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Rizky Rezha Fauzi, Ir. Djoko Sulistyanto, MT. 2, and Ghanima Yasmaniar, ST., MT. 3
Trisakti University

Email of Corresponding Author:,,

MBR Field is an onshore field located at East Kalimantan. In this field, there are five
clusters with 2 main stations and 1 supporting station. With the current pipe flow conditions,
this field has several constraints which are ESP maximum motor loads, ESP maximum
frequencies, and current maximum water injection plant capacity. First, modeling is done
with deviations of less than 10 percent to reach matching conditions in several parameters
such as upstream pressure, downstream pressure, liquid rate, water rate, oil rate, and gas rate.
Afterward, the first optimization is done by increasing the ESP frequency, increasing choke
bean size, and shutting-in relatively low oil production wells with high water cut. But due to
the water production is almost exceeding the water injection plant capacity, then the second
optimization is done. The second optimization is done by increasing choke bean size and
shutting-in relatively low oil production wells with high water cut. Each optimization is then
followed by an analysis of pressure and flowrates alterations and the existence of
backpressure in unoptimized wells.

Keywords: Network, Modeling, ESP, Evaluation, Optimization

INTRODUCTION model and evaluate the backpressure that

The development of the oil and gas might be existing in the unoptimized wells.
industry in recent years has become more MBR Field has 18 existing flowing wells
challenging economical and technical wise.
with 16 oil wells, 2 gas wells, and 5 shut-in
Therefore, interdisciplinary interaction is
needed to overcome these challenges. Surface wells. Modeling is done with the help of
networks and the integrated production model PIPESIM 2017. The following an illustration
is noted as one of many answers to an efficient of the network and its clustering.
and effective way of managing a certain field
(Aditama, 2010).
Evaluation and simulation are processes
where a system is studied and built as closely
as possible with the actual conditions using
supporting software. The integrated production
model is a closed system connecting one well
to another flowing to its final destination, the
production tank. In the intended system, wells
are affecting one another, pressure and
production rate wise. Other than that, there
would be other factors such as backflow, Figure 1. Integrated production model of MBR
Field and its clustering
backpressure, and pressure loss. This study
aims to optimize an integrated production

Well modeling is also done in this study, structurally and otherwise a dynamic
where a variation of wells conditions is environment, it was essential that model
available through the network. The varying building and validation should be done by
conditions referred are; vertical wells, deviated matching model results (Kumar, 2012).
wells, and wells with ESP installed. Below is The first data collected is related to well
an example of MBR-0004 well, where the well design, which are PVT data and well data.
has deviation and ESP is installed. PVT data includes gas-oil ratio, water cut, gas
specific gravity, water specific gravity, and oil
ͦAPI. And well data includes perforation
depth, casing diameter, tubing diameter, well
deviation, and well test data. With these data,
well models are built.
The second data collected are related to
the pipeline network. Pipeline network data
includes flowline length, flowline diameter,
elevation, choke bean size, and network
scheme. After these data are collected,
network simulation is done to reach similar
conditions to the actual conditions of the field
network-wise. After matching is done, the
optimization scenarios of the integrated
production model can be done. Optimization
referred is by increasing the ESP frequency
and choke bean size. The optimization is then
followed by an analysis of the existence of
backpressure in unoptimized wells.
Figure 2. Example of well modeling in MBR-

After the network is built, the optimization

of the integrated production model can be
done by increasing the frequency of ESP and
choke bean size. This is done to get the most
optimum flowrate from the integrated
production model. The optimization is then
followed with an analysis of backpressure to
check the existence of decreasing flowrate
significantly on unoptimized wells.

This research is started by doing a
literature study of the related topics including
reservoir studies, production studies, artificial
lift studies, and optimization studies that are
explained in the previous chapter. Afterward,
the actual data collection is done. Data
gathering is the first and foremost requirement
Figure 3. Flowchart of the research done
of a model building effort. Since the field is

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Table 3. Liquid flowrate matching
Matching is done in the network. deviation
Data Simulation Deviation
from actual data must be less than 10 percent.
Wells QL QL QL
The following table describes the matching
parameters and the deviations between actual (BFPD) (BFPD) (%)
and simulation results. MBR-0004 1,842 1,749 5.06
MBR-0005 2,149 2,134 0.72
Table 1. Upstream pressure matching MBR-0008 646 704 9.02
Data Simulation Deviation MBR-0010 826 746 9.64
Wells PUpstream PUpstream PUpstream MBR-0011 953 946 0.76
(psig) (psig) (%) MBR-0012 1,201 1,128 6.09
MBR-0004 50 50 0.78 MBR-0018 1,974 1,819 7.87
MBR-0005 30 32 6.28 MBR-0019 877 945 7.78
MBR-0008 75 77 2.06 MBR-0020 212 215 1.64
MBR-0010 140 143 1.79 MBR-0022 1,248 1,337 7.14
MBR-0011 130 137 5.70 MBR-0023 1,037 1,040 0.29
MBR-0012 530 561 5.91 MBR-0024 4,318 4,231 2.01
MBR-0018 45 46 3.26 MBR-0025S 180 195 8.14
MBR-0019 110 109 0.71 MBR-0027 1,789 1,711 4.34
MBR-0020 660 654 0.91 MBR-0028 1,630 1,709 4.87
MBR-0022 100 97 3.16 MBR-0029S 2,137 2,285 6.93
MBR-0023 50 46 7.65 MBR-0031 0 0 0.00
MBR-0024 100 99 1.33 MBR-0034 1,566 1,654 5.64
MBR-0025S 400 399 0.22
MBR-0027 150 146 2.73 Table 4. Water flowrate matching
MBR-0028 72 75 3.68
Data Simulation Deviation
MBR-0029S 110 115 4.23 Wells Qw Qw Qw
MBR-0031 1,080 1,086 0.52 (BFPD) (BFPD) (%)
MBR-0034 65 69 6.51 MBR-0004 1,805 1,714 5.06
MBR-0005 2,106 2,091 0.72
Table 2. Downstream pressure matching
MBR-0008 614 669 9.02
Data Simulation Deviation MBR-0010 735 664 9.64
Wells PDownstream PDownstream PDownstream MBR-0011 915 908 0.76
(psig) (psig) (%)
MBR-0004 50 48 4.68 MBR-0012 961 902 6.09
MBR-0005 30 31 4.60 MBR-0018 1,935 1,782 7.87
MBR-0008 25 23 8.30 MBR-0019 781 841 7.78
MBR-0010 28 29 3.51
MBR-0011 30 30 0.73 MBR-0020 212 215 1.64
MBR-0012 250 236 5.79 MBR-0022 1,198 1,284 7.14
MBR-0018 40 41 1.46 MBR-0023 964 967 0.29
MBR-0019 25 24 2.80
MBR-0024 3,929 3,850 2.01
MBR-0020 195 189 3.20
MBR-0022 57 57 0.21 MBR-0025S 171 185 8.14
MBR-0023 45 43 4.31 MBR-0027 1,682 1,609 4.34
MBR-0024 80 77 3.33
MBR-0028 1,565 1,641 4.87
MBR-0025S 32 31 3.98
MBR-0027 80 76 4.90 MBR-0029S 2,073 2,217 6.93
MBR-0028 68 67 1.80 MBR-0031 0 0 0.00
MBR-0029S 65 68 4.19 MBR-0034 908 959 5.64
MBR-0031 180 187 3.80
MBR-0034 60 57 5.23

Table 5. Oil flowrate matching After the network simulation is matched
by less than 10 percent of deviations from the
Data Simulation Deviation
matching parameters, the first optimization
Wells Qo Qo Qo scenario is done. With the results below, it can
(BFPD) (BFPD) (%) be seen that the first optimization scenario
MBR-0004 37 35 5.06 done has an increase of production flowrates
MBR-0005 43 43 0.72 and pressure alterations among the network.
MBR-0008 32 35 9.02 After the optimization is done in the integrated
MBR-0010 91 82 9.78 production model, there are pressure and
MBR-0011 38 38 0.76 production alterations in all clusters. The
tables below describe the alterations of
MBR-0012 240 226 6.09
pressure and production of the first
MBR-0018 39 36 7.87 optimization scenario.
MBR-0019 96 104 7.78
MBR-0020 0 0 0.00 Table 7. Pressure alterations of the first
MBR-0022 50 53 7.14 optimization scenario
MBR-0023 73 73 0.29 ΔPUpstream ΔPDownstream
MBR-0024 389 381 2.01 (psig) (psig)
MBR-0011* -68 3
MBR-0025S 9 10 8.14 MBR-0018** 8 6
MBR-0027 107 103 4.34 MBR-0024 1 1
MBR-0028 65 68 4.87 MBR-0025S* -123 107
MBR-0029S 64 69 6.93 MBR-0028** 41 33
MBR-0034 0 0
MBR-0031 0 0 0.00
MBR-0004** 16 14
MBR-0034 658 695 5.64 MBR-0005** 6 6
MBR-0012* 139 -145
Table 6. Gas flowrate matching MBR-0020 0 1
MBR-0023** 11 9
Data Simulation Deviation
MBR-0027* -23 23
Wells Qg Qg Qg MBR-0019* -77 3
(MMSCFD) (MMSCFD) (%) MBR-0022* -26 8
MBR-0004 0.050 0.047 5.05 MBR-0031 0 0
MBR-0005 0.059 0.058 0.70
Table 8. Oil and gas flowrate alterations
MBR-0008 0.023 0.026 9.01 of the first optimization scenario
MBR-0010 0.028 0.025 9.75
MBR-0011 0.092 0.091 0.77 (BOPD) (MMSCFD)
MBR-0012 0.658 0.618 6.10 MBR-0011* 23 0.055
MBR-0018** 7 0.006
MBR-0018 0.030 0.028 7.85 MBR-0024 -1 0.000
MBR-0019 0.046 0.050 7.86 MBR-0025S* 53 0.326
MBR-0020 0.885 0.898 1.44 MBR-0028** 31 0.021
MBR-0034 -2 0.000
MBR-0022 0.050 0.053 7.14 MBR-0004** 11 0.014
MBR-0023 0.043 0.043 0.23 MBR-0005** 9 0.012
MBR-0012* 127 0.348
MBR-0024 0.299 0.293 2.01
MBR-0020 0 0.000
MBR-0025S 0.055 0.060 8.14 MBR-0023** 16 0.009
MBR-0027 0.070 0.067 4.30 MBR-0027* 26 0.017
MBR-0019* 40 0.019
MBR-0028 0.044 0.046 4.94
MBR-0022* 7 0.007
MBR-0029S 0.160 0.171 6.95 MBR-0031 0 0.000
MBR-0031 0.803 0.744 7.36
* Optimized wells with choke bean size increased
MBR-0034 0.081 0.080 0.85 ** Optimized wells with ESP frequency increased

With the first optimization scenario done, But the water production of this scenario is
there is an increase in the oil production almost exceeding the water injection plant
flowrate of 162 BOPD and the gas production capacity, which is 10 percent from 22,000
flowrate of 0.608 MMSCFD. The table below BWPD (or 24,200 BWPD). Therefore, the
describes the estimated production flowrate second optimization is done by only
and estimated rate gain of the first scenario. optimizing the choke bean size and shutting-in
relatively low oil production wells with high
Table 9. Estimated rate gain of the first water cut.
optimization scenario
Table 12. Water production of the first
Qo Qg
optimization scenario and
water injection plant capacity
162 0.608
Rate Gain Water First
Injection Scenario
In this optimization scenario, backpressure Plant Water
is found in unoptimized wells. The Capacity Production
unoptimized wells referred are MBR-0024 and (BWPD) (BWPD)
MBR-0034. Both wells show a significant 22,000 24,170 9.86
increase in upstream and downstream pressure.
The following table describes the pressure The second optimization scenario is done.
alterations. With the results below, it can be seen that the
second optimization scenario done has an
Table 10. Backpressure pressure analysis of the increase of production flowrates and pressure
first optimization scenario alterations among the network. After
ΔPUpstream ΔPDownstream
optimization done in the integrated production
Well model, there are pressure and production
(psig) (psig)
alterations in all clusters. The tables below
MBR-0024 15.35 15.55 describe the alterations of pressure and
MBR-0034 14.99 15.06 production of the optimization scenario. This
scenario has water production less than the
It can be seen that backpressure can be water injection plant capacity.
indicated by the increase of upstream and Table 13. Pressure alterations of the second
downstream pressure. Upstream and optimization scenario
downstream here are indicated by the position ΔPUpstream ΔPDownstream
of the choke. This means that downstream is Well
(psig) (psig)
all production facilities that are located after MBR-0011* -69 2
choke; flowline, manifold, and station. While MBR-0018 1 1
upstream is all production facilities and MBR-0024 0 0
locations that are located before choke; MBR-0025S* -123 107
reservoir, completion, tubing, and wellhead. MBR-0028 0 0
Although backpressure can be indicated in MBR-0034 0 0
the scenario, the amount of decreasing MBR-0004 3 3
flowrates are not significant to the gain the MBR-0005 4 4
scenario has. MBR-0012* -139 145
MBR-0020 0 1
Table 11. Backpressure flowrate analysis of the MBR-0023 3 3
first optimization scenario
ΔQo ΔQg MBR-0027* -24 22
(BOPD) (MMSCFD) MBR-0019* -77 3
MBR-0024 -0.57 0.000 MBR-0022* -26 8
MBR-0034 -1.58 0.000
MBR-0031 0 0

Table 14. Oil and gas flowrate alterations It can be seen that backpressure can be
of the second optimization scenario indicated by the increase of upstream and
ΔQo ΔQg downstream pressure. Although backpressure
(BOPD) (MMSCFD) can be indicated in the scenario, the amount of
MBR-0011* 23 0.055
decreasing flowrates is not significant to the
MBR-0018 7 0.006
MBR-0024 -1 0.000 gain the scenario has. The following table
MBR-0025S* 53 0.326 describes the alteration of flowrates.
MBR-0028 31 0.021
MBR-0034 -2 0.000 Table 17. Backpressure flowrate analysis of the
MBR-0004 11 0.014 second optimization scenario
MBR-0005 9 0.012
MBR-0012* 127 0.348 Δ Qo Δ Qg
MBR-0020 0 0.000 (BOPD) (MMSCFD)
MBR-0023 16 0.009
MBR-0018 -0.04 0.000
MBR-0027* 26 0.017
MBR-0019* 40 0.019 MBR-0024 -0.20 0.000
MBR-0022* 7 0.007
MBR-0034 -0.68 0.000
MBR-0031 0 0.000
MBR-0004 -0.10 0.000
*Optimized wells with choke bean size increased
MBR-0005 -0.10 0.000
With the second optimization scenario MBR-0023 -0.27 0.000
done, there is an increase in the oil production
flowrate of 90 BOPD and the gas production With the insignificant amount of
flowrate of 0.547 MMSCFD. The table below decreasing flowrate compared to the gain the
describes the estimated production flowrate scenarios have, these scenarios are considered
and estimated rate gain of the second scenario. as more optimal than the base case, although
backpressure can be found in the unoptimized
Table 15. Estimated rate gain of the second wells.
optimization scenario
The water production of this scenario is
Qo Qg less than the water injection plant capacity.
(BOPD) (MMSCFD) Therefore, this scenario is safer water
Estimated production wise.
90 0.547
Rate Gain
Table 18. Water production of the second
In this second optimization scenario, optimization scenario and
backpressure is found in unoptimized wells. water injection plant capacity
The wells show a significant increase in
upstream and downstream pressure. The Water Second
following table describes the pressure Injection Scenario
alterations. Deviation
Plant Water
Capacity Production
Table 16. Backpressure pressure analysis of the
second optimization scenario
22,000 21,910 0.41
Well ΔPUpstream ΔPDownstream
(psig) (psig)
Cluster 1
Several conclusions can be derived from
MBR-0018 0.51 0.54
MBR-0024 0.23 0.30
the simulation done in MBR Field integrated
MBR-0034 0.13 0.16 production model. First, simulation on MBR
Cluster 2 Field is already considered as representative of
MBR-0004 2.96 2.97 the actual conditions as all simulation
MBR-0005 3.65 3.68 parameter results have less than 10% of
MBR-0023 3.13 3.16 deviation from actual parameters.

Second, there is an increase of 162 BOPD REFERENCES
and the gas production flowrate of 0.608  Aditama, P. (2010): Construction and
MMSCFD in the first optimization scenario Implementation of Integrated Production
and 90 BOPD and 0.547 MMSCFD in the Model in a Complex Onshore Operation,
second optimization scenario, where the
SPE Oil and Gas India Conference and
second optimization scenario is safer water
production wise than the first scenario. Exhibition. 
Third, backpressure is found in
unoptimized wells, causing both upstream and  Kumar, A. (2012): A Field Wide Surface
downstream pressure to increase, leading to a Network Modeling and De-bottlenecking of
reduction of production but not in a significant Production Network for Nine Fields of
GNPOC, North America Technical
Fourth, with the insignificant amount of
flowrate compared to the gain the scenario has, Conference.
these scenarios are considered as optimal than
the base case.

The writer would like to thank PT. Medco
E&P Indonesia for assistance during the
research and the permission on using the data.

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