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Domain - An alternate name for a base data type that is defined using the RDM SQL create domain


Durability - The property of a transaction in which the DBMS guarantees that all committed transactions
will survive any kind of system failure.

Dynamic DDL - The ability to change the definition of a database (its schema) after data has been stored
in the database without having to take the database off-line or restructure its files.

Edge Computing - Edge computing refers to the computing infrastructure at the edge of the network,
close to the sources of data. Edge computing reduces the communications bandwidth needed between
sensors and the datacenter. Databases with tiny footprints e.g RDM are optimized for edge computing.

Embedded Database - An embedded database is the combination of a database and the database
software which typically resides within an application. The database holds information and the software
control the database to access or store information. The application software, or the user-interface,
then accesses the database and presents that information in a way which is easy for the user to
interpret and understand.

Encryption - The encoding of data so that it cannot be understood by a human reader. This usually
requires the use of an encryption key. A common encryption algorithm is called AES, which uses
encryption keys of 128, 192 or 256 bits. See Wikipedia

End-User - An entity that licenses an Application for its own use from Licensee or its Additional Reseller.

Fog Computing - An architecture that distributes computing, storage, and networking closer to users,
and anywhere along the Cloud-to-Thing continuum. Fog computing is necessary to run IoT, IIoT, 5G and
AI applications.

Foreign Key - One or more columns in a table intended to contain only values that match the related
primary/unique key column(s) in the referenced table. Foreign and primary keys explicitly define the
direct relationships between tables. Referential Integrity is maintained when every foreign key refers to
one and only one existing primary key.

Geospatial datatypes - Data types which are specifically optimized for storage of geographic coordinate
based data.

Grouped Lock Request - A single operation that requests locks on more than one table or rows at a time.
Either all or none of the requested locks will be granted. Issuing a grouped lock request at the beginning
of a transaction that includes all of the tables/rows that can potentially be accessed by the transaction
guarantees that a deadlock will not occur.

GUI - Graphical User Interface.

Handle - A software identification variable that is used to identify and manage the context associated
with a particular computing process or thread. For example, SQL uses handles for each user connection
(connection handle) and SQL statement (statement handle) among other things.

Hash - An indexing method that provides for a fast retrieval (usually in only one additional disk access) of
the row that has a matching column value. See Wikipedia

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