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“Assignment for Final Assessment”

Prepared For:

Kaniz Fatema

Department of English

East West University

Prepared By:

Name ID
Tosiba Hossain Dolon 2017-2-43-008

Course: English 207: Psycholinguistic (Sec: 01)

Answer to the question no: 1

Rinvi is a little girl of 5 years old. She loves to play alone because she does not have any sibling.
She loves to spend her time with her toys and also loves to sleep and eat with them. So in the
first conversation Rinvi’s mother tries to set up her for first day at school. According to the
psycholinguistic theories the conversation between mother and daughter was preoperational
period. This stage lasts from about to seven years of age. During this stage children get better at
symbolic thought but they can’t yet reason. According to Piaget kids aren’t fit for discussion
during this stage. There are three weakness in the preoperational stage. Piaget called this
weakness centration, Irreversibility and Egocentrism. Among them Rinvi is on the stage of
Egocentrism. Egocentrism is the inability to take someone else’s point of view. Animism or the
belief that even inanimate objects are living. Rinvi loves her toys monkey and Parrot. She
addressed them as her friend. When her mother told her that when she will go to her school she
will find more friends. But Rinvi denied and said that parrot and monkey are her friend. That
implies that she thinks that her toy parrot and monkey have life like human being. She belief that
even inanimate objects are living. She thinks that they are alive.

Answer to the question no: 2

In the second conversation between Rinvi and her class teacher was positive reinforcement
according to the psycholinguistics theories. Positive reinforcement is the addition of a reward
following a desired behavior with the purpose of increasing the likehood the behavior will occur
again. When a positive outcome or reward occurs after an action that particular response will be
reinforced. In the second conversation Rinvi’s teacher was asking some questions to her. Rinvi
was answering her smoothly. She responded every question of her teacher and that is positive
reinforcement. Rinvi was answering what she is capable to answer. When a child misbehaves,
reward might be the last thing on our mind. But positive reinforcement can be one of the most
effective techniques. We can use positive reinforcement to encourage prosaically behaviors.
Positive reinforcement can also be an effective way to encourage child to be responsible
motivate them to do chores or complete their homework assignments without arguing. Kids who
receive positive reinforcement for their good work motivated to keep working hard. So, it’s
important to reward the behavior we want to see more often. As Rinvi answered all the question
that her teacher asked her teacher rewarded her some chocolates. Reward can inspire children. If
they did better than last time we should let them know that we notice. We should use positive
reinforcement to encourage any behaviors that we want our child to repeat. The more often we
can offer praise, the more motivated they will be to repeat the behavior.
Answer to the question no: 3
In the third conversation when Rinvi meet with her mother after school. Her mother asked her
how was her first day at school. And they had little conversation. According to psycholinguistic
theories the conversation between mother and daughter was Rinvi’s over regularization and her
mother’s slip of tongue. Ban over regularization is the child’s use of a regular morpheme in a
word that is irregular. The acquisition of irregular. The acquisition of irregular verbs typically
three stages. First the child uses the word correctly second the child over regularizes the word.
Finally the irregular form reappears. It appears that children analyze linguistic forms that were
previously unanalyzed. In the conversation rinvi said “gived” was initially learned rote, not as an
instance of an irregular past tense verb but simply as a single lexical item. There are two theories
abot how children acquire over regularizations. The rule and memory model assumes that
children have access to rule that says roughly to from the past tense add-ed to any verb as Rinvi
did. Children have stored past tense forms of irregular verb in memory finally the model assumes
that a stored irregular forms takes precedence over the rule. Hence, gave blocks give. Over
regularization occurs only if no stored irregular form is found. On the other hand Rinvi’s mother
had slip of tongue during the conversation “I danced in my class, and everyone slapped…. Sorry
clapped.” Slip of tongue are almost inevitable. For every 1000 words spoken, we make one or
two errors. Slip of tongue can be either conscious or unconscious. According to Sigmund Freud,
slip of the tongue reveal the thoughts and desires of the unconscious mind. Rinvi’s mother’s slip
of tongue happened unconsciously.

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