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Mateo Benitez, Sebastian Araujo, Ronald Celin, Omar Hatem


Bibliographic Information

 Author(s) of article: EUGENE RABKIN

 Title of article: An Enlightened Post-Pandemic Consumer? Don’t Count on It.

 Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article:
 Date article was published and page number: APRIL 15, 2020

Summary Information

 Briefly state the main argument presented in this article (be sure to list premise AND

The main argument that this author talks about is the contradiction of the forecast given, which says
that due to quarantine and economic problems in many families people will stop spending money on
luxury brands and focus on sustainability and economy, Going from shopping in stores like Louis
Vuitton and Christian Dior to buying handmade clothing and less recognized brands in the market.

The conclusion of this premise affirms that the world has already gone through an economic crisis
before and has known how to get ahead, it also tells us that after returning to economic stability,
people will spend their money on brand-name clothes and luxury things. that always follow the same

 Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article:

The population after this pandemic passes will buy clothes again in luxurious stores and of
recognized brands in the textile industry, since these clothes represent something else in them such
as greatness and being able to say "I have this and you don't."

Reflection and Analysis

 What was the most surprising/interesting idea in this article?

The most impressive idea of this article is how the population can return to their old habits as if
nothing had happened as it happened in 2008.

 What question(s) do you have after reading this article? If you were doing a follow-up
article, which questions would you answer?
 How long will society be back to as before?
 After all this happens, how can we be sure that it will be the same as before?

 Does the perspective presented by this author different from the mainstream narrative?
How so?

The perspective presented by the author I think is a little different from that presented by the narrative
since it tells us that the population will change their habits after this pandemic and what the author
presents to us in the article is that the population will always return to their old habits by first finding

 Do you think the author effectively establishes her/his argument? Are there any
conclusions that are lacking a premise or sufficient evidence? Explain.

I think that the author establishes his argument precisely and with an evidence that for many is not
enough to be completely sure that the return to the old habits will happen again.

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