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Brittany Ort

EDU 320
Dr. Reister
May 1, 2020
Text Set Annotated Bibliography

The Ultimate Book of Sharks

1. Skerry, B., Carney, E., & Flynn, S.W. (2018). The ultimate book of sharks. Washington, D.C.:
National Geographic.

2. Grade Level: 4-7 Grade

Age: 9-12 Years
Content Area: English Language Arts and Science
Genre: Nonfiction Informational

3. For this book, I would introduce the book by having students complete the Shark Fact or
Fiction worksheet. During this activity, students could have their prior knowledge activated and
also increase their interest in the material they will be studying. After students complete the
Shark Fact or Fiction worksheet, I would go through the correct answers for the worksheet.
Then, the students would have an opportunity to look through The Ultimate Book of Sharks. It
could be helpful for teachers to have a couple copies of this book. I would use this book to go
over a couple species of sharks, review shark anatomy, share locations of sharks, and go through
some more shark myths.

4. This informational nonfiction book gives the reader an in depth overview of several species of
sharks. The author examines shark anatomy, shark myths, locations of sharks, fossils of sharks,
various shark species, and the conservation efforts for sharks. Readers are able to view various
high quality images and descriptions of each shark mentioned within the book. While reading
this book, readers will come to a greater awareness of the complex lives of sharks through this
in-depth student informational text.

5. As a follow-up activity, I would have the students choose one type of shark and create an
infographic about the shark. The infographic would include a drawing or image of the shark,
length, color, diet, habitat, and geographical location of the shark. This infographic could be
shared with the rest of the class and parents to show what the students have learned about sharks
during this activity. These infographics could be shared with family or community members to
let them know what activities the students are completing in the classroom.
Surrounded by Sharks

1. Northrop, M. (2014). Surrounded by sharks. Scholastic Inc.

2. Grade Level: 4-7 Grade

Age: 9-12 Years
Content Area: English Language Arts and Science
Genre: Realistic Fiction

3. Before reading this book, students will complete an Anticipation Guide which lists several true
or false questions which relate to the book, Surrounded by Sharks. This anticipation guide will
help students reflect on the information and events they will be reading about in the book. Once
the students have completed the anticipation guide, they will begin reading the book on their
own. Teachers can also have students read the book in small groups, with partners, or as a whole
class while each student follows along with the reading.

4. While Davey is on a family vacation in Florida, he awoke early in the morning and decided to
head out to the ocean before his family awoke. Davey started walking out into the ocean. At one
point, he tried to turn back but the currents and waves were too strong which meant he was stuck
out in the sea. When Davey’s parents awoke, they discovered that he was gone. They were
initially concerned and began looking for him, but after a while they calmly continued searching
since they figured he was safely reading somewhere on the island. All throughout the day, Davey
continued to use up his remaining strength trying to stay above the water since he was caught in
the currents out in the sea. At one point, Davey notices something circling in the water beneath
him. Davey anxiously awaited his rescue and the discovery of the creature which circled beneath

5. After students have read the book, they will complete the after reading portion of the
Anticipation Guide. This will help students reflect on the information they read. Students should
share their initial responses and ending responses with their peers to determine how their
educated guesses changed after reading the book, Surrounded by Sharks. After students complete
the Anticipation Guide the class could also have a discussion about the changes in their
responses or initial reactions after reading the book. This is also an opportunity for the students
to practice comparisons as they reflect upon their changes or similarities in their answers.
Sharks: Nature's Perfect Hunter

1. Flood, J. (2018). Sharks: Nature’s perfect hunter. New York, NY: First Second.

2. Grade Level: 4-8 Grade

Age: 9-13 Years
Content Area: English Language Arts and Science
Genre: Graphic Novel

3. Before reading the Graphic Novel the students will complete the Graffiti Strategy as they
answer several questions related to the topic of sharks. Students will be grouped together based
on a pre-assigned number. These groups will work together to create a graffiti strip. The teacher
will ask a question and the students will answer by writing their group answer as graffiti on a
piece of paper. All of the answers will be displayed on the same piece of paper which will allow
each groups’ paper to be presented and displayed in front of the class. After this activity, the
students will read the book, Sharks: Nature’s Perfect Hunter.

4. Many people believe sharks are a terrifying creature. This idea fills people with fascination
and fear of sharks. Throughout this book, the amazing features and species of sharks are
examined. The myths, information, and legends of sharks are examined through the comics
displayed in this book. Readers will learn about the amazing features of sharks while examining
the truths and myths about these creatures. There is also a glossary provided for readers so they
can develop a more concrete understanding of sharks.

5. Students will complete the List-Group-Label Strategy as a closing activity for this book. This
allows students to group together and make connections between concepts in the book they read.
Students will work individually to create a list of words related to the topic of sharks. After this,
students will be randomly grouped together to group their lists of words. Finally, each group will
come up with a label for their created groups of words. The teacher could have the students share
their lists with the class and discuss their reasoning for each of their created groups of words.
Bethany Hamilton: She Dared

1. Walsh, J.L. (2019). Bethany Hamilton: She dared. Scholastic Inc.

2. Grade Level: 3-7 Grade

Age: 8-12 Years
Content Area: English Language Arts and Social Studies
Genre: Biography

3. Before students read this book, they will be given a map of Hawaii. Students will use the map
to learn about the state of Hawaii. During this opening activity, students will research the major
cities, names of the islands, major volcanoes, surrounding ocean, and major landmarks or
attractions in Hawaii. The students will create a map key for their labeled locations. After
students complete their maps, they will read the book, Bethany Hamilton: She Dared. As they
read, they should add any beaches, cities, or locations mentioned in the book to their map. If this
activity was used as part of a unit for sharks, students could also add different species of sharks
which are found around the state of Hawaii.

4. Bethany Hamilton was a young girl who grew up surfing in Hawaii. One day she woke up
early in the morning in order to head to her favorite beach and get some surfing in on her day off
of school. While she was out in the water, an unexpected event occurred when a tiger shark
suddenly attacked. During this event, Bethany lost her left arm. Bethany discusses the events of
the day of the shark attack and how she overcomes her fear in order to surf again. Bethany must
learn how to balance on the surfboard again in order to continue competing in surfing

5. Students will complete a Story Pyramid about Bethany Hamilton after reading the biography
of her life. The lines of the pyramid go down answering the following prompts: one word
naming the main character, two words describing the main character, three words describing the
setting, four words stating the problem, five words describing the first main event, six words
describing the second main event, seven words describing the third main event, and eight words
stating the solution to the problem. Students will share their finished Story Pyramid with one of
their peers.
The Magic School Bus: The Great Shark Escape

1. Johnston, J. (2000). The magic school bus: The great shark escape. Scholastic Inc.

2. Grade Level: 2-5 Grade

Age: 7-10 Years
Content Area: English Language Arts and Science
Genre: Informational Fiction

3. Before reading the book, students will begin by creating a Story Chain which lists 10 words
found throughout the book. After students have their story chain, they will create a Story
Prediction using these 10 words they have listed. The Story Chain and Story Prediction are part
of the Story Impression Strategy. After students have finished their Story Impressions, they will
read the book, The Magic School Bus: The Great Shark Escape.

4. The students in Miss Frizzle’s class were studying a unit on ocean life. One day Miss Frizzle
walks into class with a dress that is covered with images of sharks. Arnold, a student in the class,
gulps as he realizes where their next field trip will be taking them. The students in Miss Frizzle’s
class take a trip to the deep ocean depths where they discover the characteristics and nature of
several different species of sharks in the ocean. This book includes the student’s reports and
information based on the shark information they discover during the field trip.

5. After reading this book, the class will take a trip to the local aquarium. The students will
observe and record the different aquatic organisms during their self-guided tour of the aquarium.
At the aquarium, the students will find an organism that they would like to write a research
report on. In their report, the students will also include a reflection on what it would have been
like for the students in Miss Frizzle’s class as they explored the ocean depths. This could also
serve as a summative assessment for students as a conclusion to a unit on sharks.
Anticipation Guide
Surrounded by Sharks

Directions: Read the following statements and, in the Before Reading column, place a plus (+) if you
agree with the statement and a minus (-) is you disagree. After reading, Surrounded by Sharks, complete
the After Reading column. Check if any of your responses have changed between the Before Reading and
After Reading columns.
Before Reading Statement After Reading

Davey’s favorite author is Shakespeare.

One threat Davey faces is his parent’s anger.

A riptide pulled Davey far away from shore.

Davey enjoys reading and he headed to the beach

in the morning to read.

When Davey is gone, his family thinks he went


Davey has one younger brother, Brando.

There is a NO SWIMMING sign where Davey

decides to swim at.

While in the water, Davey faces hypothermia,

exhaustion, and sharks.

Davey’s family was visiting Hawaii.

While in the water, Davey’s arm was bit by a

Anticipation Guide
Surrounded by Sharks

Directions: Read the following statements and, in the Before Reading column, place a plus (+) if you
agree with the statement and a minus (-) is you disagree. After reading, Surrounded by Sharks, complete
the After Reading column. Check if any of your responses have changed between the Before Reading and
After Reading columns.
Before Reading Statement After Reading

- Davey’s favorite author is Shakespeare. -

+ One threat Davey faces is his parent’s anger. -

+ A riptide pulled Davey far away from shore. +

+ Davey enjoys reading and he headed to the beach +

in the morning to read.

+ When Davey is gone, his family thinks he went -


- Davey has one younger brother, Brando. +

- There is a NO SWIMMING sign where Davey +

decides to swim at.

+ While in the water, Davey faces hypothermia, +

exhaustion, and sharks.

- Davey’s family was visiting Hawaii. -

- While in the water, Davey’s arm was bit by a -


List-Group-Label Strategy
Sharks: Nature's Perfect Hunter




List-Group-Label Strategy
Sharks: Nature's Perfect Hunter

Whale Shark East Coast Spring Lake

Arctic Jaw Greenland
Dogfish Shark Dorsal Fin Scientists
Catsharks Hammerhead Prey
Fossils Spiral valve Permian Period
Predators Great White Shark
Extinct Electroreception
Cartilage Pacific Ocean


Whale Shark Arctic Cartilage Predators

Dogfish Shark East Coast Jaw Extinct
Catsharks Pacific Ocean Spiral valve Scientists
Hammerhead Spring Lake Electroreception Prey
Great White Shark Greenland Fossils Permian Period


Types of Sharks Parts of Sharks Places Science Words

Whale Shark Arctic Cartilage Predators
Dogfish Shark East Coast Jaw Extinct
Catsharks Pacific Ocean Spiral valve Scientists
Hammerhead Spring Lake Electroreception Prey
Great White Shark Greenland Fossils Permian Period

Story Pyramid
Bethany Hamilton: She Dared
1. One word
naming the
2. Two words
describing the
3. Three words
describing the
4. Four words
stating the
5. Five words
describing the
main event
6. Six words
describing the
second main
7. Seven words
describing the
third main
8. Eight words
stating the
solution to the

Story Pyramid
Bethany Hamilton: She Dared

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