Part 1 - General Questions About Yourself and Everyday Situations PDF

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IELTS SPEAKING MODULE 185 Part 1—General Questions About Yourself and TT EOS ‘The examiner will ask you a few questions on two or three topics. You may be asked to talk about your family, food, school, work, neighborhood, your home town, or other similar topics. Everyday Vocabulary STRATEGY 1. Know the vocabulary to talk about yourself and everyday situations, Tre Don't give short answers, Give one or two sentence answers. Don't memorize answers. Knowing nouns and adjectives for each of the topics will be very helpful G@) PRACTICE 1 (answers on page 244) * ' Listen to these JELTS test takers answer the examiner's questions. Write the missing words in the ‘blanks, Then write your own answer to the examiner's question. Family Question 1: Tell me something about your family. VT haVE a snnennnnise family. There is my mother and father, Plus | have two brothers and a .. coon Sister. 2 thavea family, just me and my mother and father. But my and aunts and sossnnennnn Ve Wey Nearby, SO we seem like a .... ose fly 3 I recently got married, and my and | live alone in a small apartment. But her live nearby, and she has l0ts Of v.crsnenseenns « SNE IS VEY srrnnnerenene 10 HOE family. 4 Ihave a brother. He is my only sibling, so ours is a family. Most of our relatives live in another city, so we don't see them often. We have some . cousins, who live near us, but | don't know them well 5 YOU: Question 2: What do you enjoy doing with your family? 1 My brothers and sisters and | all enjoy ....nnssnnnnnnny $0 WE Spend a lot of time playing soccer and tennis together. Also, we usually ‘our cousins every weekend and have a big with them. i) = 2) fa) fe) b> iv) Zz “s ¢ rt) a wn i) a =. a fe} ba [U) 4 x ft i} Co 7) 186 IELTS STRATEGIES AND TIPS 2 Weal lke to in our family, and we really enjoy Books together. ‘We don't always have the same 1» about books, 50 we argue a lot. It may sound . but we think thats really fun 2 We usually take a big family ncn sennee OVETY SUMMEL WE orc .. a big house at the beach and .. . all our cousins to stay with us. 4 Unfortunately, | am usually too . to spend much time with my family because of my job. But | visit my parents when I can. My mother ......:c.ununs.a hige dinner for me, and we sit around ANY rneneeeneee ABOUT things. I's quiet and 5 YOU: Question 3: Do you prefer spending time with your family or with friends? 1 like spending time with both family and friends. But to tell the truth, I have more ... - with my friends. My friends and | alotot That's why they're my friends, 2 Ihave a new - 80 1 donit have much time for friends. He takes most of my ..Fornow, my friends are my... and my son. That’. with me, 3 really enjoy spending time with my family. My brothers and sisters and | enjoy many of the same We have a lot 4 | have a lot of friends, and | enjoy spending time with them. We go out together in large My friends are with my friends than I do with my family, a large family t0 MEV nennnnn better 5 YOU: Food Question 1: What kinds of food do you prefer to eat? a . all kinds of food. | especially ike .. sence FOM Countries. | always enjoy trying food that is new and 2 LKE tHe. esnnnnsenne MY Mother COOKS, She COOKS f00d that is... .in our county. HS PeAlly a sensnsnnnnnenns « NOBODY COOKS aS .. soe 8 my Mother does. 3 lama + 80 | never eat meat. | prefer f00d that's wcnwenemmnreees with vegetables. | eat a lot of too. IELTS SPEAKING MODULE 187 And | love .. 4 I generally prefer o eat beet or. se With Tike anything that's ....-nnsnmnens «almost never eat 5 YOU: Question 2: Do you usually eat at home or at restaurants? 1 | almost always eat at restaurants because | am . - When | have to work late, which is often, | usually buy a 0 eat in the office. That's my dinner. all day. | always have ata. 2 always eat and at home, and | eat lunch at home, too, when | CN. BUE OR saseeiesnmnmnmnen |OfEN GO t0 restaurants with my friends. 3 usually eat at home because i's 100 «nnn 10 @at at restaurants. | only . ‘a meal at a restaurant when iS @ sn .- for example, someone's birthday. 4 eat at home because It'S MOTE. nnnnnnnnnnne «| have three children, so its easier for us to eat at home. Also, there aren't many good restaurants in my ... | think the food we eat at home... sone Deter. 5 You: Question 3: What is your favorite restaurant? 1 My favorite restaurant is a small place near my house. It . I's a great place to go for an afternoon ...... nn meet my friends there. 2 There 18 @ VEY cecennnnn restaurant downtown that has French food. | had my ...dinner there last year. The .... --uu fe high, 80 | carit go there very often, but I really like it 3 | lke to go to a ... . restaurant near my school. | don't usually have a lot of time for lunch s0 ifs a good place for me. | can get @ vinunmmnnennnen OF @ Sandwich there and eat it Irs , t00. 4 My favorite restaurant is a .... restaurant near my house. | lke it because | like {thas lots of other kinds of food on the ... to0. 5 YOU: wi a =) fa) fo} = e) Zz x < i} Cy a ir) eal] > fa) fe} ba fu} Zz ns < ry om wn 188 IELTS STRATEGIES ANO TIPS Hometown Question 1; Tell me something about your hometown. 1 My hometown is very and ovcnvenenne « We only have a few stores and fone movie theater. Its a place to live, but it isnt very . The is small, 60 everyone knows everyone else. 2 Icome trom a city. Its a very place, The streets are aways Alotot people live and work there. 3° My hometown is in the .ccnnnnnnnees « There is a lot of beautiful... around 18, $0 msn HIKE 10 visit. Its a . .Sized city, but during the summer it up with visitors. 4 Lome from a... Outside a large city. I's a _---w- plage, but there isn’t much to do there, Everybody goes to the city to 1 OF TOOK fF 5 YOU: Question 2: What do you like about your hometown? 1 People come from all Over the nnn Yo Work AN ones in my city. You can always interesting people there. | really lke that. 2 My 10WN IS A VEFY hnnnnnnnnsnnnn Plage, There are lots of gardens and .... Inthe spring, it's very when all the flowers bloom. In fact, my town is forts flowers. 3 There are a lot of for both work and study in my hometown. We have several vous Also, since its a big city, there are a lot of fon NE it's to find a job. 4 My townis a very quiet and nn place. That's why is a good place to . a family, There is very lite .. in my town, 5 YOU: ‘Question 3: What is something you dont like about your hometown? 1 Mytown can be a very... place to be. There aren't many things to do there. Everything is always the seve « Nothing ever IELTS SPEAKING MODULE 189, 2 I come from a big city, and there is a lot of on the streets. Because of that, the streets ate aIWAYS nnn ,,and the air is... . | don't really like that, but | guess it's the same in every big city in the world, 3 My hometown is in a very Cold...» very. «I think | would We have long, dark 10 live in a. ...Itean get Place. -Itcosts a 4 Everything in my hometown is very Itcosts a lot to rent an . ot to buy f00d OF 10 Fide the «cesses ef YOU don't have a good job, you cant... to live there. 5 YO School Question 1: What was your high schoo! like? 1 Iwent toa very small high school. When | Because the school was so small, we didn't study a large .. .. teachers, and { leamed a lot from thern. .» there were only forty students in my class. ..f subjects, However, | had some very . 2 My high schoo! was ... We had a good 3 I went to an .. high school. I'm sure it was like most other high schools. We studied the . subjects and did the same kinds of ... that high schoo! students do everywhere. | was on the team, and | was a member of the computer seen The classrooms were always . program, and | played on several ... 4 My high school was in a .... beautil.... ones AM @ LAG science classes. It was a great place to go to school. 1 building. Everything in the school was new. We had a We had all new .. for our 5 YOU: ‘Question 2: What was your favorite subject in high school? 1 really enjoyed my ...ceeccennnn C1888. I'VE alWayS TiKEM ncneseeecenny ANG | think biology is _ interesting. | liked learning about .. 6G sn 2 Lalwaysliked Vm not a very . classes best. | took an art class every year | was in high school, Maybe . artist, but | enjoy painting and and things like that. ws sa 2 a fo} bs cu) va x < int} a 7) w pa =) a fe} bs 9 4 ws < in) a wn 190 IELTS STRATEGIES AND TIPS, 3 fees WAS nse . my favorite subject in high school. | wasn't the ssssmmnnnnnnnee Student in this subject. In fact, it has always been .... for me, but | like it anyhow. 4 Wiked studying a lot. | think its the most -nssuneu Subject. | stil read about itoften. | lke .. about how things were in the ... 5 YOU: Question 3: What advice do you have for high school students today? 1 They should ....... soe hard, of Course, aNd jt their teachers. What students learn in high school is very important for the , $0 they should take it 2 | think high school students should remember to enjoy their sooneees When they ese .-- they will have a lot of .... 180 they SROUIG ....sssnnnnnees GURAG their high school years. 3 High school students... to start thinking about their future... They should study subjects that will help them later on at the .. ... nd in their jobs. High school is atime to for the future. 4 I think high school students should study a lot of different sos They need to ‘what things interest them. The only way to know is to .... one different things. 5 YOU: Transportation ‘Question 1: What is transportation like in your city or town? 1 Ive in a big city, so we have a lot of .... and ... .. People also ee thelr cars, ut the trio oneness SIOWY because the streets are so crowded, 2 live ina small town, and we don't have any s+ fansportation. People usually drive their own... -We have a .. but that’s for travel 3 In My City, People USUAY a enesnnnnee tHE BUS OF USE their cars. Also, a lot of people ride ‘We have special bicycle ...on some of the bigger streets. IELTS SPEAKING MODULE 191 4 We have a lot of transportation Jeconnnnane i My City. We have subways and buses and you live and work downtown, YOU CAM nse everywhere you need to go. Our downtown ..... cnn F@ always BUSY. 5 YOU: Question 2: How do you usually get to school or work? 1 usually drive to school because my SchOOl iS ....s:snnnen ffm my house, It me about an hour to get there. | usually to some of my classmates, so the trip isnt boring 2 take the subway to work, The .. Is ADOUL a 2M. sssstneenanne WANK FTO My apart ment. It's very 3 always walk t0 SChOOI. It akeS ....cns-nnnneesee AF OUF. Its a ood way to get sy but | have to leave my house early in order to get to school ... 4 ride the bus to work, The .. i very close to my house. | have to to another bus downtown, 5 YOU: Question 3: Are there any problems with your transportation to school or work? 1 My biggest problem is that | have to a lot of money to put in my car. Also, it takes a long time to get to school from my house. But the only .... ...t0 those Problems would be to find an apartment .....nensnrssnee 10 MY SChOOI. 2 | don't really have any problems with taking the subway. It's very ........ The only thing is that the SUBWAY «cine iS high, and it costs more during 3. I dont have any problems with to school. | really enjoy itt takes a long time, but P dont on For me, its 4 The biggest problems with transportation in my city i the «ne It takes a long time to . anywhere because of that, It doesnit matter if you .... the bus or a car. Trafic is always a problem. uw ee =) a fo} ba tu} r 4 4 < w oa ) fr) i 2 fa) co} by tv} z x 4 it) a Oy 192 IELTS STRATEGIES AND TIPS Weather Question 1: What is the weather like in your city or town? 1 In my town we have four... Weems BOL, OM VERY sence between, | 80 the weather .. sou ON the time of year. fo LOVELY sasnstttsnieneey and everything in 2 Sliveina part of the world, so the weather is always in my city. We have two seasons—.... and .. sen _ During the rainy season, it rains in the afternoons, but the mornings are usually 3° My city is in the far north, so we have . weather. The arentt cold, but they are very short. The ... are long, and we get a lot of... 4 We have a very wn .-wo« limate in my town. The weather is usually... The -- Never gets too high or t00 low. Question 2: What do you like to do when the weather is rainy? 1 Love rainy weather. | like to make a hot cup of... land get a good book and sit by the «listening to the. ..-0n the glass. BMC ocnnnn when the weather is rainy. Everything seems gray and ....ncunnnennen and | don't like to do anything when it rains. | just... that the weather wil. 1 $00N. 3° This may sound funny, but 1 like t0 90... when it rains. | like to feel the rain .. on me, and J like to walk through the 7 But, if it's raining , I stay 4 I donit do anything nnn vow about it, except it there's a big W there's and lightning, | feel 1 don't like that at al, in rainy weather, | dont ..... 5 YOU: Question 3: What kind of climate would you preter to live in? 1 I would love to live where the is always, because | don't like to feel | like to go outside every day and enjoy the IELTS SPEAKING MODULE 193 2 I would like to live in a place that has a winter with of snow. Thats because | love to ‘80 I'd like to live where | could do them easily. | enjoy all winter 3 | like living in a place that has four seasons. Each one something different. and are very pretty times of year. Summer always has je Weather. | even tke the .....0..ee00 ad snow in the winter. 4A OMT KE ocssmmnnnnen Jays, 801 would like to live in a dry climate, maybe even near a I'd like to live in a place where the sun always and there are EVER ANY ones in the sky. 5 You: Exercise Question 1: What kinds of physical exercise do you like to do? 1 I play soccer, so thats the main way | exercise. | also try to at least a few times a week to for soccer. 2 Vike t0 Fide MY on , but | dontt do it very often. | also play sometimes when I can find someone to play with. | guess I'm not a Very... person. 3 I like to at the gym, Thats MY wnsnnnnnnne WAY t0 exercise. Sometimes | , also, but the at the gym is often crowded and | dont like that. 4 Lenjoy snes AKG C1A8S0S, ANG 1 ASO oon at home. Its a good way to up your 5 Question 2: What kind of exercise did you do when you were younger? 1 When I was in school, | on several different sports oe +L eally enjoyed . sports then. | a lot more exercise then than | do now. 21 walk to school every day when | was younger. In addition, | ..rnrnnnnsseseees OF nis . and | also played volleyball. | had a lot of then. 3° I played... ‘alot when | was younger. | wasnt very it, but | really liked it. | always good time, even it my team lost. w a = fa) fo} >» °o ra x ¢ rt} a a) 194 IELTS STRATEGIES AND TIPS. 4 When | was a child, | spent a lot of time outside with my friends. We didn't do any .. kinds of exercise. We just played a lot of diferent games. We seems NE allot as part of our games. 5 YOU: Question 3: Is exercise important to you? Why or why not? 11 think iS important to @xeICIS2 nnn Unfortunately, 1 dont exercise often ... Lalways fee! better after exercise, but | get nu. .»« about it sometimes. 2 | try to exercise every day. It's really important for my , t00. | think that’s the reason why | am almost never ... ves tty to eat a good 3. I think exercise is good, but | am usually. and when I do have time, | prefer to sofort. don'thave a lot of . 4 I don't ike exercise at all. | just think its really soa «ean think of lots of better ways to ven time. | would 90 to the movies or be with my friends, for example. rt) 4 = a fe} Pa te) z x < ir) Ca co

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