History 1302 Week Two Assignment

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History 1302

Week Two Assignment

Due February 3, 2011

1. ______________________ __________________ was a sham construction

company composed of directors of the Union Pacific Railroad who had milked
the Union Pacific for exorbitant fees in order to line the pockets of the
insiders who controlled both firms.

2. There is no evidence that ___________________ ___________________

_______________ was every involved in the scandals between 1868-9 but his
poor choice of associates and his gullibility earned him widespread criticism.

3. The prototype of all the terrorist groups was organized in Pulaski,

Tennessee, as a social club, with the costumes and secret rituals common to
fraternal groups.

4. One of the reasons that the enforcement acts that were passed during the
Grant administration failed to be as effective as hoped was due to the strong
tradition in the South of states’ ____________________________ and local
_________________________ as well as racial prejudice.

5. President Grant decided not to run in 1876 in part because many

Republicans were not thrilled with a _____________________-
_____________________ President.

6. The Republicans turned to _____________________ ________________

________________________ in the 1876 election who had made a name for
himself as a civil service reformer.

7. The Compromise of 1877 was a deal made by a special congressional

commission on March 2, 1877, to resolve the disputed presidential election
of 1876; Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, who had lost the popular vote, was
declared the winner in exchange for the withdrawal of federal troops from
the South, marking the end of _____________________.

8. The legacy of Radical Reconstruction included the

_____________________________, _______________________________, and
___________________________ amendments.

9. ____________________________ who had nothing to offer the landowner but

their labor, worked the owner’s land in return for supplies and a share of the
crop, generally about half.

10. The postwar South suffered from an acute shortage of

____________________; people had to devise ways to operate without cash.

11. __________________________ had no incentive to take care of farmland by

manuring or rotating crops because it was not their own.

12. The ______________________ included a rising class of lawyers, merchants,

and entrepreneurs who were eager to promote a more diversified economy
based upon the industrial development and railroad expansion.

13. The urge to reduce state expenditures created one of the darkest blots
on the Bourbon record: ____________________ _____________________.

14. In the 1880s, southern politics remained surprisingly open and

______________________, with 64 percent of eligible voters, blacks and whites,
participating in elections.

15. The ultimate achievement of the New South promoters and their allies,
the Bourbons, was that they reconciled _______________________ with
16. __________________ ____ _____________________ was an African American
woman that was instrumental in the formation of the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People in 1909 and also worked to promote
women’s suffrage.

17. Booker T. Washington argued that blacks should first establish an

______________________ _____________________ before striving for social equality.

18. ______________________ ________________________ became the architect for

the twentieth-century civil rights movement.

19. During the second half of the nineteenth century, three-quarters of those
that migrated to the western United States were _____________.

20. The collapse of Radical Republican rule in the South led thousands of
African Americans to move to the western United States in the late 1870s
and early 1880s. These people are referred to as

21. In 1866, Congress passed legislation establishing two “colored” cavalry

units and dispatched them to the western frontier. These men were
nicknamed _____________________ ____________________ by the Indians and
many of these men were Civil War veterans from Louisiana and Kentucky.

22. The 1851 ____________________________ _______________________

_____________________, in which the chiefs of the Plains tribes agreed to
accept definite tribal borders and allow white emigrants to travel on their
trails unmolested, worked for a while, with wagon trains passing safely
through Indian lands and the army building roads and forts without
resistance. Fighting resumed, however, as the emigrants began to encroach
upon Indian lands on the plains rather than merely pass through them.

23. Indians out west were persecuted because they were the last
______________________ to western expansion.
24. A generation of Indian wars virtually ended in 1886 with the capture of
_________________________, a chief of the Chiricahua Apaches, who had fought
white settlers in the Southwest for fifteen years.

25. The demise of the buffalo developed due to overharvesting by white and
Indian hunters as well as _____________________ factors.

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