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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code | 64198


Second Semester

Thermal Engineering


@egulations 2013)
Time : Three hours Maximum: 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PARTA-(10 x2= 20marks)

1. Differentiate workable and optimum systems

2. What do you mean by gradient present worth factor?

3. Why mathematical modelling needed. in design of thermal system?

4. Draw information flow diagram of centrifugal pump.

5. What is namography?

6. What is deterministic and stochastic simulation?

7. What are the levels of optimization?

8. What are inequality constraints?


9. In what situation is dynamic analysis is important?

10. What are feedback control loops?

PARTB-(5x 16=80marks)
11. (a) With a suitable example discuss the different steps in arriving at a
workable system.

(b) An owner-manager firm of rental office buildings has a choice of buying
building A and building B with the intent of operating the building for 5
years and then selling it. Building A is in an improving location, so that
the expected value is to be 20 percent higher in 5 years, while building B
is in a declining neighbourhood, with an excepted drop in value of 10
percent in 5 years. Other data applicable to these buildings are shown in
Table 1. What will be the rate of return on each building?

T a ble Econ omlc data for problem 1lb

Building A Buiiding B
First cost Rs. 52012000 Rs. 39009000
Annual income from rent Rs. 10402400 Rs. 10077325

Annual operating and maintenance cost RS.4746095 RS.50300

Anticipated selling price RS.62414400 RS.35108100

L2. (a) Manufacturers of cooling towers often present catalog data showing the
outlet-water temperature as a function of the wet-bulb temperature of
the ambient air and the range. The range is the difference between the
inlet and outlet temperatures of water. In Table.2 for example, when the
wet bulb temperature is 20oC and the range is 10oC, the temperature of
Ieaving water is 25.9 DC, and so the temperature of the entering water is
25.9 +10 = 35.9oC. Express the outlet-water temperature T IN Table.2 as
a function of wet-bulb temperature (WBT) and range R.

Tab1e 2: Outlet- water te m rature, "C, of cooli n tow er for problem lZa.

Range, "C 20 23 26

10 25.9 27.5 29.4

16 27.0 28.4 30.2

22 28.4 29.6 31.3

(b) The operating point of a fan-and-duct system is to be determined. The
equations for the tow components are

Duct: SP = 80+10.73qrs

Fan: Q=15 (73.5 x 10'6)SP2

Where SP=static pressure, Pa

Q = airflow rate, m8/s

llse successive substitution to solve for the operating point, choosing as

trial values SP = 200 Fa or Q=359 P..

13. (a) A flow rate of 0.8 kg/s of water is heated in a heat exchanger by
condensing steam at 100"C. when water enters at 15oC, it leaves the heat
exchanger at 62'C.If the inlet water temperature were changed to 20"C
whiie its flow rate and the condensing temperature remained constant,
what would its outlet temperature be?
(b) In a processing plant a material must be heated from 20 to 80oc in order
for the desired reaction to proceed, whereupon the material is cooled in a
regenerative heat exchanger, as shown in Fig.13(b). The specific heat of
the material before and after the reaction is 3.0 kJ/(kg.K). If the UA of
theis counter flow regenerative heat exchanger is 2.1 kWiK and the flow
rate is L.2kgls, what is the temperature t leaving the heat exchanger?

tLrr crciIl8sr

Figure. 13(b). Regenerative heat exchanger in Prob.13(b).

L4. (a) A pair of pumps is available to fill a tank from a constant-level reservoir,
as shown in Fig.l4(a). The pumps may be operated individually or
together, and the objective is to fill the tank using a minimum total
amount of energy. The pump characteristics (head-flow rate) are shown
on the graph, and both pumps have the same effi.ciency as a function of
flow rate. State clearly the mode of operation of the pumps over the
entire filling process that results in minimum total energy.



:X so

hact' OItdxO

Figure. 14(a) Combination of pumps.


(b) Two heat exchangers in a circulating water loop, as shown in Fig.14(b),
transfer heat from a fluid condensing at 80'C to a fluid boiling at 20"C.
The required rate of heat transfer is 65 kW, the U value of both heat
exchangers is 0.03 kW(m2.K), the first cost of the heat exchangers is
Rs.5181/m2 of heat transfer area, and the present worth of the lifetime
pumping cost is Rs 777180. Develop the objective function for the total
present cost of the system along with any constraint equation(s).

tfC rW 20"C vrpoe

*Er. c, r tl-t!

lr. m2 it, mt

tlr-r llcrr
crhm3rr t crchrn3er 2

tfCl{Eid zfe $$tid

Figure.14(b) Heat exchanger Loop.

15. (a) Illustrate with an example how to translate the physical situation into a
block diagram.


(b) Explain a system with one dynamic element in refrigeration plant

serving a cold room.

4 64198

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