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Requirements for integration:

1. Laptop with Web LMT software, internet explorer 9 or older version and Java compatible platform.
2. Straight LAN cable RJ45 (for WMPT) boards and in addition, USB to LAN cable for UMPT boards.
3. Configuration files (NodeBCfg.xml) and its compatible board software version (OMCR will provide

Step 1: Obtain and install a copy of the LMT software. It is advisable to have the release 13 and any of the
higher release. The following are LMT software:

ü V200R013C00SPC535_NodeB ( Release 13 LMT)

ü BTS3900 V100R008C00SPC280_NodeB (Release 15 LMT )
ü BTS3900 V100R010C10SPC255_NodeB (Release 17 LMT)
ü BTS3900 V100R012C10SPC330_NodeB ( Release 19 LMT)

Step 2. Launching the Web LMT and setting up the office

Add two offices as follows and ensure that the connection type of the Web LMT's office management is set
from SSL to NORMAL in each case;

ü office1: IP Address (

ü office2: IP Address (

Step 3. IP combinations for Login in to an MPT board

The table below is the general IP combinations for login in to MPT boards.

Web LMT Laptop Lan

MPT Type office IP User Name Password IP address Subnet mask
WMPT admin NodeB
UMPT admin hwbs@com

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However, in addition to the above table, there are some exceptions to these IP combinations. These
exceptions are mostly due to the preconfigured xml file on the MPT and the reset action of an MPT
after the activation of an xml file. The IP combinations in these cases are captured in the table

Web LMT Laptop Lan

MPT Type office IP User Name Password IP address Subnet mask
WMPT admin hwbs@com
WMPT admin NodeB
UMPT admin hwbs@com

Furthermore, the preconfigured software version on an MPT board determines in all cases the
success of login in to an MPT board.

Generally, an MPT board without a software or lower software version can always be logged in
using R13 LMT while MPT board with higher board software versions can be logged in using other
release (R15 is recommended for WMPT)

Step 4. Login in to a WMPT board.

Connect the straight LAN cable to the ETH port on the WMPT board and the other end to the laptop
LAN port. Ensure the board and the Laptop communicates. This can be verified from the Lan activity
status (sent and received packet) or simply ping Enter the other details on the LMT (the
username, the password, the appropriate office and the verification code), no verification code is
needed for R13 LMT.

After a successful LMT login to the board to be configured, select BTS3900 WCDMA
V100R012C10SPC330. We are using R19 LMT in this article

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Step 5. Installing the FTP tool

Next, select, run and install the FTP tool

After a successful installation, launch the ftp (i.e, SFTPServer) from the folder (SFTPServer) created
on the desktop.

The initial FTP password configuration is implemented as shown in table below. You may ignore
this modification of the original password (hwbs@com) for the ftp serve. Just keep in mind the
original password for subsequent configurations.

FTP password config

Original password new password confirm new password
hwbs@com admin123 admin123

Note: in case of UMPT you need a USB to LAN cable that connects to the USB port on the UMPT. The
office IP is and Laptop Lan is However, depending on the preinstalled
board software you can also login directly using on the browser to launch the

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Ensure you have obtained the configuration file (NodeB.xml) of the NodeB to be configured from the
OMCR. By virtue of the software current running on the U2020 server, the neversion of all the
NodeB xml file is BTS3900 V100R012C10SPC330. The rule of thumb is that for a NodeB to be operational
there must be compatibility between the xml nerversion and board software version (SWVERSION). This
implies that the target board software version for all MPT boards is BTS3900_5900 V100R012C10SPC330 (R19
board software)

Step 6: on the LMT, run the following MML commands


As shown above, two different MPT boards are interrogated here (LST SOFTWARE and LST VER).
For the first board, the preinstalled board software in the main area is BTS3900
V100R010C10SPC160 and the application version is R17, hence we proceed to download R19.

On the second board however, the available board software in the main area is BTS3900
V100R008C00SPC280, and the software version is R15. Since our target board application version is
R19 and this particular board is preinstalled with R15 (other boards might be preinstalled
differently), we proceed with downloading R17 and then R19. The hierarchical software path must
be followed in most cases. However, for some boards you can download R19 straight irrespective of
the lower software version preinstalled. It is worth noting that recent boards are preinstalled with
higher versions like R20 or R21, the process of downgrading to R19 is covered in the appendix.

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Step 7; Download the board software version (we will focus on the first board preinstalled with R17)

First, ensure your FTP is correctly configured,


The FTP server IP Address is your laptop LAN IP and the Destination port is always 21

Next, start your FTP. It is a green icon in your task bar.

Ensure the Working directory is set as the

location of the folder on your laptop that
contains the board software version for the
NodeB to be downloaded. Ok the setting and
authenticate appropriately, password is
admin123 (yours might be hwbs@com,
depending on your initial setup as mentioned
under SFTP server installation).

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If your FTP is configured properly and working directory captures the software to be downloaded
only mandatory fields are to be filled.

After a successful download, run LST SOFTWARE again, the downloaded software version must
appear in the standby area. See figure below.

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Step 8. Activating the software.


After a successful activation, the board will restart, the downloaded software version must be in the
main area (LST SOFTWARE) as shown below.

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Step 9: Downloading the xml file (NodeBCfg.xml) via the FTP
Ensure again as done during DLD SOFTWARE that the working directory of the FTP is set at the
location of the xml file (NodeBCfg.xml) saved on the laptop. Here we are downloading
NodeBCfg,xml for UDUN002

Step 10: Activate the CFGFILE


The effect type should be set as IMMEDIATE, the board will restart and thereafter your NodeB is on
Air (provided your transmission link is ok). See appendix for cases where the effect type should be
set to AFTER.

To verify that the activation of the xml file was successful, when you run any
MML command, the first line must show the site ID (+++UDUN002) of the
specific xml file downloaded see below

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Appendix: Configuration Steps of a preconfigured UMPT board

Setting up the Laptop IP

(Note: LMT office IP is

Check board Software and Version (LST SOFTWARE, LST VER)

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Mapping the Target board Software Version (********SPC330) on the FTP Server

Downloading the Target Board Software Version (DLD SOFTWARE)

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Checking a Successful download of the Target Software to the standby Area (LST SOFTWARE)

Mapping the Site XML file, NodeBCfg.xml (USUN009 in this case) on the FTP Server

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Downloading the Site XML file (DLD CFGFILE)

Activationg the Site XML file (ACT CFGFILE)

Note: effect type is set as AFTER

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Activating the Target Software to the Main Area (ACT SOFTWARE)

After a successful activation, change laptop IP (

and LMT office IP ( to login

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Finally, check the site (USUN009) is now configured on the board

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