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My village is a place that I like to visit in my holidays or whenever I feel

tired and want to relax, it’s a really lonely one. A village is a very
peaceful place, it feels good to go there once in a month or a year. It is
one of those places where you can relax at ease.

A day out in a village, I wake up, do the usual morning chores like
brush, eat breakfast. The water tastes different here Then I go out to
feel the welcoming breeze. The fact that there are a lot of trees around,
gives the environment an earthly smell/vibe. Then I go out on a bike or
a cycle on an endless road. I like to explore the parts of the village, I
choose new directions everyday and see all kinds of things. The people
living in the village live hard but peaceful lives and the children there
have freedom to walk around due to almost no cars being there. As I
keep going, after like two hours I see a few houses, there are like a
group of houses once in a while. Sometimes I get to see hardworking
people and there different type of jobs, like how they cut wood and
then shape it or steam bends it and exports to cities using trucks. Then I
go back to take some rest. There are variety of crops, diversity of
flowers, rivers, lakes etc. I get to eat the organic foods and stuff. Then I
go out for a walk enjoying the pleasant breeze that runs all day, and I
get to see the different types of flowers and crops. At night time,
there’s a cool breeze going on which just makes the vibe a lot better.
While going out in a lonely village, its all about that earthly smell,
pleasant breeze, relaxing in peace, seeing nature at its best.Yeah and
blab la And yea.

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