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ted by Andrew Joron Ernst Bloch

and Others




304 LITERARY ESSAYS Part VI· Estrangements

The Anxiety of the Engineer who, having been burned often, shuns
a grown man may be wary of stepping,
Today, when machinery is set in motion, the process is not always as
2. Furthermore, this anxiety is rootc
safe and unerring as claimed, or as might be thought once the machine-
to all appearances-has been successfully activated. We find a demonstra- with strangeness and containing repre
tion of this in an unusual personal experience that was related some time not encounter again; the shock of succc
ago by a young engineer. He was building refrigerators that produced ent. To children, the lighting of the stn
temperatures lower than any found on earth. Such cooling apparatuses quite uncanny, artificial, and even inso
are needed by industry because, as one might expect, certain chemical night-in place of the sun's-is one's<
compounds can be formed only at temperatures barely exceeding absolute natural law. This very. early feeling of d
zero. After countless trials, the young inventor got lucky: a new model, ous, anxiety in relation to one's own c<
capable of setting further records, sprang from the drawing board. Yet at of the engineer by virtue of his profes
this point something strange happened to the inventor: his joy turned to Nature with a creative and procreative;
anxiety and he began to wish that the next day would bring to light some ther, with sexual desire and deceit alike
flaw or mechanical failure, relieving him (and his colleagues as well) of the the will to miss one's aim.
unease of his good fortune, and shattering the artificial machine along 3. This is further supported by the,
with its artificial product in its artificial space. And, against expectations, now ubiquitous. For, as a middle-class
this is exactly what occurred the very next day during a routine test. Ab- takes on the appearance of this type), he
surdly enough, as the test went awry, the failed magician breathed a sigh or the adventurer; indeed, such a persor
of relief, surprised at his own reaction. It is indeed astonishing that the much as the opposite of these heroic fi1
young engineer should have felt this way regarding his own brainchild; rather, he is afraid of life's uncertaintie
and while his state of mind may be understandable to many older or old- ever is liable to spring out of hiding du
fashioned laypersons, it is more difficult to comprehend from the view- himself with a thousand thoroughly rat:
point of the inventor, or within the context of the invention itself. On the the new is encountered in the same wa
other hand, the manifestation of his anxiety is not at all out of place in with no smaller degree of protection. T
the Americanized big city where most engineers work-and even more pioneer, is not really a knight seeking a<
so, where technology has achieved an apparent victory over the limits of der to test his courage against wilderne
nature. For the coefficient of known and, more significantly, unknown ing forth, he practices a good deal of ct
danger has increased proportionately. In order to properly account for the true information, equipped with safe~
bourgeois-technical relationship to nature, the content of this anxiety fuse might prove to be too weak and I
must be spelled out and made palpable. plied. The chance of an accident shoul,
I. In the first place, much that is primitive can be heard to echo here,
to a minimum; yet this chance increase
much that remains internal. Those who are weak may feel quite comfort- known. In the present case, the unkna
able with the notion that they are not able to take risks precisely because solute zero, which is enough to provokt
they are not bold enough. Although they strive for success, or at least same time, these technical safeguards (
envy those who have attained it, they are fearful of falling from the don't escape the calculations of insurai
heights of attainment. They are arrested in a state somewhat like the child are intended to serve different ends; i
Part VI· Estrangements I (Janus Portraits) 305

who, having been burned often, shuns the fire. In a similar way, perhaps,
a grown man may be wary of stepping out of line.
motion, the process is not always as
night be thought once the machine- 2. Furthermore, this anxiety is rooted in very early stimuli, prickling
sfully activated. We find a demonstra- with strangeness and containing repressed items that one would rather
~perience that was related some time not encounter again; the shock of success often clothes something differ-
building refrigerators that produced ent. To children, the lighting of the streetlamps after sunset appears to be
l on earth. Such cooling apparatuses quite uncanny, artificial, and even insolent. The light that penetrates the
one might expect, certain chemical night-in place of the sun's-is one's own, self-generated in violation of
!mperatures barely exceeding absolute natural law. This very early feeling of dread, this particular, even incestu-
ng inventor got lucky: a new model, ous, anxiety in relation to one's own courage may also echo in the mind
>rang from the drawing board. Yet at of the engineer by virtue of his profession. He, too, penetrates Mother
1ed to the inventor: his joy turned to Nature with a creative and procreative aim, usurping the rights of the fa-
,e next day would bring to light some ther, with sexual desire and deceit alike. Bad conscience, then, appears as
1im (and his colleagues as well) of the the will to miss one's aim.
attering the artificial machine along 3. This is further supported by the calculating type of person who is
cial space. And, against expectations, now ubiquitous. For, as a middle-class citizen (and our young engineer
y next day during a routine test. Ab- takes on the appearance of this type), he is highly distinct from the knight
', the failed magician breathed a sigh or the adventurer; indeed, such a person "came, saw, and conquered" very
on. It is indeed astonishing that the much as the opposite of these heroic figures. He is not seeking anything;
s way regarding his own brainchild; rather, he is afraid of life's uncertainties. He is especially afraid of what-
tnderstandable to many older or old- ever is liable to spring out of hiding during the hunt. Thus he surrounds
tcult to comprehend from the view- himself with a thousand thoroughly rationalized safeguards, ensuring that
ontext of the invention itself On the the new is encountered in the same way as the conventional-or at least
: anxiety is not at all out of place in with no smaller degree of protection. The modern inventor, the technical
,st engineers work-and even more pioneer, is not really a knight seeking adventure for its own sake, or in or-
t1 apparent victory over the limits of
der to test his courage against wilderness and dragons. Rather, in ventur-
1 and, more significantly, unknown
ing forth, he practices a good deal of cunning and draws upon tried-and-
In order to properly account for the true information, equipped with safety fuses-while fearing that some
nature, the content of this anxiety fuse might prove to be too weak and burn out when the current is ap-
plied. The chance of an accident should rightly and properly be reduced
,rimitive can be heard to echo here, to a minimum; yet this chance increases with every advance into the un-
ho are weak may feel quite comfort- known. In the present case, the unknown lies at the thermal limit of ab-
t able to take risks precisely because solute zero, which is enough to provoke a feeling of non plus ultra. At the
1 they strive for success, or at least same time, these technical safeguards (including the well-timed reversal)
1ey are fearful of falling from the don't escape the calculations of insurance companies. Such calculations
ed in a state somewhat like the child are intended to serve different ends; still, they are grotesque from the
306 LITERARY ESSAYS Part VI: Estrange,:

viewpoint of the knightly adventurer. In a completely calculable world, of this multiplication of minuses-
course, the figure of the knight who stands before the unknown would lated-the following plus can re
not exist. Yet in that world, the knight's opposite number, the engineer, pipe has flowed onto the railway
likewise would have no role. For in the figure of the modern engineer- mountainside, to finally gush ou1
of the highest rank, at least-the spirit of adventure is still preserved, de- ously water-deprived district. Herc
spite the sharp distinction between _the technical pioneer and the tradi- low the earth-he is not absent,.
tional danger-seeker. Even hubris is still alive in the heart of the inventor, Vesuvius, but a still "organic" wo
though it is filtered and diluted by empirical calculation. Thus we can see confluence of events, on the rem
how, as in the present case, a conflict might arise between the two natures (and not so new) life to blossom o
locked within one heart. This means that the inventor in his role as a Conversely, the existence of the te,
modern citizen might well oppose the adventurous researcher in him- dangerous and completely lackin
self-if not immediately, then (as in our example) after the first successful ural correlations have been torn a
foray into the danger zone. Here, we can distinguish a component of anx- where the world has become a s,
iety that is more mature, modern, and unknightly than the fears awak- course. The city of ever-increasini
ened by the lighting of the streetlamps, associated with trespass upon tance from the natural landscape:
both Mother Nature and the exclusive light-disseminating right of the pa- vulnerable that it is increasingly 1
triarchal sun. Or more precisely, the anxiety that the engineer as citizen tent that it has rooted itself in mic
feels vis-a-vis the engineer as adventurer can be expressed by the injunc- that have grown more and more s
tion: Man should not tempt the gods! Hence the joy when hubris cannot ganic metropolis must defend itsc
attain its ultimate goal of absolute zero-when, so to speak, hubris is not though against an enemy invasio
accepted there as a valid currency. are not of the old kind, made up c
cident. Instead, they dwell amid d
4. Not everyone today can be characterized as a fearful bourgeois. But
itself; with respect to "nature," the
can our inventor even locate that darkness whose surmounting might pro-
ing of nothing but calculations, :
vide an exciting challenge for him? Hardly, for he would see himself then
and that increasingly has taken u
confronted with a very different haunted circle, where nothing is real,
conditions, in ever more "matht
where everything appears to consist of empty relationships. For bourgeois
been built according to such an
production and its real world are increasingly externalized and alienated,
pushed so far into the state of ar,
with respect not only to its safety measures but also to its pioneering urge.
category of objects-that they ha,
Production is founded upon an abstractly compartmentalizing, labor-di-
spirits. It is here that the old demi
viding rationality; this artificiality is just as detached from the living
lowness, and the dragon as the em,
wholeness of the human being as it is from the "natural" context of the
ject who bears the power of electri
task in question. It is instructive to compare this to precapitalist times of
de or nothing about what darkne
anxiety as well as to the more trusting lifestyles of southern regions, where
nighttime village means, or what
things are allowed to remain in a halfway real condition, and delight is
night of Franz Moor 31 or of Sh~
taken in the way things come to their own equilibrium and completion.
blue. It is now dead midnight"). 1
High above Naples, for example, there is a broken water pipe, and next to
ical feeling has become all the mo
it some useless rails, the remnants of a bankrupt rack railway. But from
Sais. In Schiller's ballad of the s;
RY ESSAYS Part Vl· Estrangements I (Janus Portraits} 307

:r. In a completely calculable world, of this multiplication of minuses-where nature has not been overstimu-
to stands before the unknown would lated-the following plus can result: for years, water from the broken
ight's opposite number, the engineer, pipe has fl.owed onto the railway tracks, following their path down the
the figure of the modern engineer- mountainside, to finally gush out, far below, into the streets of a previ-
,irit of adventure is still preserved, de- ously water-deprived district. Here the old dragon sleeps, unprovoked, be-
the technical pioneer and the tradi- low the earth-he is not absent, at this short remove from Pompeii and
still alive in the heart of the inventor, Vesuvius, but a still "organic" world relies on the whims of a beneficent
mpirical calculation. Thus we can see confluence of events, on the remedies offered by chance, allowing new
t might arise between the two natures (and not so new) life to blossom out of that which is defective and ruined.
ns that the inventor in his role as a Conversely, the existence of the technologically advanced city is extremely
the adventurous researcher in him- dangerous and completely lacking in beneficent harmonies. There, nat-
our example) after the first successful ural correlations have been torn apart-as in New York or similar places
can distinguish a component of anx- where the world has become a scene of commercial activity and inter-
md unknightly than the fears awak- course. The city of ever-increasing artificiality, in its detachment and dis-
imps, associated with trespass upon tance from the natural landscape, is simultaneously so complex and so
re light-disseminating right of the pa- vulnerable that it is increasingly threatened by accidents to the same ex-
: anxiety that the engineer as citizen tent that it has rooted itself in midair-that is, the city is built upon roots
urer can be expressed by the injunc- that have grown more and more synthetic. This grandly suspended, inor-
,! Hence the joy when hubris cannot ganic metropolis must defend itself daily, hourly, against the elements as
ro-when, so to speak, hubris is not though against an enemy invasion. But most important, these elements
are not of the old kind, made up of conventional modes of chance and ac-
cident. Instead, they dwell amid the complexities of mechanized existence
:acterized as a fearful bourgeo\s. But
itself; with respect to "nature," they inhabit nothingness: a nature consist-
mess whose surmounting might pro-
ing of nothing but calculations, a nature that arrived with the machine
[ardly, for he would see himself then
and that increasingly has taken up residence under ever less perceptible
:inted circle, where nothing is real,
conditions, in ever more "mathematized" dimensions. Machines have
>f empty relationships. For bourgeois
been built according to such an alienated form of understanding, and
reasingly externalized and alienated,
pushed so far into the state of artificiality-and even partly beyond the
sures but also to its pioneering urge.
category of objects-that they have begun to populate a new realm of the
actly compartmentalizing, labor-di-
spirits. It is here that the old demons appear as a far more dangerous hol-
, just as detached from the living
lowness, and the dragon as the emptiness ofthe modern battlefi,eld. The sub-
s from the "natural" context of the
ject who bears the power of electrification knows (fortunately for him) lit-
>mpare this to precapitalist times of
tle or nothing about what darkness is, or what the tocsin's ringing in the
lifestyles of southern regions, where
nighttime village means, or whanhe night of the evil ones implies-the
fway real condition, and delight is
night of Franz Moor 31 or of Shakespeare's Richard III ("The lights burn
· own equilibrium and completion.
blue. It is now dead midnight"). For the subject, however, another myth-
: is a broken water pipe, and next to
ical feeling has become all the more distinct: the experience ofthe statue of
a bankrupt rack railway. But from
Sais. In Schiller's ballad of the same name, this was anticipated not so
308 LITERARY ESSAYS Part Vl· Estrangemei

much as an experience of terror than of emptiness. "Isis" is not frighten- means, of course; by adopting such
ing in any still halfway definable sense that could be linked to the primi- chine-smashing or other subaltern J
tive fear of nature. Neither does "Isis" emerge here as the exultant god- trary, as Kracauer has so aptly statec
dess, inspiring the greatest rapture in her disciples-as in the famous ec- it has been completely discovered-
stasy of Apuleius, the mystic of Isis, to whom the "sun at midnight" goes straight through capitalism, not
seemed to shine forth from the depths of the world-mother's being. of the ~echanical forces of product
Rather, "Isis" herself has been transfor~ed into something null and void: tionary spirit, along with the radical
the youth who is driven to the veiled statue by a burning desire for truth pearances. This latter task must be ,
is not, like the medieval Faust, claimed by the devil but by a sense of ab- achieving its own specific nothingne:
solute futility. The devil is still a fragment of the ancient Isis, namely, of the socialist-concrete consciousness
demonic nature; however, the nothingness that stands behind the mecha- than the one that has persisted up tc
nized world, a world unmediated by humanity, is a mortuary in which ness provides exactly that nothingi
people have been buried alive. The subject is teetering on the brink of ab- everything. What is meant by this
solute nihilism; and if this mechanization with or without purpose, this the spaces of hope that open up onc1
universal depletion of meaning, should come to fulfillment, then the fu- been pulled out, so that a "hollow'' a
ture void may prove equal to all the death anxieties of late antiquity and positive ferment: a hollow charged "
all the medieval anxieties about hell. For the moment, such an outcome is of the Sa'is experience remains not
prevented by the afterglow of precapitalist richness: a fund of belief long also~ wholly energizable one that ca
ago exhausted, but nonetheless pawned by the Juste milieu. Meanwhile, of unreality.
fascism plays both Klages's Romanticism and Spengler's cult of heroism
5. But even with this, the anxiety
off against the "Sai:s'' theme. All for the sake of not having to see the un-
explained. For it bears yet another, d
derpinnings of the Weltangst, namely, the mechanics of existence in total
that either deceives or does not reco~
emptiness. The face that it shows in the West and the East is quite similar:
the first place to disreputable dee<h
here, monopoly capitalism with democratic amelioration; there, state cap-
honest inventor once found himsel
italism with the appearance, or with the false interpretation, of socialism.
chemists and the like. The technici:
However, subjective preeminence in the problem (as it is often phrased)
magic, occupied himself not only wi
of "material well-being and spiritual misery" belongs to the West-here,
but also filled a role in the outer ch:
the supports have not only been betrayed, but broken. The feeling that
priests in the performance of miracl
"there's nothing behind it all" is an old one in bourgeois society: think, for
mately involved in "magic"-of co
example, of the lines that Hamlet addresses to Yorick in the graveyard, or
magic, in principle, to be possible. '
of Prospero's nihilistic final words in The Tempest. This feeling has always
magic, devoted to its service in a wo
accompanied bourgeois abstraction-even in a period when the bour-
des. For a long time, therefore, tee
geois class was on the rise, not just in its late period. Thus, the aforemen-
fantastic: even during the Renaissanc
tioned cryogenic engineer-a contemporary of that idling motion re-
first began to properly separate itsel:
flected everywhere-also believes, cum grano salis, that he will glimpse
ure reminiscent of the magician.
only a terrifying false face at the bottom of his work, an entity radiating
through tradition and received by•
something worse than the coldness of space, namely, unreality. Not as
characters include demonic charlata
though anything could be set right or even improved by reactionary
Part VI: Estrangements I (Janus Portraits) 309

n of emptiness. "Isis" is not frighten- means, of course; by adopting such blind and stupid expedients as ma-
ise that could be linked to the primi- chine-smashing or other subaltern forms of Romanticism. On the con-
1is" emerge here as the exultant god- trary, as Kracauer has so aptly stated, ''America'' will disappear only after
11 her disciples-as in the famous ec- it has been completely discovered-meaning that the revolutionary path
is, to whom the "sun at midnight" goes straight through capitalism, not around it. Therefore, the unleashing
epths of the world-mother's being. of the mechanical forces of production must be affirmed by the revolu-
:>rmed into something null and void: tionary spirit, along with the radical disenchantment of mythological ap-
i statue by a burning desire for truth pearances. This latter task must be carried out fearlessly, to the point of
ted by the devil but by a sense of ab- achieving its own specific nothingness, namely, a total lack of illusions. To
~ent of the ancient Isis, namely, of the socialist-concrete consciousness, filled with a world quite different
1gness that stands behind the mecha- than the one that has persisted up to now, the capitalist-technical empti-
y humanity, is a mortuary in which ness provides exactly that nothingness wherein one hopes to discover
1bject is teetering on the brink of ab- everything. What is meant by this "everything" are the real tendencies,
iation with or without purpose, this the spaces of hope that open up once the false and illusionary stuffing has
tld come to fulfillment, then the fu- been pulled out, so that a "hollow" appears, free of terror and filled with a
death anxieties of late antiquity and positive ferment: a hollow charged with sparks. Because of this, the terror
For the moment, such an outcome is of the SaYs experience remains not only a wholly authentic feeling, but
iitalist richness: a fund of belief long also\ wholly energizable one that can be used to break through the mask
ned by the Juste milieu. Meanwhile, of unreality.
cism and Spengler's cult of heroism
he sake of not having to see the un- 5. But even with this, the anxiety in question has not been thoroughly
r, the mechanics of existence in total explained. For it bears yet another, darker attribute: that of the substitute
~e West and the East is quite similar: that either deceives or does not recognize itself as such. We are alluding in
>eratic amelioration; there, state cap- the first place to disreputable deeds, in consequence of which even the
the false interpretation, of socialism. honest inventor once found himself associated with gold-producing al-
the problem (as it is often phrased) chemists and the like. The technician of old, often still inclined toward
misery" belongs to the West-here, magic, occupied himself not only with laboratory experiments and trade,
rayed, but broken. The feeling that but also filled a role in the outer chambers of the cultic temple, assisting
i one in bourgeois society: think, for priests in the performance of miracles. Thus, the technician was illegiti-
lresses to Yorick in the graveyard, or mately involved in "magic"-of course, within a worldview that held
The Tempest. This feeling has always magic, in principle, to be possible. Technology was the ignoble sister of
-even in a period when the bour- magic, devoted to its service in a world interwoven with spells and mira-
its late period. Thus, the aforemen- cles. For a long time, therefore, technology partook of the curious and
mporary of that idling motion re- fantastic: even during the Renaiss.ance and the Baroque, when technology
,m grano salis, that he will glimpse first began to properly separate itself from magic, the engineer cut a fig-
om of his work, an entity radiating ure reminiscent of the magician. This association was passed down
:>f space, namely, unreality. Not as through tradition and received by E. T. A. Hoffmann, whose fictional
or even improved by reactionary characters include demonic charlatans and physicist-magicians a la Spa-
310 LITERARY ESSAYS Part Vl· Estrangem1

lanzani-because of the shudders they provoke, such characters have rec- ganger is necessarily abolished, for c
ommended themselves to all the implausible horror films ever since. It is appearing before one in the flesh, s<
true that the dark corners of the staircase and attic, the gloom of night, the smallest room is filled with the ]
and all the favorite haunts of ghosts have been dissipated by the electric the Hamburg harbor, Times Square
light. Nonetheless, the more advanced and unfrivolous technology is, the ter's C;ithedral, to be supplemented
more mysteriously it mingles with the realm of taboo, with mists and va- craters and Venusian jungles. In th1
pors, unearthly velocity, golem-robots,. and bolts of lightning. And so it stands the Roman Forum, perhaps ,
comes into contact with things that were formerly conceived as belonging rum of antiquity, as an image retric
to the magicalsphere. Edison is significantly closer to Doctor Faustus than rays are still traveling outward. All o
Herbert Spencer is, for example. Much of what the old fairy tales Rabbi Low conjured up Prague's H
promised has been achieved by the latest technology: radio is able to fetch peror Rudolf in a tiny room. Magic
voices from afar, and television-which resulted from the application of in their desire to change the world. l
the soberest scientific principles-comes close to embodying the concept ence between the results that both I
of a magic mirror. From the depths of the technological realm, therefore, character as well as the method oft
certain magical themes have emerged that bear no relation at all to pre- the magician (in spite of the similari
vailing abstract methods of construction, but that are compelling in technological engagement with natt
themselves. The association of such themes with technology is at first his- relations pertaining to the magical 'I
torical; later, to all appearances, it becomes a matter of actual content. cally fragmented, rationally recoml
No inventor gives the impression of acting or thinking like a magician. and laws; it works, above all, with a
And yet, even as we gaze wonderingly at the world brought forth by the parison with the analogical essences
inventor, we perceive our bodies to be accelerated very much in a fairy-tale pathetic correspondences" between
fashion, and we find ourselves able to see and hear over great distances. In technology ultimately arrives at the
Washington, the president presses a button-and more than a thousand of intersection is so astonishing tha1
miles away, at the Panama Canal, the final parcel of earth is dynamited. In almost be used as a manual for in
the windows of the most important Parisian banks, a small wireless device rightly commented that the fantastic
has been on display for some time now that relays the latest news from the same relation to "natural" magic-t
London exchange. Within a fraction of a second after the rates are an- deeds of the Knights of the Round
nounced, this device is able to receive and transcribe them upon a tape remains possible to compare one to
that runs haltingly through an apparatus of gears and spools, until it is ex- as magic draws upon powers that an
truded from the "mouth" of the machine. Roger Bacon, the thirteenth- eth-century technology makes use ol
century experimentalist, was suspected-together with Albertus Mag- in terms of our mesocosmic:32 world.
nus-of keeping a brazen head that could both speak and answer ques- not available for use before the exis1
tions. As an idle rumor aimed at bolstering allegations of magical practices, this kind operate in an abstract rea
this was too fantastic even for the heresy hunters. Yet the Parisian device, chanics, still they touch upon old n:
which has a mouth without a head, responds to questions about the ex- that which is artificial stands in pote1
change rate in a format already suitable for the archives. Furthermore, if power in changing the course of the
one associates the radio transport of voices with something like a three-di- technology possesses an entirely ne,i
mensional, freestanding telephoto image, then the idea of the doppel- power and to the "subject" of natw
Part VI: Estrangements I (Janus Portraits) JII

':'f provoke, such characters have rec- ganger is necessarily abolished, for crowds of distant people are capable of
1lausible horror films ever since. It is appearing before one in the flesh, so to speak-with the flick of a switch,
ircase and attic, the gloom of night, the smallest room is filled with the Place de la Concorde, the Rhine River,
have been dissipated by the electric the Hamburg harbor, Times Square at evening, the Gobi Desert, or St. Pe-
d and unfrivolous technology is, the ter's Cathedral, to be supplemented soon enough with close-ups of lunar
e realm of taboo, with mists and va- craters and Venusian jungles. In the midst of tables, chairs, and cabinets
ts, and bolts of lightning. And so it stands the Roman Forum, perhaps even (in our fondest fantasies) the Fo-
rere formerly conceived as belonging rum of antiquity, as an image retrieved from outer space, where its light
candy closer to Doctor Faustus than rays are still traveling outward. All of this is rather like the legend in which
\-fuch of what the old fairy tales Rabbi Low conjured up Prague's Hradcany Castle before the eyes of Em-
:est technology: radio is able to fetch peror Rudolf in a tiny room. Magic and technology are united, obviously,
ich resulted from the application of in their desire to change the world. Moreover, there is an amazing congru-
nes close to embodying the concept ence between the results that both have claimed to achieve. However, the
f the technological realm, therefore, character as well as the method of the engineer are different from that of
l that bear no relation at all to pre- the magician (in spite of the similarity between Edison and Faust), and the
.ction, but that are compelling in technological engagement with natural objects is wholly distinct from the
temes with technology is at first his- relations pertaining to the magical world. Technology works with analyti-
omes a matter of actual content. cally fragmented, rationally recombined component forces [Teilkraften]
f acting or thinking like a magician. and laws; it works, above all, with a completely quantified nature, in com-
r at the world brought forth by the parison with the analogical essences of magic, which are founded in "sym-
accelerated very much in a fairy-tale pathetic correspondences" between the qualities of things. Nevertheless,
see and hear over great distances. In technology ultimately arrives at the same destination as magic; their area
utton-and more than a thousand of intersection is so astonishing that The Thousand and One Nights could
inal parcel of earth is dynamited. In almost be used as a manual for inventions yet to come. Francis Bacon
trisian banks, a small wireless device rightly commented that the fantastic magic of the prehistoric era bears the
r that relays the latest news from the
same relation to "natural" magic-that is, to rational technology-as the
of a second after the rates are an- deeds of the Knights of the Round Table to those of Charlemagne. Yet it
~ and transcribe them upon a tape remains possible to compare one to the other, if only ironically. And just
us of gears and spools, until it is ex- as magic draws upon powers that are unknown or forgotten today, twenti-
1ine. Roger Bacon, the thirteenth- eth-century technology makes use of forces that are no longer recognizable
~d-together with Albertus Mag- in terms of our mesocosmic32 world. High-frequency and radio waves were
:ould both speak and answer ques- not available for use before the existence of humans. And if machines of
ring allegations of magical practices, this kind operate in an abstract realm that has no basis in good old me-
:sy hunters. Yet the Parisian device, chanics, still they touch upon old magic by virtue of their artificiality: for
~sponds to questions about the ex- that which is artificial stands in potential proximity to nature's own art and
le for the archives. Furthermore, if power in changing the course of the world. Through its end results, then,
ices with something like a three-di- technology possesses an entirely new relationship to nature's own creative
age, then the idea of the doppel- power and to the "subject" of nature. Previously, such a subject was con-
312 LITERARY ESSAYS Part VL Estrangem,

ceived only by analogy with the human subject or the subject of history; iety is therefore an important sign,<
yet, in spite of Bruno, Spinoza, and Goethe, these conceptions were not ing presumption of having explaine
understandable. The metaphysics of nature too, with this intrusion of lacking in content, through mech~
technology into natura naturans, 33 by participating with this (up to now) still the best part of humanity-a L
hypothetical entity, will acquire its ultimate moment of concreteness. And to forget that shudder's double m
although no inventor acts like a magic.ian either in terms of character or might find the beginning of a diffe1
method, still the inventor's successes are not only wonder-inspiring but un- describes a cycle of universal coolin1
canny. At least (or especially) today, when even cryogenic engineers get so cooling-a carousel of entropy anc
heated up about the problem of mechanization that they no longer wish philosophy draws its final conclusic
to complete the project of discovering "America," and expect instead to 6. So much for the remarkable c
find the "irrational"-as opposed to the rational and the determinable- its multiple meanings for today's (~
at the bottom of their experiments. This "irrational" is reproduced, above In interpreting these meanings, w
all, as that which is no longer knowable, and therefore anciently demonic. them with pathetic invocations of
Those who are susceptible can no longer invoke or banish their own cre- no need to mention Steiner 34 in 1
ations, but instead fall victim to them. Thus a gap is opened between the foolish than atavistic. We have also
technicians and the wonders of technology. Even if the engineer (as in associated with the more refined
some fable) is lucky enough to advance very far into the magical realm, he phrases as "the ruination of the ear
is likely to respond to his good fortune once again with anxiety. In this versary of the soul." The enginee1
case, anxiety is directly related to content: it is aroused by the notion of have heard of the fashionable Kla~
undeserved luck, as well as by that of a primeval realm of demons from theless, the shock that he experien
whence this luck originates. Both sources of anxiety are equally uncanny; actionary but technically advance<
the mind is not able to easily confront such matters. The truth of the en- Kant and his "moral and aestheti<
gineer's merely artificial achievement is revealed to be accidental-this re- within, or accommodated by, the 11
alization is compounded by fears similar to those felt by Polycrates con- era. This allusion, while it is not li1
cerning his excessively good fortune in finding the ring, or by Faust in his of the case, yet it relates more to a
encounter with the "terrifying face" of the earth-spirit. I did not call you we may ask if this case does not to
forth-this single phrase captures the feeling of anxiety in its highest, old- is never satisfied by mechanical rea:
est, and strongest articulation. Congruent with this feeling of anxiety is the a reasonable manner, after having
idea that impure spirits have somehow taken possession of a smoothly op- time, the refrigeration experiment
erating mechanism in order to goad it toward some hapless end. At best, the limits of this form of reason its
the engineer's machines serve as mediators of those natural forces that ra- way for contemplating and traver.
tionalism has rightly stripped of false and mythological designations- aesthetical trackway upon which e
without, however, being able to name their true motive force or to mesh to a halt (even at the cost of derail
with them in a concrete fashion. Doubtless only a socialist relation to na- tured as occurring within certain t
ture (consequent to a socialist mode of production and exchange) could the point where these limits adjoi
lay hold of the concrete aspects of the badly disenchanted magical sphere, selves with anxiety as well as joy. T
as well as that which appeared in earlier times to be accessible through su- highlights the bad conscience hen
perstition, signifiable through mythology. This ultimate appearance of anx-
lY ESSAYS Part VI: Estrangements I (Janus Portraits) 313

nan subject or the subject of history; iety is therefore an important sign, one that surpasses the recent overween-
Goethe, these conceptions were not ing presumption of having explained the nature of being through relations
f nature too, with this intrusion of lacking in content, through mechanics. In this region, too, a shudder is
y participating with this (up to now) still the best part of humanity-a line from Faust that does not permit us
timate moment of concreteness. And to forget that shudder's double meaning, its relation to light. Here we
~cian either in terms of character or might find the beginning of a different order of wisdom than the one that
re not only wonder-inspiring but un- describes a cycle of universal cooling, a new flare-up, and another phase of
ivhen even cryogenic engineers get so cooling-a carousel of entropy and anti-entropy from which mechanical
:hanization that they no longer wish philosophy draws its final conclusion.
11g ''America," and expect instead to
6. So much for the remarkable case of the anxiety of an engineer, and
the rational and the determinable-
its multiple meanings for today's (and even more, for tomorrow's) world.
'his "irrational" is reproduced, above
In interpreting these meanings, we have refrained from overburdening
ble, and therefore anciently demonic.
them with pathetic invocations of the spirit world or the occult. There is
1ger invoke or banish their own cre-
no need to mention Steiner 34 in this context: to do so would be more
1. Thus a gap is opened between the
foolish than atavistic. We have also declined here to promote an occultism
1nology. Even if the engineer (as in
associated with the more refined strata of society, and given to such
:e very far into the magical realm, he
phrases as "the ruination of the earth by the mind," and "the mind as ad-
me once again with anxiety. In this
versary of the soul." The engineer, although politically a socialist, may
1tent: it is aroused by the notion of
have heard of the fashionable Klages and his "cosmogonic Eros." None-
,f a primeval realm of demons from
theless, the shock that he experienced was not literary but naive, not re-
rces of anxiety are equally uncanny;
actionary but technically advanced. It is more appropriate here to recall
t such matters. The truth of the en-
Kant and his "moral and aesthetic reason," which could not be located
s revealed to be accidental-this re-
within, or accommodated by, the mathematical and physical reason of his
ilar to those felt by Polycrates con-
era. This allusion, while it is not literary, is obviously relevant to the facts
t finding the ring, or by Faust in his
of the case, yet it relates more to a feeling of unease than anxiety. Indeed,
if the earth-spirit. I did not call you
we may ask if this case does not touch upon that part of the human that
feeling of anxiety in its highest, old-
is never satisfied by mechanical reason and that rejoices when it retreats in
ent with this feeling of anxiety is the
a reasonable manner, after having been honestly withstood. At the same
' taken possession of a smoothly op-
time, the refrigeration experiment seems to have demonstrated-within
: toward some hapless end. At best,
the limits of this form of reason itself-that there exists yet another path-
Ltors of those natural forces that ra-
way for contemplating and traversing nature: a moral and, above all, an
: and mythological designations-
aesthetical trackway upon which every mechanical freight-car must come
their true motive force or to mesh
to a halt (even at the cost of derajlment). Such an eventuality can be pic-
,tless only a socialist relation to na-
tured as occurring within certain technical and causal limits-namely, at
,f production and exchange). could
the point where these limits adjoin others and so turn back upon them-
badly disenchanted magical sphere,
selves with anxiety as well as joy. This response, paradoxical as it is, at least
r times to be accessible through su-
highlights the bad conscience behind contemporary relations to nature,
gy. This ultimate appearance of anx-
LITERARY ESSAYS Part VI: Estrangeme.

which have been compromised by an excess of industry and (conse- ing more than a character in GrimE
quently) of abstraction. And it is worth affirming that a solid education vated members of society were his
in the natural sciences is not conducive to filling up the emptiness that beliefs. Indeed, they may have contr
lies at the heart of the sciences with stale magic tricks. Instead, a more the peasant dwelled: by order of the
suitable form of reason is sought-one capable of doing justice to this little more than a hundred years age
conspicuous void, but without the aid ?f obscurantism. burned, that ghostly apparitions are
I929 to the Enlightenment. But an even
the improvement in the means of ill
ing alongside straight roads, the larr
In contrast, the artifacts of the olc
it to grow. The oddly angled house,
Technology and Ghostly Apparitions all this promoted the idea that ghos
There is much evil to be feared in today's world. But the particular longer how dark the night is, exce1
dread evoked by ghosts has become rare. Few can boast of uncanny expe- feeling of isolation amid great dist
riences, despite the popularity of such stories. Life runs its course by way times. What remains of the will-o' -t
of the familiar; exceptions mostly are shown to be tricks and illusions. headlights? The sound of the deatl
Yet, as we know, earlier times perceived themselves as unimaginably unheard by the farmer who is tunin
haunted. Every third peasant had his goblin in the house; in every corner, has been homeless ever since the di
there was fear of the other world. Demons pressed and crowded in the lin behind the gas stove or central-h
walls at night, occasionally thrusting out an eye or a tongue-only lous and tasteless. The screech of a
prayers could prevent the entire demon from emerging. The woods were screwing of coffin nails-all such
inhabited by spirits both wild and gentle, while headless men waited at badly lit horror films. "The lights
the crossroads; elsewhere, moss-women were pursued by the devil. Even Richard III calls out, looking aroUil
in the cities, there were night-specters, often of a most curious kind: the superstition, blue flames indicate tl
chained horse in Frankfurt, for example, or the fiery owl in Worms. Fa- flames can burn so blue, and then l
bles and legends are full of such reports-their effect is all the more as- the failure of an electric bulb does
tounding because, with all their superstition, they are recited as simply world acting to suppress the light, l
and with as much conviction as any other public announcement or com- or a power-station shutdown. Solit1
plaint. Hebbel3 5 distilled this quite humorously in his story "The Two tile ground for all ghosts, "which
Vagabonds": "There was no hut so wretched that it was not visited from paritions takes refuge in company.'
time to time by a ghost or a dead person, sighing for salvation; no moun- valid today: only in solitude do ap
tain so small that its clefts did not harbor some spirit." Grimm's peasant is macing faces. These are shapes ma
not surprised when he meets a moss-woman who asks him for protection the gaps in external reality. But
against the devil; he says only that "These spirits are none of my con- Schopenhauer recommends agairu
cern." And he is not surprised the next day when he finds one quarter of point. While company may still pt
the moss-woman hanging from the barn door, apparently as his share of our home furnishings. Without ex.
the devil's prey; he feels only a sober and realistic fear. And even if he was tric bulb, having banished the sh
nothing more than an ignorant peasant-and, in addition to that, noth- cured attacks of nighttime anxiety .

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