Religion 3rd QT

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Religion 33rd
Religion QT
qt Human Rights Documents
-it was only in the 20th century that human rights were
defined and codified for universal use
Introduction to -International Bill of Human Rights:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948
Human Rights >proposed by Eleanor Roosevelt and was ratified for
the purpose of avoiding the Holocaust that happened during
World War II, which was the darkest moments of the history
Human Rights of human rights
-aren’t given to us by society but entitlements that society 2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
has to respect, promote, and protect of 1966
-not subject to any arbitrary and imperious manipulation of 3. The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and
any person, society, or state Cultural Rights of 1966
-moral powers to do, accomplish, possess, dispose of 4. Optional Protocol
something so we can live a dignified life -these 4 documents were followed by more than 20 human
-human inequalities are welcome but the inequality in terms rights conventions
of the exercise of basic rights is not acceptable (ignorance is -in PH, we abide by the International Bill of Human Rights
not acceptable)
-Traditional Definition: titles/claims to a certain material and -Catholic Church Documents:
spiritual good in order for persons to live a dignified life 1. St. John XXIII’s Pacem in Terris
-Natural Human Rights: these are rights simply and solely > Magna Carta of Human Rights
because we are humans; directly proceed from our dignity >social encyclical containing a list of many types of
and our very nature as embodied spirits, free, rational, human rights
relational, and historical (specified by natural law) 2. Redemptor Hominis
-flipside: we sometimes forget to respect others’ rights >St. John Paul II’s 1st encyclical
-if we forget to respect others’ rights, the whole social order >supports St. John XXIII’s Pacem in Terris
will crumble, only brute force will matter >respect for human rights = secret of true peace
“We have rights, but we also have the corresponding moral Church’s View of Human Rights
obligation to recognize these rights in orders” -Church’s view is distinctive because of how it defines human
>implies that there is a separation between enjoying rights dignity since it traces ultimately to God to provide us with
and being morally responsible (“We are free, but morally incomparable contributions to our work for promoting
obligated”) human rights
Matthew 7:11 The Church understands human rights as:
If we humans, who are sinful and weak, know how to give good Principles Meanings
things to our children, how much more does our Heavenly -can’t be violated
Father give good things to us whom He created, redeemed, and -since the source of human rights is God
elevated as His adopted children -for all
John 10:10 -God created all human persons
God thinks of nothing, but our welfare. He puts us in this world -cannot be taken away from us
not just to survive, but to have life and have it abundantly -also inherent
Inalienable -we can’t lose our rights anymore than we
Civil Rights can stop our being human or God’s love
-given to us by the state/society due to our for us
citizenship/residence in our country
-enable us to meet our needs and fulfill our duties as 3 Significant Ways the Church Helps Us
members of the society 1. Provides us with a solid justification for the promotion &
>Rule of thumb: must always be in accordance with the protection of human rights
natural human rights >we need to respect other people’s rights because they
-curtailment of authentic civil rights = violation of human are God’s creation regardless
rights and an obstacle to fulfilling one’s social duties >Ex. Work of the Argentinian priest in Payatas, Fr.
>Ex. Right to vote Orlando Nornella of the Sons of divine Providence
Social Duties 2. Constantly emphasizes our social responsibility
-our duty: see to it that these rights are given to all of us >constant call to appreciate the value of family since they
-for every human right, there is a corresponding moral duty play a key role in helping us develop respect for others and
-consequence is surely a violation of human dignity and to a solidarity with the oppressed
certain extent, destruction of human lives 3. Leads us to an understanding of human rights that is truly
-Church addresses human rights: stresses on the aspect of faithful to our human nature
social responsibility & call to work for transformation of >between various opposing ideologies, like liberalism
society and socialism, the church made valuable contributions in
>envisions a society where everyone can act freely and helping Filipinos be aware of the extreme positions of these
responsibly >2 Ideologies on Human Rights
>Liberalism: puts too much emphasis on political rights
Pacem in Terris 44 >Socialism: claims strict equality in economic rights
“If a man becomes conscious of his rights, he must become equally
>the Church strongly criticizes these two ideologies but
aware of his duties.”
recognizes some beneficial elements in their theories
>ex. liberalism champions many freedoms; socialism temple of the Holy Spirit
promotes some socio-economic principles >may not despise his/her bodily life
-Church leads us to be more critical in understanding what is >good and to hold it in honor
truly essential to human dignity -See: Self-harm
>St. John Paul II: specified the human rights the church -This right includes:
emphasizes in his “Address to the 34th General Assembly of a. Right to Self-defense
the United Nations” >justifies self-defense
b. Right to Free Movement
>based on the fact that all human beings belong to a
Types of Human single human race
>freedom to emigrate (leave one country and settle in
Rights another) and freedom to immigrate (come into a new
country to settle there)
>as long as our movement will do good and not harm
-it’s important to know the types of human rights so that we to our country of origin and destination
will have a critical understanding and sensitivity to our social >Article 13 (UDHR) and Article 14
situation > DOCTRINE
Doctrines Meanings
[Personal Rights] Mt. 2:14-15, 19- Mary and Joseph left to save Jesus, the true
-foundation of other human rights 23 king, from Herod
DOCAT (Social moral duty to provide refuge for those who
Right to Life Teaching of the in their homeland are subject to
-most fundamental right; primary condition of all other Church, 249) persecution/suffering
human rights (UDHR #3)
c. Right to the Inviolability of One’s Home
>we discover the true dignity yet fragility of human life
>because this is the extension of one’s self
when we care for one another
-Human Life: God’s most basic gift to us; to deprive a
Right to One’s Personality
person’s life is morally evil except for cases of self-defense
-right to develop their own character
-Preservation of Life: resisting any unjust aggression that
-Character: influences the moral choices you make
either directly or indirectly puts human life in danger
-challenge to us: go for things that can lead you to become
-if this right isn’t protected all other rights are under threat
the kind of person you really want to be and what God
-Right to Basic Necessities: food, shelter, clothing, sufficient
wants you to be
health care, rest and leisure
-to choose who we want to become
-Respect for Human Life: core of human and Christian values
-nature and nurture are some influences to one’s personality
-The Church will protect the people who can’t stand for
-Jesus underwent a normal human development
-started to search for God’s plan for him at 12 years old
-beatitudes set forth the personal values that Jesus
Doctrines Meanings
developed through time
Divine Law: “You shall not kill” (6th
Exodus 20:13
Commandment) Luke 2: 41-52
-inviolable dignity; imago dei He developed good human values as He “advanced in wisdom
Gaudium Et -redeemed by God & entrusted with an and age and favour before God and man.”
Spes 22 eternal destiny no matter how
-child is not something owned but a gift
[Religious & Moral Rights]
-child possesses genuine rights such as Right to Education
Catechism of
right to be respected as a person from the -to avail of all possible means and opportunities to help
the Catholic
moment of conception and right to be the
Church, 2378 us develop physically, intellectually, spiritually, and socially
fruit of the specific act of the conjugal love
of one’s parents -it’s the parents’ duty and responsibility to bring their
children to school
-See: abortion of babies with down syndrome -includes responsibility of the children to make the most of
the learning opportunities
Right to One’s Person
>listen to the parents, elders, and authorities
-right over our own bodies and bodily faculties and energies
>study well
-God created us as embodied spirits to carry out our tasks
>choose the right company
that is according to His will.
>acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to become
better persons and members of the community
Doctrines Meanings
-lack of education can ruin a country
Gen 1:27 image of God (imago dei)
-Starts From Birth: from the womb, one has the right to be
Mark 12:33 Love God, others, and self
nourished, protected, and taken care of until one has the
St. Paul exhorted us to take care of our
1 Corinthians capability to take care of oneself
body for we are the temple of the Holy
The human body shares in the dignity of CFC 1026
“the image of God”; it’s a human body The Church teaches that parents have the duty to provide so far
precisely because it is animated by a as they can for their children’s needs, guiding them in faith and
CCC 364 spiritual soul and it is the whole human morals and creating for them an environment for personal growth
person intended to be in the body of Christ, (cf CCC 2221-31)
In infancy and childhood, parents provide the physical, -Publicly exercising this right: in the exercise of community
emotional, and spiritual needs of their children. As they grow worship as well as charitable service and other social aspects
older, the parents are called to promote their growing autonomy of religion
and independence. Parents have the primary responsibility for the
-as long as they do not impinge on similar rights of others
education of their children, both secular and religious.
-Ecumenical Gathering: gathering of different religions
-Interfaith Prayer: being sensitive to the religions of other
Right to Conscience
people as well as their traditions
-to act in accordance when it comes to making moral
-DOCTRINE: James 1:26-27; James 2:14-17
decisions and follow what our well-informed conscience
>If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his
tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain. Religion
>both a duty and a right to educate one’s conscience
that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this:
correctly and follow it all the time
to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep
>concrete personal experiences cannot be regarded as the
oneself unstained by the world.
only basis for moral life because this would destroy all
objective morality as everyone would simply follow what they
[ Social Rights ]
want to do
>we gradually form our conscience from the way our Right to Honor/Respect
neighbors live their lives in a community -Honor: credibility and esteem human persons enjoy in
-Tinig ng Budhi: the right to follow that inner voice society; key to our participation in community
-Healthy Conscience: acts like a true friend that helps us -due to intrinsic dignity, human persons have a built-in
judge what is morally good or evil and tells us to do what is natural right to at least a minimum respect from members of
good their community
-Person of Good Conscience: knows what is objectively good -Violations: false testimony, insults, slander, libel, calumny,
and evil, and has the courage to do and defend what is right detraction, and pother remarks that rob the person of their
and wrong good name in society
-Individual Conscience: opening up to the whole reality of >when this is violated, some restitution can be demanded
moral law and being sensitive to the signs of the times, more to restore the communal respect due to the victims
than heeding the commands of our inner voice -Jesus taught us that like everyone else, the poor and lowly
-it is innate within us but needs input and experiences to be also have the right to honor and respect
able to judge -Social Acceptance
-Pope John Paul II -DOCTRINE: Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10); Bartimaeus (Mark
>interior dialogue of man with himself 10:46-52)
>witness of God himself -Filipino Attitudes
>witness of his own faithfulness and unfaithfulness >Amor Propio: pride; motivated to abide by the law, not
-DOCTRINE: Romans 2:14-16 because valuing the law, but chiefly because of dreading the
>primacy of conscience (god-given capacity) shame that one may endure once caught red-handed
-Conscientious Objector: individual claim the right to refuse >Walang Hiya: serious charge against any Filipino
to perform military services on the grounds of freedom of >we feel like our honor is the key to our participation in
thought, conscience, or religion the community but it shouldn’t be
-Article 18 (UDHR): Everyone has the right to freedom of
thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom Right to Free Expression / Freedom of Speech
to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or -includes the rights:
in community with others and in public or private, to a. right to freely express what is true in both spoken and
manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship written words (our opinions and views)
and observance. b. right to freely form opinions and gather together in
order to push for the things and matters
Kinds of Problematic Conscience C. right to voice to the leaders and administrators the
Kinds Meanings views and feelings on how they could govern us
Erroneous misinformed/has wrong concept of right & -Key Elements to a Free Society: right to free expression and
Conscience wrong which is common among children right to assembly
habitual wrongdoing until the person views -w/o these rights, we could well have a dictatorship w/ all
Lax Conscience
the it as less wrong or not wrong at all other rights suppressed
absorbed in following the rules perfectly -inherent right that the people should never be dominated or
without thinking of the real meaning/need
of the situation or spirit of the law
manipulated by anyone or by any state
-as long as, we don’t use freedom of speech as a license to
destroy the name of others
Right to Religion
-this right obliges us to speak the truth at the right time in a
-bound to seek the truth and accordingly worship the
proper way
creator; can’t be forced to act against their personal
-any violation to this right is also a violation of the 8th
conviction (Article 18, UDHR)
commandment (You shall not bear false witness against your
-natural right to relate to God and to freely express and
develop this relationship within the teachings and practices
of their chosen religion
Right to Organize
-Privately exercising this right: sacredness of their intimate
-essential ingredient of a free society
relation with God
-have the right to form associations w/ common objectives >For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
so that people can achieve more powerful means to express “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
themselves and accomplish their objectives you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
-the right to create a group to voice out the same opinions -2 Things:
on a certain issue ; many people expressing the same a. What can give you a real sense of fulfillment?
thoughts is better than an individual b. How you can be of service to the community?
-shouldn’t be used for one’s personal political agenda to the -obliges our society to have:
detriment of the common good a. proportionally equal educational opportunities
-this right is constantly threatened by the “kanya-kanya” b. a properly functioning labor market
syndrome and crab mentality of Filipinos c. just and fair economic competition unhampered by class
-DOCTRINE: Acts 5:34-39 privileges
d. a peaceful and orderly society
[ Economic Rights ] -single-blessedness, married etc.
Right to Livelihood Right to Marriage
-primarily through work that human persons gain the means -right of every person to seek a partner in life and enter a
to satisfy their essential needs in life union w/ the chosen person
-for Filipinos, this right is a matter of life and death -doesn’t have to be exercised by all because some decide to
-Unemployment: no job remain single for a special vocation in life
-Under-employment: you have a job but is not related to -Duty: Functions of a Family
what you studied >Parents: provide essential needs and good moral
-Contractual employees doesn’t receive benefits a regular education
employee receives such as benefits ; PhilHealth etc. -obliges young men and women to take this seriously
-DOCTRINE because it is a responsibility where good persons and society
Doctrines Meanings are nurtured
2 Thessalonians In tail and drudgery, night and day we -Conclusion: All these rights are connected and some even
3:8 worked, so as not to burden any of you overlap each other
2 Thessalonians If one is unwilling to work, neither should >example: right to one’s personality = right to education
3:10 that one eat = right to religion = equipped w/ proper disposition or
Right to Property -DOCTRINE: Matthew 10:9 (Sacrament of Marriage)
-right to exclusive control of one’s own possessions >As Christians, we believe that in marriage, the consent
-women before is not allowed to own a property. by which the couple mutually give and receive each other is
-Church: all persons have the right to possess material goods sealed by God Himself
in order to meet their needs
-In having a property, one must not be harmed and should
be for the good of all people.
-God gave the riches of the Earth for the good of all; this Peace and Active
right is not absolute
-Control: right to acquire, use, consume, & dispose property Non-violence
within boundary of law
-Property: fruit of sweat and hard work; expression of dignity Peace
-Duty: use property with concern for the poor & environment -Etymology:
-DOCTRINE: Centisimus Annus > Hebrew: “shalom”; peace, harmony, wholeness,
>Basis: God gave riches of the earth for the good of all completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility and can be
>People have the right to meet their needs & live decently used idiomatically to mean both hello and goodbye (as a
>Possession of material goods is not absolute WAY of LIFE)
Luke 12:16-34 (Parable of the Rich Fool) > Greek/Roman: “Pax” peace, compact, agreement,
-Depicts the futility of the belief that wealth can secure treaty of peace, tranquility, absence of hostility, harmony (as
prosperity or a good life an END)
-The rich fool is an example of greed as he becomes a miser to -absence of conflict, aggression, agitation or disturbance –
maximize his income by replacing his barn people mostly find ways to avoid conflict
-The person whose identity tied up with his or her possessions, -conflict is inevitable, even necessary to grow and mature as
status, and/or achievements -- and is driven by acquiring them - a person
- can so easily end up unaware of the call of God and the need >it is the way we handle conflict, and not the absence of
of the neighbor
it that brings about peace
-He was planning to fill his soul with excessive and unnecessary
feasting and was proudly disregarding all those empty bellies of -sometimes, serenity, calmness, stillness and tranquility have
the poor. He didn’t realize that the bellies of the poor were been thought of as meanings of peace
much safer storerooms than his barns -while there is some truth to this, it would be more accurate
to say that these qualities are more seen as effects of
[ Vocation Rights ] outcomes of peace
-Authentic Peace: should be viewed both as a means and an
Right to Choose One’s Way of Life end which is essential to our understanding of
-right to choose their career, vocation, and status in life This living a life of peace (Buhay Kapayapaan)
right requires us to consider
-necessitates the realization of peace as both an END and Jesus as a Prophet, Teacher and a Model/Sign
MEANS Roles Meanings
a. Peace as an End: -Jesus had absolute regard for human dignity.
• Both a presence and an absence. -Jesus denounced the abuses of those in
• It is a presence of harmony or kaayusan in one’s Prophet power and their total disregard for the dignity
inner being (loob), in human relationships, and in life in of the sick, the outcast and the marginalized.
-Basis: Lk. 4: 18-19 and Mt. 23:28
society. This is marked by joy, unity and well-being.
-Jesus taught the way of non-violence-the way
• It is also the absence of kaguluhan or disturbance of compassion, the way of forgiveness and the
and aggression. way of LOVE.
• Authentic peace envisions both the presence of Teacher
ex. The Beatitudes: a list of blessings which
kaayusan, and the absence of kaguluhan outlines the life of discipleship as the
b. Peace as a Way of Life: manifesto of nonviolence.
• peace is also a means to achieve a proper way of life -Jesus proclaimed, taught and gave witness to
• authentic peace as a way of life is active non-violence active non-violence by his very way of life.
-Basis: Mk. 11: 15-19; Mt. 10: 34; Luke
23:24; and Jn. 15:13.
Active Non-Violence
-“an active non-cooperation with dehumanizing and unjust
Active Non-Violence As
structures, with a view of transforming an oppressive social
a. Discipleship
order into one that is liberated and liberating” (Libunao,
-It is an option and commitment to freedom for all.
Challenge of Active Non-Violence, 10)
-It is an option for a willing sacrifice.
> Active peacemaking, persistent reconciliation, and
-It is an option and commitment towards protest against
steadfast resistance to evil
> Denounces and overcomes violence in all its forms, in
b. Witnessing to the Reign
all its origins, and setting all peoples into freedom
-“Peace and Active Non-Violence as the quality of the love
> Doesn’t avoid violence or conflicts, but rather confronts,
of Jesus” (PCP II 307)
challenges and transforms it through the power of love
-“The road to total liberation is not the way of violence,
-principle rooted on the truth of human dignity.
class struggle or hate; it is the way of love, brother/sisterhood,
-should be upheld for all, be they oppressors/oppressed
and peaceful solidarity.” – PCP II 309
-founded on the belief that all human beings are good,
c. Lifestyle
oriented towards goodness, and are capable of change
-based on the belief that love alone has the power to reach Types Meanings
out and transform the enemy or the oppressor into a friend -dictated by the supermodel of development
-characterized by values of consumerism,
-principle of action; a strategy that aims at renewal and
materialism, ease, and comfort
transformation of society in order to build an alternative -definition of success and happiness is
future for the human community dependent upon material wants instead of
-Main Strategies: forgiveness, conversion and reconciliation needs; on material gratification instead of
fulfillment, lifestyle of material dependence
Models of Active Non-Violence -lifestyle of material excesses, of amassing
Models Beliefs things, money or prestige more than what is
-non-violent action doesn’t seek to Dominant actually needed
overcome the enemy, but seeks to take Lifestyle -material affluence is the measure of
the enemy as a friend, and persuades greatness
her/him on the side of truth -insensitive to the needs of the human
Mahatma community, to the faces of poverty and
-active non-violence of the brace puts to
Gandhi injustices in the society
fight thieves, dacoits, murderers, and
prepares an army of volunteers ready to -leads one to isolation and to dissipation as
sacrifice themselves in quelling riots, in it attends to physical and psychological
extinguishing fires and feuds, and so on wants , but hardly nurtures the human heart
-non-violence is absolute commitment to and the spirit, nor the dignity of the human
the way of love; love is not emotional person
Martin Luther -lifestyle of simplicity, one that is mindful of
bash; it is not empty sentimentalism; it is
King the deprivations of our peoples
the active outpouring of one’s whole
being into the being of another -lifestyle of solidarity with all peoples as our
“I could not for the like of me, condone Christian duty (regardless of sex, color or
Benigno Aquino creed)
violence. If you go to the road of violence,
Jr. Lifestyle of -lifestyle that is Filipino, for the Filipino, by
it will only lead to more violence…”
Active Non- the Filipino
Violence -lifestyle of unconditional love modeled
The Quality of the Love of Jesus (PCP II) after the racial and unconditional love of
A Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11) Jesus for the poor, the rich, the outcast and
-love towards enemies and does good even to those who are even his persecutors
hateful -centered on God in faith, prayer and
-it radically puts the truth in place in order to set free both the celebration
oppressor and the oppressed
-it does not tolerate violence, neither a withdrawal nor d. Spirituality
avoidance of conflict
-Based on the spirituality (animates, invigorates or gives
force to one’s being) of non-violence.
-The model and source of this spirituality is Jesus.
-Must have an personal and deeper encounter with Jesus if
one is to grow in the spirituality of active non-violence
-This encounter with Jesus is realized by:
• Reading and praying over the stories of Jesus’
in the Bible
• Catechesis or studying the nonviolence of Jesus based
the Bibles and the teachings of the Church
• Celebrating peace and non-violence with the Christian
community through the Sacraments
• Practicing active nonviolence in our interpersonal
relationships with friends, family, and even with those
whom we are in conflict with
• Being involved and living in solidarity with victims of
violence through protests and other forms of passive
• Participating in and networking with peace movements
and peace education groups

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