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G uses of the infinitive with to

V verbs + infinitive: try to, forget to, etc. What dol

P weak form of to, linking need to do?


a Look at the poste r of a well-known film . Do you kno w How to ... Survive Meeting
what it's a bo ut? Have you seen it?
Your Girlfriend's Pa rents
fo r the First Time
It's st ressful, but t hese top tips can help you
to get it right ...
He finally met the girl of his dreams. Tips
Too bad her dad's a nighanace.
You need .1Q...dQ some ' homework ' before
you go. Ask your girlfriend about her parents.
Where does her mother work? Does her father like
football? Do you have any common interests? lf
you do th is, it will be easy a conversation
with them.
Make sure you dress the right
impression. Don 't wear a suit, but don't just wear
your old jeans and the Che Guevara T-shirt you
bought in the market.
Be punctual. It's very important Late at a
first meeting.
b With a partner , th ink o f two piece o f ad vice fo r When they greet you at the door shake the
o m ebod y w ho is going to m eet the ir pa rtne r 's pare nts father's hand firmly (no father Likes a weak
fo r the firs t time. handshake!). Ask your girlfriend what kind of
greeting her mum will prefer.
c ow read an a rticle adapted fro m the web ire wikiHow. Call her parents Mr and Mrs (Smith) until they ask
your advice th ere? you to call them 'Dave' and 'Sharon'.
d Read the a rticle again a nd complete the ga p w ith t he Be ready questions about yourself! Her
ve rb in th e li st. parents will want everything about you
and your ambitions. Make a good impression!
to answer not to be te-60 (x2) to have to know If you are invited for a meal, eat everything they
to make t o say to show not to talk give you and say something positive about the
meal, like 'This is absolutely delicious!'. Offer
e 3 23 >)) Li te n to igel m eeting hi g irlfrie nd's pa re nts ____ the washing-up after the meal .__ __
fo r the fir t time. Does the m eeting ta rt well o r badly? them that you are a 'new man').
How does it end? Be yourself, and don't be a 'yes' man. If they
ask you for your opinion, be honest. Howeve r,
f Li te n aga in a nd a n we r the que tions. try about controversial subjects - this
I \! hat does he do wrong? isn't the moment to give your views on religion and
2 \ hat doe he d o ri ght?
If the conversation is dyi ng and you can't th in k
g Do you think the advice in the a rticle wo uld be good what , ask them what your partner was
fo r people in your country? Why (no t)? D o you think like as a child . This is a brilliant ta ctic! ALL parents
the advice wo uld be the sam e fo r a g irl m eetin g her love talking about their children and it shows you
boyfrie nd's parents for the firs t time? have a deep interest in their daughter.
Adapted from wikiHow
uses of t he inf initive wit h to weak f orm of to, linking
a Matc h sentence a- d from the a rt icle with a 3 26 l)) Liste n to two sente nces. Is to stressed? H ow is it
rules l- 4 . prono u need?
a D If you do th is, it will be easy t o have a I wa nt to come.
co nversatio n w ith them.
He decided to leave.
b D Offer to do the washing-up after the mea l
(to show them that you are a 'new man'). p Linking words with the same consonant sound
c D If the conve rsation is dying a nd you When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins
can't thi nk what t o say, ask them what with the same o r a very s imilar sound, we often link the words
your partner was li ke as a chi ld. t oget her and only make the consona nt sound once. This happens
whe n a verb e nds in t. or 'd before to, so want to is pronounced
d D You need to do som e 'ho mework' /'wont o. and decided to is pronounced dJ'smdn:li.
befo re you go.
b 3 27 l)) Liste n a nd w rite six sente nces. T hen practise saying them .
Use th e i n fin itive with to . ..
after some verbs, e.g. need, wa nt, etc. c Wo rk in pa irs. A a k B the first s ix questio ns. B give as much
2 after adjectives info rm atio n as yo u ca n. Swap roles fo r the last s ix q uestio ns.
3 to give a reason fo r doi ng so mething
• Have you ever offered to look after somebody's dog
4 after a questio n word, e.g. who, what, ho w
(or other pet)?
b Look at the o the r infin itives you used to • Do you t hink it is difficult to stay friends with an
complete the a rticle . W hich r ules are they? ex-boyfriend /girlfriend?
• Have you ever tried to learn something new and failed?
c > p.138 Grammar Bank 7A. Learn mo re • Do you t hink it is important to learn to cook at school?
about uses of the in fin iti ve and practise thern .
• How long do you usually spend deciding what to wear in the
3 VOCABULARY verbs + inf initive • Do you know how to change a wheel on a car?

a Witho ut looki ng back at the a rticle try to • Do you think it's possible t o learn a foreign language st udying on
remember the m i sing verbs . your own at home?
You to do some ho mework befo re • Are you planning to go anywhe re next weeke nd?
you go. • Would you like to work or st udy in another country?
2 Her parents will to kno w • Have you ever pretended t o be ill (when you were n't)?
everything about you and yo ur ambitions. • Have you ever forgott en t o turn off you r mobile phone during a
3 ro do t he washing-up after the class or concert?
mea l.. . • What do you think is t he most interesting t hing to do for a visitor
4 However, no t to talk about to your town?
controversial subjects .. .
d >-Communication How to ... A p.l 03 B p.l07. R ead a nd re-tell two
b > p.l58 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms. m o re H ow to .. . arti cles.
Do pa rt 1 (Verbs + infinitive).

W ith a pa rtner, w r ite a 'H ow to .. .' a rti cle. C ho ose o ne o f the titles
below, a nd try to thin k of at least fo ur tips.
How t o ...
• make a good impres ion o n yo ur first day in yo ur English class.
• m ake a good impres io n at a job in terview.
G uses of the gerund (verb + -ing)
V verbs + gerund
P the letter i

1 GRAMMAR uses of t he gerund

a Talk to a partner. Is there a book, a fi lm, or
a song that makes you feel happy whenever
you read, watch , or listen to it? What is it?
Why does it make you feel happy?

b Read a magazine article where different

people on the magazine's staff say what
happiness is for them . Who do you
think said what? Match the peo ple to the

[I[] ... making soup. I love using leftovers

in the fridge. There's something
magical about making something
delicious out of nothing.

[I[] ... sitting on the sofa on a winter

Erin, Harriet, Sebastian, evening with a box of chocolates,
fashion editor health editor music editor watching a feel-good film, preferably
one that makes me cry.

[}I] ...listening to Don't Stop Me Now

by Queen. As soon as I hear it I
immediately feel like getting up and

Kate, Marco, Andrew, GIJ ... getting on the scales and seeing
cinema editor food editor travel editor that I've lost a kilo even t hough I had
a big meal the day before.
c Read the article again. ls there anybody you
really agreefdon't agree with ? Compare with rn ...seeing my suitcase come out first
a partner. at baggage reclaim at the airport

d Look at the highlighted phrases in the first rn ...finding a real bargain in t he sales.
paragraph. Find an example o f a gerund I'm still wearing a Prada j acket t hat
(verb + -inB): I bought incredibly cheaply in a sale
ten years ago.
1 after another verb _ _ __
2 after a preposition _ _ __
3 used as a noun
e )o- p.l38 Grammar Bank 78. Learn mo re
about the uses of the gerund and practise
them .

f Write your own continuatio n for Happiness

l S . ..

g Work in groups offour. Read the other

students' texts. D o you agree with their
ideas of happiness?
verbs + gerund a Ask a nd a nswer w ith a partne r.
a )o- p.158 Vocabulary Bank Verb forms. I When you a re happy do you so met imes feel like s ing ing?
Do part 2 (Ver bs + ge rund). 2 D o you ever s ing ... ?
b Choose fi ve things to talk abo ut fro m the • in the bower • karaoke
list below. • in th e ca r • in acho ir or ba nd
• while you're li ten ing to mus ic, e.g. on an iPod
Something... 3 Is t here a particular singer whose songs you like s ing ing? D o you
•you don't mind doing in the house
have a favour ite song?
•you like doing with your fa mily
•you love doing in the summer b In pairs, say if you think sentences 1-7 are T (true) o r F (fa lse).
•you don't feel like doing at weekends
•you spend too much time doing 1 S inging is good fo r your hea lth.
•you dream of doing 2 If you wa nt to s ing well, you need to learn to brea the correctly.
•you hate doing at work I school 3 People who sing are usually fatter than people who do n't.
•you don't like doing alone 4 o t everybo dy ca n learn to sing.
•you are thinking of doing this weekend
•you think you are very good (or very bad) 5 Yo u need to know how to read music to be able to sing wel l.
at doing 6 If you ma ke a s urpri ed face, you ca n sing hi gh notes better.
7 It rake yea rs to lea rn to s ing better.
c Wo rks in pairs. A tell B abo ut the
five things. Say w h y. B a k fo r m o re c 3 32 >)) Now lis ten to an inter view with the directo r o f a s inging
informatio n . Then sw ap ro les. chool a nd a stud ent who did a course there. Were you right?

d Li sten aga in . C hoose t he rig h t an swer.

3 PRONUNCIATION the letter i W hen you are lea rning to sing you need ro _ _ correc tly.
a stand b dress c eat
a Put the o ne-syllable wo rds below into the
2 S inging we ll is 95% _ _ .
right colu mn .
a repea ti ng b listen ing c breat hing
find give high hire kind like 3 Gemm a' course lasted
mind miss night right skin slim
a o ne day b o ne week c one month
thin t ime which win wit h
4 Gemma has always _ _ .
a been good at singing b been in a cho ir c li ked sing ing
5 At first the studen ts learnt to
a breathe and s ing b listen a nd breat he c listen a nd sing
6 At t he end of the day they could s ing _ _ .
b 3 30 >)) Li sten and check. T he n look at t he a per fec tly b much better c a bit better
wo rds in each co lumn . What rules ca n you e Wo uld you Like tO learn to s ing (better)? Are there
see fo r the pro n u nciatio n o f ... a ny tips fro m the listening that you could use?
• i + consonant + e (but which word i an
exceptio n?)
• ind and iBh 5 3 33 >)) SONG Don't Stop fv1e Now ~
• i bet ween o ther consonants
c 3 31 >)) ow listen ro som e two-sylla ble
words. Is the i pro no u need III or /a 1/ ?
Listen a nd check.

arrive decide engine invite

online practise promise
revise service surprise

d W hat 's the differ ence in the stress

betwee n the verbs in c where i is
pronounced Ill and where i is
pronounced /all?
Verb forms
a Complete the to+ verb column w ith to+ a verb fro m the list.

be bring buy catch drive find get married

ge (x2) help pay rain see turn off
to+ verb
I decide We've decided to France for our holiday. .tQ.gQ_
2 forget Don't fo rget all the lights.
3 hope We ho pe you agai n soon.
4 learn I'm learning . My test's next month.
5 need I need to the superma rket. We don't have any milk.
6 offer He offered me wi th my CV.
7 plan T hey're planning soon.
8 pretend He pretended ill, but he wasn't really.
9 promise He's promised me back when he gets a job.
10 remember Remember your dictionaries to class tomorrow.
11 start It was ver y cloudy and it sta rted
12 try I'm trying a job, but it's very ha rd.
13 want I want the six o'clock train .
14 would like I'd like a new car next month .
b 3 25 >)) Listen a nd check.

c Cover the to+ verb column. Say the sente nces.

~ p . 53


a Complete the gerund column w ith a ve rb from the list in the gerund.

be cook do have make rain read talk tidy wake up work

I enjoy 1 enjoy in bed. r ~adizl[J
2 finish Have you finished your room?
3 go on (= continue) I wa nt to go on until I'm 60.
4 hate I bate late when I'm meeting someone.
5 like I li ke breakfast in a cafe.
6 love I love on a sunny morning.
7 (don't) mind I don't mind the ironing. It's quite relaxi ng.
8 spend (time) She spends hours on the phone.
9 start* It starred at 5.30 in the mornin g.
10 stop Please stop such a noise. I can't th ink.
11 feel like I don't feel like today. Let's go out for lunch. c Cover the gerund column. Say
• start can be used wit h a gerund or infinitive, e.g. It started raining. It started to rain. the entences.

b 3 29 >)) Listen and check. ~ p .S

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