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For Credit Cards,Paypal Accounts,Bank Accounts and more tutorials check out my store
Evolution market: http://k5zq47j6wd3wdvjq.onion/store/34615

Brief Introduction: This guide is in depth and portrayed visually, but however this isn’t a cook book.
I’m not going to post images of everything like turning on your VPN or else this would be like 30

The base method for cashing out Paypal/CC are MMO Currency. Now before you freak out and think
to yourself, “THIS IS WAY TOO HARD”, Don’t worry, I got screenshots and everything the whole way.
And also I offer 16 hours of support on ICQ/Tor Chat/Jabber.

Now let me tell you why MMO Currency is the most efficient way to cashout a Paypal. The main
currency used for buying MMO Currency is Paypal, but however individuals who sell MMO Currency
also use Bitcoins, Perfect Money, Bank Transfer, Western Union. When new forms of currency
evolved a few years ago like Bitcoins/Liberty Reserve, Chinese goldfarmers (A small group who
generate gold by farming gold. Basically its labor, but in a game.

But let me be specific. Most of you may know a game called Rune Scape. Probably through TV,
Walmart giftcard shelfs etc.

What this guide outlines is to cashout Paypal balance + Credit Card through a MMO Currency gold
‘Runescape Gold’ but however with this you can literally use this method on any ‘GAME CURRENCY’.

I have compiled a list of the MMO Currencies where 90% is possible to Cashout using PP/CC on
the .pdf also included in the RAR file.

Now unless you’re a fucking body builder, a game from any of the list on that .pdf will be familiar to

Now that you are more familiar with this, let start.

NOTE: Read all the headings in front of the numbers. If all of these are familiar to you, skip Step 1
and proceed to Step 2 because it is a waste of your time.

What you need is:

Buy from a respected vendor, preferably Tor Carding Forum (Help the community grow ). Now
the thing is, vendors do not sell (most of the time) Paypal Accounts with Balance because for
one, it is a weak rare find, and there is only a few vendors who actually sells these. But no
problem, there are a lot of Paypal accounts that have been linked to CC’s and Bank Accounts
which is a secondary payment option. Through experience, if a Paypal account is linked to a lot
of Bank Accounts and CC’s (2-3+ per payment option), I could cashout $500+ at average.

What you must be aware of: Paypal Accounts cost varies from $1-$5 each. But however each
account has a 20-30% chance of having a security measure. Now unless you have the FULL CC
details of the Paypal Account and Bank Account number, your not going to be able to bypass
this. But there is 1 way to do it, but it decreases your chances of cashing out the Balance (which I
will explain later in the guide).

Okay now this is the complicated part. Carding Paypals payment gateway is relatively hard to
fraud (at least for me so far). The security is very dead solid, however has loop holes. One thing
to point out from experience, 80-90% of the CC’s are either not valid, already linked to another
PP Account (Someone either already carded it, or original card holder has linked it) or Paypal just
declines the card for a reason beyond my knowledge (Sometimes they just do it because it
seems fishy even if you have gotten everything correct). I recommend buying from the vendor
AllAboutCarding from EVO .

 VPN + Socks 5: Without these your not going to be able to Card/Pay safely (the FBI could
come for you) and paying is MOST likely not to work (99%). I recommend
(they have the best socks in my opinion). Also I recommend the VPN for the best quality without DNS leaks. I’m assuming you know
how to connect to Socks5 and VPNs….. If you don’t however, I don’t bite, I will explain to
you thoroughly through ICQ/Tor Chat/Jabber/PM.

 Mac Address changer: In some cases if your mac address is the same, the LE’s can have
evidence that you were responsible of such a crime.
 DNS Leak: If this leaks, you could be in big trouble. No biggie, this is how you fix this
problem. How to check if your DNS is leaking? Connect to your VPN, go to and click the big button below.
 (the one on the page not here you halfwit….)

 Now wait for the next page to popup. Now if you are connected to a VPN service and
ANY of the servers listed below are not provided by the VPN service then your DNS may
be leaking. Let me put this into context of why you should worried. If your DNS leaks,
and your ISP is shown, the LE can contact them and ask them for your personal details
(eg. Residential Address). Then they would proceed by interrogating you. Through a
similar problem based on DNA Leaks I was interrogated (not because of Paypal) but
however I learned to stay stubborn and continuously deny all statements held against
me (If you ever end up in my position PLEASE NEVER GRANT PERMISSION FOR A POLY
Okay now to fix this problem:

The solution is to ensure that once connected to the anonymity network, you are using ONLY
the DNS server/s provided by the anonymity service. As this problem affects predominantly
windows clients, only solutions for Windows appear here.

3 basic steps to fix the problem;

1. Before connecting to the VPN, set static IP address properties if you are using DHCP
2. After connecting, remove DNS settings for the primary interface
3. After disconnecting, switch back to DHCP if neccessary or reapply original static
DNS servers

Solution A - Automatic
If you are using OpenVPN on Windows XP/Vista/7 then a fully automated solution is

Download dnsfixsetup.exe - (md5 checksum: f212a015a890bd2dae67bc8f8aa8bfd9)

After installation, when you connect to a VPN server, a batch file will be run executing the 3
steps above.

Three scripts are generated for each OpenVPN configuration file;

1. configfilename_pre.bat - executed when you initiate the connection but before the
connection is established - Calls pre.vbs - If any active DHCP adapters exist, switch
to static
2. configfilename_up.bat - executed when the connection is established - Calls up.vbs -
Clear the DNS servers for all active adapter except the TAP32 adapter
3. configfilename_down.bat - executed after the connection is disconnected - Calls
down.vbs - Reconfigure adapters back to their original configuration

Solution B - Manually clearing the DNS

The solution below does not switch the adapter to static if you are using DHCP. If you do not
switch to a static IP configuration and your computer renews its IP address whilst connected
to the VPN, the DNS settings may be overwritten. It is highly recommended to switch to a
static IP configuration.

1. Open the command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator.

2. Before connecting identify the name of the connected network interface. In the case
below it is "Local Area Connection"

netsh interface show interface

3. Connect to the VPN. Once connected proceed to the next step.
4. Flush the DNS resolver cache

ipconfig /flushdns

5. Disable the DNS configuration for the Interface identified in step 1

netsh interface IPv4 set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" static both

6. Test for DNS leaks.

7. After disconnecting, reconfigure the adapter to renew the previous DNS settings

netsh interface IPv4 set dnsserver "Local Area Connection" dhcp

8. Once again, flush the DNS resolver cache.

ipconfig /flushdns

9. Done.

Credit to for this info.

Then remember to check again and if your ISP is the one through your VPN provider, you are safe.

If you want extra layer of fat so nothing can be compromised, I recommend a Virtual Computer. I call
this the ‘Compception’. As basically it is a computer, within a computer. Not to go into to much
detail, but Paypal is jointed to a security company that allows them to log information more than a
single IP. They have the ability to log your IP Address, Time Zone, User Agent and more. This actually
adds a fatter chance of payment success.

NOW THAT’S ALL EXPLAINED. Finally we can move on actually paying successfully.
First make sure you have the following things with you:

 Paypal Account (3+ Recommended as 1 may not work for no reason at all).
 Socks 5 + VPN (VIP72 + HMA Recommended)
 Virtual Server (VMWARE/VPS Recommended) (Optional) (Not Necessary)
 Credit Card (Optional) (Not Necessary)

First of all, setup your Virtual Server (as I said, optional). Then open your VPN and connect to the
closest city/state to that PP Account owner. Once you are done connecting connect to your Socks5
to the closest city/town/state to the PP owner. Not sure where your PP owner resides? Check one of
his/her transactions and look at the shipping details or address.

So what you want to do is login successfully into the Paypal Account using Socks 5 + VPN (make sure
you clear cookies first). Once you login Paypal will create a cookie (data which saves information that
you logged in). Then you will wait till the next day to login and Paypal will recognize the cookie and
giving you a higher chance of sending funds.

Now comes the part where you must take action.

Making the order on a MMO Site is what you need to do now. I recommend searching for
‘RuneScape Gold CHEAP’ for easy websites to cashout from.
I decided to choose as my MMO Currency provider. Now to the
order page. I decided to purchase from the $40 mark as an example. Just a note, the lower the
amount, the more likely it is to be accepted as payment.

Once you click ‘BUY NOW’ this page should appear:

For the ‘FULL NAME’ enter the name of the Cardholder/ Paypal Account (MANDATORY). For the
email address, put in either your email address if you are cashing out via CC. However if you are
using PP Account, it ‘MUST’ be the hacked Paypal email address you are using to cashout. For the
phone number, you can type in your mobile phone number, burner phone number, if you do not
have any of the above, then I have a guide included in the .rar called ‘FREE US Number Method.pdf”
And you can put your number there in the ‘Phone Number’. For your character name, you must
register a Runescape account and then set your username.

You must have the LATEST version of Java for this work. Go to
This will open a java applet where it loads up the game. If it is your first time playing then it should
probably take a while.

Click on the ‘RED BOX’. It will prompt you to characterise your Runescape character (takes 1 click)
just click confirm. Then it will ask for your email, password, age and character name. Make sure the
character name matches the one you put above in the order detail page. You must remember the
password and email.

For eg:
Once registered, it will log you in. Click ‘PLAY NOW’.

Then you will be entered a world and that’s where you must begin. It will play a tutorial (which takes
10 minutes) but you can skip it by pressing the ‘ESC’ button and click skip tutorial.

Then you will be teleported to the docks. Just click proceed until you
are out of the message box. Now teleport to lumbridge by using the load stone here

Once that is done, this box should appear.

Then click on the one with the RED BOX on it.
Once you have done that your minimap on the TOP RIGHT should look like this:

Now what you need to do is click on the EARTH

looking globe on the bottom right of the minimap to open your MAP.

This is where you need to get to. Double click anywhere

around the ‘GRAND EXCHANGE’ to create a marker. So once your exit the MAP you will be able to
see a flashing arrow all the way to the GE from where you are at. Walk there using your character.
We need to be here as 90% of Chinese goldfarmers trade here and give the gold to you.

Now go back to your order page, and click ‘COMPELTE’. Once you have done that it will redirect you
to the Paypal payment gateway.

Click ‘LOGIN’ and pay through. Using the equipment I told you in the ‘SECURITY’ phase in Step 1, the
payment should go through. Sometimes it doesn’t as I explained before its just one of paypals
bullshit outcomes (they have absolutely no reason to stop your payment, they just do it because its
Paypal). So if in any case it doesn’t, simply just use a different paypal account.

Anyway since it does accept it, it will give you a transaction id when you login to the account. Now
what you want to do is click ‘LIVE CHAT’ on the Chinese GoldFarmers website as you need to have a
chat with them. Basically to outline what you are going to talk about, is you have to inform them you
have paid. They will ask for Order ID or Transaction ID. All you need to do is give it to them via Live
Chat. Once you do that, they will tell you to wait. Once confirmed.. you will need to open Adobe CS5.

Now they will either ask you for a ID or a phone call. Assuming you have Adobe CS5, open the .PSD I
have given you with the .rar file. All you need to do is edit the names and picture on the ID. If you
need help with this ‘SIMPLE’ task… You know what to do (ICQ/TORCHAT/PM/JABBER). I’ll help you
out so you will know how to do it.

Now that your ID problems are sorted, they will ask you to email to a specific email address using the
‘PAYPAL email’. Now your wondering “I don’t have access to the paypal email! How the hell do I
send a ID as attachment without the password?” EASY. Go to the fake mailer and
change the sender email so when they receive it, it will be the Paypal Email.

Now if they ask for a phone call (they normally only do if you order $100+). You will need to get your
burner phone ready or Ninja Lite softphone (if you followed my US Number tutorial). Now before
you are ready to pick up the phone, you must have the following details:

Name of Paypal Account, Paypal Email, amount sent, age. Easy right? Oh and for the age, just make
sure it is over 18+ or else they will hang up and refund your money as you are not old enough to
have a Paypal. Seriously this verification call is all bullshit, they just want to see if you are legit
through the worst security measures ever haha :D.

Now that you are done, go back to the live chat and tell them you were confirmed/verified and they
will ask you to meet at a specific world at the Grand Exchange.
For eg: “Please meet at w39 at GE” may be a common way they tell you. So log out to the lobby, and
click on 39 like on the screenshot below. Now click PLAY NOW.

Now wait on that spot until a runescape character trades you. Accept the trade and click accept
twice on the trade screen when they put in their money.

Once you are done, you have successfully 50% cashed out your CC/PP funds. Now all you need to do
is sell them. Oh by the way, I can buy your Runescape Gold for $0.20 per million gold (via BTC) so
contact me on ICQ/Tor Chat/Jabber/PM.

Or if you don’t want to sell to me, go back to any of the Chinese gold farming sites and click on live
chat, and tell them you want to sell gold. Obviously being the cheap fucks they are, they will offer to
buy your gold for a very LOW price. I recommend as they accept BTC
to buy your gold.

Just send them your BTC address and BOOM! You have successfully cashed out PP/CC into BTC!

You can also cash it out into WU/PM if you want.

Final Notes: Paypal Fraud Detection also has the power to see your timezone and keyboard
language. Change the keyboard language to the cardholder/Paypal owners country and match the
timezone. It increases chances of paying DRASTICALLY.

If you have any more questions please contact me 

For Credit Cards,Paypal Accounts,Bank Accounts and more tutorials check out my store
Evolution market: http://k5zq47j6wd3wdvjq.onion/store/34615

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