Academic Task 2: To Introduce An Example

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In Task 2 of the Academic Writing exam, you need to support the opinion you

express by providing examples. You can use these phrases:

to introduce an example
 for example
 for instance
 including
 for one thing
 another example of this is
to introduce an additional point
 also
 furthermore
 in addition to this
 moreover
to describe a cause
 (another) reason (for this) is
 because (of/due to)
to describe a result
 the result of this is
 this leads to
 consequently
 as a result
 this means that

Academic Task 2

In the second part, you have to write an essay with a minimum of 250 words. This
involves commenting on an issue or problem which is presented in the task. You
are expected to discuss various points of view and arrive at a conclusion. Topics
are varied, and might include health, lifestyles, environment, or education, but you
do not have to have any special knowledge to be able to do the task.

You are expected to write in a neutral or formal style.

Presenting an impartial opinion

 It is often argued/said that ...
 It is generally agreed that ...
 Some/Many people believe/say/think/feel/argue that ...
Outlining contrasting views
 Despite claims that ...
 While/Whereas it may be true that ..., on the other hand ...
 On the other side of the argument, ...
 However/Nevertheless/Despite (the fact that) ...
Refuting an argument
 Although some believe that ..., we should consider ...
 Critics may say .... However, ...
 It could be argued that ...; It is difficult to accept this as ...
 While it might be argued that ..., the truth of the matter is ...
 Though it is true that ..., we should also bear in mind that ...
Describing cause and effect
 Consequently, ...;
 As a result, ...;
 This means that ...
Providing supporting evidence
 From my experience ...
 A good example of this ...
 For instance ...
 But this is not the case for ...
 ... highlights the point
Attributing cause
 Owing to .../On account of .../Due to ...
Linking arguments/reasons
 Furthermore/Moreover/In addition ...
 For one thing ..., for another ...
Giving a personal opinion
 In my opinion, ...
 I (generally) agree that ...
 I think that it's reasonable to say that ...
 I tend to think that ...
 In short/conclusion/summary...
 To conclude/summarise/sum up...
 Overall, I think the most important thing is ...

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