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AUGUST 12, 2020


Chairperson Reese called the meeting, which was held in the Terminal Building Public
Conference Room to order at 6:00 p.m. The Chairperson noted that the meeting is set up
in accordance with the Federal and State guidelines for meetings being held under the
current COVID-19 pandemic. He stated the meeting was being recorded. He asked if there
were comments or questions regarding the procedures and none were heard.


Mr. Phillip H. Bender, Sr.
Mr. Gary R. Folden
Dr. Nicholas P. Mastros
Ms. Lisa A. Naylor
Mr. Brandon K. Reese
Mr. Mark Morelli, Area Resident
Mr. Mark Nelson, Area Resident
Ms. Karen Porter, Area Resident
Ms. Sommer Wilkinson, WTOV News9

The second Public Hearing on the proposed adoption of Airport Zoning Regulations
commenced. Mr. Mark Nelson, 272 County Road 26, Steubenville, OH 43953-7111
addressed the Commission. Mr. Nelson noted he is the Chair of the Board of the Jefferson
Soil and Water Conservation District, Chair of the Steubenville Revitalization Group, and
Vice Chair of the Grand Theater Revitalization Group. He stated on behalf of himself and
the groups he represents, he wanted to thank the Jefferson County Airport Zoning
Commission members for their time, effort, and dedication to developing the Jefferson
County Airport Zoning Regulations. He also stated he is aware of many others who support
the work of this Commission.

Mr. Reese commented that the Zoning Regulation document is very detailed and technical
and took a lot of time to develop. He also stated the Commission members are available
to help clarify any issues that may arise. He continued by stating that this document is
much larger that just addressing the landfill issues, which was the impetus for the Zoning
Regulations. The duty of the Commission is to ensure airport safety. He informed those
in attendance that in the 1990s there was discussion of the need for airport zoning but no
action was taken at that time. In summary, the primary concern of the Airport Zoning
Commission is the safety of the Jefferson County Airport. The Commission focused solely
on what it needed to do for airport safety.

Upon inquiry by Mr. Reese, Mr. Mark Morelli, 3892 County Road 26, Wintersville, OH
43953-7105 stated he attended to better understand the zoning regulation issue and learn
how it may affect his property. His main concern is how the regulations may affect his
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Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission
August 12, 2020

property and will there be a place where zoning regulation questions can be answered.
After hearing the information, he stated he had no concerns or questions. Ms. Karen Porter,
2502 County Road 26, Wintersville, OH 43953-7120 stated her concerns were the same as
Mr. Morelli’s and they have been answered. She had no other comments or questions. In
reply to their concerns, Mr. Reese stated that ultimately, he anticipates the Airport
management will administer the regulations. However, he noted that this Commission only
makes a recommendation to the Jefferson County Airport Zoning Board, which is
comprised of the Jefferson County Commissioners, and that they will have the final
decision on all matters relating to the adoption and administration of the regulations. Mr.
Reese further stated that all current land uses are grandfathered under this regulation and
adoption of this regulation will have no immediate impact. He added that this Commission
worked diligently to balance airport safety issues with property owners’ interests.

Mr. Reese asked that the record reflect the dates of each notice for public input on this
• July 1, 2020, first public hearing, 6:00 p.m. at the Terminal Building, publication
date June 2, 2020 (Proof of publication included in minutes of July 1, 2020)
• July 3, 2020, notice that Commission would accept written comments until July 17,
2020, publication date July 3, 2020 (Proof of publication at the end of these
• August 12, 2020, second public hearing, 6:00 p.m. at the Terminal Building,
publication date July 10, 2020 (Proof of publication at the end of these minutes)

All notices were published in the Herald Star and were placed on the Jefferson County
Airpark website. News 9 was also notified of the public hearings.

Mr. Reese further requested the record reflect there were only three (3) persons attending
the July 1, 2020 public hearing and there were no comments. There were no written
comments received during the open for comments. This public hearing only had three (3)
persons attending with one (1) offering positive comments.

Mr. Reese asked if there were any further comments from those attending or comments
from the Commission members and none were heard.

2020-08-01 Mr. Bender moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the Regular
Meeting of May 18, 2020 and to approve them as presented by Secretary Folden. Dr.
Mastros seconded the motion and it passed upon the following roll call vote of the
Mr. Bender “Aye”
Mr. Folden “Aye”
Dr. Mastros “Aye”
Ms. Naylor “Aye”
Mr. Reese “Aye”

Page 2 of 6
Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission
August 12, 2020

2020-08-02 Mr. Reese moved to waive the reading of the minutes of the Public
Hearing of July 1, 2020 and to approved them as presented by Secretary Folden.
Dr. Mastros seconded the motion and it passed upon the following roll call vote of
the Commission:
Mr. Bender “Aye”
Mr. Folden “Aye”
Dr. Mastros “Aye”
Ms. Naylor “Aye”
Mr. Reese “Aye”

Mr. Reese asked that this record include the following email showing that the Airport’s
Engineering Consultant has reviewed the document and is in agreement with it.

From: Wanamaker, Lance <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 9:32 AM
To: Brandon K. Reese;
Cc: Sigg, Kevin S; Wanamaker, Lance
Subject: Airport Zoning Document
Just wanted to give you a heads up. I had our planner review the document you have for the
airport zoning. She said it was well done and she compared it to some others she had prepared
and it covered everything well. She did fine a spelling issue on page 7 under section 7.
“Discrepancy” was spelled “discreptency”. If you fix that we should be good. She also liked the
exhibits that I prepared and said it covers what we need from an explanation stand point. So we
should be good to go for the meeting tomorrow. I will see you all at the airport at 6. If I can
leave by 7 that would be wonderful as I will be off to Indianapolis following the meeting. Have a
good day. Let me know if you need me to print anything for the meeting as well, besides the
boards. I can bring 11x17 copies of the maps if need be.
Lance Wanamaker, PE, PMP | Associate Vice President
1111 Superior Avenue, Suite 2300 | Cleveland, OH 44114 | [O] 216-776-6629 | [M] (216) 650-
4979 | [F] 216-664-6532 |

2020-08-03 Mr. Reese moved to recommend to the Jefferson County Airport

Zoning Board that they adopt the Jefferson County Airport Zoning Regulation as
prepared by the Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission. Mr. Bender
seconded the motion and it passed upon the following roll call vote of the
Mr. Bender “Aye”
Mr. Folden “Aye”
Dr. Mastros “Aye”
Ms. Naylor “Aye”
Mr. Reese “Aye”

Page 3 of 6
Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission
August 12, 2020

Proof of publication for public comment period.



being sworn, says she is


of THE HERALD-STAR, a newspaper published, and of general circulation in said County

and City, and that the Notice, of which the annexed is a true copy, was published in said

newspaper once on July 3, 2020

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of July, 2020

AMOUNT: $ 26.15
ACCT. # L00787


LEGAL NOTICE The Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed Airport Zoning
Regulations 0nf July 1, 2020. 1f you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to add comments, you may do so until
Friday, July 17, 2020 by sending your written comment to the Jefferson Countv Airpark, Attn: Airport Zoning Commission, 600 Airpark
Drive, Wintersville, OH 43953-9237 or by email to AirZoneComm@Jefferson
7-3, 2020 Adv.

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Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission
August 12, 2020

Proof of publication of notice of second public hearing.



being sworn, says she is


of THE HERALD-STAR, a newspaper published, and of general

circulation in said County and City, and that the Notice, of which the annexed is a
true copy, was published in said newspaper

once on July 10, 2020

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 2020

AMOUNT: $ 44.55

ACCT. # 1200787 NOTARY:

REGULATIONS The Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission will meet in Regular Session and hold a public hearing at the
Jefferson County Airpark, Public Conference Room, 600 Airpark Drive, Wintersville, Ohio on Wednesday, Au gust 12, 2020 at 6:00
p.m. for the purpose of inviting public comments regarding the proposed Jefferson County Airport Zoning Regulations.
Interested persons are invited to attend and voice their opinions on the matter. Information regarding this public hearing and a copy
of the proposed Zoning Regulations may be obtained by contacting the Manager at the Airport at 740-264-5388 Monday — Friday
9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. or by email at
Gary R. Folden

Commission Secretary
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Jefferson County Airport Zoning Commission
August 12, 2020

7-10, 2020Adv

The final report of the Airport Zoning Commission follows these minutes.

2020-08-04 There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr.
Reese moved to adjourn. Ms. Naylor seconded the motion and it passed upon the
following roll call vote of the Commission at 6:16 p.m.
Mr. Bender. “Aye”
Mr. Folden “Aye”
Dr. Mastros “Aye”
Ms. Naylor “Aye”
Mr. Reese “Aye”


Gary R. Folden, Secretary

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Airport Zoning Resolution

Jefferson County Airpark
Wintersville, Ohio




Section 1. Introduction and Resolution ........................................................................................................ 3
Section 2. Authority ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 3. Statement of Purpose and Findings ............................................................................................. 3
Section 4. Short Title ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 5. Applicability .................................................................................................................................. 3
Section 6. Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 3
6.1 Airport. (FAA FAR Sec. 152.3).............................................................................................................. 3
6.2 Airport Elevation. (FAA AC 150/5190-4A) ........................................................................................... 4
6.3 Airport Hazard. (FAA FAR Sec. 152.3) ................................................................................................. 4
6.4 Airport Layout Plan (ALP). (FAA FAR Sec. 152.3)................................................................................. 4
6.5 Airport Overlay Zones. ........................................................................................................................ 4
6.6 Airport Zoning Permit. ........................................................................................................................ 4
6.7 Airspace. .............................................................................................................................................. 4
6.8 Airport Land Use & Height Overlay Zoning Map. ................................................................................ 4
6.9 Approach Slope. (FAR Part 77) ............................................................................................................ 4
6.10 Approach Surface. (FAA AC 150/5190-4A)........................................................................................ 4
6.11 Compatibility. .................................................................................................................................... 5
6.12 Compatible Land Use. ....................................................................................................................... 5
6.13 County. .............................................................................................................................................. 5
6.14 Easement. (FAA AC 5020-1) .............................................................................................................. 5
6.15 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ............................................................................................ 5
6.16 Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR). (FAA FAR) ................................................................................. 5
6.17 Height. ............................................................................................................................................... 5
6.18 Imaginary Surfaces. (FAA FAR Part 77.25) ........................................................................................ 5
6.19 Incompatible Land Use. (FAA FAR Sec. 150.7) .................................................................................. 6
6.20 Land Use Compatibility. .................................................................................................................... 6
6.21 Lighting and Marking of Hazards to Air Navigation. ......................................................................... 6
6.22 Mitigation. ......................................................................................................................................... 6
6.23 Noise Impact. .................................................................................................................................... 6
6.24 Noise Sensitive Area. (FAA AC 91-36D) ............................................................................................. 6
6.25 Non-Conforming Use. (FAA Web site) .............................................................................................. 6
6.26 Object. (FAA AC 150/5300-13) .......................................................................................................... 6
6.27 Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ). (FAA 150/5300-13) ................................................................................. 6
6.28 Obstruction. (FAA AC 150/5190-4A) ................................................................................................. 6
6.29 Overlay Zone. .................................................................................................................................... 6
6.30 Primary Surface. (FAA AC 150/5190-4A)........................................................................................... 6
6.31 Primary Runway. (FAA AC 150/5325-4B) .......................................................................................... 7
6.32 Public Use Airport. (FAA AC 150/5190-6) ......................................................................................... 7
6.33 Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). (FAA AC 150/5300-13) ................................................................... 7
6.34 Structure. .......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.35 Variance. ........................................................................................................................................... 7
6.36 Visual Approach. ............................................................................................................................... 7
6.37 Visual Runway. (FAA AC 150/5300-13) ............................................................................................. 7
6.38 Wildlife Hazards. ............................................................................................................................... 7
Section 7. Air Space Obstruction Zones & Airport Overlay Zoning Maps ..................................................... 7
Section 8. Airport Zoning Requirements....................................................................................................... 7

1|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

Section 9. Nonconformities .......................................................................................................................... 8
Section 10. Land Use Safety Zones ............................................................................................................... 9
Zone A – Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) .................................................................................................. 9
Table 1. Zone A – Dimensional.............................................................................................................. 9
Requirements................................................................................................................................................ 9
Zone B – Approach Surface Zone .............................................................................................................. 9
Table 2. Airport Overlay Zones B through E Dimensional Standards........................................................... 9
Zone C – Transitional Surface.................................................................................................................. 10
Zone D – Horizontal Surface ................................................................................................................... 10
Zone E – Conical Surface Zone E ............................................................................................................. 10
Section 11. Land Use Zone Compatibility .................................................................................................. 10
Table 3. Jefferson County Airport Zone – Land Use Chart ..................................................................... 12
Section 12. Airport Zoning Resolution Administration ............................................................................... 14
Section 13. Airport Zoning Permit Review .................................................................................................. 15
Section 14. Hazardous Markings and Lighting ............................................................................................ 16
Section 15. Height Limitations .................................................................................................................... 16
Section 16. Airport Zoning Board of Appeals .............................................................................................. 17
Section 17. Variances .................................................................................................................................. 17
Section 18. Judicial Review ......................................................................................................................... 18
Section 19. Penalties and Fines................................................................................................................... 18
Section 20. Conflicting Regulations............................................................................................................. 18
Section 21. Severability and Repeal ............................................................................................................ 18
Section 22. Effective Date ........................................................................................................................... 18
Section 23. Adoption of Resolution ........................................................................................................... 18
Jefferson County Airport Land Use and Height Overlay Zoning Maps ....................................................... 20
Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution Forms .................................................................................... 21

2|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

Section 3. Statement of Purpose
Section 1. Introduction and
and Findings
Resolution The Jefferson County Airpark (“Airport”) is
ZONING RESOLUTION FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY acknowledged as an essential public facility to
AIRPARK THE BOARD OF COUNTY the State of Ohio and the local community. The
COMMISSIONERS SERVING AS THE AIRPORT creation or establishment of an airport hazard is
ZONING BOARD OF JEFFERSON COUNTY a public nuisance and poses a potential concern
PROPOSE TO ADOPT THIS ZONING RESOLUTION to the surrounding communities served by the
FOR THE PURPOSE OF RECOMMENDING THE Airport. There shall be no creation or
BOUNDARIES OF THE VARIOUS ZONES TO BE establishment of a hazard that endangers public
ESTABLISHED AND THE REGULATIONS TO BE health, safety, welfare, and affects an
ADOPTED THEREFORE IN THE JEFFERSON individual’s quality of life nor prevents the safe
COUNTY AIRPARK HAZARD AREA AS PROVIDED movement of aircraft at the Airport.
FOR UNDER SECTION 4563.01 TO 4563.21 For the protection of the public health, safety,
INCLUSIVE, OF THE REVISED CODE, STATE OF and general welfare, and for the promotion of
OHIO. the most appropriate use of land, it is necessary
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AIRPORT to prevent the creation or establishment of
ZONING BOARD OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE airport hazards. The prevention of airport
OF OHIO: hazards shall be accomplished, to the extent
A resolution providing for the zoning of the legally possible, by proper exercise of the
Airport Hazard Area of the JEFFERSON COUNTY authority. The prevention of new airport
AIRPARK in JEFFERSON County, Ohio, by hazards, and the elimination, removal,
regulating and restricting the height of alteration, mitigation, or marking and lighting of
structures and objects of natural growth, and existing airport hazards, are considered to be a
otherwise regulating the use of property in the public purpose for which Jefferson County may
Airport Hazard Area of the JEFFERSON COUNTY raise and expend public funds, as an incident to
AIRPARK by creating airport approach, turning the safe operation of an airport.
and transitional zones, and establishing the
boundaries thereof as may be deemed advisable Section 4. Short Title
for such purposes; providing for certain changes
This resolution shall be known and may be cited
in the restrictions and boundaries of such zones;
as the Jefferson County Airport Zoning
defining certain terms used herein; providing a
Resolution, and it is referred to as the
method of administering and carrying out the
“Resolution” within this document.
purposes of this resolution and prescribing
penalties and proceedings for the administration
and enforcement of this resolution. Section 5. Applicability
This resolution encompasses a general area
Section 2. Authority surrounding the Airport. Specific dimensions
associated with the zoning boundary are
Whereas the Board of County Commissioners of
detailed in this document.
JEFFERSON County are empowered under
provisions of the Revised Code of the State of
Ohio, Sections 4563.01 to 4563.21 inclusive, and Section 6. Definitions
4563.99, to adopt, administer, and enforce 6.1 Airport. (FAA FAR Sec. 152.3)
airport zoning regulations.
Any areas of land or water that is used, or
intended for use, for the landing and takeoff of
aircraft. Any appurtenant areas that are used, or

3|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

intended for use, for airport buildings, other Zone D [Horizontal Surface] - is typically elliptical
airport facilities, or rights-of-way; and all airport in shape, depending upon the runway types and
buildings and facilities located on the areas configurations at an individual airport.
specified in this definition. The Jefferson County Zone E [Conical Surface] - is the outermost zone
Airpark is owned by Jefferson County and of the overlay areas and has the least number of
operated by the Jefferson County Regional land use restriction considerations. Zone E
Airport Authority (“JCRAA”). begins at the edge of the horizontal surface and
6.2 Airport Elevation. (FAA AC 150/5190- is 4,000 feet in width paralleling the horizontal
The highest point on an airport's usable landing 6.6 Airport Zoning Permit.
area measured in feet from sea level. Airport zoning permit allowing new
development or alteration or expansion of a
6.3 Airport Hazard. (FAA FAR Sec. 152.3) nonconforming use.
Any structure or object of natural growth located
on or in the vicinity of a public airport, or any use 6.7 Airspace.
of land near a public airport that obstructs the The space lying above the earth or above a
airspace required for the flight of aircraft landing certain area of land or water that is necessary to
or talking off at the airport; or is otherwise conduct aviation operations.
hazardous to aircraft landing or taking off at the 6.8 Airport Land Use & Height Overlay
airport. Zoning Map.
6.4 Airport Layout Plan (ALP). (FAA FAR The airport land use & height overlay zoning map
Sec. 152.3) is compiled from the criteria in FAR Part 77,
The plan of an airport showing the layout of "Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace.” It shows
existing and proposed airport facilities. the area affected by the Airport Overlay Zoning
Resolution, and includes the layout of runways,
6.5 Airport Overlay Zones. airport boundaries, elevations, and area
A zone intended to place additional land use topography. Applicable height limitation areas
conditions on land impacted by the airport while are shown in detail.
retaining the existing underlying zone. The FAR
Part 77 Surfaces and RPZs have been combined 6.9 Approach Slope. (FAR Part 77)
to create five airport overlay zones. The five The ratio of horizontal to vertical distance
specific zones create a comprehensive area indicating the degree of inclination of the
focused on maintaining compatible land use Approach Surface. The ratio is 20:1 for all utility
around airports. and visual runways extended from the primary
Zone A [Runway Protection Zone] - is intended surface a distance of 5,000 feet.
to provide a clear area that is free of above 6.10 Approach Surface. (FAA AC
ground obstructions and structures. This zone is 150/5190-4A)
closest to the individual runway ends.
A surface longitudinally centered on the
Zone B [Approach Surface] - is a critical overlay
extended runway centerline, extending outward
surface that reflects the approach and departure
and upward from the end of the primary surface
areas for each runway at an airport. The size of
and at the same slope as the approach zone
Zone B is predicated upon the type of approach
height limitation slope set forth in this
(visual, non precision, or precision) that a specific
Resolution. In plan the perimeter of the
runway has and the type/size of aircraft utilizing
approach surface coincides with the perimeter
the runway.
of the approach zone.
Zone C [Transitional Surface] - includes those
areas that are parallel to the runway pavement
and extend from the edge of the primary surface.

4|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

6.11 Compatibility. FAR Part 77. (FAA FAR Sec. 77.1) Objects
The degree to which land uses or types of Affecting Navigable Airspace - Part 77 (a)
development can coexist or integrate. establishes standards for determining
obstructions in navigable airspace; (b) defines
6.12 Compatible Land Use. the requirements for notice to the FAA
Those developments that comply with generally Administrator of certain proposed construction
accepted restrictions on location, height, and or alteration; (c) provides for aeronautical
activity that provide for safe aircraft movement studies of obstructions to air navigation to
and airport operations. Additionally, it includes determine their effect on the safe and efficient
the preservation of public health, safety, and use of airspace; (d) provides for public hearings
welfare for those persons located in the airport’s on the hazardous effect of proposed
environs. construction or alteration on air navigation; and
6.13 County. (e) provides for establishing antenna farm areas.
Jefferson County, Ohio. 6.17 Height.
6.14 Easement. (FAA AC 5020-1) Height is utilized for the purpose of determining
The legal right of one party to use a portion of the height limits in all zones set forth in this
the total rights in real estate owned by another Resolution and shown on the Official Height
party. This may include the right of passage over, Zoning Map; height shall be measured as the
on, or below property; certain air rights above highest point of a structure, tree, or other object
the property, including view rights; and the of natural growth, measured from the mean sea
rights to any specified from of development or level elevation unless otherwise specified.
activity, as well as any other legal rights in the 6.18 Imaginary Surfaces. (FAA FAR Part
property that may be specified in the easement
Those areas established in relation to the airport
6.15 Federal Aviation Administration and each runway consistent with FAR Part 77 in
(FAA). which any object extending above these
A federal agency charged with regulating air imaginary surfaces, by definition, is an
commerce to promote its safety and obstruction.
development; encourage and develop civil Transitional surface. The transitional surface
aviation, air traffic control, air navigation; and extends outward and upward at right angles to
promoting the development of a national system the runway centerline and extends at a slope of
of airports. seven feet horizontally for each one foot
vertically (7:1) from the sides of the primary and
6.16 Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR).
approach surfaces. The transitional surfaces
(FAA FAR) extend to the point at which they intercept the
Regulations established and administered by the horizontal surface at a height of 150 feet above
FAA that govern civil aviation and aviation the established airport elevation.
related activities. FAR Part 36. (FAA FAR Sec. Horizontal surface. The horizontal surface is a
36.1) Regulation establishing noise standards for horizontal plane located 150 feet above the
civil aviation fleet. FAR Part 91. (FAA FAR Sec. established airport elevation and encompasses
91.1) Regulation pertaining to air traffic and an area from the transitional surface to the
general operating rules, including operating conical surface. The perimeter is constructed by
noise limits. FAR Part 150. (FAA FAR Sec. 150.1) generating arcs from the center of each end of
Regulation pertaining to airport noise the primary surface and connecting the adjacent
compatibility planning. FAR Part 161. (FAA FAR arcs by lines tangent to those arcs.
Sec. 161.1) Regulation pertaining to notice and Conical surface. The conical surface extends
approval of airport noise and access restrictions. upward and outward from the periphery of the

5|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

horizontal surface at a slope of 20 feet and historical sites where a quiet setting is a
horizontally for every one foot vertically (20:1) generally recognized feature or attribute.
for a horizontal distance of 4,000 feet. 6.25 Non-Conforming Use. (FAA Web
Approach surface. The approach surface is
longitudinally centered on an extended runway
centerline, and extends outward and upward Any pre-existing structure, tree, or use of land
from the end of the runway primary surface. that is inconsistent with the provisions of the
local land use or airport master plans.
6.19 Incompatible Land Use. (FAA FAR
6.26 Object. (FAA AC 150/5300-13)
Sec. 150.7)
Includes, but is not limited to above ground
The use of land which is normally incompatible
structures, navigational aids, people,
with the aircraft and airport operations (such as,
equipment, vehicles, natural growth, terrain,
but not limited to, homes, schools, nursing
and parked aircraft.
homes, hospitals, landfills, and libraries)
including, but not limited to, uses indicated 6.27 Obstacle Free Zone (OFZ). (FAA
under FAA AC 150/5200-34A, Ohio 150/5300-13)
Administrative Code 3745-27-20, and FAA AC The OFZ is the airspace below 150 feet (45 m)
150/5200-33B. above the established airport elevation and
6.20 Land Use Compatibility. along the runway and extended runway
The coexistence of land uses surrounding the centerline that is required to be clear of all
airport with airport-related activities. objects, except for the frangible visual NAVAID’s
that need to be located in the OFZ because of
6.21 Lighting and Marking of Hazards to their function, in order to provide clearance
Air Navigation. protection for the aircraft landing or taking off
Installation of appropriate lighting fixtures, from the runway, and for missed approaches.
painted markings or other devices to such 6.28 Obstruction. (FAA AC 150/5190-4A)
objects or structures that constitute hazards to
Any structure, growth, or other object, including
air navigation.
a mobile object, which exceeds a limiting height,
6.22 Mitigation. specific to its geographic location relative to the
The minimization, reduction, elimination or runway/airport.
compensation for adverse environmental effects 6.29 Overlay Zone.
of a proposed action.
A mapped zone imposing requirements in
6.23 Noise Impact. addition to those of the underlying zoning
A condition that exists when the noise levels that district.
occur in an area exceed a level identified as 6.30 Primary Surface. (FAA AC 150/5190-
appropriate for the activities in that area.
6.24 Noise Sensitive Area. (FAA AC 91- A surface longitudinally centered on a runway.
36D) When the runway has a specially prepared hard
Defined as an area where noise interferes with surface, the primary surface extends 200 feet
normal activities associated with the area’s use. beyond each end of that runway; for military
Examples of noise-sensitive areas include runways or when the runway has no specially
residential, educational, health, and religious prepared hard surface, or planned hard surface,
structures and sites, and parks, recreational the primary surface ends at each end of that
areas (including areas with wilderness runway. The width of the primary surface is set
characteristics), wildlife refuges, and cultural forth in FAR Part 77. The elevation of any point
on the primary surface is the same as the

6|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

elevation of the nearest point on the runway animals associated with aircraft strike problems,
centerline. and capable of causing structural damage to
6.31 Primary Runway. (FAA AC airport facilities or attractants to other wildlife
that pose a strike hazard.
The runway used for the majority of airport
operations. Large, high-activity airports may
Section 7. Air Space Obstruction
operate two or more parallel primary runways. Zones & Airport Overlay Zoning
6.32 Public Use Airport. (FAA AC Maps
150/5190-6) The zones established by this resolution are
Means either a publicly owned airport or a illustrated on the official Jefferson County
privately owned airport open for public use. Airport Land Use & Height Overlay Zoning Map
6.33 Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). (FAA attached to this resolution. Such Official Airport
AC 150/5300-13) Land Use & Height Overlay Zoning Map may be
amended from time to time, and all notations,
An area off the runway end designed to enhance
references, elevations, data, zone boundaries,
the protection of people and property on the
and other information thereon, is hereby
adopted as part of this resolution. In the event
6.34 Structure. there is ever a conflict/discrepancy between a
Any object constructed or installed by humans, map and the terms of this resolution, the terms
including, but without limitation, buildings, of the resolution shall prevail.
towers, smokestacks, and overhead
transmission lines, including the poles or other Section 8. Airport Zoning
structures supporting the same.
6.35 Variance. Requirements
An authorization for the construction or In accordance with Section 4563, Revised Code,
maintenance of a building or structure, or for the the following airport zoning requirements are
establishment or maintenance of a use of land satisfied by this resolution: 1.) All airport zoning
that is prohibited by a zoning resolution. A lawful regulations adopted under sections 4563.01 to
exception from specific zoning resolution 4563.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code shall be
standards and regulations predicated on the reasonable, and none shall impose any
practical difficulties and/or unnecessary requirement or restriction which is not
hardships by the petitioner being required to reasonably necessary to insure the safety of
comply with the regulations and standards from aircraft in landing and taking off and the safety
which a variance is sought. of persons occupying or using the area and the
security of property thereon. In determining
6.36 Visual Approach. what regulations are necessary, each political
An approach to an airport conducted with visual subdivision or airport zoning board shall
reference to the terrain. consider, among other things, the character of
6.37 Visual Runway. (FAA AC 150/5300- the flying operations expected to be conducted
13) at the airport, the percent of slope or grade
customarily used in descent or ascent of the
A runway without an existing or planned
aircraft expected to use the airport with
straight-in instrument approach procedure.
reference to their size, speed, and type, the
6.38 Wildlife Hazards. nature of the terrain within the airport hazard
Wildlife (birds, mammals, reptiles), including area, the character of the neighborhood, and the
feral animals and uncontrolled domesticated uses to which the property to be zoned is put or

7|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

is adaptable; 2.) No airport zoning regulations continuously permitted and/or licensed by any
adopted under sections 4563.01 to 4563.21 of applicable federal, state, and local authority shall
the Revised Code shall require the removal, not be considered lawfully existing at the time of
lowering, or other change or alteration of any adoption of this resolution and must conform to
structure or object of natural growth not this airport zoning resolution immediately.
conforming to the regulations when adopted or In accordance with Section 4563.09, Revised
amended, or otherwise interfere with the Code, and stated above in Section 8. of this
continuance of any nonconforming use, except resolution, any preexisting nonconforming
as provided in section 4563.14 of the Revised structure, tree, or land use, shall not be replaced,
Code. Jefferson County and JCRAA shall not be rebuilt, altered, allowed to grow higher, or
responsible for the removal of trees, structures, replanted, so as to constitute a greater airport
or other natural or man-made obstructions that hazard than it was when the airport zoning
are not conforming to the regulations of this regulations or amendments to the regulations
resolution at any time and shall be responsibility were adopted. With that stated, where a lawful
of the property owner; and 3.) Nothing in building or structure exists prior to the effective
sections 4563.01 to 4563.21 of the Revised Code, date of adoption or amendment of this
shall confer any power on any political resolution that cannot be built under the terms
subdivision or airport zoning board to prohibit of this airport resolution by reason of restrictions
the use of any land for farming, dairying, on height or land use compatibility, such
pasturage, apiculture, horticulture, floriculture, structure may be continued so long as it remains
viticulture, or animal and poultry husbandry, otherwise lawful and in compliance with FAA
except where such use shall create an airport regulations; subject to the following provisions:
hazard. The provisions of sections 4563.01 to 1.) No such nonconforming structure may be
4563.21 of the Revised Code shall not apply in enlarged or altered in a way that increases its
respect to the location, relocation, erection, nonconformity. Such structure may be enlarged
construction, reconstruction, change, alteration, or altered in a way that does not increase its
maintenance, removal, use, or enlargement of nonconformity; 2.) Should such nonconforming
any buildings or structures, now existing or structure be destroyed by any means to an
constructed in the future, of any public utility or extent of more than seventy-five percent (75%)
railroad. of its replacement cost, it shall be reconstructed
only in conformity with the provisions of this
Section 9. Nonconformities airport resolution; 3.) Should any nonconforming
land uses be discontinued for a period of six (6)
It is the intent of this resolution to permit legal
months or should such land use fail to maintain
nonconforming buildings, structures, or natural
in good standing any required permit, license, or
resources to continue, if they lawfully exist at the
the like to conduct use by any federal, state, or
time of adoption of this resolution, until they are
local authority it shall thereafter conform to the
removed but not to encourage their
regulations of this airport zoning resolution; 4.)
continuance, unless such nonconforming use is
Should any nonconforming structure be moved
determined by the FAA to be a hazard within one
within the boundaries of any of the five (5)
of the airport zones and must be altered or
airport zones for any reason or for any distance
changed in accordance with FAA regulations. It is
whatever, it shall thereafter conform to the
further the intent of this resolution that
regulations of this airport zoning resolution; and
nonconformities shall not be enlarged upon,
5.) Discontinuance. In the event a
expanded or extended, nor be used to add other
nonconforming building, structure or use is
nonconforming structures prohibited elsewhere
discontinued for a period of six (6) months, the
in the defined airport zones. Any buildings,
height or land use compatibility shall conform
structures, land uses that are not properly and

8|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

thereafter to the provisions of this airport zoning designed to maintain compatible land uses
resolution. around the Airport. The zones shall be evaluated
On any nonconforming building or structure, for compatible land uses. Specific dimensions for
work may be done on ordinary repairs or the individual zones are noted in the following
replacement of non-bearing walls not exceeding tables and text. The Airport Land Use & Height
seventy-five percent (75%) of the assessed value Overlay Zoning Maps may be evaluated to
of the building, provided the cubic content of the estimate the specific area of impact associated
building shall not be increased. Nothing in this with each zone. However, the terms of this
resolution shall be deemed to prevent the document shall be binding in the event of
strengthening or restoring to a safe condition of conflict/discrepancy.
any building or part thereof declared to be Zone A – Runway Protection Zone (RPZ)
unsafe by an official charged with protecting the
Zone A is intended to provide a clear area that is
public safety upon orders of such official. There
free of above ground obstructions and
may be a change of tenancy, ownership, or
structures. RPZs are designed with the intent to
management of any existing nonconforming
protect people and property on the ground. They
uses of land, buildings or structures.
are located at the end of each runway and
should ideally be controlled by the airport.
Section 10. Land Use Safety Zones Control is preferably exercised by acquisition of
FAR Part 77 Surfaces and Runway Protection sufficient property interest to achieve and
Zones have been combined to create five (5) maintain an area that is clear of all incompatible
airport overlay zones. These five zones are land uses, objects, and activities.

Table 1. Zone A – Dimensional

Runway Approach Visibility Dimensions
Ends Minimums Length Inner Width Outer Width
L feet W1 feet W2 feet
Existing Runway 14 Visual and =/> 1 mile 1000 500 700
Runway Runway 32 Visual and =/> 1 mile 1000 500 700
The RPZ dimensional standards are for the runway end with the specified approach visibility minimums.
Source: FAA AC 150/5300-13, current edition, Airport Design Standards

centerline and extends outward and upward

Zone B – Approach Surface Zone from the end of the primary surface. The inner
edge of the approach surface is the same width
Zone B is a critical airport overlay zoning surface
as the primary surface and expands uniformly.
that reflects the approach and departure areas
Table 2 below illustrates the various sizes of Zone
for each runway at an airport. The size of Zone B
B based upon the specific runway criteria. A
is predicated upon the type of approach (visual,
portion of Zone B is overlain by Zone A because
nonprecision, or precision) that a specific
the approach surface and RPZ overlap the entire
runway has and the type/size of aircraft utilizing
length of the RPZ. Consequently, the length of
the runway. The approach surface is
Zone B begins at the inner edge of the RPZ.
longitudinally centered on the extended runway

Table 2. Airport Overlay Zones B through E Dimensional Standards

9|Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution

Item Runway Dimension Standards (feet)
Runway 14 Runway 32
Primary surface width and Zone 500 500
B inner width
Zone B end width 3,500 3,500
Zone B length 10,000 10,000
Zone C width 1,050 1,050
Zone D radius 5,000 5,000
Zone E width 4,000 4,000

Zone C – Transitional Surface begins at the edge of the horizontal surface and
is 4,000 feet in width paralleling the horizontal
Zone C includes those areas that are parallel to
surface. The conical surface extends upward and
the runway pavement and extend 1,050 feet
outward from the periphery of the horizontal
from the edge of the primary surface paralleling
surface at a slope of 20 feet horizontally for
the runway and extended runway centerline
every one foot vertically (20:1) for a horizontal
until they reach the end of Zone A at a 90 degree
distance of 4,000 feet. Height limitations for the
angle. The specific dimensions for Zone C are
surface range from 150 feet above the airport
based upon various options for the primary
reference elevation at the inner edge to 350 feet
surface that is predicated upon the type of
at the outer edge.
approach and critical aircraft. The transitional
surface (Zone C) extends outward and upward at
right angles to the runway centerline and Section 11. Land Use Zone
extends at a slope of seven feet horizontally for Compatibility
each one-foot vertically (7:1) from the sides of
the primary and approach surfaces. The The need to plan for compatible land use near
transitional surfaces extend to the point at which airports is not new. Compatible land use was
they intercept the horizontal surface at a height recognized as early as 1952 in a document
of 150 feet above the established airport entitled The Airport and Its Neighbors - The
elevation. Report of the President’s Airport Commission.
The incidence of incompatible land uses and
Zone D – Horizontal Surface impact on airport operations and development
Zone D is typically elliptical in shape, depending have escalated. As decisions to allow
upon the runway types and configurations at incompatible land uses near airports threaten
individual airports. The horizontal surface is a the nation’s aviation system, implementation of
horizontal plane located 150 feet above the compatible land use controls have become an
established airport elevation and encompasses industry priority. It is important for the Airport to
an area from the transitional surface to the maintain an obstruction-free airport and
conical surface. The perimeter is constructed by associated airspace. This includes the area that
generating arcs from the center of each end of encompasses the airport, runway protection
the primary surface and connecting the adjacent zones, approach areas, and general vicinity of
arcs by lines tangent to those arcs. The radius of the airport. While some of these areas are
each arc for all runway ends designated as non- owned by airports, the bulk of the land beyond
precision runway airports is 10,000 feet. airport boundaries is privately owned and
Zone E – Conical Surface Zone E managed by the local municipality and/or county
Zone E is the outermost zone of the airport in which the airport jurisdiction falls. FAA
overlay zoning areas and has the least number of criteria, such as grant assurances and design
land use restriction considerations. The zone guidelines, along with aviation accident

10 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
statistics, provide the foundation and the Such actions include adopting zoning laws and
justification for compatible land uses. zoning changes that will increase airport land use
The above stated definition appears vague since compatibility. This grant assurance obligates an
no specific land use types are specified. airport to protect the federal investment
However, the vagueness is intentional because through the maintenance of a safe operating
nearly every type of land use can be both environment. The development of compatible
compatible and incompatible depending upon land uses near airports is supported through
the particular aspects of the land use, including cooperative comprehensive planning that
management of the land use, location of the land includes FAA standards. Land use compatibility is
use relative to the airport. For example, land a requirement for eligibility to receive FAA grant
uses typically considered to be compatible with money for airport improvements. Adjacent land
airport operations include commercial, uses that are not compatible with airports may
industrial, and agricultural activities. With that result in the loss of federal or state funding for
said, each of these uses may also contain aspects airports.
considered incompatible such as: 1.) Commercial The following tables shall be utilized to evaluate
uses may have dense concentrations of people; land use compatibility for various land use
2.) Industrial uses that can generate classifications. 1.) Uses identified as
smoke/steam that creates visual obstructions; COMPATIBLE shall not require additional review;
3.) Agricultural and waste operations can act as however, consideration should be given to the
wildlife attractants. following areas of concerns: High concentrations
In many instances the compatibility of the land of people, tall structures, visual obstructions, or
uses must be evaluated in detail, case-by-case, wildlife attractants; 2.) Uses found to be NOT
as related to the Airport. Descriptions of land use COMPATIBLE shall be precluded from
issues include high concentrations of people, tall development within the specific zones. The
structures, visual obstructions, and wildlife applicant reserves the right to apply for a
attractants. variance for an incompatible use to be built
Lastly, land use compatibility is critical to the within the requested airport zone and in
Airport because certain grant assurances are accordance with FAA requirements. Variances
required as part of a project application from will be reviewed in accordance with this
airports that are eligible to request federal resolution; and 3.) Uses found to require
funds. Upon acceptance of grant money, these ADDITIONAL REVIEW shall be evaluated for
assurances are incorporated into and become general compatibility as provided by this
part of the grant agreement. Airports are resolution for potential conflicting land uses or
obligated to comply with specific assurances, potential negative effects that may need to be
which include the maintenance of compatible mitigated. If the areas of concern are addressed
land use within the vicinity of the airport. by the applicant, the zoning permit may be
Specifically, Grant Assurance 21 included in the recommended. If no areas of potential
September 1999 amendment to 49 USC 47107, conflicting uses or incompatible land uses are
requires all airports that accept federal money to identified, or need to be mitigated, the zoning
take appropriate action against incompatible permit may be recommended.
land uses in the immediate vicinity of the airport.

11 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Table 3. Jefferson County Airport Zone – Land Use Chart

Jefferson County Airport Zone – Land Use Chart

C = Compatible AR = Additional Review Required NC = Not Compatible
Land Uses Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Residential Uses
Single Family Detached Dwelling AR AR C C C
(i.e. single family residential)
Multi-Family Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. apartments, condos, townhouses, etc.)
Group Living Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. group or nursing homes, assisted
Manufactured/Mobile Housing Parks AR AR C C C
Commercial Uses
Eating and Drinking Establishments AR AR C C C
(i.e. restaurants, cafes, fast food, bars,
nightclubs, taverns, etc)
Quick Vehicle Servicing Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. gas station, unattended card key
service stations, car washes, etc.)
General Office Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. business offices, financial businesses,
government offices =/< 35ft in height)
Medical Office/Clinic Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. medical/dental clinics, chiropractic,
physical therapy =/< 35ft in height)
Retail Sales AR AR C C C
(i.e. convenience stores, electronics,
furniture, groceries, hardware, malls, etc.)
Outdoor Storage and Self-Service Storage AR AR C C C
(i.e. storage yards, vehicle sales,
landscaping, equipment sales,
warehousing, etc.)
Vehicle Repair Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. repair or service shops, alignment, tire
All Other Commercial Uses AR AR C C C
Any other commercial use not classified in
one of the above listed categories
Industrial Uses
Light Manufacturing AR AR C C C
(i.e. research, HVAC, plumbing, janitorial,
engineering, assembly, warehouse, etc.)

12 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Heavy Manufacturing NC NC AR C C
(i.e. concrete plants, packing, animal,
ethanol or other facilities with excessive
smoke or dust, etc.)
Mining and Extraction Uses NC AR AR C C
Salvage Operations AR C C C C
(i.e. collect, store, and dismantle damage
or discarded vehicles, machinery, etc.)
Waste Related Uses NC NC NC AR AR
(i.e. recycling centers, landfills, waste
transfer stations, hazardous waste
collection sites, etc.)
Civic and Public Uses
Basic Utility Uses (Private) NC AR AR C C
(i.e. utility facilities, electrical substations,
water and sewer lift stations, water
General Community Services AR AR C C C
(i.e. libraries, community centers,
police/fire, etc.)
Daycare Uses AR AR C C C
(i.e. daycare, preschools, after school care,
Educational Facilities AR AR AR C C
(i.e. any public or private school)
Hospitals AR AR AR C C
(i.e. hospitals, medical centers, etc.)
Religious Assembly of Civic Uses AR AR AR C C
(i.e. churches, religious use or civic clubs)
Infrastructure Uses
Communication Uses NC AR AR AR AR
(i.e. wireless, emergency towers, antennas,
Transportation and Parking Uses C C C C C
(i.e. highways, local roads, parking lots,
Utility Uses (Private) NC NC AR AR AR
(i.e. solar power, wind generators, wind
Agricultural Uses
Agriculture Plant-related AR C C C C
(i.e. crops, vegetable, fruit, and tree farms,
Agriculture Animal-related AR C C C C
(i.e. livestock production, dairies, horse

13 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Agricultural Housing AR AR AR C C
(i.e. residential dwellings used for
agricultural support purposes)
Agricultural Facilities/Buildings NC AR C C C
(i.e. fuel storage/pumping facility, grain
elevator, livestock/seed/grain sales, etc.)
Recreational Uses
Outdoor Commercial Recreation AR AR AR C C
(i.e. camping, swimming pool, drive-in
theaters, amphitheaters, fairgrounds, race
tracks, etc.)
Indoor Commercial Recreation AR AR C C C
(i.e. health clubs, bowling alleys, skating
rinks, billiard halls, arcades, indoor
theaters, etc.)
Golf Recreation AR AR AR C C
(i.e. driving ranges, golf courses, country
clubs, etc.)
Parks AR C C C C
(i.e. aquatic, neighborhood, school, city)

part this regulation prohibits placement of a

If a specific use of land, building or structure is sanitary landfill facility within ten thousand feet
proposed by an applicant and not clearly (10,000) of an airport runway end.
identified on the land use compatibility charts,
the authority charged with administering this Section 12. Airport Zoning
resolution shall be solely responsible for
determining the level of land use compatibility in Resolution Administration
each applicable zone. If the applicant disagrees In accordance with Section 4563.03(B), Revised
with the decision, they may appeal the decision Code, the Board of County Commissioners of
in accordance with this resolution. Jefferson County (“Jefferson County
Commissioners”) shall constitute the airport
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5200-34A is zoning board, which shall have the power to
specifically included here by reference. This adopt, administer, and enforce airport zoning
airport zone elects to adopt such protection, regulations. The chairman shall be the same as
without regard to airport classifications, currently serving the Jefferson County
categorizations, air carrier operations, Commissioners unless otherwise elected by
enplanements, or other operations type them. Airport zoning regulations adopted under
categories. In relevant part, this circular requires this resolution shall be administered and
a minimum separation distance of six (6) statute enforced by JCRAA, the operators of the Airport,
miles between a solid waste landfill and a public with consultation from the local officials from
airport. adjoining affected communities.

Ohio Administrative Code 3745-27-20(C)(1) is

specifically included here by reference. This
airport zone elects to adopt such protection as
an airport used by turbojet aircraft. In relevant

14 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Section 13. Airport Zoning Permit forms, and materials to effectuate this resolution
including, but not limited to, a properly
Review completed FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed
13.1 Future Uses: No material change shall be Construction or Alteration. JCRAA shall be
made in the use of land, and no structure shall empowered to request and require any and all
be erected, altered, or otherwise established in information that may be requested and required
any airport zone unless a permit is granted by the by the airport zoning board.
Airport Zoning Board or JCRAA upon proper, 13.4. Approval of Zoning Permit: Within
application therefore. Each such application shall fourteen (14) days after the receipt of an
indicate the use or structure for which the application, the JCRAA shall either approve or
permit is desired, with sufficient particularity to disapprove the application. It shall be the duty
permit it to be determined whether the resulting of the JCRAA to determine if such proposed
use or structure would conform to the regulation building or structure meets the initial criteria for
herein prescribed. At a minimum, the permit additional height and land use review or if the
shall include the location of the building (in proposed use is exempted from additional
latitude and longitude), its height (in feet), and review. JCRAA may approve the permit if after
all intended uses so that a determination can be evaluation, the proposed project is found to be
made as to its clearance or penetration of adequately compatible. Should the proposed
established approach or transitional surfaces. If project be found to be incompatible after
it is determined that the proposed building or review, JCRAA shall recommend denial of the
structure does not penetrate an established permit to Jefferson County Commissioners as
approach or transitional surface and its use is the airport zoning board. Should the permit be
compatible, the permit shall be granted. No denied by the Jefferson County Commissioners,
permit shall be granted that would allow the the applicant shall have the right to request an
establishment or creation of an airport hazard. appeal as prescribed in this resolution. Airport
13.2. Existing Uses: Before any existing use or zoning permits may be reviewed and granted in
structure may be replaced, substantially altered conjunction with any zoning permit in the county
or repaired or rebuilt within any airport zone a or other affected communities, if any exist.
permit must be secured authorizing such 13.5. Expiration of Zoning Permit: If the work
replacement, change or repair. Each such described in the zoning permit has not begun
application shall indicate the purpose for which within one (1) year from the date of issuance, the
the permit is desired, with sufficient particularity permit will expire. It shall be considered revoked.
to permit it to be determined whether the Written notice may be given to the persons
resulting use or structure would conform to the affected. If the work described in the zoning
regulations herein prescribed. If such permit has not been completed within two (2)
determination made by the Airport Zoning Board years of the date of issuance the permit shall
or JCRAA is in the affirmative, the permit applied expire and is revoked. Written notice may be
for may be granted. No permit shall be granted given to the affected parties, together with
that would allow a nonconforming use to be notice that further work as described in the
made higher or to become a greater hazard to air canceled permit shall not proceed unless and
navigation than it was on the effective date of until a new zoning permit has been obtained or
the resolution or than it is when the application an extension granted.
for permit is made. 13.6. Failure to Obtain a Zoning Permit: Failure
13.3. Issuing Agents: For the purpose of issuing to obtain a zoning permit shall be punishable
permits as designated under this resolution, the violation of this Resolution.
Airport Zoning Board designates the JCRAA to act 13.7. Construction to be as Provided in
as the Board's exclusive agent. JCRAA may Application: Zoning permits issued on the basis
create, require, and administer all applications, of plans and applications approved by the Zoning

15 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Board’s agent authorize only the construction conspicuous place on the premises found to be
and specific use detailed in the application. Any in violation.
construction which increases the height contrary
to the permit issued or the specific use(s) not Section 14. Hazardous Markings
considered with the permit issued shall be
deemed as a punishable violation of this and Lighting
Resolution. This section provides for safe aircraft operations,
13.8. Stop Work Order: Subsequent to as well as the health, safety, and welfare of
determination that work is being done contrary individuals on the ground within the vicinity of
to this Resolution, the JCRAA shall write a stop the airport by identifying lighting and marking
work order and post it on the premises involved. requirements. Lighting and marking
Removal of a Stop Work Order, except by the requirements will be determined through an FAA
order of JCRAA, shall constitute a punishable 7460-1 airspace analysis. The owner of any
violation of this Resolution. structure, object, natural vegetation, or terrain is
13.9. Zoning Permit Revocation: JCRAA may hereby required to install, operate, and maintain
issue a notice to revoke a permit which was such markers, lights, and other aids to navigation
issued contrary to this Resolution or based upon necessary to indicate to the aircraft operators in
false information or misrepresentation in the the vicinity of an airport the presence of an
application. airport hazard. Hazardous markers and lights
13.10. Notice of Violation: Whenever the Zoning shall be installed, operated, and maintained at
Board or its agent determines that there is a the expense of the owner of such property,
violation of any provision of this Resolution a building, structure or object requiring such
warning shall be issued and shall serve as a lighting or marking requirements within the
notice of violation. Such order shall be in writing; findings of an FAA 7460-1 airspace analysis.
identify the violation; include a statement of the
reason or reasons why it is being issued and refer Section 15. Height Limitations
to the sections of the Resolution being violated;
No structure, object, natural vegetation, or
and state the time by which the violation shall be
terrain shall be erected, altered, allowed to grow
corrected. Service of the notice of violation shall
or be maintained within any airport zoning
be as follows: A. By personal delivery to the
district established by this resolution to a height
person or persons responsible, or by leaving the
in excess of the applicable height limitations set
notice at the usual place of residence by the
forth in this resolution and the airport zoning
owner with a person of suitable age and
map. The permitted height shall not exceed the
discretion; or B. By certified mail through US
difference between the grade elevation and the
Postal Service addressed to the person or
height limitation numbers provided in this
persons responsible at a last known address. If a
resolution and/or depicted on the “Official
certified mail envelope is returned with
Jefferson County Airport Land Use & Height
endorsement showing that the envelope is
Overlay Map” within the airport zoning district
unclaimed, then service shall be sent by ordinary
encompassed by this resolution. The Airport
mail, and the mailing shall be evidenced by a
Land Use & Height Overlay Map is located in the
certificate of mailing which shall be filed by the
JCRAA offices at the airport terminal building. An
Zoning Board’s agent. Service shall be deemed
FAA 7460-1 airspace review shall provide a
complete when the certificate of mailing is
portion of the information necessary to evaluate
entered on record, provided that the ordinary
mail envelope is not returned by the post office potential height impacts. However, it shall not
with an endorsement showing failure of delivery; be the sole source of review. Furthermore, if
or C. By posting a copy of the notice form in a the height limitations of this airport zoning
resolution and accompanying Airport Land Use

16 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
& Height Overlay Map are in conflict with the zoning board of appeals, after the notice of
underlying height limitations imposed by any appeal has been filed with it, that by reason of
other authority, the more restrictive height the facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in
limitation shall apply. its opinion, cause imminent peril to life or
property. In such cases proceedings shall not be
stayed other than by order of the airport zoning
Section 16. Airport Zoning Board board of appeals on notice of the agency from
of Appeals which the appeal is taken and on due notice to
The Airport Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist the parties in interest.
of five members, each to be appointed for a term The airport zoning board of appeals shall fix a
of three years by the Jefferson County reasonable time for the hearing of appeals, give
Commissioners and subject to removal by the public notice and due notice to the parties in
appointing authority for cause upon written interest, and decide the same within a
charges and after public hearing. The first reasonable time. Upon the hearing any party
members of such board of appeals shall be so may appear in person, by agent, or by attorney.
designated that two shall serve for one year, two The airport zoning board of appeals, in
shall serve for two years, and one shall serve for conformity with sections 4563.01 to 4563.21,
three years. The Airport Zoning Board of Appeals inclusive, of the Revised Code, may reverse,
shall have powers and authority specified under affirm wholly or partly, or modify, the order,
Section 4563, Revised Code, hereby included by requirement, decision, or determination
reference. appealed from.
Any person aggrieved by any decision of the
airport zoning board made in its administration Section 17. Variances
of airport zoning regulations adopted under In accordance with Section 4563.16, Ohio
sections 4563.01 to 4563.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code, any person desiring to employ a
Revised Code, or any governing body of a land use, erect any structure, or increase the
political subdivision or any airport zoning board height of any structure, or permit the increases
which is of the opinion that a decision of such an in height of any object of natural growth, or
administrative agency is an improper application otherwise use his property in any manner in
of airport zoning regulations of concern to such conflict with airport zoning regulations adopted
governing body or board, may appeal to the under sections 4563.01 to 4563.21, inclusive, of
airport zoning board of appeals. the Revised Code, may apply to the airport
All appeals taken under this section shall be zoning board of appeals for a variance from the
taken within twenty days after an order is filed in zoning regulations in question. Such variance
the office of the airport zoning board, as shall be allowed where a literal application or
provided by the rules of the airport zoning board enforcement of the regulations would result in
of appeals, by filing with the airport zoning board unnecessary hardship and the relief granted
from which the appeal is taken, JCRAA, and with would not be contrary to the public interest or
the airport zoning board of appeals a notice of create conditions dangerous to the safety of
appeal specifying the grounds of such appeal. aircraft using the airport, but would do
The airport zoning board from which the appeal substantial justice and would not be in conflict
is taken shall transmit to the airport zoning with factors set down for consideration in
board of appeals all the papers constituting the sections 4563.07 and 4563.08 of the Revised
record upon which the action appealed from was Code. The board of appeals may subject any
taken. variance to any reasonable conditions that they
An appeal shall stay all proceedings in deem necessary.
furtherance of the action appealed from unless
the airport zoning board certifies to the airport

17 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
No application for variance to the requirements the regulations adopted and orders and rulings
of this resolution may be considered by the made pursuant thereto.
Board of Appeals unless a copy of the application
has been submitted to JCRAA for an opinion as Section 20. Conflicting
to the aeronautical effects of the variance. The
concurring vote of a majority of the Board of Regulations
Appeals shall be necessary to reverse any order, Where there exists a conflict between any of the
requirement, decision or determination of any regulations or limitations prescribed in this
administrative official or to decide in favor of the resolution and any other regulations applicable
applicant on any matter upon which it is required to the same area, whether the conflict be with
to pass under any regulations adopted pursuant respect to height or structures, the use of land,
to this chapter or to effect any variance or any other matter, the more stringent
therefrom. limitation or requirement shall govern and
Section 18. Judicial Review
Any person aggrieved, or any taxpayer, or any Section 21. Severability and
legislative authority, or any airport zoning board Repeal
affected by any order of the airport zoning board
of appeals may appeal within thirty (30) days to If any provision of this resolution or the
the court of common pleas of Jefferson County, application thereof to any person or
and upon appeal thereof a trial de novo shall be circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall
had. not affect other provisions or applications of the
resolution, which can be given effect without the
invalid provision or application, and to this end
Section 19. Penalties and Fines the provisions of this resolution are declared to
Any violation of this resolution or of any be severable. All other regulations and/or
regulation, order, or ruling promulgated resolutions inconsistent with this resolution shall
hereunder shall constitute an infraction. Each be repealed to the extent of inconsistency and
day a violation continues shall constitute a no further.
separate offense that shall be fined not more
than one hundred dollars ($100). Section 22. Effective Date
Jefferson County Commissioners may institute in
any court of competent jurisdiction an action to This resolution shall be in effect from and after
prevent, restrain, correct, or abate any violation its adoption by the governing body and
of sections 4563.01 to 4563.21, inclusive, of the publication and posting as required by law, as
Revised Code, or of airport zoning regulations provided for in Chapter 4563, Revised Code.
adopted under such sections, or of any order or
ruling made in connection with the Section 23. Adoption of
administration or enforcement. The court shall
adjudge to the plaintiff such relief, by way of
injunction, which may be mandatory, or Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of
otherwise, as may be proper under all the facts Jefferson County Ohio this _________ day of
of and circumstances of the case, in order fully to ____________________, 2020.
effectuate the purposes of sections 4563.01 to
4563.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code, and of

18 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
(insert signature blocks)

19 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Jefferson County Airport Land Use and Height Overlay Zoning Maps

20 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n
Jefferson County Airport Zoning Resolution Forms

21 | J e f f e r s o n C o u n t y A i r p o r t Z o n i n g R e s o l u t i o n

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