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3ro A & B

Profs. María Paz Gonzalez & Martina Franquet

NAME: __________________


Today, we are going to start working on writing. In order to do that, you need to open the pdf
file attached in this message (writing).

It’s a personal profile, so, you’ll have to include personal information so the reader gets to
know you better.

Some questions are about your likes and dislikes (the activities you enjoy and the ones that
you don’t). When we use those verbs, we need to remember this:

Verbs like:

 Love
 Like
 Don’t like
 Don’t mind
 Don’t like
 Hate

Can be followed by either:

a. a noun (I love music, I don’t like vegetables)

b. a gerund (a “verb” with –ing) (I love watching Netflix, I don’t mind doing the dishes)


1) Now, take a look at Mandy’s profile and read her writing assignment. Pay attention to
the information she mentions about her.
2) Read the chart “Writing Rules”. Pay attention to punctuation and paragraph
3) Looking at the questions in exercise 4 write your own profile (if possible on a Word
file) and send it to your teacher for the following class.

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