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[ Editorials ]

In that series, it was not known whether the decedents

Smoking and Emphysema were smoking narcotics nor was the smoking history
Looking Beyond the Cigarette described, although the emphysema prevalence exceeds
that which would be expected in the general population.
David M. Mannino, MD, FCCP
Lexington, KY How might narcotic use contribute to the development
of COPD and emphysema? There are several possible
The relation between cigarette smoking and the explanations. One is that these diseases are related to
development of emphysema and COPD has been well effects of narcotic use in general (rather than their mode
documented.1,2 Although not all smokers develop disease, of administration). Supporting this are high levels of
among long-term smokers nearly 50% will have C-reactive protein10 and other evidence of immune
evidence of obstruction on spirometry.3 Other forms of stimulation in opiate-dependent people.11 However, data
smoke inhalation, such as exposure to biomass smoke from a study of national surveys in the United States do
from cooking or heating, are also linked to the develop- not show a relation between heroin use and either chronic
ment of COPD.4,5 Although there are several important bronchitis or asthma (although radiographic emphysema
differences between these exposures, a key one is intent: was not specifically evaluated in that study).12
Cigarette smokers are intentionally exposing themselves
Another possible explanation is that the heroin being
to high levels of particulate pollution, whereas those
used is contaminated with other agents. This phenom-
exposed to biomass smoke are not doing this intentionally.
enon has been well documented; contaminants or other
Other agents of abuse are also inhaled, some when they pharmacologic agents such as talc6 or clenbuterol have
are burned, such as crack cocaine or marijuana,6,7 and been cited.13 Many of these agents can damage either
others without burning, such as cocaine, inhalants, and the lungs per se or the pulmonary vasculature.14
some narcotics.6 The report by Walker et al8 in this issue
The most likely explanation, however, relates to how the
of CHEST (see page 1156) is a case series of heroin
heroin is being smoked by the user. Smokers of heroin
smokers who developed early onset emphysema. This
and other illicit substances typically take a deep inhala-
newly described phenomenon may offer insights into
tion, combined with a Valsalva maneuver to enhance
the development of COPD and emphysema in cigarette
absorption of the drug into the body.14 This has been
described previously in heroin users15 and users of other
What proportion of heroin users develops emphysema? smoked substances.6,16 In addition, these agents often
There is no good estimate for this, although a recent case burn at a very high temperature, with the potential to
series of 55 deaths among heroin or methadone users cause damage deep within the lung.14
found 38% with emphysema on postmortem CT scan.9
The development of early onset emphysema in heroin
users is clearly important in its own right, but may also
AFFILIATIONS: From the Department of Preventive Medicine and
inform the development of emphysema in nonopiate
Environmental Health, University of Kentucky College of Public
Health. users. For example, the depth of inhalation, dynamic
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: D. M. M. has served as a consultant for hyperinflation, and barotrauma may be important
Boehringer-Ingelheim GmbH, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca,
Novartis AG, Merck & Co, and Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc and has
factors in some patients who develop emphysema
received research grants from GlaxoSmithKline; Novartis AG; related to cigarette smoking or other factors. Physicians
Boehringer-Ingelheim GmbH; Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc; and Pfizer should be aware of this problem, and the general and
Inc. He is also compensated by Up-to-Date, has served as an expert in
tobacco-related cases, and is on the board of the COPD Foundation. drug-using public must be educated about the dangers
CORRESPONDENCE TO: David M. Mannino, MD, FCCP, Department associated with the inhalation of these and other burned
of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of
Kentucky College of Public Health, 111 Washington Ave, Lexington,
KY 40536; e-mail:
© 2015 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS. Reproduction of References
this article is prohibited without written permission from the American 1. Ford ES, Croft JB, Mannino DM, Wheaton AG, Zhang X, Giles WH.
College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details. COPD surveillance–United States, 1999-2011. Chest. 2013;144(1):
DOI: 10.1378/chest.15-1454 284-305.

1126 Editorials [ 148#5 CHEST NOVEMBER 2015 ]

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National Health and Nutrition Examination surveys from direct mechanical effects (ie, disadvantageously affecting
1988-1994 to 2007-2010. Chest. 2013;143(5):1395-1406.
upper airways critical closing pressure), but also
3. Lundbäck B, Lindberg A, Lindström M, et al; Obstructive Lung
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develop COPD?--Report from the Obstructive Lung Disease in reduction in lung volume resulting in a loss of caudal
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4. Kurmi OP, Semple S, Simkhada P, Smith WC, Ayres JG. COPD and traction of the upper airways and upper airways neuro-
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5. Lamprecht B, McBurnie MA, Vollmer WM, et al; BOLD Collaborative The importance of obesity in OSA from a population
Research Group. COPD in never smokers: results from the health level cannot be underestimated. Data from the
population-based burden of obstructive lung disease study. Chest.
2011;139(4):752-763. Wisconsin Sleep Cohort suggest that more than
6. Mégarbane B, Chevillard L. The large spectrum of pulmonary one-half of cases of moderate to severe OSA are attribut-
complications following illicit drug use: features and mechanisms.
Chem Biol Interact. 2013;206(3):444-451. able to excess weight.2 Although there is a widespread
7. Tashtoush B, Gonzalez-Ibarra F, Memarpour R, Hadeh A, Smolley L. belief that by improving sleep quality and reducing
Vanishing lung syndrome in a patient with HIV infection and heavy fatigue OSA treatment can facilitate weight loss, data
marijuana use. Case Rep Pulmonol. 2014; 2014:285208
from randomized controlled trials have established
8. Walker PP, Thwaite E, Amin S, Curtis JM, Calverley PMA. The
association between heroin inhalation and early onset emphysema. that OSA therapy with CPAP does not produce weight
Chest. 2015;148(5):1156-1163. loss and actually leads to modest weight gain.3,4 Thus,
9. Winklhofer S, Surer E, Ampanozi G, et al. Post-mortem whole body
computed tomography of opioid (heroin and methadone) fatalities:
to achieve weight loss in overweight or obese patients
frequent findings and comparison to autopsy. Eur Radiol. 2014; with OSA, adjunctive treatments specifically focused on
weight are necessary.
10. Reece AS. High-sensitivity CRP in opiate addiction: relative and
age-dependent elevations. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2012;12(2):149-157. A number of randomized trials have evaluated the
11. Reece AS. Chronic immune stimulation as a contributing cause of
chronic disease in opiate addiction including multi-system ageing.
impact of behavioral weight-loss interventions on OSA
Med Hypotheses. 2010;75(6):613-619. severity. However, there have been limitations in this
12. Han B, Gfroerer JC, Colliver JD. Associations between duration of literature, including such caveats as a focus on very low
illicit drug use and health conditions: results from the 2005-2007
national surveys on drug use and health. Ann Epidemiol. 2010; calorie diets that are extremely intensive and not readily
20(4):289-297. available to most patients5,6 or studying patient popula-
13. Wingert WE, Mundy LA, Nelson L, Wong SC, Curtis J. Detection tions incidentally found to have OSA who are not
of clenbuterol in heroin users in twelve postmortem cases at the
Philadelphia medical examiner’s office. J Anal Toxicol. 2008; necessarily representative of clinical OSA populations
32(7):522-528. in terms of both severity of OSA-related symptoms
14. Milroy CM, Parai JL. The histopathology of drugs of abuse.
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and motivations to treat apnea.7 The study by Ng et al8
15. Prowse SJ, Lima T, Irion KL, Burhan H, Hochhegger B, Marchiori E. reported in this issue of CHEST (see page 1193)
Valsalva manoeuvre effect on distribution of lung damage in heroin represents one of the first trials to evaluate a long-term
inhalation. Br J Radiol. 2011;84(1006):e200-e201.
lifestyle intervention in a population presenting for
16. Shyamsunder AK, Gyaw SM. Pneumomediastinum: the Valsalva
crunch. Md Med J. 1999;48(6):299-302. treatment of OSA.

The Weighty Issue of AFFILIATIONS: From Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Dr Patel),

Obesity Management in Harvard Medical School; and the Cleveland Clinic (Dr Mehra).
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: S. R. P. has received honoraria from the

Sleep Apnea American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the American College of

Physicians, and Elsevier Publishing; positive airway pressure
machines and equipment from Philips Respironics; and grant
Sanjay R. Patel, MD funding from the ResMed Foundation, the American Sleep
Medicine Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health.
Boston, MA R. M. has received honoraria from the American Academy of
Reena Mehra, MD, FCCP Sleep Medicine, positive airway pressure machines and equipment
for research from Philips Respironics, and funding from the
Cleveland, OH National Institutes of Health.
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Reena Mehra, MD, Cleveland Clinic,
The interrelationships between OSA and obesity are 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44195; e-mail:
complex in large part because of the multidirectional © 2015 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CHEST PHYSICIANS. Reproduction of
this article is prohibited without written permission from the American
nature of not only the association between these two College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details.
factors, but also their relationships with undesirable DOI: 10.1378/chest.15-1010 1127

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