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The use of telecommunication technologies in

education network

Sakhapov R.L., doctor of technical sciences, professor, Absalyamova S.G., candidate of economic sciences,
Head of Department "Road Construction Machinery" Associate Professor of "Economic Theory"
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Kazan, Russia Kazan, Russia

Abstract – The article reviews the experience of the II. DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
development of global partnership of universities and The department of road construction machinery of
leading world companies in the transition to the modern Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
paradigm of engineering education. Emphasis is placed on actively enlarges partnership both with national and
the study of the use of interactive methods in education, foreign companies, having established on its platform
their role in the organization of online learning, international educational center of transfer of modern
virtualization of learning process. Paper analyzes the best technologies in the field of road construction together with
practices of association of educational institutions with German company Wirtgen, Swedish company Volvo
businesses in the innovation chains and its use for OOO “Ferronordic Machines”, Chinese companies Guilin
improvement of the quality of education. Paper studies the Huali Heavy Industries Co. Ltd, Xugong Construction
implementation of an innovative model of interaction Machinery Group [4].
between educational institutions and businesses in the road-
building cluster.

Keywords – engineering education, global partnership,

integration of universities and business, interactive methods,
telecommunications technology, network learning.

During recent years, technological challenges have
started to be realized by Russian society as principally
important. It is rather difficult to find a person nowadays
who does not agree to the fact that Russia has to pass from
resource-based economy model to innovative one, that the
country is in high need of production modernization, that
it is necessary to form national innovative system.
Currently, higher engineering education is considered
as one of the most important incentives for innovation,
which is indispensable to the ongoing development of the Figure 1. The Scheme of the Department Development.
economy. It’s especially true for institutions of higher
education, combined with business structures
International educational center regularly holds
(corporations, enterprises) in the so-called innovation
chains [5]. international seminars and meetings with leading foreign
specialists for the managers of enterprises of road
Very interesting is the program of interaction with construction industry of Republic of Tatarstan. During
industry «MIPS: Maryland Industrial Partnerships summer practice the best students of road construction
Program» of University of Maryland department visit Wirtgen Group plants such as: Kleeman,
[]. In Russia, Department Hamm, Vogele and Wirtgen. They study structures of
"Road Construction Machinery" of Kazan State modern road building machines, and in practice learn the
University of Architecture and Engineering actively newest technologies of roads laying in Germany, get
develops cooperation with global corporations actively acquainted with the newest methods and ways of their
developing. production.

978-1-4799-7839-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 25-28 February 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV)
Page 14
project engineering, and in international programs and
projects. All these allow forming the environment
favorable for integrative processes in scientific-
educational community. Challenges from developing
technological market have encouraged active formation of
patent portfolio of the department.
Realization of innovative projects is accompanied with
creation of small innovative enterprises. Road building
machines department is working hard on creation of
Technical Park “The Roller”, which will help to increase
innovative activity in the road construction industry, and
create new transfer channels of progressive technologies.



Figure 2. The Scheme of the Center.

Telecommunication technologies and interactive
methods of education are widely used by the department
Road construction machinery department has also for gaining effectiveness of integration processes and
signed an agreement with Chinese Geologic University increasing the quality of education.
(Wuhan) and Xugong Construction Machinery Group
plant about creating a course “Application of Trenchless Formation of student’s portfolio, usage of case-
Technologies in Construction”, aiming at studying and technologies, creation of focus-groups, realization of
practical using of progressive experience. For example, business and role plays, case-study and on-line testing
Xugong Construction Machinery Group has formed a play a significant role among interactive methods. After
classroom on the platform of road building machines practicing abroad, students defend their reports in on-line
department and equipped it with necessary joints and mode, creating participation effect of the host party.
instruments for demonstration aid; and Chinese Geologic The department actively develops education by means
University (Wuhan) sends its specialists in the field of of network resources, which broadens interaction between
trenchless technologies and horizontal directional drilling students and teaching staff, provides dialogue exchange
for holding training and educational seminars and between the participants of the educational process in on-
conferences to exchange experience. line and off-line modes. Synchronous holding of
interactive courses with instructing in on-line mode, as
well as with the further asynchronous discussion, is
actively practiced in the process of teaching.
Consulting Center Scientific research, grants and
investments monitoringСenter Wirtgen Company representatives hold lectures about
Service Сompanies Patenting and intellectual
modern world tendencies in the development of road
property protectionСenter
p construction industry for students and specialists, who
Marketing and Business Incubator
upgrade their skills in the International educational center.
Logistics Center During educational seminars video conferences, round
tables, on-line debates and discussions, forums for
business as well as for informal communication are held
CENTER TECHNOLOGY CENTER both with Russian representatives of road construction
industry and foreign partners.
Improvement of the quality of
Center of
development of
Certification Center
of road machines,
Qualification upgrading courses are constantly held on
advanced road and materials the platform of the department, where exploitation
Improvement of the
engineer’s professional skills
peculiarities of foreign road construction machines of such
Сenter of trials and Тest area companies as Wirtgen, Vogele, Hamm, and Volvo are
Improvement of the teacher’s testing of road
studied, and machines of modern trenchless technologies
professional skills
Center for of horizontal directional drilling are observed. Information
Initial vocational training Сenter of road
technologies and city
collective use
technologies are actively used in this process.
courses road networks
KSUAE has already signed agreements on the network
Center of industrial training
The creation of small enterprises education with the Moscow State Automobile and Road
Technical University (MADI), Karaganda State Technical
University (Kazakhstan), and also plans to attract other
universities, such as Kazan (Volga Region) Federal
Figure 3. The Scheme of the Road Technology University, St. Petersburg State University of Civil
Engineering, etc.
Park «Roller».
During the development of educational programs in the
field of Intelligent Transport Systems it’s also planned to
International educational center supports practice of use the international experience in training specialists of
collaborative participating of higher-education teaching universities of Germany and Italy.
staff in contests for gaining orders for investigations and

978-1-4799-7839-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 25-28 February 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV)
Page 15
Network partnership based on telecommunication
technologies opens: Model Of Networked Learning

x Ability of participating in solving real production Subject Programs

tasks in on-line mode.
x Adjusting of one’s activities to international Interdisciplinary Programs
standards in the educational sphere.
x Ability to get feedback from the consumers of Ad d i t i o n a l C o u r s e s
scientific-educational services.
x Acceleration of the transfer of knowledge and C a s e Te c h n o l o g y
practical experience.
x Training of higher level specialists by access to
new educational and information resources.
Tr a i n i n g An d Te s t S y s t e m s
x Access to new markets of educational services in
the form of distance education.
x Continual renewal of acquired knowledge and
Figure 4. The Scheme of Network Learning.
upgrading of professional qualification by
means of studying multimedia courses.
Online education experience shows that there are at
least four reasons for Russian universities to participate in
The introduction of information technology into the
the implementation of network education:
process of continuing engineering education has led to the
formation of a new individual-oriented paradigm. It is
based on virtualization of the educational process. Today x It allows you to focus on improving the level of
the department is working to create electronic textbooks, development by borrowing the best examples of
electronic reference books and glossaries, coaching and each other;
monitoring software. This assumes widespread use of x It is the proof of the sincerity of the University if
multimedia technology, local and global communications it admits that the other University meets the
network. Unlike the traditional forms of education, the needs of its students better in any aspect;
student can individually select the rhythm of studying,
speed of course, group mates, educational and reference x Competitive partnership creates innovations that
materials. Virtual project-based teams to solve specific could lead to more effective schemes of
production problems are being created. All of this allows educational process;
increasing the level of the professional skills of trained x Networking leads to the formation of a united
engineers. Russian scientific and educational space, which
Realization of the importance of technological will be helpful for Russia’s integration into the
innovations for economic compatibility and national global processes.
safety demands new priorities in engineering education. In
connection with this road building department strengthens Realization of the mentioned above projects supplies
cooperation and interpenetration of fundamental and the department with various groups of resources: material
applied researches, which change the character of resources, i.e. access to unique equipment, financial
engineering education, demanding from an engineer resources, i.e. financial support of innovative projects,
possessing a broader range of key competences than core
learning of engineering disciplines. and immaterial resources, i.e. intellectual property, which
is conveyed in accordance with licensing agreements and
During educational seminars video conferences, round
by using human resources and knowledge.
tables are held both with Russian representatives of road
construction industry and foreign partners, as well as on-
line debates and discussions, forums for business and
informal communication.
At the moment there is an active process of creation of
virtual laboratories. We study the best practices for the Transition of Russian economy to the innovation-based
creation of virtual laboratories in Massachusetts Institute development is impossible without strengthening the
of Technology (STAR (Software Tools for Academics integration between universities and business.
and Researchers) program) [7]. Broadening of integration processes today is impossible
Students and teachers have an opportunity to work on without active application of telecommunication
the basis of a real modern industrial equipment of the best technologies. The usage of them opens new possibilities in
firms with remote access to the test object. During the educational and scientific spheres.
interaction of the university with global companies Thus, road building machines department of Kazan
complicated production problems are being solved and the State University of Architecture and Engineering has
quality of training rises. created the innovative model of cooperation of
educational institutions and private business on mutual
agreed conditions in the frames of the definite road
building cluster. Practical realization of this model has

978-1-4799-7839-7/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 25-28 February 2015, Bangkok, Thailand

2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV)
Page 16
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2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV)
Page 17

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