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Homework Nº3 – Victor Manuel Escobar Restrepo

1. Hello, what is your name?
My name is Victor Manuel Escobar
2. How old are you?
I am twenty one years old
3. Where are you from?
I am Colombian
4. Where do you live?
I live in Medellin
5. What is your cellphone and email?
My cellphone is 3139898334 and my email is
6. What is your occupation?
I am student in the University of Antioquia in the astronomy program in third
7. Which languages do you speak?
I speak Spanish and English
8. Can you speak English well?
I have an intermediate English level.
9. You live in a house or a basement?
I live in a basement in the second floor.
10. Is your home big or small?
My apartment is small.
11. How many people live with you? And how are they?
I live with my mother and my grandparents.
12. How is your neighborhood?
My neighborhood is very beautiful and quite, there is a beautiful park and there
are more restaurants.
13. What do you do in your free time?
I like to read, I like to play videogames, I love to study geology, I go to the gym and
14. Do you have any ability?
Yes, sure
15. What are your ability?
I can cook very well, I can swim, I can play soccer, I am good at math and physic.
16. Can you play the computer well?
Yes, I can.
17. Do you know how to use word and excel?
Yes, I can use word and excel well.
18. Can you work as part of a team?
Yes, I can
19. Do you consider yourself a leader?
I like to think of myself as a leader.
20. How do you define yourself in three words?
I am introverted, intelligent and creative.
21. What is your best adjective or quality?
I am responsible
22. What is your worst adjective or quality?
I am very impatient

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