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The present study identifies the multiplicity of issues and challenges faced by
dalit women in accessing water from common often distant sources of water, State
of Andhra Pradesh. AP discriminated and not allowed to take water, the extent of
harrassment and violence much low. In a state of Andhra Pradesh , Prakasam
district , kondamudisipalem village, dalit women regularly face challenges while
fetching water from common places. They are positioned at the very bottom of the
societal order. Discrimination in access to public water bodies such as tanks, hand
pumps and so on. And also prohibited taken water from lakes, ponds. Dalit women
are not allowed to fetch water from lakes by their own. They were stand far away
from water source, other caste people take water from the lake and pour to the
dalit pots. So Dalits are not allowed to enter the lake. This is the way dalit women
fetching water from the lake. Their reality of poor availability of drinking water was
worsened by limited access to common resources due to their caste identity. Since
Independence, several laws have been implemented to check discrimination and
atrocities against Dalits. But still they continued the discrimination present days. It
is not the notion of untouchability alone that determines access to water in rural
areas, it is also the power, distance and conflict between upper and lower castes
that reflect power hierarchy in that village.
Its impact on dalit women:
According to this report, dalit women having access to safe drinking water
sources. By 'safe drinking water' it mean potable water that is free from harmful
micro-organisms and substances, even though it may have color, odour, or taste
problem due to the presence of dissolved minerals. For example; tap water, public
tanks , local hand pumps and so on can be considered as safe drinking water while
water from sources such as ponds, lakes rain water harvesting and so on can be
considered as unsafe drinking water. So dalit do not have access to safe drinking
water in Andhra Pradesh. Many a time , they were restricted by the upper castes
from using the common water sources in the village. As a result, they are forced to
depend on multiple sources of water such as distance of water, unsafe drinking
water. It also causes and faced challenges of health issues by drinking unsafe water
and walking miles for water source. Accessing water appears to be one area where
caste based discrimination is routinely experienced.
The problem of availability which forces dalits to collect water from multiple
sources after travelling great distances is the real magnitude of discrimination. This
continuing discrimination against dalit women is the manifestation of the
reinforcement of elements of caste hierarchy of feudal order. It indirectly
challenges the human right and dignity enshrined in the constitution and existence
of the welfare state, where in the state is unable to protect and ensure the rights
and dignity of the marginalized and deprived sections of the society.

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