesday, while Some demonstrations times, seven times, like happened, other than that
calling for the officer who devolved into unrest, in- he didn’t matter.” they were responding to
opened fire to be arrest- cluding for a third night in “But my son matters. a domestic dispute. The
ed and others involved to Kenosha, where multiple He’s a human being and officers involved have not
lose their jobs. gunshots could be heard he matters,” said Blake’s been named. The Wiscon-
The shooting of Blake in social media posts sin Department of Justice
father, who is also named
on Sunday in Kenosha is investigating.
from at least one neigh- Jacob Blake.
— apparently in the back borhood where residents The 29-year-old was

AP-NORC poll:
Many in US shoring
up finances amid
The Associated Press

the paradox of a pandemic
that has crushed the U.S.
economy: 12.9 million lost
jobs and a dangerous rash
of businesses closing, yet
the personal finances of
many Americans have re-
mained strong — and in
some ways have even im-
A new poll from The
Associated Press-NORC
Center for Public Affairs
Research finds that 45
percent of Americans
say they’re setting aside
more money than usual.
Twenty-six percent are
paying down debt faster
than they were before the
coronavirus pandemic. In
total, about half of Amer-
icans say they’ve either
saved more or paid down
debt since the outbreak
The findings highlight
the unique nature of the
current crisis. Nearly $3
trillion in government aid
in the form of direct pay-
ments, expanded jobless
benefits and forgivable
payroll loans helped cush-
ion against the fastest eco-
nomic downturn in Amer-
ican history. Meanwhile,
health fears and mandat-
ed closures prompted
many Americans to spend
less on restaurant meals,
clothing and travel.
About two-thirds say
they’re spending less than
usual during the pandem-
ic. Since February, there
has been a $1.3 trillion
jump in money kept in
checking accounts — a 56
percent increase tracked
by the Federal Reserve.
8A WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •

Caledonia man arrested

for sexual assault of child
a Columbus address.
31-year-old was arrested on Friday in Columbus The press release
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT tery, according to a Lowndes Coun- said the victim is un-
der the age of 12.
ty Sheriff’s Office press release.
A Caledonia man has been ar- Shinn is currently
Deputies first received a report out of Lowndes Coun-
rested for allegedly assaulting a
child. that Shinn had assaulted a child on ty Adult Detention
Bryant Shinn, 31, of Kidd Road, Aug. 3. They arrested him Friday Center on $27,000 Shinn
has been charged with sexual bat- after receiving a tip that he was at bond.

Continued from Page 1A
SOCSD will use its ex-
isting supply of iPads for
grades pre-K through 1
and use the grant money
to buy 4,200 Chrome-
books for grades 2-12
and 500 laptops for teach-
ers, said Leanne Long,
SOCSD’s director of in-
structional technology
and distance learning.
“For pre-K through
first grade, they have a
really hard time using a
Chromebook because it
has a keyboard,” Long
said. “We have enough
iPads in the district not
to have to buy more of
EDLA will provide $1.6 Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
million through the grant, Leanne Long, right, director of instructional technology and distance learning for
and SOCSD will shoulder Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District, details the district’s plan to
a $600,000 match, for a to- provide electronic devices to all students with grant funding from the state’s Equity
tal of $2.2 million. in Distance Learning Act while Board President Debra Prince (center) and Vice
EDLA’s other priorities President Sumner Davis (left) listen at Tuesday’s special-call meeting of the SOCSD
Board of Trustees.
for Mississippi schools
besides access to devices to create more Wi-Fi ing, it’s not because of the final allocation of
include learning manage- hotspots throughout the internet connectivity, it’s $23,264,907 in MAEP
ment systems and access county, possibly in col- because (of) the ability (Mississippi Adequate
to broadband internet, laboration with 4-County at home to help support Education Program)
Long said. Electric Power Associa- and sustain that child’s funds from the state Leg-
Three virtual learning
tion, she said. learning,” Tullos said. islature. The budget that
tools — Canvas, Zoom and
Amanda Tullos, the “The parent may need to the board approved ear-
Clever — experienced na-
SOCSD community and go to work, or (children) lier this month included
tionwide outages Monday
parent liaison, said the may be staying with a $22,879,257, about a 2
and posed difficulties for
SOCSD on its first day of district plans to park its grandparent that’s unsure percent decrease from
school. Long said Canvas Wi-Fi-capable buses at ru- of how to support, so fam- last year.
was still having problems ral churches once its bus ilies are changing their Chief Financial Officer
with uploading and down- routes are determined. minds to come back to Tammie McGarr said the
loading documents on This could take some traditional learning.” final amount is still less
Tuesday. time because the number Another determining than last year’s allocation
EDLA will help the of students in the different factor might be the num- of $23,609,554.
district provide wireless learning environments ber of devices being used Legislators said earli-
connectivity to rural parts SOCSD offers is still flu- in one place at the same er this year that because
of the county, Long said, id, with several switching time, Board President of costs associated with
but the amount of funding from virtual to traditional Debra Prince said. the COVID-19 pandemic,
for the endeavor has not in just the first two days of Additionally, the board districts may have to sup-
been determined. In the school, Tullos said. amended the Fiscal Year plement state funds with
meantime, SOCSD hopes “From what I’m hear- 2021 budget to include reserves.

Continued from Page 1A
any students hometowns, but it would students for a year and to early stages of forming a
who test be rare for a student in decrease a regular contri- “regional collaborative”
positive that age group to require bution to The TRUST, a to ensure all COVID-19
for the admission,” he said. private investment group patients can be treated
C OV I D -19 The hospital had six within the Golden Trian- somewhere in the region,
coronavirus. positive COVID-19 pa- gle Development LINK. Jackson said. OCH has
O C H tients as of Tuesday morn- Jackson said these deci- a shared document with
has treated ing, Jackson told the OCH sions were meant to save several facilities, includ-
a couple of Jackson Board of Trustees at its the hospital some money ing Baptist Memorial Hos-
students for the virus in monthly meeting. Some in light of the continuing pital-Golden Triangle in
the emergency room but ventilators have been COVID-19 pandemic.
Columbus and North Mis-
has not admitted any for malfunctioning recently, Operating expenses
sissippi Medical Center in
treatment, and the hospi- and OCH will return two for the first ten months
tal should be able to han- ventilators to MSU and of the fiscal year exceed- West Point and Tupelo, to
dle the increased popula- buy two more next month, ed $57.2 million, Chief keep each other aware of
tion of the area now that most likely with funds Financial Officer Susan how many beds they have
in-person classes have from the federal Coro- Russell said. The board available, he said.
resumed for the first time navirus Aid, Relief, and will approve the hospital’s OCH hopes to expand
since March, Jackson Economic Security Act fiscal year 2021 budget in the network to include
said. (CARES) Act, he said. September. hospitals in the Delta,
“If a student does re- The board voted unan- Additionally, OCH and which have been sending
quire admission, they’ll imously to defer a schol- other hospitals in north- patients to OCH recently,
probably be going to their arship for pre-med MSU east Mississippi are in the Jackson said.

Continued from Page 1A
“They are diligently Columbus to Hatties- Ryan put on an odd out- lems for years, offered a
looking at each lead and burg in 2017, said she had fit just to go to the store: message for the son who
trying to find him,” Laura good memories of riding plaid pajamas, shorts and always checked in on him.
said. four-wheelers together and a short-sleeve shirt worn “Ryan, come home,”
She said that not having hanging around the lake over a long-sleeve shirt — he said in a text message.
heard from her son at all in behind the Taylor house just for fun. “There is nothing so bad
six weeks has been heart- when she was young. “He looked funny,” she that we can’t get through
breaking and frustrating Ryan often spends time said. it. Just call your mama or
for the Taylor family. at the lake to fish; he just She made another trip me, and we can help. We
“I just believe if it was likes being outside, Lau- to Columbus the weekend all love you and miss you.”
possible that he would ra said, whether it’s fish- before Ryan went missing, Laura has held out hope
have gotten in touch with ing, talking, grilling food as the family spent time to- through six weeks without
us,” she said. or just sitting around. A gether at the house and ate Ryan and says that will
That’s especially true Columbus High School a big dinner prepared by never change — she be-
given who Ryan is — graduate, he was laid off Laura. Everything seemed lieves she will see her son
someone never afraid to by United Furniture Indus- normal. again.
speak his mind. tries of Amory this spring Karli echoed her grand- “Every morning, I
“He’d tell you what he because of the COVID-19 mother’s sentiment: Ryan think, ‘Well, maybe today’s
thought about a situation,” pandemic, after which he going missing without a the day he’ll call, or I’ll find
Laura said. “He didn’t beat spent even more time out- word was not at all like out where he is,’” she said.
around the bush about any- doors. him, and she wants to see “But I’m always hopeful.
thing. He was just up front Karli said she remem- him back soon. I’ll never lose hope, and
with you about anything.” bers her uncle’s goofy per- “I hope he pulls up any I’ll always have faith that
Karli, who saw her un- sonality shining through day,” Karli said. God’s going to do the right
cle at least three times a often. Once, during her Mike, who has been thing: He’s going to bring
week before moving from visit to Columbus in 2018, dealing with health prob- him home.”


BY BEN PORTNOY nagging injuries. But now a member of an offense
that necessitates a mass
STARKVILLE — For of pass catchers, he’s ex-
what Mississippi State’s pected to play a major role
2020 wide receiving this fall.
corps lacks in experience, “I told him, ‘The pres-
it makes up for in size. sure’s always on you
While the Bull- because of your track
dogs boast the tower-
record; because of your
ing twosome of senior
background; because of
Osirus Mitchell and ju-
your history; because
nior Alabama transfer
of your high school; be-
Tyrell Shavers, it’s the
cause of your ranking;
broad-shouldered trio
because of your size and
of converted tight ends
speed; and everywhere
Geor’quarius Spivey,
you go, people expect you
Brad Cumbest and Don-
to be the best player out
tea Jones that the Bulldog
here,’” Spurrier Jr. said.
coaching staff are eager
to experiment with come “So he’s doing well. He’s
game time. still learning the ropes
“I’m excited about the a little bit — what we do
aspect (of having) big and how we do it — but
guys out there,” first-year he’s a talented guy that’s
head coach Mike Leach quick and can run and
said. “Guys like that in has got good hands, and
the past were playing we expect big things from
(defensive) end for me, him.”
but we had enough (de- Courtesy of Mississippi State Athletics Now heading into the
fensive) ends here, so it’s A dynamic receiving threat at Richwood High School in Monroe, Louisiana, Geor’quarius Spivey spent the better second week of fall camp,
a luxury and one that I part of his time terrorizing opposing defensive backfields. Spurrier Jr. estimates
think is going to be really he and inside receivers
bined 66 catches for 1,459 as they’re running their range ahead of this fall in bulk of their careers actu-
good for everybody.” coach Dave Nichol are
yards and 15 touchdowns route.” anticipation of his added ally playing wide receiv-
Both standing 6-foot-5 still working their way
for East Central High Jones also figures to route-running responsi- er. Mitchell enters this
and at least 240 pounds, School while doubling as add another massive body bilities. down from 11 or 12 re-
fall after leading MSU ceivers to the eight or
Spivey and Cumbest are a Division I baseball re- to MSU’s already bulky “I call ’em ‘trees,’” in receiving yards and
perhaps the most logical cruit between his junior contingent of converted Spurrier Jr. said. “We’ve nine who will be in line for
touchdowns a season ago major reps during game
additions to an offense and senior years — a tal- tight ends. Not as athletic got some guys that can despite not catching more week. And though it’s not
not lacking in stature. A ent he now uses to pull a pass-catcher as Spivey run there. And again, as than two passes in the fi- altogether clear who will
dynamic receiving threat double duty between Da- or Cumbest, he has pro- long as those guys play nal five games of his 2019 be the eight or nine play-
during his high school vis Wade Stadium in the filed more as a blocker to their strengths, that’s
days, Spivey spent the campaign. ers slated for time when
fall and Dudy Noble Field throughout his career, good. Big guys have got
better part of his time at A more prolific athlete MSU opens its season
in the spring in Starkville. though he’s caught 10 to know what their role
Richwood High School in “Well they’re not real- passes for 110 yards and a is, and it’s being big and than Mitchell, Shavers against LSU on Sept. 26
Monroe, Louisiana, ter- ly wide receivers; they’re touchdown in his career. fighting with people and arrives at MSU from Ala- in Baton Rouge, that num-
rorizing opposing defen- tighter receivers,” Leach Speaking with the fighting to come down bama with high expecta- ber should include sever-
sive backfields en route quipped of their positions media Tuesday night, with the ball.” tions. Rated a top-100 re- al sizable targets.
to 69 catches for 1,406 Saturday. “But no, they do outside receivers coach While MSU’s stable of cruit in the class of 2017 “This offense allows
yards and 16 touchdowns a good job. Both of them, Steve Spurrier Jr. said converted tight end tar- out of the greater Dallas big guys to play too,”
receiving over his junior when they play their best, Jones estimated he’s gets is deep, the pairing area, the former Crimson Spurrier Jr. said. “It’s not
and senior seasons. they’re not coverable, weighed as much as 280 of Mitchell and Shavers Tide receiver spent the all just a bunch of skinny
Cumbest’s high school really. Both are strong pounds during his time should also offer the Bull- bulk of his time in Tus- guys that run all over the
track record proved simi- enough to move the de- in Starkville but has got- dogs ample size in those caloosa on special teams place. We find a place for
lar, as he corralled a com- fenders around a little bit ten into the 220-pound players who’ve spent the and battled a number of those inside, big guys.”


New Hope makes quick work of Columbus Parsons, Sewell among AP
its own later on, incorpo-
rating several JV players
into the mix — important
preseason All-Americans
During a timeout in
the third set of Tuesday’s
match at Columbus High
with a varsity roster that
is only nine deep, she
not playing in 2020 season
School, New Hope volley- “If something happens
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the Outland Trophy win-
ball coach Allison Wool- to one of them, those ner and potential top-five
bright had a question for Penn State linebacker NFL draft pick, and Or-
players have to be ready
sophomore libero Kens- Micah Parsons and Ore- egon teammate Kayvon
to fill these spots,” coach
ley Woolbright: Was it Woolbright said. “So any- gon tackle Penei Sewell Thibodeaux, a sopho-
time to come out? time I can get them some are among 11 players more defensive end.
With New Hope up two extra playing time and selected to The Asso- Parsons is among a
sets to none and the Tro- get them on the court, I ciated Press preseason handful of stars who have
jans yet to give up a point Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff want to do that. Tonight All-America first team said they are gone for
in the third set, it was a The Columbus High School volleyball team returns was a good opportunity who are not slated to play good, opting out of the
fair question, as coach a serve from New Hope during Tuesday’s match in to do that.” this fall. season to concentrate on
Woolbright hoped to ro- Columbus. The Falcons lost in straight sets. When sophomore mid- The team was selected preparing for the draft.
tate in some of her junior dle blocker Hayslie El- by 47 AP poll voters, who Along with Parsons, Pur-
rocking and rolling.” ers were bumped back-
varsity players to get more joined the fray and were asked to consider all due’s Rondale Moore, se-
Hudgins said Tues- wards or sideways and
them experience playing landed a kill to push the Division I players — even lected as an all-purpose
day’s match was an op- out of play. Woolbright
in a varsity match. score to 22-0 in the third those who had already player, Miami defensive
portunity for the Tro- finished the match with a
But Kensley, who had jans to work on their set, New Hope players opted out of the season end Gregory Rousseau
team-leading 17 aces and
yet to give up her serve aggressive hits and some cheered her heartily from or whose teams had post- and Pittsburgh defensive
three digs.
all set, decided she’d of their more intricate the floor and the bench. poned football. tackle Jaylen Twyman
But despite the Fal-
rather stay behind the “I love her,” Hudgins The results show just were first-team All-Amer-
service line rather than
head to the bench.
“We feel like we’re on top of the said. “I’ve built up the
middles, and to see them
how much star power
will be missing from this
ica opt outs.
The All-Americans
who will play this season
“Well,” coach Wool-
bright told her, “just go
world right now. We just want to playing at the varsity lev-
el is awesome for me.”
pandemic-altered college
football season. Twelve include Clemson quarter-
back Trevor Lawrence,
for it.’
Kensley did, returning keep rocking and rolling.” Hudgins and Daylyn
Nettles, both seniors, led
second-team All-Ameri-
cans will also not play in Oklahoma State running
to the court and serving New Hope senior Micaela Hudgins the fall, including quar- back Chuba Hubbard and
New Hope with six kills
out the third set without plays, which New Hope cons’ struggles, coach apiece. Freshman setter terback Justin Fields LSU receiver Ja’Marr
losing a single point. practiced a lot in the third Woolbright said her team Annie Woolbright led from defending Big Ten Chase.
It was a fittingly em- set. Coach Woolbright took Columbus seriously with 12 assists. champion and preseason
phatic way for the Trojans said she knew that even if and praised its strength New Hope will play No. 2 Ohio State. First team
(2-0) to close out Tues- the Trojans dropped the keeping the ball alive. its first home game of The Big Ten, Pac- Offense
day’s quick sweep of the set, they’d have two more “They have a lot of the season at 6:30 p.m. 12, Mid-American and Quarterback — Trev-
district rival Falcons. Set to make up for it and still very great athletes, and Thursday against Choc- Mountain West confer- or Lawrence, junior,
scores were 25-5, 25-4 win the match. we knew that they would taw County. ences have decided to try Clemson.
and 25-0. New Hope, of course, be very good at getting “They’re usually good to play football in the sec- Running backs —
“We feel like we’re was far from that. In their the ball back over,” Wool- competition,” coach ond semester. As of now, Chuba Hubbard, junior,
on top of the world right perfect third set, several bright said. “They have a Woolbright said. “That’s Fields has given no indi- Oklahoma State; Travis
now,” New Hope senior of Kensley Woolbright’s lot of great blockers.” why we keep them on our cation that he won’t be Etienne, senior, Clem-
Micaela Hudgins said. serves dropped between Her team got to try schedule.” with the Buckeyes if they son.
“We just want to keep Columbus defenders; oth- out some new blockers of See PREPS, 3B do. Same goes for Sewell, See FOOTBALL, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •


Murray scores 42; Nuggets beat Jazz in Game 5

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS balky right hip sidelined him
again. His last NBA game was
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. March 11.
— Jamal Murray scored 33 of
his 42 points in a second half
where he played every minute
Lost focus
Mike Conley said there’s a
and the Denver Nuggets avoid-
lesson to be learned after the
ed elimination by beating the
Jazz lost some of their focus
Utah Jazz 117-107 on Tuesday
with the lead.
night in Game 5.
“Not to let our minds get
The Nuggets trail the
away from our task at hand,”
sixth-seeded Jazz 3-2 with
Conley said. “The other team
Game 6 on Thursday.
Murray was unstoppable doesn’t care what’s going on
down the stretch in nearly in your mind. They’re going to
matching his 50-point effort in keep pushing and keep going
Game 4. He hit 17 of 26 shots and keep fighting. That’s what
and had eight assists, includ- teams like Denver do. They’re
ing a pass to Nikola Jokic for a very good. They’re not going to
3-pointer with 23.6 seconds re- lay down easy.”
maining that sealed the win.
“Whenever he’s like that we Hot hand
are winning the game or we are Jokic hit all five 3-pointers
really close,” said Jokic, who he took in the first quarter. He’s
also didn’t sub out in the second the third player in the series
half. “That’s what we need from to have five in a quarter, join-
him.” ing Murray (fourth quarter in
The dynamic tandem of Mur- Game 4) and Mitchell (third in
ray and Jokic clearly weren’t Game 2).
ready to leave the NBA bubble According to Basketball Ref-
just yet. Jokic had it going early erence, the playoff record for
as he scored 21 of his 31 points 3-pointers in a quarter is held
in the the first quarter. by Antoine Walker. He had six
Murray took over late after by in the second quarter on
his team fell behind by as many April 28, 2002.
as 15 points in the third quarter.
“We’ve all got a will to win. M&M show
Simple as that,” explained Murray and Mitchell keep
Murray, who played through a turning in big performances.
bruise on his knee. “That can
Mitchell has a pair of games in
carrying you. That can take you
the series where he went for 50
or more points.
With the game tied at 101,
“It’s fun,” Murray. “Not fo-
Murray scored nine straight for
cusing on it. But it’s hard to not
Denver to put the Nuggets up
by nine with 1:20 to go.
Donovan Mitchell finished Mike Ehrmann/Pool Photo-USA TODAY Sports
with 30 points while wearing Denver Nuggets guard Jamal Murray drives the ball against Utah Jazz forward Royce O’Neale during Social injustice
a pair of bright, multicolored the first quarter of Game 5 of the first round of the 2020 NBA playoffs at ESPN Wide World of Sports Before their walk-through
shoes. The sharpshooter is av- Complex on Tuesday in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. Tuesday morning, Malone and
eraging 37.6 points over the five when we have to come together “This was a very important Rudy Gobert had his two-year the Nuggets talked about the
games. even more. Our guys know that, win for us to stay here and keep reign as the NBA’s Defensive situation with Jacob Blake, a
Reserve Jordan Clarkson and we’ll come out ready to play the series alive. We have to go Player of the Year come to an Black man whose shooting by
added 17 points and Joe Ingles out there and find a way to get police in Kenosha, Wisconsin,
the next game.” end with Milwaukee’s Giannis
found his rhythm with 13. In- on Sunday has roiled the nation.
The Nuggets turned in their a Game 6 and force a deciding Antetokounmpo winning the
gles had a combined two points “I am wearing a Black Lives
best third period of the series Game 7,” Nuggets coach Mi- award. Gobert had 11 points
in the previous two games. Matter T-shirt. Black Lives
when they needed it most. chael Malone said. “Jamal and and 12 rebounds.
“I thought at some level, we Matter is on the courts. But a
Trailing 63-54 at halftime, they Nikola will be the keys to us Nuggets: F Michael Porter
just lost our composure when T-shirt and a slogan on a court
we were ahead,” Jazz coach outscored the Jazz 28-23. Utah continuing doing that.” Jr. had 15 points and F Jerami is obviously not doing any-
Quin Snyder said. “Oftentimes, has dominated the third quar- Grant chipped in 13. ... Although thing to stop the vicious cycle
when a team’s making a run you ter by a 142-92 margin before Tip-ins G Gary Harris was upgraded to that we’ve seen time and time
get a little distracted, and that’s Tuesday. Jazz: Before the game, C “questionable” for Game 5, that again,” Malone said.

3:10 p.m., 1st game

MLB Glance Boston (Brewer 0-1) at Toronto (TBD), 5:37 p.m. Houston 2, Oklahoma City 2

Have you checked the

Baltimore (Wojciechowski 1-3) at Tampa Bay (Rich- Tuesday, Aug. 18: Houston 123, Oklahoma City 108
National League ards 0-0), 5:40 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 20: Houston 112, Oklahoma City 98
East Division Chicago Cubs (Lester 2-1) at Detroit (Fulmer 0-0), Saturday, Aug. 22: Oklahoma City 119, Houston 107,
W L Pct GB 6:10 p.m. OT

Atlanta 16 12 .571 _ Minnesota (Berríos 2-3) at Cleveland (Clevinger 1-1), Monday, Aug. 24: Oklahoma City 117, Houston 114
Miami 14 11 .560 ½ 6:10 p.m. Today: Oklahoma City vs. Houston, 5:30 p.m.
Philadelphia 11 14 .440 3½ N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 0-1) at Atlanta (Fried 4-0), 6:40 Friday: Houston vs. Oklahoma City, TBD
New York 12 16 .429 4 p.m., 2nd game x-Sunday: Oklahoma City vs. Houston, TBD
Washington 11 16 .407 4½ Oakland (Fiers 3-1) at Texas (Allard 0-2), 7:05 p.m.
Central Division Kansas City (Junis 0-0) at St. Louis (Hudson 0-2),

W L Pct GB
18 11 .621 _
7:15 p.m.
Seattle (Walker 2-2) at San Diego (Lamet 2-1), 8:10 NHL Glance (Best-of-7; x-if necessary)
St. Louis 10 9 .526 3 p.m.
Milwaukee 13 15 .464 4½ Thursday’s Games (Seeding in parentheses; home team listed last)
11 17 .393 6½
7 18 .280 9
Seattle at San Diego, 3:10 p.m.
Boston at Toronto, 5:37 p.m.
Eastern Conference
At Toronto
West Division Oakland at Texas, 5:37 p.m. FIRST ROUND
W L Pct GB Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 5:40 p.m. (1)Philadelphia 4, (8)Montreal 2
Los Angeles 22 8 .733 _ Minnesota at Detroit, 6:10 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12: Philadelphia 2, Montreal 1
San Diego 18 13 .581 4½ Friday, Aug. 14: Montreal 5, Philadelphia 0
Colorado 14 15 .483 7½
San Francisco 14 16 .467 8 Chicago White Sox 4, Sunday, Aug. 16: Philadelphia 1, Montreal 0
Tuesday, Aug. 18: Philadelphia 2, Montreal 0
Arizona 13 17 .433 9 Pittsburgh 0 Wednesday, Aug. 19: Montreal 5, Philadelphia 3

Monday’s Games Friday, Aug. 21: Philadelphia 3, Montreal 2
Pittsburgh Chicago
Miami 11, Washington 8
ab r h bi ab r h bi
Chicago Cubs 9, Detroit 3 (2)Tampa Bay 4, (7)Columbus 1
E.González ss 3 0 0 0 Anderson ss 3 0 1 1
Milwaukee 4, Cincinnati 2 Tuesday, Aug. 11: Tampa Bay 3, Columbus 2, 5OT
Frazier 2b 3 0 0 0 Jiménez lf 4 0 2 1
St. Louis 9, Kansas City 3 Thursday, Aug. 13: Columbus 3, Tampa Bay 1
Reynolds lf 3 0 0 0 Abreu 1b 3 0 1 0
Colorado 3, Arizona 2 Saturday, Aug. 15: Tampa Bay 3, Columbus 2
Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 Encarnación dh 40 1 0
Tuesday’s Games Monday, Aug. 17: Tampa Bay 2, Columbus 1
Polanco dh 3 0 0 0 Moncada 3b 3 1 0 0
Miami 4, N.Y. Mets 0, 7 innings, 1st game

Riddle 3b 3 0 0 0 Robert cf 4 1 3 0 Wednesday, Aug. 19: Tampa Bay 5, Columbus 4, OT
Philadelphia 8, Washington 3
Tucker rf 3 0 0 0 McCann c 2 1 1 1
Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 1 (6)N.Y. Islanders 4, (3)Washington 1
Dyson cf 3 0 0 0 Mendick 2b 3 1 0 0
Chicago White Sox 4, Pittsburgh 0 Wednesday, Aug. 12: N.Y. Islanders 4, Washington 2
Murphy c 2 0 0 0 Engel rf 4 0 0 1
Milwaukee 3, Cincinnati 2 Friday, Aug. 14: N.Y. Islanders 5, Washington 2
Osuna ph 1 0 0 0
Kansas City 5, St. Louis 4 Sunday, Aug. 16: N.Y. Islanders 2, Washington 1, OT
Totals 27 0 0 0 Totals 30 4 9 4
Miami 3, N.Y. Mets 0, 7 innings, 2nd game Tuesday, Aug. 18: Washington 3, N.Y. Islanders 2
Pittsburgh 000 000 000—0
Seattle 8, San Diego 3 Thursday, Aug. 20: N.Y. Islanders 4, Washington 0
Chicago 031 000 00x—4

Colorado at Arizona, late
DP_Pittsburgh 1, Chicago 0. LOB_Pittsburgh 1, Chi-
L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, late (4)Boston 4, (5)Carolina 1
cago 8. 2B_Encarnación (3), Jiménez (5), Robert (7).
Today’s Games Wednesday, Aug. 12: Boston 4, Carolina 3, 2OT
SF_McCann (1).
Pittsburgh (Williams 1-4) at Chicago White Sox Thursday, Aug. 13: Carolina 3, Boston 2
(Keuchel 4-2), 1:10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15: Boston 3, Carolina 1
N.Y. Yankees (Cole 4-0) at Atlanta (Anderson 0-0), Monday, Aug. 17: Boston 4 Carolina 3
Brault L,0-1 3 5 4 4 4 0
3:10 p.m., 1st game Wednesday, Aug. 19: Boston 2, Carolina 1
Tropeano 4 3 0 0 0 4
Philadelphia (Nola 2-2) at Washington (Corbin 2-2),
Neverauskas 1 1 0 0 0 1

REal EStatE
Chicago Cubs (Lester 2-1) at Detroit (Fulmer 0-0), (6)N.Y. Islanders 1, (1)Philadelphia 0
Giolito W,3-2 9 0 0 0 1 13
6:10 p.m. Monday, Aug. 24: N.Y. Islanders 4, Philadelphia 0
HBP_Brault (McCann). WP_Brault.
Miami (Hernandez 1-0) at N.Y. Mets (deGrom 2-0), Today: N.Y. Islanders vs. Philadelphia, 2 p.m.
Umpires_Home, CB Bucknor; First, Erich Bacchus;
6:10 p.m. Thursday: Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m.
Second, John Tumpane; Third, Jose Navas.
N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka 0-1) at Atlanta (Fried 4-0), 6:40 Saturday: Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Islanders, 11 a.m.
p.m., 2nd game x-Monday: N.Y. Islanders vs. Philadelphia, TBD
Cincinnati (Gray 4-1) at Milwaukee (Houser 1-2), 7:10 x-Wednesday, Sept. 2: Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Island-

Kansas City (Junis 0-0) at St. Louis (Hudson 0-2),
7:15 p.m.
NBA Glance
All games in Lake Buena Vista, Fla.
ers, TBD
x-Thursday, Sept. 3: N.Y. Islanders vs. Philadelphia,
Seattle (Walker 2-2) at San Diego (Lamet 2-1), 8:10 FIRST ROUND
p.m. (Best-of-7); x-if necessary) (4)Boston 1, (2)Tampa Bay 1
Colorado (Gray 1-3) at Arizona (Ray 1-3), 8:40 p.m. Home team listed last Sunday, Aug. 23: Boston 3, Tampa Bay 2
L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 3-1) at San Francisco (Gaus- Tuesday, Aug. 25: Tampa Bay 4, Boston 3, OT
man 1-1), 8:45 p.m. Eastern Conference Today: Tampa Bay vs. Boston, 7 p.m.

Thursday’s Games Milwaukee 3, Orlando 1 Friday: Tampa Bay vs. Boston, 6:30 p.m.
Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 2:15 p.m., 1st game Tuesday, Aug. 18: Orlando 122, Milwaukee 110 x-Sunday: Boston vs. Tampa Bay, TBD
Seattle at San Diego, 3:10 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 20: Milwaukee 111, Orlando 96 x-Tuesday, Sept. 1: Tampa Bay vs. Boston, TBD
Colorado at Arizona, 5:10 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22: Milwaukee 121, Orlando 107 x-Wednesday, Sept. 2: Boston vs. Tampa Bay, TBD
Philadelphia at Washington, 5:37 p.m. Monday, Aug. 24: Milwaukee 121, Orlando 106
Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 5:45 p.m., 2nd game Today: Orlando vs. Milwaukee, 3 p.m.
Miami at N.Y. Mets, 6:10 p.m. x-Friday: Milwaukee vs. Orlando, TBD Western Conference
At Edmonton, Alberta

L.A. Dodgers at San Francisco, 7:05 p.m. x-Sunday: Orlando vs. Milwaukee, TBD
Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 7:10 p.m. FIRST ROUND
Toronto 4, Brooklyn 0 (1)Las Vegas 4, (8)Chicago 1
Monday, Aug. 17: Toronto 134, Brooklyn 110 Tuesday, Aug. 11: Las Vegas 4 Chicago 1
American League Wednesday, Aug. 19: Toronto 104, Brooklyn 99 Thursday, Aug. 13: Las Vegas 4, Chicago 3, OT
East Division Friday, Aug. 21: Toronto 117, Brooklyn 92 Saturday, Aug. 15: Las Vegas 2, Chicago 1
W L Pct GB Sunday, Aug. 23: Toronto 150, Brooklyn 122 Sunday, Aug. 16: Chicago 3, Las Vegas 1
Tampa Bay 20 11 .645 _ Tuesday, Aug. 18: Las Vegas 4, Chicago 3

New York 16 9 .640 1 Boston 4, Philadelphia 0 (2)Colorado 4, (7)Arizona 1
Toronto 14 14 .500 4½ Monday, Aug. 17: Boston 109, Philadelphia 101 Wednesday, Aug. 12: Colorado 3, Arizona 0
Baltimore 14 15 .483 5 Wednesday, Aug. 19: Boston 128, Philadelphia 101 Friday, Aug. 14: Colorado 3, Arizona 2
Boston 10 20 .333 9½ Friday, Aug. 21: Boston 102, Philadelphia 94 Saturday, Aug. 15: Arizona 4, Colorado 2
Central Division Sunday, Aug. 23: Boston 110, Philadelphia 106 Monday, Aug. 17: Colorado 7, Arizona 1
W L Pct GB Wednesday, Aug. 19: Colorado 7, Arizona 1
Minnesota 20 11 .645 _ Miami 4, Indiana 0 (3)Dallas 4, (6)Calgary 2
Chicago 18 12 .600 1½ Tuesday, Aug. 18: Miami 113, Indiana 101 Tuesday, Aug. 11: Calgary 3, Dallas 2

Cleveland 18 12 .600 1½ Thursday, Aug. 20: Miami 109, Indiana 100 Thursday, Aug. 13: Dallas 5, Calgary 4
Detroit 12 16 .429 6½ Saturday, Aug. 22: Miami 124, Indiana 115 Friday, Aug. 14: Calgary 2, Dallas 0
Kansas City 12 18 .400 7½ Monday, Aug. 24: Miami 99, Indiana 87 Sunday, Aug. 16: Dallas 5, Calgary 4, OT
West Division Tuesday, Aug. 18: Dallas 2, Calgary 1
W L Pct GB Thursday, Aug. 20: Dallas 7, Calgary 3
Oakland 21 10 .677 _ Western Conference (5)Vancouver 4, (4)St. Louis 2
Houston 17 14 .548 4 L.A. Lakers 3, Portland 1 Wednesday, Aug. 12: Vancouver 5, St. Louis 2
Seattle 12 19 .387 9 Tuesday, Aug. 18: Portland 100, L.A. Lakers 93 Friday, Aug. 14: Vancouver 4, St. Louis 3, OT

Texas 11 18 .379 9 Thursday, Aug. 20: L.A. Laker 111, Portland 88 Sunday, Aug. 16: St. Louis 3, Vancouver 2, OT
Los Angeles 10 22 .313 11½ Saturday, Aug. 22: L.A. Lakers 116, Portland 108 Monday, Aug. 17: St. Louis 3, Vancouver 1
Monday’s Games Monday, Aug. 24: L.A. Lakers 135 Portland 115 Wednesday, Aug. 19: Vancouver 4, St. Louis 3
Toronto 6, Tampa Bay 4 Today: Portland vs. L.A. Lakers, 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 21: Vancouver 6, St. Louis 2
Chicago Cubs 9, Detroit 3 x-Friday: L.A. Lakers vs. Portland, TBD
Minnesota 3, Cleveland 2 x-Sunday: Portland vs. L.A. Lakers, TBD CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS
Texas 3, Oakland 2 (Best-of-7)
St. Louis 9, Kansas City 3 L.A. Clippers 3, Dallas 2 (1)Las Vegas 1, (5)Vancouver 1
Houston 11, L.A. Angels 4 Monday, Aug. 17: L.A. Clippers 118, Dallas 110 Sunday, Aug. 23: Las Vegas 5, Vancouver 0
Tuesday’s Games Wednesday, Aug. 19: Dallas 127, L.A. Clippers 114 Tuesday, Aug. 25: Vancouver 5, Las Vegas 2
Houston 6, L.A. Angels 3, 7 innings, 1st game Friday, Aug. 21: L.A. Clippers 130, Dallas 122 Thursday: Las Vegas vs. Vancouver, 8:45 p.m.
Tampa Bay 4, Baltimore 2 Sunday, Aug. 23: Dallas 135, L.A. Clippers 133, OT Saturday: Las Vegas vs. Vancouver, 7 p.m.
Cleveland 4, Minnesota 2 Tuesday, Aug. 25: L.A. Clippers 154, Dallas 111 x-Monday: Vancouver vs. Las Vegas, TBD
Boston 9, Toronto 7 Thursday: L.A. Clippers vs. Dallas, 8 p.m. x-Tuesday, Sept. 1: Las Vegas vs. Vancouver, TBD
Detroit 7, Chicago Cubs 1 x-Saturday: Dallas vs. L.A. Clippers, TBD x-Thursday, Sept. 3: Vancouver vs. Las Vegas, TBD
Chicago White Sox 4, Pittsburgh 0
L.A. Angels 12, Houston 5, 7 innings, 2nd game Utah 3, Denver 2 (3)Dallas 2, (2)Colorado 0

Oakland 10, Texas 3 Monday, Aug. 17: Denver 135, Utah 125, OT Saturday, Aug. 22: Dallas 5,Colorado 3
Kansas City 5, St. Louis 4 Wednesday, Aug. 19: Utah 124, Denver 105 Monday, Aug. 24: Dallas 5, Colorado 2
Seattle 8, San Diego 3 Friday, Aug. 21: Utah 124, Denver 87 Today: Colorado vs. Dallas, 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday’s Games Sunday, Aug. 23: Utah 129, Denver 127 Friday: Colorado vs. Dallas, 9 p.m.
Pittsburgh (Williams 1-4) at Chicago White Sox Tuesday, Aug. 25: Denver 117, Utah 107 x-Sunday: Dallas vs. Colorado, TBD
(Keuchel 4-2), 1:10 p.m. Thursday: Denver vs Utah, 3 p.m. x-Monday: Colorado vs. Dallas, TBD
N.Y. Yankees (Cole 4-0) at Atlanta (Anderson 0-0), x-Saturday, Aug. 29: Utah vs. Denver, TBD x-Wednesday, Sept. 2: Dallas vs. Colorado, TBD
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 3B

Preps Football
Continued from Page 1B Continued from Page 1B

Other scores Tackles — x-Penei Defense Syracuse. fornia. junior, Southern Califor-
Caledonia 3, South Sewell, junior, Oregon; Ends — x-Kayvon Punter — Max Duffy, Center — x-Tyler Lin- nia; x-Levi Onwuzurike,
Pontotoc 0 Alex Leatherwood, se- Thibodeaux, sophomore, senior, Kentucky. derbaum, junior, Iowa. senior, Washington.
Caledonia rebounded nior, Alabama. Oregon; y-Gregory Rous- Tight end — Charlie Linebackers — Chazz
from Monday’s sweep by Guards — x-Wyatt seau, junior, Miami. Second team Kolar, junior, Iowa State. Surratt senior, North Car-
New Hope with a sweep Davis, junior, Ohio State; Tackles — Marvin Receivers — Tylan olina; Nick Bolton, junior,
of its own against South Trey Smith, senior, Ten- Wilson, senior, Florida Wallace, senior, Okla- Missouri; x-Paddy Fisher,
Quarterback — x-Jus-
Pontotoc on Tuesday at nessee. State; y-Jaylen Twyman, homa State; y-Rashod senior, Northwestern.
tin Fields, junior, Ohio
home. Center — Creed Hum- junior, Pitt. Bateman, junior, Minne- Cornerbacks — Pat-
phrey, junior, Oklahoma. Linebackers — y-Mi- State. sota.
Set scores were 25-15, Running backs — Na- rick Surtain II, junior,
25-15 and 25-10. Tight end — x-Pat cah Parsons, junior, Penn All-purpose player —
jee Harris, senior, Ala- Alabama; y-Caleb Farley,
Libby McMurphey led Freiermuth, junior, Penn State; x-Hamilcar Rashed Jaylen Waddle, junior, Al-
Jr., senior, Oregon State; bama; Kenneth Gainwell, junior, Virginia Tech.
Caledonia with six kills, State. abama.
Receivers — Ja’Marr Dylan Moses, senior, Al- sophomore, Memphis. Kicker — Gabe Brkic, Safeties — x-Jevon
while Zoe Hansen had Tackles — Samuel Holland, junior, Oregon;
Chase, junior, LSU; abama. sophomore, Oklahoma.
three. Cosmi, junior, Texas; Trevon Moehrig, junior,
DeVonta Smith, senior, Cornerbacks — Derek
Emily Clark led the x-Cole Van Lanen, senior, TCU.
Alabama. Stingley Jr., sophomore, Defense
team with six assists and Wisconsin. Punter — x-Adam Kor-
All-purpose player — LSU; x-Shaun Wade, ju- Ends — Carlos Bash-
five aces, while Hansen Guards — x-Nolan sak, junior, Rutgers.
y-Rondale Moore, junior, nior, Ohio State. am, senior, Wake Forest;
had four aces. Laufenberg, senior, Air (x-team not scheduled
Purdue. Safeties — Richard Quincy Roche, senior,
Megan Chandler and Force; x-Alijah Vera-Tuck- to play in the fall; y-opted
Kicker — x-Keith Dun- LeCounte, senior, Geor- Miami.
Jaelynn Hebert each gia; Andre Cisco, junior,
can, senior, Iowa. er, junior, Southern Cali- Tackles — y-Jay Tufele, out of season)
had two solo blocks, and
Alexa Lindsey had four
digs. NHL
Caledonia plays at

Palat’s OT goal lifts Lightning over Bruins in Game 2

Starkville at 7 p.m.

Starkville 3, South
Panola 0 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS thought we had an an- second period, ad Cole- in Game 1, had a goal by goalie Tuukka Rask opt-
BATESVILLE — swer,” Tampa Bay’s Blake man’s second of the game Barclay Goodrow disal- ed out of the playoffs.
Starkville High School TORONTO — The Coleman said. put the Lightning ahead lowed in the opening pe-
pressure of overtime
improved to 2-0 on the
hardly fazes the Tampa
Reigning Vezina Tro- with 9:20 left in the third. riod when the Bruins suc- Notes
season with a sweep of phy winner Andrei Vasi- Brad Marchand’s sec- cessfully challenged that The Lightning played
Bay Lightning, who have levskiy had 22 saves and ond goal of the night, off a Tampa Bay’s Brayden
South Panola in Tues- without D Ryan Mc-
been as resilient as any became Tampa Bay’s all- nifty feed from Sean Ku- Point was offside seconds
day’s road match. Donagh, who was injured
team in the NHL playoffs. time playoff leader with raly, tied it 3-3 with just before the apparent score
Set scores were 25-7, during the third period
Ondrej Palat scored 22 wins. under 4 minutes to go in that would have have
25-9 and 25-11. of Game 1. Coach Jon
less than five minutes “He’s been our best regulation. erased Boston’s early 1-0
The Yellow Jackets will Cooper inserted both
into yet another extra pe- player all playoffs, kept us The Lightning outshot lead.
host Caledonia at 7 p.m. Braydon Coburn and
riod for the second-seed- in games and given us a the Bruins 40-25, includ- Instead of dwelling on
Thursday in Starkville. Luke Schenn into the
ed Lightning, who beat
chance to win,” defense- ing 9-1 in overtime. the reversal, the Light- lineup, electing to go
the Boston Bruins 4-3
Prep Girls Soccer on Tuesday to even their
man Zach Bogosian said
of Vasillevskiy, a final-
“I think they had the
mindset that they were
ning kept working until
Coleman’s diving shot
with seven defensemen
Heritage Academy Eastern Conference and 11 forwards. Neither
11, Kirk Academy 5 ist for the award as the going to pound the puck off a feed from Bogosian Coburn nor Schenn had
semifinal series at one
The Heritage Acade- league’s top goaltender at us all night and get to made it 1-1 at 12:42 of appeared in the team’s
game apiece.
my girls soccer team won Tampa Bay improved again this season. the net,” Cassidy said. the opening period. It re- first nine playoff games.
its second straight match to 4-0 in overtimes games Now the teams face Nick Ritchie also mained tied after March- ... Boston’s David Krej-
with an 11-5 road victory this postseason, includ- the challenge of a short scored for the Bruins, and scored for Boston ci’s career-best playoff
at Kirk Academy on Tues- ing a five-OT win during turnaround for Game 3 of and Jaroslav Halak fin- and Nikita Kucherov point streak (three goals,
day in Grenada. the team’s first-round vic- the best-of-seven match- ished with 36 saves. countered for Tampa Bay seven assists, 10 points)
Caroline Peal followed tory over the Columbus up, which is Wednesday David Pastrnak, the within a 55-second span ended at seven games.
up Monday’s hat trick Blue Jackets. night in Toronto. league’s leading scorer of the second period. It was the team’s longest
with a four-goal night for The Lightning over- “Sometimes it’s good during the regular sea- “We were playing since Patrice Bergeron
the Patriots (4-3), and came one-goal deficits to get right back at it when son, had the primary well enough that it real- had a seven-game streak
Reagan Merchant scored twice, had a first-period you lose a hockey game,” assist on Marchand’s ly didn’t faze us,” Cole- in 2014. ... The Lightning
twice. Sarah Curtis, score reversed and re- Boston coach Bruce Cas- power-play goal at 14:33 man said. “We thought it have gone seven consecu-
Chloe Boyd, Carly Rog- linquished its first lead sidy said. “We’ll see.” of the second period. He was just a matter of time tive games without a pow-
ers, Shannon McElhin- of the series with under Coleman had two goals picked up another assist before we would score er-play goal, going 0-for-
ney and Emma Britt all four minutes left in regu- and Nikita Kucherov also on the goal that tied it in again.” 15 during the stretch.
scored once. lation. scored for Tampa Bay. the third. The loss stopped Bos- They were 0-for-2 Tues-
Kirk scored on a pen- “Any time we hit ad- Kucherov tied it 2-2 with The Lightning, who ton’s four-game winning day night and are 2-for-20
alty kick and two direct versity in this game, I 4 1/2 minutes left in the trailed 3-0 before scoring streak since starting this postseason.
free kicks to keep the
match from ending early
on the mercy rule.
Heritage Academy
Messi tells Barca he wants to leave, signaling end of era
will host Lamar School THE ASSOCIATED PRESS club hinted that a legal would normally have end- Manchester City widely crises ever.
on Sept. 1 in Columbus. battle could be coming ed in May but was pushed seen as perhaps the most Messi had been out-
BARCELONA, Spain and said it won’t automat- back because of the coro- likely destinations. spoken about his dissat-
— After dozens of titles,
Prep Softball hundreds of goals and
ically grant the Argentina
great his wishes. Barce-
navirus pandemic.
“If Messi is to leave
The 33-year-old Mes-
si has won a record six
isfaction with some of
Barcelona’s decisions
Central Holmes
Christian 8, Oak Hill countless records, Lionel lona said it told Messi in Barcelona by activating Ballon d’Or awards this season, talking about
Academy 4 Messi’s spectacular ca- response that it wants a release clause, then I during his time at Bar- the team’s problems and
LEXINGTON — The reer at Barcelona could him to stay and finish his hope the club (tries) to celona as the top player contesting club directors.
Oak Hill Academy soft- be coming to an abrupt career at the club. help, not hinder him,” in the world, and has Sporting director Éric
ball team lost Tuesday’s end. The dispute centers former Barcelona strik- helped the club win 10 Abidal, who was criti-
road game at Central The divorce may turn around a clause in Mes- er Gary Lineker said on Spanish league titles and cized by Messi, left the
Holmes Christian, 8-4. ugly, too. si’s contract. Twitter. “He’s been fierce- four Champions League club last week.
Ruth Andrews went 3 Messi told Barcelona Barcelona said the ly loyal and their greatest crowns. Messi had been silent
for 4 and drove in a run on Tuesday that he wants document sent by Messi ever player. It would be Messi’s announce- since the loss to Bayern,
for the Raiders, and Mor- to leave after nearly two referenced a clause allow- terribly sad if it finished ment came 11 days after though, raising doubts
gan Dabbs went 2 for 4 decades at the club, hav- ing him to leave for free with a fight between the Barcelona’s humiliating about his future. The
with an RBI. ing grown unhappy after at the end of the season. player and the club.” 8-2 loss to Bayern in the defeat may have been
Kara Reed and Dovie a trophy-less season end- However, the club said If Messi can leave Champions League quar- the tipping point for the
Suggs were each 2 for 3 ed with a humiliating loss the deadline for trigger- for free, he will have no terfinals, one of the worst playmaker. He and his
with a walk. to Bayern Munich in the ing that clause expired shortage of suitors. How- defeats in his career and teammates faced furi-
Central Holmes built Champions League. in June and that it would ever, only a handful of in the club’s history. ous Barcelona fans who
up a 5-0 lead after the Barcelona confirmed seek legal advice. Messi’s clubs could realistically The defeat capped a confronted them and
first two frames. to The Associated Press contract also includes a afford to pay his wages difficult season for Barce- criticized the team at the
Oak Hill hosts Hebron that Messi sent the club a 700 million euro ($826 even without a transfer lona — the first without a club’s training center af-
Christian at 6 p.m. Thurs- document expressing his million) buyout clause. fee — with mega-rich title since 2007-08 — and ter the squad returned
day in West Point. desire to leave. But the The Spanish season Paris Saint-Germain and ignited one of its worst from Portugal.
4B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •

Frustrated NBA players wonder again whether they should play

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and are upset after see- the way that we know it out when anger over the ing,” VanVleet said, “and to stop what’s happening
ing cellphone video that should and get our voices death of George Floyd at here we are again with across this country, with
LAKE BUENA VIS- showed Blake being shot heard even more.” the hands of Minneapolis another unfortunate inci- the latest example being
TA, Fla. — As the NBA multiple times after they They’ve certainly been police was still so fresh. dent.” Kenosha,” Denver coach
sought to resume the sea- have spent a month and a trying. At Disney, players But lately, having moved Blake was shot Sunday Michael Malone said. “I
son, players had to weigh half in the bubble calling have walked onto a bas- into the playoffs, the con- in Kenosha, Wisconsin. saw George Hill say in
whether playing basket- for reform. ketball court lined with versations had largely On Monday, George Hill his press conference, why
ball aided or distracted “But it’s not working, the words Black Lives shifted toward basket- of the Milwaukee Bucks are we even here? Why
from their calls for social so obviously something Matter, went to a knee for ball. said players shouldn’t are we doing this? By
justice reform. has to be done and right the playing of the nation- Now with Blake’s even have come to the being here we’re isolat-
Those discussions are now our focus really al anthem, and afterward shooting coming so soon bubble because it took fo- ed and can’t help where
starting again. shouldn’t be on basket- used interviews to call for after the start of the play- cus off the racial injustice maybe we need to help.
With the second round ball,” Celtics guard Mar- justice for Breonna Tay- offs, Toronto guard Fred issues, where they want- It’s frustrating for a lot of
of the postseason set to cus Smart said. “I under- lor, a 26-year-old Black VanVleet said it was hard ed the attention to be. players, a lot of coaches
begin Thursday when To- stand it’s the playoffs and emergency medical tech- to get excited about the Some players, in- to be here.”
ronto plays Boston, play- everything like that but nician who was shot eight second-round matchup cluding LeBron James, Toronto’s Normal Pow-
ers from both teams say we still have a bigger is- times in Louisville, Ken- with Boston — if they de- wouldn’t comment on ell wondered if the imag-
there have been discus- sue, an underlying issue tucky, on March 13 by cide to play it. Hill’s thoughts. But they es that TV viewers are
sions about whether they that’s going on and the plainclothes officers serv- “Coming down here, understand the frustra- seeing from the bubble,
should boycott games fol- things that we’ve tried ing a narcotics search making the choice to play tion of not being able to such as players wearing
lowing the police shoot- haven’t been working. warrant without knock- was not supposed to be join protesters or activist Black Lives Matter war-
ing in Wisconsin of Jacob “So we definitely need ing at her apartment. No in vain but it’s starting groups in their communi- mup shirts, have become
Blake, a Black man. to take a different ap- drugs were found. to feel like everything ties. so familiar that that aren’t
Players and coaches proach and we need to In the early weeks at we’re doing is just going “I’ll be honest, I don’t resonating anymore.
around the league say try new things out to try Disney, players felt their through the motions and think there’s anything we “It’s starting to get
they have been frustrated to get this thing working message was getting nothing’s really chang- can do here that’s going washed out,” he said.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
I’m a the answer to MIDWEST
28-year-old that, consider DEAR THREE’S A CROWD: It
male who is still what you have to should be obvious that Paul’s
a virgin. I always offer a girl like attempts to help his daughter
wanted to be the one you fanta- not only haven’t worked, but
intimate with a size about. Many may have contributed to her
virgin female for virgins are saving problem. She needs profes-
my first time, themselves for sional help for her severe
but I have never marriage. If you social anxiety. Start with her
met one. I’ve had are willing to wait physician. Her doctor or insur-
opportunities for until marriage to ance company can refer her to
ZITS sex but refrained fulfill your fantasy, someone qualified. Her father
because she you may find what should insist upon this, rather
wasn’t a virgin. you’re looking for. than continue to enable her.
The older I have (Or not.) DEAR ABBY: I was cheated
gotten, the harder DEAR ABBY: on by my ex-husband. Since our
it has become
Dear Abby I am 55 and divorce, I am interested only
to achieve my recently started in married men. I have been
dream of being someone’s dating “Paul,” a 54-year-old to therapy, but I can’t seem to
first and sharing this wonderful man. His 26-year-old daughter, shake it. I hit on married men
experience together. I doubt “Andrea,” lives with him. My because I don’t believe all men
there are any virgin females problem is, she invites herself are faithful. Is this unhealthy,
my age left. along on our weekend get- and what can I do about it? —
I know I have missed out aways, small trips, etc. He tells NOT RIGHT IN THE NORTH
on an important aspect of life me he knows it’s a problem. DEAR NOT RIGHT: What
that so many others have had. Andrea is a college graduate you’re doing is definitely
GARFIELD Should I start dating younger working for her dad’s compa- unhealthy! You didn’t mention
women, or let go of my fairy-tale ny, but she has no outside how long ago your divorce
first-time fantasy and have sex interests, no social skills and happened, but hitting on mar-
with just anybody, knowing I’ll she’s afraid to talk to people ried men may be your way of
regret it? Or should I hold out one-on-one. She also doesn’t ensuring that you won’t become
longer and wait for another care about her appearance. so deeply involved your heart
virgin to come into my life? — Paul doesn’t know what to is broken again. Perhaps you
FAIRY-TALE DREAM do. His daughter doesn’t want will be less inclined to con-
DEAR FAIRY-TALE DREAM: to live with her mom, and he’s tinue these liaisons if, before
Consider pushing the pause trying to get her acclimated starting another one, you take
button on your fantasy until the to being her own person and a moment to consider their
pandemic is under control, and independent. I suggested a life effect on the wives and children
do nothing that you know you’ll coach. He knows he enables involved.
regret. Before going forward, her to a certain extent. Other P.S. And since your first
figure out why sex with another than this issue, our relation- therapist was unable to help
CANDORVILLE virgin is so important to you. ship is wonderful. Please help. you, contact another one.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. Maybe it wasn’t your quest to Leaving oneself unchecked is
26). People come with their own be extremely attractive inside arrogance. Instead, ask, “Could
strange math. It takes but a few and out, but it happened I be wrong?”
chosen loved ones with whom anyway — a benefit of tending LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
you share thoughts and hours to the important things, serving Of all the things you could rail
to enrich your life beyond mea- the people around you consis- against, one of the most futile
sure. The relationships you build tently, making pleasantness is that of human nature, which
are among your finest creations. your job. is indomitable, illogical and
A move figures into 2021. You’ll GEMINI (May 21-June 21). wildly successful. Since human
inhabit new and transform old It really doesn’t matter whether nature often wins out, it makes
environments. Aries and Virgo you do a thing alone or with lots sense to work with it, not
adore you. Your lucky numbers of help. What matters is getting against it.
BABY BLUES are: 8, 44, 22, 1 and 49. this thing done and in the bag, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). so to speak. You may as well You feel successful when you
When you challenge yourself, accept whatever help you are are lifting others, creating ease
you discover yourself. If you offered. in the world, building beauty,
wait, the world will do it for you, CANCER (June 22-July 22). contributing to health, breaking
but it won’t be the same kind of Attempt to debunk your own the- down barriers to emotional
challenge — not as specific, not ories. Most mistakes, be they sunshine.
as interesting. personal, professional, financial LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). or other, are mistakes of ego. If the person who’s the best
is also the worst, maybe it’s
love. Love is a 3D experience.
If you’re getting the good, bad
and ugly, then you’ve brought
a person all the way into your
heart — no angle left behind.
21). Plow ahead while your
energy is high. You’ll feel
like taking detours, following
distractions and generally going
your own way, but don’t. Where
deep focus meets high energy,
there’s exciting progress to be
21). Not every debt has to be
paid back. Sometimes people
give to you out of a deep need
to contribute. The usefulness
they feel in that moment fulfills
MALLARD FILLMORE the transaction.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). The complex problems
beckon you today, and you’re
uniquely qualified to take them
on. Note that you’ll likely need
to look at the situation from a
dozen or more different angles
before it starts to make sense.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You’re more open to new
experiences than most people,
and because of this, you’ll find
yourself in a colorful place
today, if not physically then at
FAMILY CIRCUS least intellectually or virtually.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Without the evil queen,
there is no fairytale. Every
superhero needs a nemesis.
In other words, someone has
to be the bad guy, and if it’s
you, don’t sweat it. There’s an
advantage in disagreement.

Spot check
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Brighten school days

— any days — with breakfast
A lentil salsa pairs well with juicy
pork chops.

Simple steps

tep up your snack game with
a salsa that takes flavor to the
next level. With a variety of
veggies mixed together, this Lentil
Salsa brings balance to snack time
by offering a more nutritious way
to curb hunger. Plus, it can serve
as a perfect complement for juicy,
tender pork chops at the dinner
As part of the Power Pairings
initiative, launched by the National
Pork Board and USA Pulses in an
effort to promote pairing whole foods to bring taste, balance and
Research shows our mamas were right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whether going “back to nutrition to the center of the plate,
school” or trying to do your best at work, breakfast — like this yogurt and fruit, scrambled eggs and whole wheat this recipe encourages a healthier
toast — doesn’t have to be a time-consuming or costly affair. way to enjoy fresh taste.
Find additional nutritious inspi-
BY JAN SWOOPE of rest. Our bodies are fasting and whole grain English muffin ration snacks, meals and more at renewing themselves Extension n A low-sugar granola bar

Agent Jill Breslawski of the Uni- n Low-fat or fat-free yogurt
chool — in whatever form versity of Florida/Institute of Food with granola and a piece of fruit
that means for your house- and Agricultural Sciences penned n Egg burrito: scrambled egg LENTIL SALSA
hold — is back in session. in a past article about on-the-go on a small, whole grain tortilla
Servings: 6
For kids, sleeping in is (or should breakfast ideas. with salsa 6 pork chops
be) just a memory now. Families “Breakfast means to ‘break n Homemade fruit smoothie 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus additional, to
have spent the past six months the fast,’ to begin waking up and taste
n Oatmeal with fresh fruits and
adjusting in every way, shape and energizing ourselves again with Pepper, to taste
nuts. Olive oil
form. Fall semester 2020 calls for nutrition,” Breslawski wrote. 1/2 cup canned lentils, rinsed
no less. Adults, that means for you, too.
Whether attending in-person Breakfast provides energy to
Set the stage 1 pound cherry or heirloom tomatoes,
scrubbed with vegetable brush under
classes or distance learning from A few choices that can help running water and finely diced
function, reason and think. Even
home, kids have hopefully re- something quick and nutritious school days — or work days — 1/2 red onion, scrubbed with vegetable
get off to a smooth start include brush under running water and finely
gained some sense of academic can do the job. diced
routine. But after such a long Sure, it’s easy to reach for sweet getting clothes ready the night 1 jalapeno pepper, scrubbed with vegeta-
break, early mornings can throw cereals or icing-smothered toaster before, allowing time for breakfast ble brush under running water and finely
us into a tizzy. My own great-niec- tarts. But the empty calories and by waking up 10 minutes earlier diced
if need be, keeping menus simple 1/4 cup cilantro, gently rubbed under
es attend two different Columbus sugar-load aren’t really beneficial. cold running water and roughly chopped
schools. The youngest is going These alternatives suggested and avoiding controversial table 2 limes, juice only
in-person; she’s one of four chil- by Breslawski go a longer way conversation. Try to get everybody
dren in her classroom. The elder, toward keeping minds and bodies off to a positive start, recommends n Pat pork chops dry with paper towels.
Penn State Extension Service. Get Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
in middle school, is opting for energized until lunch. Pair them n In pan over medium heat, heat oil.
distance learning. Their schedules with low-fat milk or 100 percent everyone to sit down at the table Add pork chops and cook 3-5 minutes
vary a bit, but both situations call fruit juice. for a few minutes if possible; it’s a each side until they reach 145 F internal
for rise-and-shine and breakfast to n A slice of whole wheat toast great time to check schedules or temperature. Let rest 3 minutes.
start the day out right. with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter talk about upcoming events. n In large bowl, mix canned lentils,
tomatoes, red onion, jalapeno, cilantro,
When we sleep, we are in a state n A piece of fresh fruit and a See BREAKFAST, 6B lime juice and kosher salt.
n Serve salsa immediately or cover and
refrigerate 2-3 days.
(Source: Recipe courtesy of the National
Pork Board and USA Pulses)

A sweet Improve heart health with daily

evening-ender nutrition from a refrigerator staple

ear- aking care of your heart
ly requires a commitment to
any- the right routines and smart
time can decisions, but it doesn’t have to
be difficult. Simple ingredients
be a good
already in your kitchen may offer
time for a
powerful protection to keep your
heart healthy.
For example, more than a
decade of research shows 100 per-
Creamy cent orange juice and its vitamins
Raspberry and minerals may play a beneficial
Mocha role in helping lower blood pres-
Parfait, sure and other risk factors for
which heart disease.
combines A study published in the “Eu-
the flavors ropean Journal of Nutrition” by
Looking for a flavor-
of instant ful way to end the researchers at Eurecat, Centre
coffee, day? Try this Creamy Tecnològic de Catalunya, in Reus,
chocolate Raspberry Mocha Spain, provides further support for
and rasp- Parfait. 100 percent orange juice’s role in
berries, can be a perfect nightcap heart health, and offers additional
to almost any meal. insight into a unique component
Find more dessert recipes at in orange juice, called hesperidin, This poached salmon with collard green salad incorporates an unexpected ingredi- that may have antioxidant activity
See PARFAIT, 6B ent — orange juice. See SALMON, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
About those menus, Leave out the sugar and Top with Parmesan cheese.
don’t get stuck in a rut. cinnamon. Follow the same Boil until Parmesan is slightly
directions. melted. Serve warm or cold.
Mix things up with a tur- Nutrition: One serving pro-
key or chicken sandwich n Preheat oven to 400 F. vides 157 calories, 10 grams
with fruit, celery stuffed Slice pita bread through protein, and 5 grams fat.
with peanut butter, mac the middle to make rounds. (Source:
and cheese with fruit, or Spread 2 tablespoons ricotta
or cottage cheese on each
frozen waffles or pancakes
with applesauce topping.
half of the pita bread. SURPRISE MUFFINS
n Thinly slice the apple Makes 12 muffins
Try different breads, like and the banana. Place 1/2
bagels or pita bread. Incor- the sliced apple and 1/2 1 1 ⁄4 cups flour
the sliced banana on each 3 teaspoons baking powder
porate a variety of fruits in piece of the pita. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon salt
season, like apples, kiwi, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 1 ⁄3 cup sugar
berries, grapes, oranges 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon 2 cups cornflake cereal
or melons. on each pita. Place both pita 1 cup milk
The bottom line is, for halves on a baking sheet and 1 egg
bake in the oven for 10 to 12 1 ⁄3 cup shortening
school or work, we need minutes. 1 ⁄4 cup preserves or jam
routine. We need fuel. We Nutrition: 269 calories, 8
need focus. Breakfast can grams protein, 7 grams fiber, n Mix together flour, baking
kick-start them all. and 7 grams fat. powder, salt and sugar. Set
For more advice on (Source: aside. Measure cornflake
cereal into large mixing bowl.
healthy eating for chil- Stir in milk. Let stand 2 to
dren, visit choosemyplate. FRITTATA 3 minutes or until cereal is
gov. Makes 6 servings softened.
n Add egg and shortening to
1 egg the cereal mixture. Beat well.
BREAKFAST PIZZA 3⁄4 cup of flour Add flour mixture to the cereal
Makes 2 servings 1 ⁄2 teaspoon salt mixture, stirring only until
1 ⁄4 teaspoon dried oregano combined. Divide batter evenly
1 whole regular or 2 mini pitas 1 cup 2 percent milk into 12 greased 2 1/2 -inch
4 tablespoons low-fat ricotta 1 cup grated mozzarella muffin pan cups. Make a deep
or cottage cheese* cheese indentation in top of batter
1 small apple 3 tablespoons grated Parme- for each muffin. Fill each with
1 medium banana san cheese one measuring teaspoon of
2 teaspoons sugar preserves.
1 ⁄4 teaspoon cinnamon n Mix egg, flour, salt oregano, n Bake at 400 F about 25
2 tablespoons raisins (op- and milk. Pour into a blender minutes or until golden brown.
tional) and blend until foamy. Nutrition: One serving pro-
*4 tablespoons peanut butter n Add mozzarella cheese and vides 168 calories, 3 grams
can be substituted for the pour into greased pie pan. protein, and 6 grams fat.
ricotta or cottage cheese. Bake 400 F for 30 minutes. (Source:

Continued from Page 5B
and contribute to orange orange juice can help 1 tablespoon apple cider
juice’s cardiovascular maintain a healthy blood vinegar
1 tablespoon finely minced
benefits. pressure, which is a big shallot
The study, which was factor in heart health,” Salt, to taste
funded by the Florida said Kaleigh McMordie, Pepper, to taste
Department of Citrus, de- RDN and founder of the 1 small bunch collard greens
termined that adults with (about 8 ounces), stems and
blog “Lively Table.” center ribs removed
pre- or stage-1 hyperten- With no added sugar 1/2 cup toasted, slivered
sion who drank about and no fat, cholester- almonds
2 cups of 100 percent ol or sodium, Florida
orange juice per day saw Orange Juice can help n Preheat oven to 375 F.
Spray small glass baking dish
significant reductions in you take advantage of with nonstick cooking spray.
systolic blood pressure these nutritious benefits Set salmon in dish.
and other markers of from breakfast to dinner n In small saucepan over high
heart health and inflam- with dishes like Poached heat, combine 1 cup 100 per-
cent orange juice, white wine,
mation. Salmon with Collard garlic and 1 teaspoon grated
“Nearly half of adults Green Salad, an easy way ginger; bring to simmer.
in the United States have to add potassium and n Pour poaching liquid over
high blood pressure,” vitamin C at the family salmon and cover with alumi-
said Dr. Rosa Walsh, sci- table, especially when num foil.
n Poach in oven 15-20 min-
entific research director paired with an 8-ounce utes, or until salmon is cooked
at the Florida Depart- glass of 100 percent through.
ment of Citrus. “For those orange juice. For those n In lidded jar, combine
with mild hypertension, busy mornings on the go, remaining 100 percent orange
juice, remaining grated ginger,
including something as an Orange Kale Smoothie olive oil, vinegar and shallot;
simple and pure as 100 can be the fuel you need shake to combine. Season
percent orange juice in as a filling option with with salt and pepper, to taste.
your daily healthy routine less than five ingredients n Cut collard greens into thin
ribbons and transfer to large
may help make signif- that’s an excellent source mixing bowl. Pour dressing
icant improvements in of vitamin C, folate and over collard greens; toss well
such a prevalent prob- vitamin K and a good to combine and fully coat.
lem.” source of potassium and n Remove salmon from liquid
Beyond its heart thiamin. and serve on top of collard
greens. Sprinkle with almonds.
health benefits, many For more information, n Season with additional
studies, including a Na- visit salt and pepper, to taste, and
tional Health & Nutrition serve.
Survey published in
“Nutrition Journal,” have POACHED SALMON
Servings: 2
orange juice consumption
is associated with higher SALAD 2 cups Florida Orange Juice
diet quality and increased 1/4 cup frozen pineapple
1 1/4 cups Florida Orange 1 cup kale, tough stems
levels of key nutrients, Juice, divided removed
including many that are Nonstick cooking spray 4 mint leaves
under-consumed, like 1 pound salmon filets
potassium. 1 cup white wine n In large blender, blend 100
2 cloves garlic, smashed percent orange juice, frozen
“The vitamin C, 2 teaspoons finely grated pineapple, kale and mint
antioxidants and potassi- fresh ginger, divided leaves until smooth. Pour into
um found in 100 percent 2 tablespoons olive oil tall glass.

Continued from Page 5B
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract cream, cream of tartar and
CREAMY RASPBERRY 2 cups raspberries vanilla extract. Beat mixture
MOCHA PARFAIT Whipped cream, for topping
Chocolate powder, for dusting
to form peaks. Gradually add
sugar. Continue beating mix-
Servings: 4 n In small bowl, mix hot ture until stiffer peaks form.
water and instant coffee. Cool n In four parfait glasses,
2 tablespoons hot water completely.
1 tablespoon instant coffee layer chocolate pudding mix,
n In medium bowl, mix milk
1 packet chocolate pudding and chocolate pudding mix whipped cream mix and rasp-
mix until blended and thickened. berries. Top raspberries with
2 cups milk Add cooled coffee; mix well. additional chocolate pudding
1 carton whipped topping Add whipped topping; mix well. mix, dollop of whipped cream,
1 cup heavy cream Chill. another raspberry and dust
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar n In large bowl, add heavy with chocolate powder.

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receive their paper on time.
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The Dispatch

SIPPI On September 4, 2014, KIM-

BERLY JILL ROSS, Grantor, ex- fence a distance of 466.7 feet
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- ecuted and delivered to JEF- to a point; Run thence South


TATE OF HILDA PEARL RATLIFF, FREY C. SMITH, Trustee, for 01 degrees 34 minutes East a
DECEASED the use and benefit of distance of 460.3 feet to a
CLAUSON S. CHISM REVOC- point in the centerline of an ex-


NO. 2020-0146 ABLE TRUST, a Deed of Trust isting gravel drive way; Run
covering the property de- thence Southwesterly along
SHANNON L. RUSSELL, EX- scribed herein which is recor- said centerline and a curve to
ECUTOR ded in Trust Deed Book 2014 the left a distance of 21.5 feet

To place ads starting at only $12,
at Pages 18500 through
18506 of the land records of
(Radius: 124.7 feet, Chord
bearing: South 41 degrees 31

Letters Testamentary have

call 662-328-2424 or visit
Lowndes County, Mississippi. minutes West – 21.5 feet) to a
point; Run thence South 36 de-
been granted and issued to There was a default in the pay- grees 35 minutes West along
Shannon L. Russell, Executor ment of the indebtedness se- the centerline of said gravel
of the Estate of Hilda Pearl Rat- THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM cured by the Deednof WEDNESDAY,
Trust, and driveAUGUST 26,of2020
a distance n 7B
60.0 feet to
liff, deceased, by the Chancery the owner and holder of the a point; run thence South 22
Court of Lowndes County, Mis- Deed of Trust requested the degrees 03 minutes West
sissippi, on the 24th day of Ju- undersigned to foreclose the along said centerline a dis-
ly, 2020. This is to give notice Deed of Trust and sell the prop- tance of 32.7 feet to the point
Legal Notices Legal Notices toLegal
all Notices
persons having claims Legal Notices Notices herein for collec- ofLegal
erty beginning
Notices and containing 5.9

against the estate to Probate tion of indebtedness secured acres, more or less.
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF IN THE COUNTY COURT OF and Register same with the IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF and other allowed expenses.
LOWNDES COUNTY LOWNDES COUNTY Chancery Clerk of Lowndes LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Together with and including the
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STATE OF MISSISSIPPI County, Mississippi, within SIPPI Notice is given that I will on the following access easement:
A thirty (30) feet wide tract of
ninety (90) days from the date
of first publication of this No- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
18th day of September 2020,
within the legal hours (between land to be used as an access
VICES, LLC PLAINTIFF VICES, LLC PLAINTIFF tice. A failure to so Probate TATE OF MARY C. GARDNER, 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) of- easement and being located in
Legal Notices and Register the claim will DECEASED fer for sale and will sell at pub- the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼)
VS. VS. forever bar the same. lic auction to the highest and of the Southeast Quarter (SE
NO. 2020-0157 best bidder for cash, at the ¼) of Section 12, Township 19
The following vehicle has been South, Range 18 West,
abandoned at Atlas Recovery & DARCELLIA WINDHAM; DARCELLIA WINDHAM; THIS the 10th day of August, eastern front door of the
Towing, 4009 HWY 373, ROOSEVELT LATHAM; AND THE ROOSEVELT LATHAM; AND THE 2020. G.C. GARDNER, JR. AND KAY Lowndes County Courthouse in Lowndes County, Mississippi
UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF GARDNER AASAND, CO-EX- Columbus, Mississippi, the and more particularly de-
Columbus, MS 39705: scribed as being 15 feet right
117 Beech Street, Columbus, 117 Beech Street, Columbus, Estate of Hilda Pearl Ratliff ECUTORS property described herein
MS 39702 MS 39702 By: Shannon L. Russell, Execut- which is situated in Lowndes of and 15 feet left of the follow-
2001 Ford F350
VIN# 1FTSF31F21EA35249 or NOTICE TO CREDITORS County, Mississippi, and more ing described line:
NO. 2020-0025-CV NO. 2020-0025-CV particularly described as fol- Commencing at the Southeast
OF COUNSEL: Letters Testamentary have lows: corner of the Southwest
IF THIS VEHICLE IS NOT Quarter (SW ¼) of the South-
CLAIMED IT WILL BE PUT UP SUMMONS SUMMONS John W. Crowell (MSB 7906) been granted and issued to
FOR SALE ON THE 11TH DAY Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC G.C. Gardner, Jr. and Kay Gard- A tract of land being located in east Quarter (SE ¼) of said
OF SEPTEMBER, 2020 AT 6:00 THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Post Office Box 1827 ner Aasand, Co-Executors of the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) Section 12; Run thence West
Columbus, MS 39703 the Estate of Mary C. Gardner, of the Southeast Quarter (SE along the South line of said
TOWING, 4009 HWY 373, TO: Roosevelt Latham TO: Darcella Windham PHONE: (662) 243-7308 deceased, by the Chancery ¼) of Section 12, Township 19 Section a distance of 15 feet Court of Lowndes County, Mis- South, Range 18 West, to a point on the West right-of-
COLUMBUS, MS 39705. way of a public road known as
You have been made a Defend- You have been made a Defend- sissippi, on the 6th day of Au- Lowndes County, Mississippi
ant in the suit filed in this ant in the suit filed in this PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & gust, 2020. This is to give no- and more particularly de- Hughes Road; Run thence
Witnessed under my hand on South 00 degrees 21 minutes
this the 24th day of August, Court by Carrington Mortgage Court by Carrington Mortgage 8/26/2020 tice to all persons having scribed as follows:
Services, LLC, Plaintiff, seek- Services, LLC, Plaintiff, seek- claims against the estate to East along said right-of-way a
ing possession of property at ing possession of property at Probate and Register same Commencing at the Southeast distance of 295.0 feet to a
117 Beech Street, Columbus, 117 Beech Street, Columbus, IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF with the Chancery Clerk of corner of the Southwest point; Run thence South 77 de-
/s/Frank Stump grees 02 minutes West a dis-
MS 39702. Defendants other MS 39702. Defendants other LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Lowndes County, Mississippi, Quarter (SW ¼) of the South-
than you are Darcella Wind- than you are Roosevelt Lath- SIPPI within ninety (90) days from the east Quarter (SE ¼) of said tance of 532.0 feet to a fence
PUBLISH: 8/26 & 9/2/2020 corner; Run thence North 37
ham and the Unknown Occu- am and the Unknown Occu- date of first publication of this Section 12; Run thence West
pants of 117 Beech Street, pants of 117 Beech Street, IN RE: THE ESTATE OF PATRI- Notice. A failure to so Probate along the South line of said degrees 07 minutes West a
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Section a distance of 15 feet distance of 314.7 feet to a
Columbus, MS 39702. Columbus, MS 39702. CIA LYNNE SCHMITT, DE- and Register the claim will
CEASED, forever bar the same. to a point on the West right-of- point; Run thence North 10 de-
WHEREAS, on August 24, way of a public road known as grees 03 minutes West a dis-
You are summoned to appear You are summoned to appear
2020, Letters Testamentary Hughes Road; Run thence tance of 608.8 feet to a point;
and defend against the Com- and defend against the Com- CHRISTOPHER JEAN SCHMITT THIS the 10th day of August,
were granted to the under- South 00 degrees 21 minutes Run thence North 89 degrees
plaint or Petition filed against plaint or Petition filed against AND AMBER LYNNE SHACK- 2020.
signed, Arthur Chesley Pear- East along said right-of-way a 35 minutes West a distance of
you in this action at 1:30 you in this action at 1:30 ELFORD, CO-ADMINISTRATORS
man, III, as Executor of the Es- distance of 295.00 feet to a 68.2 feet to a point in the
o'clock P.M. on the 15th day of o'clock P.M. on the 15th day of Estate of Mary C. Gardner
tate of William C. Pearman, De- point; Run thence South 77 de- gravel drive; Run thence North
September, 2020, before September, 2020, before CAUSE NO. 2020-0100-PDE By: G.C. Gardner, Jr., Co-Ex-
ceased, by the Chancery Court grees 02 minutes West a dis- 22 degrees 03 minutes East
Judge Allison P. Kizer, in the Judge Allison P. Kizer, in the ecutor
of Lowndes County, Missis- along the centerline of said
courtroom of the Lowndes courtroom of the Lowndes NOTICE TO CREDITORS By: Kay Gardner Aasand, Co-Ex- tance of 532.00 feet to a
sippi, in Cause No. 2020- fence corner; Run thence North gravel drive a distance of 32.7
County Court located at 502 County Court located at 502 ecutor
0167F, upon the general dock- 37 degrees 07 minutes West a feet to a point; run thence
2nd Avenue, Columbus, Missis- 2nd Avenue, Columbus, Missis- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
et of said Court in the office of distance of 314.7 feet to a North 36 degrees 35 minutes
sippi, and in case of your fail- sippi, and in case of your fail- COUNTY OF LOWNDES OF COUNSEL:
its Clerk in Columbus, Missis- point; Run thence North 10 de- East along said centerline a
ure to appear and defend a ure to appear and defend a John W. Crowell (MSB 7906)
sippi; grees 03 minutes West a dis- distance of 60.0 feet to a
judgment will be entered judgment will be entered Letters of Administration have Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC
against you for the money or against you for the money or been granted and issued to the Post Office Box 1827 tance of 608.8 feet to a point; point; Run thence Northeast-
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is Run thence North 89 degrees erly along said centerline and a
other things demanded in the other things demanded in the undersigned upon the Estate of Columbus, MS 39703
hereby given by the under- 35 minutes West a distance of curve to the right a distance of
Complaint or Petition. Complaint or Petition. Patricia Lynne Schmitt, De- PHONE: (662) 243-7308
signed Executor to all persons 68.2 feet to a point in a gravel 21.5 feet (Radius: 124.7 feet,
ceased, by the Chancery Court
having claims against the said drive and the point of begin- Chord bearing: North 41 de-
You are not required to file an You are not required to file an of Lowndes County, Missis-
Decedent and his estate to ning of the herein described grees 31 minutes East – 21.5
answer or other pleading but answer or other pleading but sippi on the 13th day of Au- PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 &
present same to the Clerk of tract; Run thence South 88 de- feet) to a point; Run thence
you may do so if you desire. you may do so if you desire. gust, 2020. This is to give no- 8/26/2020
said Court for probate, registra- grees 55 minutes West a dis- North 01 degrees 34 minutes
tion and allowance as provided tice to all persons having
Issued under my hand and the Issued under my hand and the claims against said estate to STATE OF MISSISSIPPI tance of 401.9 feet to a fence West a distance of XX.X feet to
by law within ninety (90) days corner post; Run thence North the point of beginning of the
seal of said Court, this 29th seal of said Court, this 29th probate and register same with COUNTY OF LOWNDES
of the date of the first publica- 01 degrees 34 minutes West a herein described easement
day of July, 2020. day of July, 2020. the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
tion of this notice, or same will distance of 555.5 feet to a centerline; Run thence South
be forever barred. County, Mississippi, within 90 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE
Lowndes County Court Clerk Lowndes County Court Clerk (ninety) days from the date of SALE point; Run thence North 89 de- 52 degrees 20 minutes East a
P.O. Box 31 P.O. Box 31 the first publication. A failure to grees 12 minutes East and distance of 45.0 feet to a
THIS, the 24th day of August, along the projection of a wire point; Run thence South 82 de-
Columbus, MS 39703 Columbus, MS 39703 so probate and register said On September 4, 2014, KIM-
2020. grees 03 minutes East a dis-
claim will forever bar the same. BERLY JILL ROSS, Grantor, ex- fence a distance of 466.7 feet tance of 53.3 feet to a point on
(Seal) (Seal) ecuted and delivered to JEF- to a point; Run thence South
ARTHUR CHESLEY PEARMAN, 01 degrees 34 minutes East a the centerline of a gravel drive;
By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. This the 14th day of August, FREY C. SMITH, Trustee, for
III, Executor distance of 460.3 feet to a Run thence North 80 degrees
2020. the use and benefit of
PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & CLAUSON S. CHISM REVOC- point in the centerline of an ex- 16 minutes East a distance of
WESTERFIELD, JANOUSH & isting gravel drive way; Run 224.2 feet to a point on an ex-
8/26/2020 8/26/2020 Christopher Jean Schmitt and ABLE TRUST, a Deed of Trust
BELL, P.A. thence Southwesterly along isting cul-de-sac of a county
Solicitors for Executor Amber Lynne Shackelford covering the property de-
Co-Administrators of the Es- said centerline and a curve to road known as Chism Road
Post Office Box 1448 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF scribed herein which is recor-
LOWNDES COUNTY LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- tate of Patricia Lynn Schmitt, ded in Trust Deed Book 2014 the left a distance of 21.5 feet and the end of the herein de-
Cleveland, Mississippi 38732 (Radius: 124.7 feet, Chord scribed easement line.
Telephone: 662-846-1716 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI SIPPI Deceased at Pages 18500 through
18506 of the land records of bearing: South 41 degrees 31
CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SER- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Prepared by: Lowndes County, Mississippi. minutes West – 21.5 feet) to a Title to the property is believed
PUBLISH: 8/26, 9/2 & point; Run thence South 36 de- to be good, but I will sell only
9/9/2020 VICES, LLC PLAINTIFF TATE OF GARY DON SPEED, DE- Jeffrey J. Turnage, Esq. such title as is vested in me.
CEASED (MSB#9447) There was a default in the pay- grees 35 minutes West along
VS. Mitchell McNutt & Sams, PA ment of the indebtedness se- the centerline of said gravel
Notice to Bidders WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
CAUSE NO: 2020-0118-S 215 5th Street North cured by the Deed of Trust, and drive a distance of 60.0 feet to this the 21st day of August
P.O. Box 1366 the owner and holder of the a point; run thence South 22
Sealed bids will be received in
Columbus, MS 39703-1366 degrees 03 minutes West 2020. All notices must be
the office of the General Man- UNKNOWN OCCUPANTS OF Telephone: 662-328-2316 undersigned to foreclose the along said centerline a dis- emailed to
ager, City of Columbus, Missis- /s/ Jeffrey C. Smith
117 Beech Street, Columbus, THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Deed of Trust and sell the prop- tance of 32.7 feet to the point JEFFREYclassifieds@ C. SMITH, Trustee
sippi, Light and Water Depart- MS 39702 LOWNDES COUNTY PUBLISH: 8/19, 8/26 & erty described herein for collec- of beginning and containing 5.9
ment until 10:00 a.m. on 9/2/2020 tion of indebtedness secured acres, more or less.
September 11, 2020 for “Bid PUBLISH: August 26, 2020
NO. 2020-0025-CV Letters of Administration have and other allowed expenses.

for (1) New/Unused Single En- been granted and issued to the Together with and including the September 2, 2020
gine Rapid Deployment Boom, September 9, 2020
SUMMONS undersigned upon the Estate of Notice is given that I will on the following access easement: September 16, 2020
Vac/Jet truck and Associated Gary Don Speed, deceased, by 18th day of September 2020, A thirty (30) feet wide tract of
Equipment.” THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI the Chancery Court of Lowndes within the legal hours (between land to be used as an access
County, Mississippi, on the 6th 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) of- easement and being located in
Specifications may be ob- TO: Unknown Occupants day of August, A. D., 2020. fer for sale and will sell at pub- the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼)
tained by dialing (662) 328- This is to give notice to all per- lic auction to the highest and of the Southeast Quarter (SE
7192 ext. 121. Any questions You have been made a Defend- sons having claims against best bidder for cash, at the ¼) of Section 12, Township 19
regarding the bid may be direc-
ted to Steve Barksdale at (662)
ant in the suit filed in this said estate to Probate and Re- PROMOTE YOUR SMALL BUSINESS STARTING AT ONLY $25
eastern front door of the South, Range 18 West,
Court by Carrington Mortgage gister same with the Chancery Lowndes County Courthouse in Lowndes County, Mississippi
251-4512. Services, LLC, Plaintiff, seek- Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- Columbus, Mississippi, the and more particularly de-
Building & Remodeling General Services General Services
scribed as being 15 feet right Painting & Papering
ing possession of property at sissippi, within ninety (90) days property described herein
Bids should be signed by an 117 Beech Street, Columbus, from the first publication date which is situated in Lowndes of and 15 feet left of the follow-
authorized agent of the com- MS 39702. Defendants other of this Notice to Creditors. A A & TMississippi,
County, TREE SERVICES and more ing described line: QUALITY PAINTING.
pany and delivered to 420 4th than you are Roosevelt Lath- failure to so Probate and Re- particularly
Bucket described
truck & stumpas fol- Commencing at the Southeast Ext/Int Painting.
Avenue South, Columbus, MS am and Darcella Windham. gister said claim will forever lows:removal. Free est. corner of the Southwest
or mailed to General Manager’s
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
bar the same. Quarter (SW ¼) of the South-
office, P.O. Box 949, Colum- Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
You are summoned to appear A tract of land
since 1987. located in east Quarter (SE ¼) of said
beingSenior Free Estimates. Ask for
bus, MS 39703 and should be and defend against the Com- This the 7th day of August, thecitizen
Southwest Quarter (SW ¼) Section 12; Run thence West
clearly marked on the outside 2020.
disc. Call Alvin @
of the Southeast Quarter (SE along the South line of said specials! Larry Webber,
plaint or Petition filed against
of the envelope “Bid for (1) you in this action at 1:30 ¼)242−0324/241−4447
of Section 12, Township 19 Section a distance of 15 feet 662−242−4932.
New/Unused Single Engine o'clock P.M. on the 15th day of /s/AMANDA SPEED, Adminis- "We’llRange
South, go out 18on a limb for to a point on the West right-of-
Rapid Deployment Boom Lowndes County, you!"Mississippi way of a public road known as
Vac/Jet truck and Associated
September, 2020, before trator Painting & Papering
Judge Allison P. Kizer, in the MAINTENANCE PROS and more particularly de- Hughes Road; Run thence
Equipment.” courtroom of the Lowndes McEwen Law Firm Specializing in: scribed as follows: South 00 degrees 21 minutes
Steven R. McEwen DUMP TRUCK HAULING. East along said right-of-way a SULLIVAN’S PAINT
County Court located at 502 Residential Carpentry,
Columbus Light & Water re- 2nd Avenue, Columbus, Missis- P. O. Box 709 Slag − $400at the Southeast distance of 295.0 feet to a
Commencing SERVICE
serves the right to reject any Electrical, Painting, point; Run thence South 77 de- Special Prices.
sippi, and in case of your fail- Columbus, MS 39703 Appliance Repair & Minor cornerGravel
Clay of the Southwest
− $250
and/or all bids and to hold bids ure to appear and defend a Quarter (SW grees 02 minutes West a dis- Interior & Exterior Painting.
for a period of 30 days or until judgment will be entered Plumbing. Free estimate. Available for¼)hauling
of the South-
PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & east QuarterColumbus.
(SE ¼) of said tance of 532.0 feet to a fence 662−435−6528
after the monthly Board of Call 662−570−5570. materials. Call corner; Run thence North 37
against you for the money or 8/26/2020 Section 12; Run
Walter, 662−251−8664. thence West
Commissioner’s meeting be- other things demanded in the along the South line of said degrees 07 minutes West a
fore award or rejection. Carpet & Flooring Section a distance of 15 feet distance of 314.7 feet to a Tree Services
Complaint or Petition. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
WORKa point on the West
WANTED: right-of- point; Run thence North 10 de-
No bidder may withdraw a bid You are not required to file an way of a public road known as grees 03 /minutes West a dis- J&A TREE REMOVAL
for a period of thirty (30) days SIPPI & Bonded. Carpentry, minor Lawn Care Landscaping
tance of 608.8 feet to a point;
answer or other pleading but Hughes Road; Run thence Work from a bucket truck.
after the date set for opening you may do so if you desire.
electrical, minor plumbing,
South 00 degrees 21 minutes Run thence North 89 degrees Insured/bonded.
of bids. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- insulation, painting, demo− JESSE &West
35 minutes BEVERLY’S
a distance of Call Jimmy Prescott for free
TATE OF HILDA PEARL RATLIFF, East along said right-of-way a
Issued under my hand and the lition, gutters cleaned,
distance of 295.00 feet to a 68.2 feet
LAWN to a point
City of Columbus, Mississippi DECEASED estimate, 662−386−6286.
seal of said Court, this 29th pressure
point; Run washing,
thence South land−77 de- gravelMowing,
drive; Runcleanup,
thence North
Light and Water Department day of July, 2020. grees
scaping, 02 minutes
cleanupWest work. a dis- 22 landscaping,
degrees 03 minutes sodding,East
NO. 2020-0146 along the centerline of said
tance of 532.00 feet to a
662−242−3608. & tree cutting.
Todd Gale Lowndes County Court Clerk fence corner; Run thence North gravel 662−356−6525 drive a distance of 32.7
General Manager SHANNON L. RUSSELL, EX- feet to a point; run thence
P.O. Box 31 ECUTOR 37 degrees 07 minutes West a
Columbus, MS 39703 distance of 314.7 feet to a
HILL’S PRESSURE North 36 degrees 35 minutes
Publish: August 26, 2020 point; Run thence North 10 de- East along LAWN
said centerline a
distance of 60.0 feet to a
(Seal) grees 03 minutes
Residential. West a dis-
House, No lawn too large or too
By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. UPHOLSTERY tance of 608.8 feet to a&point; point; Run thence Northeast-
Letters Testamentary have CLEANING concrete, sidewalks small.
erly along Mowing, trimming
said centerline and&a
been granted and issued to Run thence North 89 degrees
PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & 1 Room − $50 mobile
35 minutes washing.
West a Free
distanceest.of curve to weedeating.
the right a distance of
Shannon L. Russell, Executor
8/26/2020 2 Rooms − $70 68.2 feet to a point in a gravel 21.5Call
662−386−8925. feet662−243−1694
(Radius: 124.7 feet,
One call will bring of the Estate of Hilda Pearl Rat-
liff, deceased, by the Chancery 3+ Rooms − $30 EA drive and the point of begin- Chord bearing: North 41 de-
grees 31 minutes East – 21.5
you results. Court of Lowndes County, Mis- Rugs−Must Be Seen ning of the herein described
Got leaky pipes?
662-328-2424 Read local. sissippi, on the 24th day of Ju-
ly, 2020. This is to give notice
Car Upholstery Cleaning
tract; Run thence South 88 de- feet) to a point; Run thence
grees 55 minutesAre West youa dis- a North
painter?01 degrees 34 minutes
tance of 401.9 feet to a fence West a distance of XX.X feet to
Find a plumber in the
to all persons having claims against the estate to Probate
662−722−1758 corner post; Run thence Advertise
North thehere!
point of beginning of the classifieds.
and Register same with the 01 degrees 34 minutes West a herein described easement

Just a click away!

distance of 555.5 feet to a centerline; Run thence South
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, within point; Run thence North 89 de- 52 degrees 20 minutes East a
grees 12 minutes East and distance of 45.0 feet to a
ninety (90) days from the date point; Run thence South 82 de-
of first publication of this No- along the projection of a wire
tice. A failure to so Probate fence a distance of 466.7 feet grees 03 minutes East a dis-
to a point; Run thence South tance of 53.3 feet to a point on
and Register the claim will
forever bar the same. 01 degrees 34 minutes East a the centerline of a gravel drive;
distance of 460.3 feet to a Run thence North 80 degrees
THIS the 10th day of August, point in the centerline of an ex- 16 minutes East a distance of
isting gravel drive way; Run 224.2 feet to a point on an ex-
2020. isting cul-de-sac of a county
thence Southwesterly along
said centerline and a curve to road known as Chism Road
Estate of Hilda Pearl Ratliff
the left a distance of 21.5 feet and the end of the herein de-

The best place for personalized

By: Shannon L. Russell, Execut- scribed easement line.
or (Radius: 124.7 feet, Chord
bearing: South 41 degrees 31
OF COUNSEL: minutes West – 21.5 feet) to a Title to the property is believed
point; Run thence South 36 de- to be good, but I will sell only

advertising in your community.

John W. Crowell (MSB 7906) such title as is vested in me.
Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC grees 35 minutes West along
Post Office Box 1827 the centerline of said gravel
Columbus, MS 39703 drive a distance of 60.0 feet to WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
a point; run thence South 22 this the 21st day of August
PHONE: (662) 243-7308 2020. degrees 03 minutes West
along said centerline a dis-
PUBLISH: 8/12, 8/19 & tance of 32.7 feet to the point /s/ Jeffrey C. Smith
8/26/2020 of beginning and containing 5.9 JEFFREY C. SMITH, Trustee

acres, more or less.
PUBLISH: August 26, 2020
Together with and including the September 2, 2020

following access easement: September 9, 2020
A thirty (30) feet wide tract of September 16, 2020
land to be used as an access
easement and being located in

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

the Southwest Quarter (SW ¼)
of the Southeast Quarter (SE
¼) of Section 12, Township 19
South, Range 18 West,
Premium placement Preferred placement in search
Lowndes County, Mississippi
and more particularly de-
on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.
scribed as being 15 feet right
of and 15 feet left of the follow-

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

ing described line:
Commencing at the Southeast
corner of the Southwest
Quarter (SW ¼) of the South-
Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
east Quarter (SE ¼) of said
Section 12; Run thence West
with a dash of color. an attention getter.
along the South line of said
Section a distance of 15 feet
to a point on the West right-of-
way of a public road known as
Hughes Road; Run thence
South 00 degrees 21 minutes
scribed easement line.
8B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020 The Dispatch •
Title to the property is believed
to be good, but I will sell only
Legal Notices
such title as is vested in me. Apts For Rent: West Houses For Rent: Other General Merchandise

this the 21st day of August
525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus. white whirlpool refrigerator ON THE WEB
1600sqft, quiet area, with icemaker, 25 cuft,
/s/ Jeffrey C. Smith Columbus City Schools. great cond, $300. Visit
ALL appliances, washer/ Lazyboy Queen Sofa
for a printable copy of
Apartments & Houses dryer, pool table, & dining Hidabed, exc cond, $250.
PUBLISH: August 26, 2020 room furn incl. Large Recliner, good cond, $50.
September 2, 2020
September 9, 2020 1 Bedrooms private lot close to golf 662−386−4707 or these puzzles.
course. $850/mo + dep. 662−356−6352.
September 16, 2020
2 Bedroooms 662−574−1711.
State of Mississippi 3 Bedrooms
Notice of Sale Furnished & Unfurnished
Mobile Homes for Rent

3BR/2BA Trailer, New

WHEREAS, the following ten-
ants entered into leases with 1, 2, & 3 Baths Hope school dist. $650/
Lease, Deposit
mo & $650 dep. No pets,
Gateway Center Mini Storage
for storage space in which to no drugs, no partying. Call
store personal property and & Credit Check b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− Autos For Sale
4292. NO TEXT MGS.
WHEREAS, default has been 2012 RED Cadillac CTS
made in the payment of rent
and Gateway Center Mini Stor- 327-8555 Coup, 3.5 engine, loaded,
65k hwy mi only, new tires,
age pursuant to said Leases is
authorized to sell the personal
property to satisfy the past due
Apts For Rent: Other REAL ESTATE fully serviced & well−
maintained. $32,000.
and any other charges owed to
it by the following tenants. ADS STARTING AT $25
Motorcycles & ATVs
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is
hereby given that Gateway Cen- Commercial Property For Sale
2005 HONDA 250 REBEL
ter Mini Storage will offer for MOTORCYCLE.
sale all personal property in MILITARY QUICK STOP for Black, red, and gray.
storage units leased by the fol- lease or sale. High traffic
lowing tenants at Gateway Mini 1,428 miles. $1500.
count. Busy location. 662−364−0120.
Center Storage 217 McCrary Possibly some owner
Road, Columbus, MS 39702 at financing. B.F. at 662−329
10:00 am the 12th day of Trucks, Vans & Buses
September 2020, office loc-
ated 201-J Alabama Street,
Columbus, MS 39702. All auc-
−3833 or 662−889−0837.

Lots & Acreage
tion's are with reserve and Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
therefore all units can be with-
1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/ placing puzzle based on
drawn from the sale at any
time by the auctioneer/man- Bad Credit Options. Good Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 9 5 7 3 2 6 8 1 4
ager. The following tenants credit as low as 20% down, ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 2 8 1 4 5 9 6 7

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

have the right to pay the entire
amount due, including ex-
$499/mo. Eaton Land, based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 1 6 4 9 7 8 2 3 5
penses incurred, prior to sale. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 3 9 4 5 2 6 7 1
You can thereby avoid the sale given
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 7 4 5 8 6 1 3 9 2
and retrieve your personal prop-
erty. LOWNDES COUNTY, MS: Exceptional one−owner object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
numbers 6 1 2 7 3 9 4 5 8
contains the1same to 9 number
36 ACRES ON GATLIN RD. maintained Ram 3500
Title to the personal property to Excellent timber & building w/5.9L Cummins
the empty spaces so 2 7 3 6 1 4 5 8 9
be sold is believed to be good,
but at such sale, Gateway Cen-
COLEMAN sites. $72,000. For more
info, call 205−799−9846
engine, automatic
transmission & spray−
only once. The difficulty
that each row, each
level increases from
5 8 1 2 9 3 7 4 6
ter Mini Storage will convey RENTALS or 205−695−2248. in Bedliner. Truck has column and each 4 9 6 5 8 7 1 2 3
only such title as is vested in it TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS 203,000+ miles, but Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 8/25
pursuant to its lease with the runs like new and looks
following and its allowed under 1 BEDROOM great! $12,000. the same number only once. The difficulty level

GARAGE SALES increases from Monday to Sunday.

Mississippi Code Annotated
Section 85-7-123. 2 BEDROOMS 662−574−4640


27th of August, 2020.
© The Dispatch



Garage Sales: Other
Need a new
Sean D Martin E231
Justin S. Booker E155 China to crystal, kit/BR,

Toni Rush I347 662-329-2323 kid/adult toys & more.

Come find a treasure!
Sat, 8/29, 8am−6pm.
ROYISA SPENCER E191 2411 HWY 45 N 52 Oakmont Dr, Macon
Lateria Jones F267 COLUMBUS, MS

Tammy S Moore H312 Houses For Rent: Other
Andrea M. Lacy D150
ACRES. 10 minutes from ADS STARTING AT $12
Yanci Lavender E195 CAFB, 5 minutes from West
Point. Very private. CH/A. Burial Plots
ROBERT WEBBER E153 Fenced backyard. Ceramic
tile throughout. Pets
When looking
Terry Thomas I343
negotiable. No HUD. in Friendship Cemetery.
Katrina Monique Hicks G281 $1,200/mo + $1,200 dep. South West corner. $2000
Call 662−574−5420
for a new pet,
Cortney Barron I352

Emani Parker I349 Houses For Sale: Other

LaChe' W SPRAGGINS A6 adoption is

Lawunda J or Nickie Johnson
G292 always a
good option.

Tommie Carnell Coleman I329

Shirley Marie Thomas D146

Mary W Hargrove F275

Suberna H Harvill D122

Shanina M. Scott I344 Five Questions:

Elizabeth Elois Patrick C102

1 Bilbao
Debbie Roland F262

Jennifer Stinson F257

Alonzo Selvie D130

2 Light-
Shaniqua M. Spruill C103


1 Bonanza find
5 Pros’ charges
Gwendolyn Taylor E186 emitting 9 “Ready or not,

Andrea D Cotton E158 here —”
11 Koran deity
12 Admit
Emmett Calmes H302 13 Kitchen

Elise Jennings H303

3 True cooker
14 Boxing great
15 Gather
PUBLISH: 8/26/20 17 Firm
4 Harlem 19 Tennis court
EMPLOYMENT 20 Make fun of
21 Barracks bed
CALL US: 662-328-2424 5 Skateboard 22 Very begin-
ning 2 Spotted cat 23 Arcade group
General Help Wanted 24 Victory sign 3 Serve a sen- 24 Colorful
NOWETA'S Flower Shop is 26 Alerts tence flower
accepting applications for 29 Knight’s title 4 Punk rock 25 Royal fur
an experienced Floral 30 Covenant
offshoot 27 Local resident
REQUIRED. Apply Mon-Fri, 32 Write 5 Commotion 28 Treats with
2-4pm or Sat 9am-12pm 34 Sock part 6 Weath- tea
at 1325 Main Street. 35 Visitor from er-changing 29 Battle sou-
No phone calls please.
space current venirs
Restaurant / Hotel 36 Lorelei’s river 7 Aerie young- 30 Scoop holder
38 Zellweger of ster 31 Prom crowd
CAFE UNIQUE: Part-time
Prep cook and dish washer “Judy” 8 Paper unit 33 Small sound

Place an ad safely
wanted. 15-20 hours per 39 Common dice 10 Sheathe 37 Dress edge
week. Apply in person @ 94 roll 11 Base group
Airline Rd. or call 662-327-
0840 or 662-386-1554 for
40 Dance bit 16 Boxing
more information. Leave 41 Clutter combos

from home with

message if no answer. DOWN 18 Book part
Transportation 1 Pastel shade 21 NYSE entry

PART TIME Shuttle Bus

the Classifieds.
Drivers needed for Stark-
ville area. CDL with pas-
senger endorsement req.
Contact Cory 314-422-

Apts For Rent: North


& 2 BR near hospital.
$595−$645 monthly.
Military discount, pet area,
pet friendly, and furnished
corporate apts.
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.

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