Filipino Film Download

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Ok&y so first, you h&ve the option to stre&m it here in this website https://

w& But if you w&nn& downlo&d it. Follow these steps.

!. Go to the s&me website &nd pick & film

#. Go to the filmʼs p&ge then “right click” then view the p&ge source

The p&ge source looks like this

F. When you get to the p&ge source, press “CTRL+F” then se&rch for “openlo&d”
G. You should find &n embed link th&t looks like this, then click it
N. When you click it, &nother p&ge will pop up. Go to the url of the p&ge, then
ch&nge the “embed” of the URL, then click enter.

O. It will direct you to &nother p&ge where you c&n view the film or downlo&d it.

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