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The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Faculty of Medicine

MEDF 1012A/1012B Foundation Course for Health Sciences II (3 Units)

Course Outline (2013/14)

1. Course code, English title and other course information

Course code: MEDF 1012A/1012B

Title in English: Foundation Course for Health Sciences II
Term of study / No. of Units: Term 2 / 3 Units
Total contact hour: MEDF1012A - Lecture x 28 / Tutorial x 4 / Demonstration x 4; total: 36 hours
MEDF1012B - Lecture x 36 / Tutorial x 4; total: 40 hours
Course Coordinator: Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann

2. Course overview

This course introduces students to the foundation knowledge in biochemistry and molecular biology, key cellular
processes and events, organization of body systems and its relation to physiological functions. The case-based
tutorials and group project aim at reinforcing students’ concepts in terms of application and clinical relevance.
Selected physiology topics will accompany with specimen demonstration and anatomical studies of major organ
systems of the human body (MEDF1012A only).

3. Course learning outcomes (CLO):

By the end of this course, students will:

1. gain basic knowledge in biochemistry and molecular biology;
2. recognize the gross anatomical structure of the human body and recall their general functions;
3. appreciate the sophisticated structure-function relationship of the human body and integration in the functions of
different body parts;
4. gain basic understanding of the homeostatic control mechanisms that maintain normal body functions, and give
rise to disease states under derangement.

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4. List of Topics (Topics to be covered, learning objectives and teaching hours allocated)

Teaching Hours
Topics Content Learning Outcomes
(Total: 30 hrs)
Biological Application of thermodynamics in - Define an open and closed thermodynamic system and thermodynamic equilibrium 2
thermodynamics biochemical reactions such as - Define energy terms and an enzyme catalyzed reaction; describe how thermodynamics
enzyme catalyzed reaction determines catalysis of biochemical reactions
- Introduce thermodynamic applications in medical research, cancer therapy and drug design

Protein: a multi-tasking Amino acids, levels of protein - Identify the structure of amino acids and proteins, properties and classification of amino 2
biomolecule structure, structure to function acids
relationship of proteins, Golgi - Recall the four levels of protein structure, describe the importance of protein folding to
apparatus, post-translational function and activity of proteins
modification - Discuss the diseases caused by abnormal protein structure at different levels (case study/
e.g. primary structure - hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia
quaternary structure - prions in degenerative brain disorders; G6PD deficiency

Biocatalyst Properties of enzymes, the basic - Describe the structure and components of enzymes, and the roles of coenzymes in 2
principles of enzymology, enzymatic reactions
regulation of enzyme activities, - Describe the mechanisms regulating enzymatic reactions
case study - Compare and contrast reversible vs. irreversible, competitive vs. non-competitive enzyme
inhibitions, and to explain their properties using Lineweaver-Burk plot
- Discuss the use of enzyme, enzyme competitors and inhibitors as therapeutics
e.g. drug action (disulfiram) to discourage people from drinking; LDH isozymes and organ

Carbohydrates and Properties and functions of - Describe the structure of carbohydrates, and recall examples of monosaccharides, 2
carbohydrate-containin carbohydrates, introduction of disaccharides, and polysaccharides families; understand the difference and biological
g biomolecules different polysaccharides, and importance of reducing and non-reducing sugars
carbohydrate-containing - Recall examples of carbohydrate-containing biomolecules and their importance in cellular
biomolecules structure and functions
- Recognize the importance of carbohydrates in metabolism

Overview of the living Catabolism and anabolism, - Recall the fate of food molecules and the site of storage, preference of food to be 2
cell I: preference of human body to metabolized by the human body
Bioenergetics and consume carbohydrate, proteins - Identify catabolism and anabolism; describe the hierarchies of carbohydrate, protein and fat
principles of and fat, relationship of metabolisms; recognize the conversion of energy by coupling with ATP - the energy currency
metabolism carbohydrate, protein and lipid in various cellular processes
metabolisms, the roles of liver in - Recognize the importance of oxidation to produce energy, and the role of mitochondria in
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Teaching Hours
Topics Content Learning Outcomes
(Total: 30 hrs)
different metabolic processes ATP synthesis
- Discuss the roles of liver in different metabolic processes and diseases associated with liver

Overview of the living Structure and functions of - Compare and contrast the structure & functions of cytoskeletons to maintain cell structure, 2
cell II: cytoskeleton, mechanisms of facilitate cell movement and intracellular transport
Cellular transport and cellular transport (vesicular - Recall events in endocytosis and secretory pathways; compare and contrast
cytoskeleton transport, secretory and endocytic receptor-mediated endocytosis, pinocytosis and phagocytosis

Overview of the living Human Genome Project, DNA - Discuss the key findings of the Human Genome Project and its contribution in the studies of 2
cell III: replication, DNA structure and genetic diseases
DNA replication, cell nucleic acids, cell cycle in - Describe the composition and structure of DNA, the process of DNA replication and the
cycle and programmed eukaryotes, apoptosis and necrosis semi-conservative nature of DNA
cell death - Recall the structure of DNA and nucleic acids; identify different types of DNA damage and
the mechanisms of DNA repair
- Name the 5 phases of cell cycle and the hallmarks of each phase; recognize the importance
of programmed cell death, compare and contrast apoptosis and necrosis and their
contributions to cancer development

Overview of the living Extracellular signaling and cellular - Recall the general principle and properties of signaling by cell-surface receptors, name 2
cell IV: response, ligands and cell-surface important cell signaling molecules and key cell surface receptor systems
Cell signaling and receptors, signal transduction - Name the highly conserved components of intracellular signal-transduction pathways;
cellular response pathways, second messengers describe the roles of second messengers in cell signaling and the importance of
phosphorylation in signaling pathways
- Relate the importance of cell signaling to neuro- transmission and drug responses

Waste elimination: Kidney and nephron, salt - Recall the organization of the kidney, structure of nephron, and the key hormones regulating 2
Urinary system reabsorption and urine formation, urine formation
renin-angiotensin system and - Describe the significance of ultrafiltration and tubular reabsorption, relate renal function
anti-diuretic hormones with acid-base balance

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Teaching Hours
Topics Content Learning Outcomes
(Total: 30 hrs)
Body support and Major skeletal muscles of the body, - Distinguish prime movers, antagonists, synergists and fixators and describe the mechanisms 2
movement: interactions of skeletal muscles of muscle contraction
Musculoskeletal - Relate the common patterns of muscle fascicle arrangement to power generation; define
system lever and name the three lever systems indicating the arrangement of effort, fulcrum and
(MEDF1012A only) load in each system
- Describe neural control on skeletal muscle contraction and reflex action

Food intake and waste Digestion, absorption and - Describe the organization of the digestive system and the relationship of the digestive 2
elimination: Digestive assimilation, digestive enzymes, organs with the peritoneum
system hepatic portal system Describe the major digestive processes and enzymes involved, indicate the significance of
the hepatic portal circulation in the digestive processes

Circulation and gaseous Anatomy of the respiratory system, - Name the key structures in the respiratory system and factors controlling rate of breathing 1
exchange: Respiratory mechanics of ventilation, hypoxia, - Describe the gaseous exchange process between blood, lungs and tissues, transport of gases
system respiratory diseases by blood and the concept of hypoxia
- Name examples of respiratory disease

The biology of blood The defense mechanisms of human - Distinguish between nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms 1
cells body and the cell types involved - Identify the major blood components and their functions
- The mechanism of blood clotting and inflammation

Homeostasis and Endocrine system: arrangement of - Name the major endocrine glands, their organizations and functions in the human body 2
perpetuation of life: the endocrine glands, chemical - Describe hormone feedback mechanisms, and name the major endocrine hormones
Endocrine and messengers, paracrine, endocrine - Recall the factors controlling sex differentiation of the reproductive system
reproductive system and exocrine, feedback mechanism - Identify the organization of testis and ovaries, and the hormonal regulations in
Reproductive system: sex spermatogenesis and the ovarian cycle
differentiation, spermatogenesis,
menstrual cycle
Practicals x 2: specimen Introduction of the body systems - Appreciate the sophisticated structure of human body 2
demonstration with prosected specimen - Observe and identify key organs in different body systems with prosected specimens
(MEDF1012A only) (completion of worksheet may require), relate structural characteristics to physiological
functions in human body

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5. Course schedule

Lectures on Wednesday 08:30-10:15 (MEDF1012A) and 11:30-13:15 (MEDF1012B) in LSK-LT5; Friday 09:30-11:15 (tutorials and other activities) in LSK or BMSB.
Follow the timetable below for the exact dates and class arrangement.

Class/ MEDF1012A MEDF1012B Other Activities (MEDF1012A) Other Activities (MEDF1012B)

Date (Wed) Lecture / Activities Date (Fri)
Week LSK-LT5 (08:30-10:15) LSK-LT5 (11:30-13:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15)
1/1 8 Jan 2014 Biological thermodynamics Prof WAN Chi Cheong Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai 10 Jan 2014 Mastery Lecture LSK-LT5
David Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis:
from dream to reality
(Prof LO Dennis, Department of
Chemical Pathology)

2/2 15 Jan 2014 Protein: a multi-tasking Prof WAN Chi Cheong Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai 17 Jan 2014 (Tutorial) Structure-function Mastery Lecture LSK-LT5
biomolecule David relationship of proteins From biomedical research to
(BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8) clinical practice
09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8 (Prof CHAN Wai-Yee, School of
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16 Biomedical Sciences)
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai
Prof CHENG Hon Ki Christopher
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Prof FENG Bo
Prof FUNG Kwok Pui
Prof WAN Chi Cheong David *
Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney

3/3 22 Jan 2014 Biocatalyst Prof WAN Chi Cheong Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai 24 Jan 2014 (Tutorial) Structure-function
David relationship of proteins
(BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai *
Prof CHENG Hon Ki Christopher
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Prof FENG Bo
Prof FUNG Kwok Pui
Prof WAN Chi Cheong David
Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney

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Class/ MEDF1012A MEDF1012B Other Activities (MEDF1012A) Other Activities (MEDF1012B)
Date (Wed) Lecture / Activities Date (Fri)
Week LSK-LT5 (08:30-10:15) LSK-LT5 (11:30-13:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15)
4/4 29 Jan 2014 Carbohydrates and Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney Prof CHENG Hon Ki 31 Jan 2014
carbohydrate-containing Christopher
Lunar New Year Holiday

5/6 12 Feb 2014 Overview of the living cell I: Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney Prof CHENG Hon Ki 14 Feb 2014 (Tutorial) Enzymes Clinical Lecture LSK-LT5
Bioenergetics and principles Christopher (BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8) Diabetes and its complications
of metabolism 09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8 (Prof CHAN Juliana, Department
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16 of Medicine)
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai *
Prof CHENG Hon Ki Christopher
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Prof MAK King Lun Kingston
Prof WAN Chi Cheong David *
Prof TSUI Kwok Wing Stephen
Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary
6/7 19 Feb 2014 Overview of the living cell II: Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca 21 Feb 2014 (Tutorial) Enzymes
Cellular transport and (BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
cytoskeleton 09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai *
Prof CHENG Hon Ki Christopher
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Prof MAK King Lun Kingston
Prof NG Tzi Bun
Prof TSUI Kwok Wing Stephen
Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary
7/8 26 Feb 2014 Overview of the living cell III: Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Prof TSUI Kwok Wing 28 Feb 2014 (Tutorial) Cell cycle, apoptosis
DNA replication, cell cycle Stephen and cancer
and programmed cell death (BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai
Prof FUNG Kwok Pui
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann *
Prof FENG Bo
Prof LEE Tin Lap
Prof NG Tzi Bun
Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary

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Class/ MEDF1012A MEDF1012B Other Activities (MEDF1012A) Other Activities (MEDF1012B)
Date (Wed) Lecture / Activities Date (Fri)
Week LSK-LT5 (08:30-10:15) LSK-LT5 (11:30-13:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15)
8/9 5 Mar 2014 Overview of the living cell IV: Prof LAU Hang Yung Prof WISE Helen 7 Mar 2014 (Tutorial) Cell cycle, apoptosis
Cell signaling and cellular Alaster and cancer
response (BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca *
Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai
Prof FUNG Kwok Pui
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Prof FENG Bo
Prof LEE Tin Lap
Prof NG Tzi Bun
Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary
9/10 12 Mar Group Project - Briefing Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann 14 Mar 2014 Clinical Lecture LSK-LT5
2014 Session Targeted therapy of lung cancer
(Prof MOK Tony, Department of
Clinical Oncology)
10/11 19 Mar Waste elimination: Urinary Dr HWANG Shui Shan Prof KO Wing Hung 21 Mar 2014 (Lecture - LSK-LT5) (Tutorial) Body fluid
2014 system Isabel Body support and movement: compartments and sodium
musculoskeletal system physiology
(BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence 09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Prof KO Wing Hung *
Dr HWANG Shui Shan Isabel
Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Dr POON Hong Kit Sam
Dr WONG Wai Kai
Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney

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Class/ MEDF1012A MEDF1012B Other Activities (MEDF1012A) Other Activities (MEDF1012B)
Date (Wed) Lecture / Activities Date (Fri)
Week LSK-LT5 (08:30-10:15) LSK-LT5 (11:30-13:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15) (09:30-10:15; 10:30-11:15)
11/12 26 Mar Food intake and waste Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca Prof LEUNG Po Sing 28 Mar 2014 (Tutorial) Body fluid
2014 elimination: Digestive system compartments and sodium
(BMSB-tutorial rooms x 8)
09:30-10:15 - Gp 1-8
10:30-11:15 - Gp 9-16
Prof KO Wing Hung
Dr HWANG Shui Shan Isabel *
Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann
Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca
Dr POON Hong Kit Sam
Dr WONG Wai Kai
Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney

12/13 2 Apr 2014 Lecture 08:30-09:15 11:30-12:15 4 Apr 2014 (Practical) Musculoskeletal,
Gaseous exchange: The biology of blood cells digestive and respiratory systems
(The sequence of lectures for Respiratory system (BMSB-laboratories x 4 +
Section A and B is different) Prof KO Wing Hung dissecting laboratory)
Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce
Dr POON Hong Kit Sam
09:30-10:15 12:30-13:15 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence
The biology of blood cells Gaseous exchange: Dr WAI Sen Mun Maria
Respiratory system Dr WONG Wai Kai
Prof KO Wing Hung Prof WAN Cho
Prof TAM Siu Cheung Prof ZHAO Hui
13/14 9 Apr 2014 Homeostasis and perpetuation Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Prof AU Chak Leung 11 Apr 2014 (Practical) Urinary, endocrine and Clinical Lecture LSK-LT5
of life: Endocrine and Simon reproductive systems Life is not a straight road from the
reproductive system (BMSB-laboratories x 4 + beginning
dissecting laboratory) (Professor LEUNG Tak Yeung,
Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce Department of Obstetrics and
Dr POON Hong Kit Sam Gynaecology)
Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence
Dr WAI Sen Mun Maria
Dr WONG Wai Kai
Prof WAN Cho
Prof ZHAO Hui

BMSB: Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building | LSK: Lee Shau Kee Building

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6. Learning activities

Lectures Interactive Demonstration Project Overall Total
tutorials Revisions
(hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr)
in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class
26 52 4 4 4 2 2 6 0 78 36 142
M O M O M O M O M O 178

Lectures Interactive Mastery/ Clin. Project Overall Total
tutorials Lectures Revisions
(hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr) (hr)
in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class in/ out class
24 48 4 4 10 3 2 6 0 72 40 133
M O M O M O M O M O 173

M: Mandatory activity in the course

O: Optional activity

7. Assessment scheme (*) (See “List of Topics” in Section 6 and “Course Schedule” in Section 7 for content details.)

Task nature Description %

Group Project Students will work in groups to Each group is required to produce a report in 20%
study specific topics or clinical specified time period.
Format: To be announced.
End-of-term A written examination to test To be completed in 2 hours. MCQ: only the correct 80%
Examination students’ understandings on all answer will be given marks, and no mark deduction
lecture topics and tutorials being for incorrect answers. SAQ: students who can
covered. demonstrate their ability to express views correctly
and coherently in paragraph, or in point forms where
Format: 2-hr written appropriate would generally get marks based on the
examination with marking scheme; those provide additional
multiple-choice questions explanations reflecting their efforts of further
(MCQ) and short answer reading, or with additional graphical presentation (if
questions (SAQ). appropriate) would be awarded higher marks.

8. Recommended learning resources

1. (e-Book) Basic Concepts in Biomedical Sciences II, CUHK – CUSTOM, Pearson (2012). (ISBN
978-9-880-06753-2) (CU Commercial Press discounted price: HK$278.8. Quote “MEDF1012” upon purchase.)
[The book is custom-made for this course with most chapters extracted from “Becker’s World of the Cell (ISBN:
978-0-321-70978-3)” and “Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology (ISBN: 978-1-292-02641-1)”. Available in
eBook only which is viewed with the software “VitalSource Bookshelf” downloadable (free of charge) to PC and
mobile devices e.g. iPad, Android tablet or smartphones.]

2. (Printed book, softcover) Becker’s World of the Cell, 8/e. (Pearson) (ISBN: 978-0-321-70978-3).
(CU Commercial Press discounted price: $1,302. Quote “MEDF1012” upon purchase.)
3. (Printed book, softcover) Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 6/e. (Pearson) (ISBN: 978-1-292-02641-1).
(CU Commercial Press discounted price: $352. Quote “MEDF1012” upon purchase.)

Reference books:
1. (Printed book, softcover) Janson LW, Tischler ME. The Big Picture: Medical Biochemistry. McGraw-Hill.
(ISBN 978-0-071-63791-6) (CU Commercial Press discounted price: HK$174.)
2. (Printed book, softcover) Shier DN, Butler JL, Lewis R. Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 13/e.
McGraw-Hill. (ISBN 978-0-073-37827-5) (CU Commercial Press discounted price: HK$349.)

More suggested readings will be announced in lectures.

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9. Details of course website

Students are able to check the latest news of the course, course materials, class schedule, and assignment instruction via
the e-learning platform “Blackboard Learn”: Course materials are also available in the
“Medical Curriculum (MCU) website” of Faculty of Medicine:

10. Feedback for evaluation

a. Course and Teaching Evaluation (CTE)

b. In-class instant feedback
c. Email exchange
d. Focus groups’ meeting
e. Meeting with individual students

11. Contact details of teachers (All teachers are from School of Biomedical Sciences)

Name of Teacher Office location Telephone/ Email

Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Rm 612G (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1392 /
Course Coordinator Medical Sciences Building
Miss CHAN Sin Ting Phoebi Rm 612, Choh Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences
Course Secretary Building


1 Prof AU Chak Leung Simon Rm 612C (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6813 /
Senior Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
2 Prof CHENG Hoi Ki Christopher Rm 604A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6801 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
3 Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai Rm 404A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6104 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
4 Dr HWANG Shui Shan Isabel Rm 612E (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6795 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
5 Prof KO Wing Hung Rm 607A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6781 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
6 Prof LAU Hang Yung Alaster Rm 506A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6846 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
7 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca Rm 612G (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1380 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
8 Prof LEUNG Po Sing Rm 609A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6879 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
9 Prof TAM Siu Cheung Michael Rm 206A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6878 /
Adjunct Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
10 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence Rm 612E (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6836 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
11 Prof TSUI Kwok Wing Stephen Rm 524A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6381 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
12 Prof WAN Chi Cheong David Rm 326A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6252 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
13 Prof WISE Helen Rm 309A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6849 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
14 Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney Rm 606A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6796 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39

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Name of Teacher Office location Telephone/ Email


1 Prof CHEUNG Wing Tai Rm 404A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6104 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
2 Prof CHENG Hoi Ki Christopher Rm 604A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6801 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
3 Prof FENG Bo Rm 105A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 1455 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
4 Prof FUNG Kwok Pui Rm 509A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6873 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
5 Dr HWANG Shui Shan Isabel Rm 612E (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6795 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
6 Prof KO Wing Hung Rm 607A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6781 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
7 Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce Rm 612F (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6817 /
Assistant Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
8 Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann Rm 612G (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1392 /
(Course Coordinator) Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
9 Dr LEE Kit Ying Rebecca Rm 612G (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1380 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
10 Prof LEE Tin Lap Rm 622A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 4436 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
11 Prof MAK King Lun Kingston Rm 125A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 4497 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
12 Prof NG Tzi Bun Rm 205A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6872 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
13 Dr POON Hong Kit Sam Rm 612D (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1226 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
14 Prof TSUI Kwok Wing Stephen Rm 524A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6381 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
15 Prof WAN Chi Cheong David Rm 326A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6252 /
Associate Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
16 Prof WAYE Miu Yee Mary Rm 324A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6874 /
Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
17 Dr WONG Wai Kai Rm 612I (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 5769 /
Assistant Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
18 Prof YU Siu Bun Sidney Rm 606A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 6796 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39


1 Dr LAM Shi Ying Joyce Rm 612F (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6817 /
Assistant Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
2 Dr POON Hong Kit Sam Rm 612D (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 1226 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
3 Dr TANG Mei Kuen Florence Rm 612E (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 6836 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
4 Dr WAI Sen Mun Maria Rm 612F (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 5768 /
Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
5 Prof WAN Chao Rm 128A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 4494 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
6 Dr WONG Wai Kai Rm 612I (through Rm 612), Choh Ming Li Basic 3943 5769 /
Assistant Lecturer Medical Sciences Building
7 Prof ZHAO Hui Rm 620A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical 3943 1344 /
Assistant Professor Sciences Building, Area 39
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12. Academic honesty and plagiarism

Honesty in examinations and academic work submitted by students is of very high importance in this course.
According to the University guideline on “Honesty in Academic Work”, it states that the University “……adopts a
policy of zero tolerance on cheating in examinations and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to
disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University……”
[CUHK “Honesty in Academic Work: A Guide for Students and Teachers” (August 2013).]

Students should read the University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary
guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at

/23 Dec 2013

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