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What effects does Restore™ have in the gut?

Excerpted from audio Interview (See interview link at the bottom of page 2)

Dr. Zach Bush speaking:

“… I can’t think of a more exciting patient population to point to than the autistic
children. Autism now facing one in sixty children by last estimates based on numbers
from 2011 … I think we are probably more like one in fifty now, a few years later, so …
[unintelligible] just horrendous epidemic of autism, and then if you add the rest of the
spectrum disorder with attention deficit, hyperactivity, Asperger’s … the whole
spectrum, you’re in numbers closer to one in twenty, one in twenty-five. And so an
amazing burst of inflammatory neural conditions and one of the most dramatic things
you’ll find clinically, for all those clinicians listening in, is your opportunity to practice
this tight-junction repair process in these children … no generation affected more
heavily than the kids born after 2000 who were steeped in that Roundup® from the
moment they suckled the breast.
That points to a study actually in 2014 … it was done in 10 mothers who’d been trying
to avoid GMO and genetically-modified compounds in concern for their concentration
of Roundup® and Glyphosate. These mothers, despite their efforts, showed very toxic
levels in the breast milk – 3 of them 760 to 16 hundred times the EPA-allowed in water.
And so, as the first evidence that the human body can bio-accumulate this compound
Glyphosate, unfortunately these infants born after 1992 [with] these big introductions of
the compound into our diet are the ones being most heavily affected and it’s
neurologic, not gut stuff that’s showing up in their generation.
And so, a fascinating thing to watch, just a few drops a day in our most sensitive
populations for somebody like Norm Shealy [he’s referring to Dr. Norman Shealy who
was a guest on this recorded call] who had been suffering for some time with a gut
problem that wasn’t resolving or your autistic kid who’s 3, 4, 5, 10 years old and has
had a messed up gut since the beginning, all autistic kids will have a large degree of
leaky gut and foul smelling gas, and all kinds of bowel issues, bloating, etc. Those
populations you’re going to start on just a few drops of the product, as little as 3 to 5
drops in your water once a day, and then you double the dose every few days as they
tolerate that and their bowel movements will steadily improve. But the neuro-cognitive
stuff is the most stunning. It’s important to realize that “Restore” doesn’t heal anything
directly. It doesn’t go in and fix neurons – it doesn’t grow neurons in and of itself.
Instead it puts up that border with that promotion and support of that potent tight
junction barrier system to the neural system, and once that’s up, normal healing takes
place. And that’s where we see just dramatic examples in these children.
The metabolism of a child aged 3 and 5 allows a rate of healing that we can only
dream of when we’re sixty, seventy, eighty years old – and so, that rate of healing,
when you just put this into a child with something like an autistic disorder – it’s nothing
Page 2 – Audio excepts from interview with Dr. Zach Bush

short of stunning to watch the progress. Now we can see verbal scores – nonverbal
kids go verbal in as little as 3 to 5 days on the product – and so it seems like magic but
in reality these kids are healing all the time. Even the most severe autistic child is
trying to do neural regeneration every day of their life and all you have to do is get that
barrier system slightly improved and their constant state of healing suddenly becomes
enough to allow them to catch some traction and make some forward progress in
neural development. It can be so profound that it will turn back on hypothalamic
[In] My area of endocrinology I see a lot of growth retardation and so I end up seeing a
lot of kids with development delay of all sorts [who have] failed to grow. And so they’re
3, 5, 10 years behind in their growth curves and you can literally see 15-year-olds that
look like 6-year-olds in clinic. And if you get that neural barrier back up, the
hypothalamic signaling comes back on, normal growth hormone regulatory functions
comes back in and you start to see these kids grow. And so it can just be almost
overwhelming to get a sense of how good the body is at healing itself. With a little bit
of help on that frontline barrier, these kids become just a great example and a
testimony to our power to heal as humans.”

[Note that the above is merely a “CliffNotes” version of a small part of the talk. You are
encouraged to visit the link below, time permitting, to learn much more about Restore.]

Listen to the complete interview at this link on the Internet:

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