Writing Electric-Cars Rosero-Jefferson

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Electric cars are new technology that in other parts of the world factories like Tesla in Mexico,
Toyota in Japan and BYD in China, are factories that produce it, it is a conservation project that
want to protect the world.

First of all, electrics cars are environmentally friendly because they don`t use gasoline, and the
gasoline, produce carbon dioxide that it is very dangerous for our world, because pollution the air
producing damage in the ozone layer, if the ozone layer brakes, it will change the weather.

Secondly, is a good alternative for reduce the pollution in all the world but the problem is that
these cars are very expensive, in the actuality big cities like Quito and Guayaquil has electric buses
because these cities produce a lot of pollution and the idea with electric buses, is reduce the
pollution and prevent something.

Finally, electric cars are the best option for the transportation of people or products that in the
future it will be normal.

In conclusion, electric cars are a good idea for take care of our planet because they prevent the
pollution as they did not use gasoline they only use energy electric for move during long
kilometers I think in the future people will use electric cars because the petroleum is going to end.

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